diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f6eb22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.vscode/launch.json b/.vscode/launch.json
deleted file mode 100755
index b8bb112..0000000
--- a/.vscode/launch.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- "version": "0.2.0",
- "configurations": [
- {
- // Use IntelliSense to find out which attributes exist for C# debugging
- // Use hover for the description of the existing attributes
- // For further information visit https://github.com/dotnet/vscode-csharp/blob/main/debugger-launchjson.md
- "name": ".NET Core Launch (console)",
- "type": "coreclr",
- "request": "launch",
- "preLaunchTask": "build",
- // If you have changed target frameworks, make sure to update the program path.
- "program": "${workspaceFolder}/bin/Debug/net8.0/ansifahrplan.dll",
- "args": [],
- "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
- // For more information about the 'console' field, see https://aka.ms/VSCode-CS-LaunchJson-Console
- "console": "internalConsole",
- "stopAtEntry": false
- },
- {
- "name": ".NET Core Attach",
- "type": "coreclr",
- "request": "attach"
- }
- ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.vscode/tasks.json b/.vscode/tasks.json
deleted file mode 100755
index b0ed700..0000000
--- a/.vscode/tasks.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- "version": "2.0.0",
- "tasks": [
- {
- "label": "build",
- "command": "dotnet",
- "type": "process",
- "args": [
- "build",
- "${workspaceFolder}/ansifahrplan.csproj",
- "/property:GenerateFullPaths=true",
- "/consoleloggerparameters:NoSummary;ForceNoAlign"
- ],
- "problemMatcher": "$msCompile"
- },
- {
- "label": "publish",
- "command": "dotnet",
- "type": "process",
- "args": [
- "publish",
- "${workspaceFolder}/ansifahrplan.csproj",
- "/property:GenerateFullPaths=true",
- "/consoleloggerparameters:NoSummary;ForceNoAlign"
- ],
- "problemMatcher": "$msCompile"
- },
- {
- "label": "watch",
- "command": "dotnet",
- "type": "process",
- "args": [
- "watch",
- "run",
- "--project",
- "${workspaceFolder}/ansifahrplan.csproj"
- ],
- "problemMatcher": "$msCompile"
- }
- ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bin/Debug/net8.0/Microsoft.DotNet.PlatformAbstractions.dll b/bin/Debug/net8.0/Microsoft.DotNet.PlatformAbstractions.dll
deleted file mode 100755
index 7d12a43..0000000
Binary files a/bin/Debug/net8.0/Microsoft.DotNet.PlatformAbstractions.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/bin/Debug/net8.0/Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.dll b/bin/Debug/net8.0/Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.dll
deleted file mode 100755
index 1f35cfc..0000000
Binary files a/bin/Debug/net8.0/Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/bin/Debug/net8.0/Newtonsoft.Json.dll b/bin/Debug/net8.0/Newtonsoft.Json.dll
deleted file mode 100755
index 5f2336e..0000000
Binary files a/bin/Debug/net8.0/Newtonsoft.Json.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/bin/Debug/net8.0/ansifahrplan b/bin/Debug/net8.0/ansifahrplan
deleted file mode 100755
index 6d3e1f2..0000000
Binary files a/bin/Debug/net8.0/ansifahrplan and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/bin/Debug/net8.0/ansifahrplan.deps.json b/bin/Debug/net8.0/ansifahrplan.deps.json
deleted file mode 100755
index b23dc01..0000000
--- a/bin/Debug/net8.0/ansifahrplan.deps.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,749 +0,0 @@
- "runtimeTarget": {
- "name": ".NETCoreApp,Version=v8.0",
- "signature": ""
- },
- "compilationOptions": {},
- "targets": {
- ".NETCoreApp,Version=v8.0": {
- "ansifahrplan/1.0.0": {
- "dependencies": {
- "Microsoft.DotNet.ILCompiler": "8.0.11",
- "Microsoft.NET.ILLink.Tasks": "8.0.11",
- "dotnet-curses": "1.0.3"
- },
- "runtime": {
- "ansifahrplan.dll": {}
- }
- },
- "dotnet-curses/1.0.3": {
- "dependencies": {
- "Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel": "2.1.0"
- },
- "runtime": {
- "lib/netstandard2.0/dotnet-curses.dll": {
- "assemblyVersion": "",
- "fileVersion": ""
- }
- }
- },
- "Microsoft.CSharp/4.0.1": {
- "dependencies": {
- "System.Collections": "4.0.11",
- "System.Diagnostics.Debug": "4.0.11",
- "System.Dynamic.Runtime": "4.0.11",
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- "System.Linq": "4.1.0",
- "System.Linq.Expressions": "4.1.0",
- "System.ObjectModel": "4.0.12",
- "System.Reflection": "4.1.0",
- "System.Reflection.Extensions": "4.0.1",
- "System.Reflection.Primitives": "4.0.1",
- "System.Reflection.TypeExtensions": "4.1.0",
- "System.Resources.ResourceManager": "4.0.1",
- "System.Runtime": "4.1.0",
- "System.Runtime.Extensions": "4.1.0",
- "System.Runtime.InteropServices": "4.1.0",
- "System.Threading": "4.0.11"
- }
- },
- "Microsoft.DotNet.ILCompiler/8.0.11": {},
- "Microsoft.DotNet.PlatformAbstractions/2.1.0": {
- "dependencies": {
- "System.AppContext": "4.1.0",
- "System.Collections": "4.0.11",
- "System.IO": "4.1.0",
- "System.IO.FileSystem": "4.0.1",
- "System.Reflection.TypeExtensions": "4.1.0",
- "System.Runtime.Extensions": "4.1.0",
- "System.Runtime.InteropServices": "4.1.0",
- "System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation": "4.0.0"
- },
- "runtime": {
- "lib/netstandard1.3/Microsoft.DotNet.PlatformAbstractions.dll": {
- "assemblyVersion": "",
- "fileVersion": ""
- }
- }
- },
- "Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel/2.1.0": {
- "dependencies": {
- "Microsoft.DotNet.PlatformAbstractions": "2.1.0",
- "Newtonsoft.Json": "9.0.1",
- "System.Diagnostics.Debug": "4.0.11",
- "System.Dynamic.Runtime": "4.0.11",
- "System.Linq": "4.1.0"
- },
- "runtime": {
- "lib/netstandard1.6/Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.dll": {
- "assemblyVersion": "",
- "fileVersion": ""
- }
- }
- },
- "Microsoft.NET.ILLink.Tasks/8.0.11": {},
- "Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms/1.0.1": {},
- "Microsoft.NETCore.Targets/1.0.1": {},
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- "System.Xml.ReaderWriter": "4.0.11",
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- "assemblyVersion": "",
- "fileVersion": ""
- }
- }
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- "Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms": "1.0.1",
- "Microsoft.NETCore.Targets": "1.0.1"
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- }
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- "Microsoft.NETCore.Targets": "1.0.1",
- "System.Runtime": "4.1.0"
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- "System.Runtime": "4.1.0"
- }
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- "System.Reflection.Emit": "4.0.1",
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- "System.Runtime": "4.1.0",
- "System.Runtime.Extensions": "4.1.0",
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- }
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- }
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- }
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- "System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.IsReflectionEnabledByDefault": false,
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-using System;
-using System.Reflection;
-[assembly: global::System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFrameworkAttribute(".NETCoreApp,Version=v8.0", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET 8.0")]
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-// This code was generated by a tool.
-// Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
-// the code is regenerated.
-using System;
-using System.Reflection;
-[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyCompanyAttribute("ansifahrplan")]
-[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyConfigurationAttribute("Debug")]
-[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersionAttribute("")]
-[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute("1.0.0")]
-[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyProductAttribute("ansifahrplan")]
-[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyTitleAttribute("ansifahrplan")]
-[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyVersionAttribute("")]
-// Generated by the MSBuild WriteCodeFragment class.
diff --git a/obj/Debug/net8.0/ansifahrplan.AssemblyInfoInputs.cache b/obj/Debug/net8.0/ansifahrplan.AssemblyInfoInputs.cache
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--- a/obj/Debug/net8.0/ansifahrplan.AssemblyInfoInputs.cache
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-is_global = true
-build_property.EnableAotAnalyzer = true
-build_property.EnableSingleFileAnalyzer = true
-build_property.EnableTrimAnalyzer = true
-build_property.IncludeAllContentForSelfExtract =
-build_property.TargetFramework = net8.0
-build_property.TargetPlatformMinVersion =
-build_property.UsingMicrosoftNETSdkWeb =
-build_property.ProjectTypeGuids =
-build_property.InvariantGlobalization = true
-build_property.PlatformNeutralAssembly =
-build_property.EnforceExtendedAnalyzerRules =
-build_property._SupportedPlatformList = Linux,macOS,Windows
-build_property.RootNamespace = ansifahrplan
-build_property.ProjectDir = /home/snep/Documents/Coding/ansifahrplan/
-build_property.EnableComHosting =
-build_property.EnableGeneratedComInterfaceComImportInterop = false
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--- a/obj/Debug/net8.0/ansifahrplan.GlobalUsings.g.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-global using global::System;
-global using global::System.Collections.Generic;
-global using global::System.IO;
-global using global::System.Linq;
-global using global::System.Net.Http;
-global using global::System.Threading;
-global using global::System.Threading.Tasks;
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- "base_url": "https://cfp.cccv.de",
- "conference": {
- "acronym": "38c3",
- "title": "38C3",
- "start": "2024-12-27",
- "end": "2024-12-30",
- "daysCount": 4,
- "timeslot_duration": "00:05",
- "time_zone_name": "Europe/Berlin",
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- "description": null,
- "capacity": 3025
- },
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- "name": "Saal GLITCH",
- "guid": "7202df07-050c-552f-8318-992f94e40ef0",
- "description": null,
- "capacity": 965
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- "name": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "guid": "62251a07-13e4-5a72-bb3c-8528416ee0f2",
- "description": null,
- "capacity": 1160
- }
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- "name": "Entertainment",
- "color": "#4D4D4C"
- },
- {
- "name": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "color": "#E40429"
- },
- {
- "name": "Science",
- "color": "#00A356"
- },
- {
- "name": "CCC",
- "color": "#F2F006"
- },
- {
- "name": "Security",
- "color": "#0347B4"
- },
- {
- "name": "Hardware & Making",
- "color": "#685B9D"
- },
- {
- "name": "Art & Beauty",
- "color": "#F9B000"
- }
- ],
- "days": [
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- "index": 1,
- "date": "2024-12-27",
- "day_start": "2024-12-27T04:00:00+01:00",
- "day_end": "2024-12-28T03:59:00+01:00",
- "rooms": {
- "Saal 1": [
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/HQCCYH/",
- "id": 2,
- "guid": "270fa44c-821a-577f-8ca3-33e8d4a8c2a7",
- "date": "2024-12-27T10:30:00+01:00",
- "start": "10:30",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:30",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-2-38c3-opening-ceremony",
- "title": "38C3: Opening Ceremony",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "CCC",
- "type": "Ceremony",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "Glad you could make it! Take a seat and buckle up for a ride through four days of chaotic adventures.",
- "description": "This ceremony will prepare you for the 38C3 in all its glory, underground and above, hacks and trolls, art and radical ideas. Let's kick this thing off together!",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
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- "guid": "4cee1e72-681f-5c8b-8dcd-8e58c8f4a445",
- "id": 218,
- "code": "GLM7BA",
- "public_name": "Senficon",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/felix_2024_quadrat_g2i2mMI.png",
- "biography": "Felix Reda (he/they). Obnoxious twink who thinks he knows everybody. Former Member of the European Parliament.",
- "answers": []
- },
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- "guid": "0c16ffaa-709d-599f-959f-9a38b911361a",
- "id": 461,
- "code": "SB9MER",
- "public_name": "Gabriela Bogk",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/SB9MER_Hwgr1fW.jpg",
- "biography": "Gabriela, the hacker formerly known as Andreas, has been doing things with computers for quite a while now. Nobody could ever prove she did anything illegal, so she's now successfully making a living pretending to be a good girl.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
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- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/8ZPHSP/",
- "id": 91,
- "guid": "48d32c48-214a-5387-9b87-ae7338bc181f",
- "date": "2024-12-27T11:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "11:00",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-91-correctiv-recherche-geheimplan-gegen-deutschland-1-jahr-danach",
- "title": "Correctiv-Recherche \"Geheimplan gegen Deutschland\" – 1 Jahr danach",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Vor einem Jahr veröffentlichte Correctiv die Recherche “Geheimplan gegen Deutschland”, die ein geheimes Treffen von Rechtsextremen, AfD-Funktionären und CDU-Mitgliedern enthüllte. Diese Enthüllung führte zu massiven Demonstrationen, während rechtsextreme Gruppen versuchten, das Geschehen zu relativieren. Die politische Reaktion blieb jedoch verhalten, und die AfD setzte die demokratischen Parteien weiter unter Druck. In diesem Vortrag gibt Jean Peters, leitender Reporter der Recherche, einen Überblick über die Recherchemethoden, analysiert den medialen Diskurs und zeigt zukünftige Perspektiven zur Berichterstattung über Rechtsextremismus auf.",
- "description": "Vor einem Jahr enthüllte Correctiv in der investigativen Recherche \"Geheimplan gegen Deutschland\" ein brisantes Treffen in Potsdam, an dem Rechtsextreme, AfD-Funktionäre, CDU-Mitglieder aus unteren Rängen sowie bedeutende Geldgeber teilnahmen. Diese Veröffentlichung schlug in der deutschen Öffentlichkeit hohe Wellen und führte zu den größten Demonstrationen, die die Bundesrepublik seit ihrer Gründung erlebt hat. Menschen in ganz Deutschland gingen auf die Straße, um gegen die rechtsextreme Bedrohung und die wachsende politische Einflussnahme dieser Kreise zu protestieren.\r\n\r\nDie Rechtsextremen hingegen versuchten, die Bedeutung dieses Treffens herunterzuspielen und die Enthüllungen als überzogen darzustellen. Sie bemühten sich, ihre Pläne zu relativieren. Gleichzeitig trieb die AfD die demokratischen Parteien bei den Landtagswahlen der neuen Bundesländer weiter vor sich her und konnte in mehreren Bundesländern beachtliche Wahlerfolge feiern. Die Reaktionen auf Bundesebene waren in vielen Augen enttäuschend: Statt die Warnungen aus der Zivilgesellschaft und den Demonstrationen ernst zu nehmen, schien die Bundespolitik in Teilen auf AfD-freundliche Maßnahmen zu setzen.\r\n\r\nJean Peters, der leitende Reporter der Recherche, wird in seinem Vortrag detaillierte Einblicke in die Vorgehensweise und die Methodik der Enthüllung geben. Er wird erläutern, wie Correctiv die Verbindungen zwischen den rechtsextremen Akteuren und den finanziellen Unterstützern aufdeckte, welche Herausforderungen es nach der Recherche gab und wie das Team mit der enormen öffentlichen Resonanz umging. Zudem wird er den medialen Diskurs kritisch einordnen: Welche Rolle spielten die Medien bei der Verbreitung und der Einordnung der Informationen? Wie reagierte die Öffentlichkeit auf die Berichterstattung? Und welche Konsequenzen ergaben sich daraus für die politische Debatte in Deutschland?\r\n\r\nAbschließend wird Peters mögliche nächste Schritte und Ansätze für die weitere Berichterstattung über Rechtsextremismus und den Stand der Debatte rund um ein potenzielles AfD Verbot aufzeigen. Er wird darlegen, wie der investigative Journalismus weiterhin dazu beitragen kann, diese Netzwerke aufzudecken, und welche Hacks die Demokratie bietet, um Autoritarismus zu bekämpfen.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "aca5f9cd-8fb8-5c3d-8f9a-43b4b23cb0c5",
- "id": 82,
- "code": "AMFQL7",
- "public_name": "Jean Peters",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/images_1_olhKuUr.jpeg",
- "biography": "Jean Peters ist bei Correctiv Senior Reporter, wo er neue Formen der investigativen Recherche und kreative Formen des Journalismus weiter entwickelt. Zuvor arbeitete er als Autor für Jan Böhmermans ZDF Magazin Royale, S. Fischer ist sein Hausverlag. Seine vermutlich bekannteste Recherche ist der „Geheimplan gegen Deutschland“, die er als verantwortlicher Redakteur leitete und als Co-Autor das Theaterstück zu schrieb.\r\n\r\nWeitere Themen waren unter anderem der geheimdienstlich-industrielle Komplex und die deutsche Waffenindustrie, mit dem ZDF Neomagazin veröffentlichte er geheime Dokumente zu deutschen Kaisersnachfahren, war investigativ bei der Ibiza Affäre der ehemaligen österreichischen Regierung beteiligt, recherchierte initial zur Bild Zeitungs-MeToo-Affäre rund um Julian Reichelt und war mit Correctiv Undercover bei der Klima-Leugner-Lobby.\r\n\r\nZuvor gründete er das Peng Kollektiv, mit dem er u.a. den Aachener Friedenspreis gewann und auf mehreren Kunstbiennalen und Museen ausstellte, u.a. dem Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst, der Kunsthal Charlottenborg oder dem MuseumsQuartier und der Kunsthalle Wien. Er stellte bereits gemeinsam mit Ai Wei Wei, Daniel Richter und Hito Steyerl aus. Er arbeitet nebenher als Autor und Regisseur für Theater, etwa der Volksbühne und dem Berliner Ensemble und lehrt an verschiedenen Universitäten. 2018 wurde er zusammen mit Peng! mit dem Aachener Friedenspreis ausgezeichnet.\r\n\r\nHobbies hat er keine.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/SJ8PGD/",
- "id": 50,
- "guid": "01317302-ef6d-538c-b8ee-b6d16ac4a6f5",
- "date": "2024-12-27T12:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "12:00",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-50--natrlich-bin-ich-18-altersprfungen-im-netz-aus-datenschutzperspektive",
- "title": "\"Natürlich bin ich 18!\" - Altersprüfungen im Netz aus Datenschutzperspektive",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "„Um nach diesem Begriff zu suchen, dich auf dieser Website anzumelden oder dieses Video anzuschauen, halte bitte deinen Personalausweis bereit, damit wir dein Alter überprüfen können.“\r\n\r\nSolche Aufforderungen könnten uns in Zukunft häufiger begegnen, denn immer mehr Websites wollen unser Alter wissen. Doch woher kommt dieses Interesse und ist das eigentlich zulässig? Gemeinsam setzen wir die Datenschutzbrille auf und gehen folgenden Fragen auf den Grund: Welche Methoden der Altersprüfung gibt es und wie funktionieren sie? Können oder sollten Methoden der Altersprüfungen eingesetzt werden und gibt es Fälle, in denen sie sogar eingesetzt werden müssen? Sind Datenschutz und Kinderschutz tatsächlich Gegensätze oder haben sie doch mehr gemeinsam, als oft vermutet wird? Und was sagt eigentlich die Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit (BfDI) dazu?",
- "description": "Hand aufs Herz – hast du, bevor du 18 warst, Webseiten besucht, die nur für Erwachsene bestimmt waren? Welche Mechanismen haben versucht dich davon abzuhalten? Wie häufig begegnest du diesen Mechanismen heute? \r\n\r\nAltersprüfungen sind nicht zuletzt durch die Bestimmungen des Digital Services Act (DSA) und die Diskussionen um die Alterstauglichkeit von Social Media heiß diskutiert. Dabei geht es längst nicht mehr allein um Ab-18-Inhalte. Die Idee ist einfach: Wer zu jung ist, darf bestimmte Bereiche des Internets nicht betreten – wie früher in der Videothek - oder wer zu alt ist, bekommt keinen Zutritt – wie auf manchen Spielplätzen. Aber könntest du dir vorstellen, in der Videothek eine Kopie deines Personalausweises abzugeben, zusammen mit der Liste der Filme, die du ausgeliehen hast?\r\nDer wichtige Unterschied ist: Um in digitalen Diensten das Alter einer Person prüfen zu können, müssen mehr Daten verarbeitet werden als bei einem kurzen Blick auf den Ausweis, und das ist nicht ohne weiteres zulässig! \r\n\r\nDer Umgang mit Methoden der Altersprüfung wird einen erheblichen Teil dazu beitragen, wie das Internet in Zukunft aussehen wird und wie frei es sein wird. Es geht nicht nur darum, wie Kinderschutz im Netz umgesetzt wird, sondern auch, wie viel Teilhabe im Digitalen möglich ist – nicht nur für Kinder. \r\n\r\nIn diesem Vortrag erwarten euch ein Überblick über aktuelle (politische) Forderungen nach Altersprüfungen im Internet und den verschiedenen Methoden, die dabei zum Einsatz kommen. Wir machen einen kurzen Exkurs ins Datenschutzrecht und gehen der Frage nach, wie Altersprüfungen, Kinderschutz und Datenschutz zusammenspielen. Nicht zuletzt bekommt ihr die Einschätzung der Bundesbeauftragten für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit zu hören.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "2d34d27d-5da8-5fd8-a545-83388fa57cc1",
- "id": 37,
- "code": "XGHZ8X",
- "public_name": "Aline Sylla",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/XGHZ8X_cZfkGRs.jpg",
- "biography": "Aline Sylla ist technische Referentin bei der Bundesbeauftragten für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit (BfDI) in Referat 23 - Digitale Dienste und Messengerdienste.",
- "answers": []
- },
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- "guid": "1eea2872-8306-5030-b453-bc46fe1b8d64",
- "id": 247,
- "code": "MU3XPH",
- "public_name": "Dr. Carsten Adrian",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/MU3XPH_mNvGzt1.jpg",
- "biography": "Dr. Carsten Adrian ist juristischer Referent bei der Bundesbeauftragten für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit (BfDI) in Referat 23 - Digitale Dienste und Messengerdienste.",
- "answers": []
- }
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- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/C38ZK7/",
- "id": 226,
- "guid": "ab1e5592-c1c7-54ea-8170-687e3f73b2d0",
- "date": "2024-12-27T12:55:00+01:00",
- "start": "12:55",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-226-liberating-wi-fi-on-the-esp32",
- "title": "Liberating Wi-Fi on the ESP32",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Hardware & Making",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "Reverse engineering the Wi-Fi peripheral of the ESP32 to build an open source Wi-Fi stack.",
- "description": "During the 38c3, there are probably multiple thousands of ESP32s in the CCH, all of which run a closed source Wi-Fi stack. And while that stack works, it would be nicer to have an open source stack, which would grant us the ability to modify and audit the software, which carries potentially sensitive data.\r\n\r\nSo we set to work, reverse engineering the proprietary stack and building a new open source one. We soon discovered just how versatile the ESP32 can be, both as a tool for research and IoT SoC, when its capabilities are fully unlocked. This includes using it as a pentesting tool, a B.A.T.M.A.N. mesh router or an AirDrop client.\r\n\r\nYou'll learn something about Wi-Fi, the ESP32, reverse engineering in general and how to approach such a project.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
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- "guid": "1b8e29ad-7e8e-549b-ba8f-dab3129bb181",
- "id": 236,
- "code": "8W79RK",
- "public_name": "Frostie314159",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/8W79RK_qOe1MxU.jpg",
- "biography": "Hi! I'm Simon. I like writing code in Rust, and through a series of events got nerd-sniped into working with Wi-Fi and Radio communications in general.",
- "answers": []
- },
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- "guid": "adfe9e1c-f38d-5578-8af4-0f5c74da757b",
- "id": 947,
- "code": "VEYXPB",
- "public_name": "Jasper Devreker",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "-",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
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- "answers": []
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- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/7GVNYD/",
- "id": 344,
- "guid": "573d7919-142b-5856-86b7-f83ecba62e59",
- "date": "2024-12-27T13:50:00+01:00",
- "start": "13:50",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-344-was-lange-whrt-wird-endlich-gut-die-modernisierung-des-computerstrafrechts",
- "title": "Was lange währt, wird endlich gut? Die Modernisierung des Computerstrafrechts",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Die Reform des Computerstrafrechts ist längst überfällig. Die bestehende Gesetzgebung ist zunehmend veraltet und entspricht nicht mehr den Anforderungen unserer digitalen Welt. Spätestens seit der Veröffentlichung des aktuellen Koalitionsvertrags hat sich die Bundesregierung die Modernisierung dieses vielfach kritisierten Rechtsbereichs auf die Fahnen geschrieben. Doch was ist seitdem wirklich passiert? Wie sieht der aktuelle Stand der Reformbemühung aus? Was wird sich konkret ändern und welche Auswirkungen wird dies auf die Hacker-Community und die Sicherheitsforschung haben? Und wird das endlich gut?",
- "description": "Das Computerstrafrecht steht seit vielen Jahren in der Kritik – nicht nur von Seiten der Hacker-Community, sondern auch aus der Wissenschaft, der Wirtschaft und sogar von Strafrechtsexperten. Ein zentraler Kritikpunkt ist die Kriminalisierung von Hacking mit guter Absicht, sogenannten ethischen Hackern. Aktuell ist auch diese Form des Hacking strafbar. Initiativen wie Bug Bounty Programme und Disclosure Policies zeigen, dass die Industrie durchaus ein Interesse daran hat, von ethischen Hackern zu profitieren, die Schwachstellen verantwortungsbewusst aufdecken und melden. Seit Ende Oktober ist nun ein Gesetzesentwurf im Umlauf, welcher die Modernisierung des Computerstrafrechts vorsieht.\r\n \r\nDieser Vortrag gibt einen Einblick in die Entwicklung dieses Gesetzesentwurfs, den aktuellen Stand der Debatte und die nächsten Schritte. Wir erklären dabei die geplanten Änderungen anhand von praktischen Beispielen und erläutern, welche Aktivitäten zukünftig legal wären und welche weiterhin verboten bleiben.\r\n \r\nZiel des Vortrags ist es, die Zuhörenden über den Prozess der Gesetzesänderungen zu informieren. Sie erkennen, welche Möglichkeiten sich aus dem reformierten Computerstrafrecht ergeben und lernen, was beim verantwortungsvollen Aufdecken von Sicherheitslücken beachtet werden muss und welche rechtlichen Grenzen weiterhin bestehen. Zudem wird der Vortrag verdeutlichen, inwieweit die geplante Gesetzesreform als Gewinn für die Hacker-Community angesehen werden kann – oder ob es noch immer Nachbesserungsbedarf gibt.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "8931d989-17b6-5162-80a9-6a64ff27fd05",
- "id": 311,
- "code": "7STKW8",
- "public_name": "Florian Hantke",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/e612c7f0-7d5c-4d03-b9f0-ab8a140d6aaa_TU6ytMy.jpg",
- "biography": "Florian Hantke is a doctoral researcher at CISPA in the Secure Web Application Group led by Dr.-Ing. Ben Stock, with hands-on experience as a penetration tester and CTF player. His research focuses on improving cybersecurity research, particularly enhancing reproducibility in web measurements and enabling ethically complex studies like large-scale server-side investigations. Florian regularly publishes at academic conferences and enjoys engaging in discussions with industry professionals aiming to bridge the gap between academia and industry, to foster impactful, and otherwise difficult-to-achieve research.",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "3dc04b40-52f2-5b93-b0d6-9819818c8581",
- "id": 375,
- "code": "MDQNUH",
- "public_name": "Prof. Dr. Dennis-Kenji Kipker",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/Dennis-Kenji_Kipker_Urban_Zintel_Photography_Berlin_CaZkDTp.jpg",
- "biography": "Prof. Dr. Dennis-Kenji Kipker is Scientific Director of the cyberintelligence.institute in Frankfurt am Main and visiting professor at the private Riga Graduate School of Law in Latvia, which was founded by the Soros Foundation. Here he conducts research on topics at the interface of law and technology in cyber security, corporate strategy and digital resilience in the context of global crises, with a particular focus on Chinese and US IT law. Kipker is an advisor to the German Federal Government and the European Commission. Dennis Kipker works voluntarily for the World Justice Project in the USA and on the Advisory Board of the African Center for Cyberlaw & Cybercrime Prevention (ACCP) at Nelson Mandela University in South Africa.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/GDPEUA/",
- "id": 158,
- "guid": "7586d408-8e63-5734-889c-acf80bec8760",
- "date": "2024-12-27T16:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "16:00",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "01:00",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-158-investigating-the-iridium-satellite-network",
- "title": "Investigating the Iridium Satellite Network",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Hardware & Making",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "The Iridium satellite (phone) network is evolving and so is our understanding of it. Hardware and software tools have improved massively since our last update at 32C3. New services have been discovered and analyzed. Let's dive into the technical details of having a lot of fun with listening to satellites.",
- "description": "We'll cover a whole range of topics related to listening to Iridium satellites and making sense of the (meta) data that can be collected that way:\r\n\r\n - Overview of new antenna options for reception. From commercial offerings (thanks to Iridium Time and Location) to home grown active antennas.\r\n - How we made it possible to run the data extraction from an SDR on just a Raspberry Pi.\r\n - Running experiments on the Allen Telescope Array.\r\n - Analyzing the beam patterns of Iridium satellites.\r\n - Lessons learned in trying to accurately timestamp Iridium transmissions for future TDOA analysis.\r\n - What ACARS and Iridium have in common and how a community made use of this.\r\n - Experiments in using Iridium as a GPS alternative.\r\n - Discoveries in how the network handles handset location updates and the consequences for privacy.\r\n - Frame format and demodulation of the Iridium Time and Location service.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
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- "guid": "34d34347-0cac-5caa-88f9-6bfc2601d8c4",
- "id": 162,
- "code": "RGAFL8",
- "public_name": "Sec",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/RGAFL8_vO1Mwxe.jpg",
- "biography": "Sec is a longtime member of the CCC, one of the founders of the Munich CCC group and known for his presentation of Hacker Jeopardy together with ray on various hacker events over the last 10+ years as well as some reverse-engineering of the iridium communication system.",
- "answers": []
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- "guid": "044d6092-9e0d-517b-bf1e-565313d2e2c2",
- "id": 708,
- "code": "G3KGDZ",
- "public_name": "schneider",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/icon-crop_nFy5FTk_zannp3i.jpg",
- "biography": "Embedded software and hardware are my passion, bringing you camp badges and adventures in Software Defined Radio.",
- "answers": []
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- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/HWSQQG/",
- "id": 452,
- "guid": "a1388d6c-121a-5c73-8e0e-d5100811e32b",
- "date": "2024-12-27T17:15:00+01:00",
- "start": "17:15",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/HWSQQG/thielboi_4hDkUKJ.png",
- "duration": "01:00",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-452-klarheit-als-waffe",
- "title": "KLARHEIT ALS WAFFE",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Art & Beauty",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "UBERMORGEN infiltriert Kunst, Medien und digitale Monokulturen mit subversiver Affirmation. Wie Donald Trump auch, zerstören sie täglich ihr Geschäftsmodell, um daraus radikal neue Lösungen zu schaffen. Anhand von Projekten wie Vote-Auction, Google Will Eat Itself und PMC Wagner Arts dokumentieren sie ihre künstlerische Evolution im Never-Ending Now. Chaos ist ihre Methode, Kunst ihre Neue Ehrlichkeit, Klarheit ihre Waffe.",
- "description": "Der Vortrag, eine Mischung aus emotionalem Appell und intellektueller Analyse, thematisiert die Notwendigkeit von Klarheit und bewusster Simplifizierung als Gegengewicht zum Streben nach Perfektion in einer Welt der wahrgenommenen und effektiven Hyperkomplexität. UBERMORGEN stellt infrage, wie viel künstlerische Freiheit im aktuellen Zeitalter der „Happy Dystopia“ noch bleibt, respektive was ‘Radikaler Universalismus’ (Abstraktion zwecks Mustererkennung) für weitläufige Möglichkeiten in der Praxis eröffnen, und beleuchtet, wie ihre neuesten Werke das Potenzial kritischer Ästhetik und radikaler Experimente inmitten einer fragmentierten Informationslandschaft ermöglichen.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "1f2a4f8f-1411-54d9-a6d9-da4fbefac614",
- "id": 488,
- "code": "CFNRMP",
- "public_name": "Luzius Bernhard",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/UBERPortrait_pmsyfz6.jpg",
- "biography": "UBERMORGEN is a bold and uncompromising team known for their feral energy and a relentless rise on the global art stage. Admired for their Digital Haute Couture Pixel Aesthetics, Dark AI, Media Hacking, and Polarizing Research, Artfacts defines the net.art pioneers’ work as ‘peak hyper contemporary.’ CNN called them ‘Maverick Austrian Business People’ for their Vote-Auction project, which reached half a billion people and drew the ire of the FBI, CIA, and NSA. Mid 2000s, their ‘EKMRZ Trilogy’ disrupted the 3 biggest e-commerce giants, in 2017, they released the first ever AI project at the Liverpool Biennale, while blending AI with CCTV horror in their ‘UNINVITED’ project. During the crypto hype, ‘The D1cks’ conquered traditional auction houses, and recent retro AI projects ‘PMC Wagner Arts’ (KW Berlin), and ‘The Silver Singularity’ (Busan Biennale) pushed elitism in art to the absolute maximum.\r\n\r\nSelected Exhibitions: \r\nWhitney Museum, MoMA PS1, Centre Pompidou, Gwangju Biennale, Louvre Paris, Biennale of Sydney, Liverpool Biennial, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, SFMOMA, MOCA Taipei, ICA Miami, The National Museum of China, Serpentine Galleries, Kunsthal Aarhus, Chronus Shanghai, Museo Reina Sofia, New Museum, Somerset House, Haifa Museum of Art, The Hermitage Museum, HKW Berlin, ZKM, HMKV, National Art Gallery Sofia, Ars Electronica, ArtScience Singapore, 3331 & ICC Tokyo, WRO Media Art Biennale, Prague Biennale, Busan Biennale, The Bogotá Museum of Modern Art.",
- "answers": []
- },
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- "guid": "1c63c9ed-0eab-58b7-a548-fe783ce5c34f",
- "id": 791,
- "code": "X8A9J9",
- "public_name": "lizvlx (UBERMORGEN)",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "UBERMORGEN (‘the day after tomorrow’, CH/AT/US, *1995) is a clean and ungrateful artist duo. Rebels with a steadily ascending worldwide presence, they represent the apex of risk in contemporary art. The synthesis of autistic actionist lizvlx aka Liz Haas & hyperactive visionary Lúzius Bernhard, amplified by linguistic contrarian Billie Bernhard. Net.art pioneers, master deducers’, and media hackers’ are widely recognized for their online actionism, haute couture websites & NFTs, their polarizing social experiments, radical empathy, dark AI, nonbinary primitivism, and conceptual research. Artfacts proclaim their work as the epitome of ‘hyper contemporary’. CNN called them 'Maverick Austrian Business People' during their Vote-Auction project, reaching 500 million worldwide & challenging the FBI, CIA, & NSA (US presidential election 2000). A series of conceptual hacks (EKMRZ Trilogy, 2005-08) shook the foundations of the dominating e-commerce giants: ‘Google Will Eat Itself’, ‘Amazon Noir’, & ‘The Sound of eBay’. In 2021, ‘The Next Biennial Should be Curated by a Machine’ used AI-TikTikPop to catapult visitors into 64 twisted parallel universes. Today ‘UNINVITED’ AI Horror Film and crypto Art collide to create deeply nostalgic synthetic organisms, and ‘The D1cks’, hand-pixelated 1 of 1 Haute Couture NFTs reveal ‘L‘Origine du pixel’ and are leveraged by indirect art washing commissions such as PMC Wagner Arts.\r\n\r\nRegulate us!\r\n\r\nUBERMORGEN's work has been exhibited worldwide, often in digital spaces. Exhibitions: Liverpool Biennial, Whitney Museum, MoMA PS1, Centre Pompidou, Gwangju Biennale, Louvre Paris, Biennale of Sydney, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, SFMOMA, MOCA Taipei, ICA Miami, The National Museum of China, Serpentine Galleries, Kunsthal Aarhus, Chronus Shanghai, Museo Reina Sofia, New Museum, Somerset House, Haifa Museum of Art, The Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg, Wei-Ling Kuala Lumpur, HKW Berlin, ZKM, HMKV, National Art Gallery Sofia, Ars Electronica, Busan Biennale, The Bogotá Museum of Modern Art, ArtScience Singapore, 3331 Tokyo, WRO Media Art Biennale, Prague Biennale, ICC Tokyo.\r\n\r\nEMAIL: officeR@ubermorgen.com\r\nWEB http://ubermorgen.com \r\nINSTAGRAM @ubermorgen_com (archive: ubermorgen_77)\r\nTWITTER @UBERMORGEN_COM\r\nhttps://www.ubermorgen.com/UM/UBERMORGEN_PORTFOLIO_EPK_8MB.pdf",
- "answers": []
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- "answers": []
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- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/ASBXWW/",
- "id": 316,
- "guid": "78910469-adfa-5c79-8529-1a9d66ef9e6a",
- "date": "2024-12-27T19:15:00+01:00",
- "start": "19:15",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/ASBXWW/Four_Thieves_Vinegar_Collective_logo.svg_IApIM0n.png",
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-316-bioterrorism-will-save-your-life-with-the-4-thieves-vinegar-collective",
- "title": "BioTerrorism Will Save Your Life with the 4 Thieves Vinegar Collective",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "Governments have criminalized the practice of managing your own health. Despite the fact that for most of human history bodily autonomy, and self-managed health was the norm, it is now required that most aspects of your health must be mediated by an institution deputized by the state. Taking those rights back for yourself is then labeled \"BioTerrorism\". So be it. Let's learn how.",
- "description": "We all know that custom, hand-made, artisan-crafted, boutique tools are always better than something factory made. A guitar, a wood chisel, a chef's knife, a built racing engine, a firearm, a suit, a pair of shoes. Given that this is so well-known, and so universally understood, it's peculiar at best that this is not seen by most people when it comes to medicine. It is however also true. \r\n\r\nGiven, however, that the traditional rôle of pharmacists who used to have the freedom to compound custom medicines for the people they were serving has been revoked, and now despite their extensive training, have been limited to being able to do little more than count pills in most cases, we have to do this ourselves. \r\n\r\nThe problem is that this has been criminalized. The moment you stop groveling for permission from medical authorities, and start becoming actively involved in managing your own health, you are a criminal in most countries in the world. Practicing medicine without a license, manufacture of drugs, possession of laboratory tools, possession of precursor chemicals... the list of felonies goes on. \r\n\r\nThe choice is yours. Would you like to be the sickest law-abiding citizen, or the healthiest BioTerrorist? If you want the red pill, you'll have to manufacture it yourself. The blue pill is prescription-only, and if you manage to get a prescription, and you're rich maybe you can afford to buy it. \r\n\r\nCome learn about the long list of medications which went through the research and development processes, but are never going to be commercially available. Learn how to find more of these, and learn the many ways you can make them yourself.",
- "recording_license": "",
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- "guid": "b794c750-830d-53e8-8f28-8a9468f722c5",
- "id": 339,
- "code": "A7TWWU",
- "public_name": "Dr. Mixæl Swan Laufer",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/mixael-laufer-hcpp-web_lEVo11B.png",
- "biography": "Mixæl Swan Laufer worked in mathematics and high energy physics until he decided to use his background in science to tackle problems of global health and human rights. He now is the chief spokesperson for the Four Thieves Vinegar Collective which works to make it possible for people to manufacture their own medications and medical devices at home by creating public access to tools, ideas, and information.",
- "answers": []
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- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/MDN3PU/",
- "id": 282,
- "guid": "9cedf158-d649-54dc-bbe6-f4c46ad175be",
- "date": "2024-12-27T20:15:00+01:00",
- "start": "20:15",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-282-der-thring-test-fr-wahlsoftware",
- "title": "Der Thüring-Test für Wahlsoftware",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "PC-Wahl war nur der Anfang.",
- "description": "Vor der Bundestagswahl 2017 veröffentlichten wir unsere Analyse über haarsträubende Sicherheitslücken in einer weit verbreiteten Wahlsoftware.\r\n\r\nSeitdem ist einiges passiert: Der Hersteller hat die Probleme nicht behoben, das BSI hat einen Stapel Papier produziert, die deutschen Anbieter von Wahlsoftware haben ihr Kartell vergrößert und unterschiedliche Wahl-Pannen untergraben weiterhin das Vertrauen in die Demokratie.\r\n\r\nWurden unsere Empfehlungen von 2017 umgesetzt?\r\nWir nehmen den Decompiler und schauen mal nach.",
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- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
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- "guid": "6647ec2f-3df1-5ed3-9b3d-58ef78a4b107",
- "id": 116,
- "code": "MZXSRS",
- "public_name": "Linus Neumann",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/MZXSRS_q7shHYJ.jpg",
- "biography": "Linus Neumann ist Sprecher des Chaos Computer Clubs und stolz auf:\r\n\r\n* Podcast [Logbuch:Netzpolitik](https://logbuch-netzpolitik.de)\r\n* [Hack der Wahlsoftware PC-Wahl](https://media.ccc.de/v/dg-80)\r\n* [Analyse des Staatstrojaners \"FinSpy\"](https://www.ccc.de/de/updates/2019/finspy) und das darauf folgende [Ende des Herstellers](https://www.ccc.de/de/updates/2022/etappensieg-finfisher-ist-pleite)",
- "answers": []
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- "guid": "9fa4675c-8ddc-56e2-93ae-83dd14ed5101",
- "id": 312,
- "code": "3KYFVK",
- "public_name": "Thorsten Schröder",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Dinge gehen manchmal kaputt.",
- "answers": []
- }
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- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/3UWT9A/",
- "id": 676,
- "guid": "3fe97197-feee-5191-81c8-51aeff348868",
- "date": "2024-12-27T21:10:00+01:00",
- "start": "21:10",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-676-feelings-are-facts-love-privacy-and-the-politics-of-intellectual-shame",
- "title": "Feelings are Facts: Love, Privacy, and the Politics of Intellectual Shame",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "CCC",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "A debut of new research and analysis, focused on emotions and the affective register—love! shame! intimacy!",
- "description": "What happens when we put love and intimacy at the center of our understanding of privacy, and what are the consequences of their disavowal, in favor of a more familiar technocratic definition of privacy-as-absense? What role does our deep desire for love and belonging, and our concomitant fear of shame and rejection, have to do with the (mis)direction of tech capital and the current, warped shape of the tech industry and its products? We take these questions seriously, and work through their implications together in Hamburg during that brief, liminal window between the winter holidays and the new year.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
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- "guid": "6f1d21a5-0c9e-5200-bb73-a3b8039fa98a",
- "id": 693,
- "code": "FVHASV",
- "public_name": "Meredith Whittaker",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/Florian_Hetz_DSC4833_copy_zMVmILN.jpg",
- "biography": "Meredith Whittaker is Signal's President and a member of the Signal Foundation Board of Directors. She has nearly 20 years of experience in tech, spanning industry, academia, and government. Before joining Signal as President, she was the Minderoo Research Professor at NYU, and served as the Faculty Director of the AI Now Institute which she co-founded. Her research and scholarly work helped shape global AI policy and shift the public narrative on AI to better recognize the surveillance business practices and concentration of industrial resources that modern AI requires. Prior to NYU, she worked at Google for over a decade, where she led product and engineering teams, founded Google's Open Research Group, and co-founded M-Lab, a globally distributed network measurement platform that now provides the world's largest source of open data on internet performance. She also helped lead organizing at Google. She was one of the core organizers pushing back against the company's insufficient response to concerns about AI and its harms, and was a central organizer of the Google Walkout. She has advised the White House, the FCC, the City of New York, the European Parliament, and many other governments and civil society organizations on privacy, security, artificial intelligence, internet policy, and measurement. And she recently completed a term as Senior Advisor on AI to the Chair at the US Federal Trade Commission.",
- "answers": []
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- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/HTWLCG/",
- "id": 336,
- "guid": "233cb1d4-4833-5384-aeee-d99344433e0b",
- "date": "2024-12-27T23:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "23:00",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "01:00",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-336-we-ve-not-been-trained-for-this-life-after-the-newag-drm-disclosure",
- "title": "We've not been trained for this: life after the Newag DRM disclosure",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Hardware & Making",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "You've probably already heard the story: we got contracted to analyze a bunch of trains breaking down after being serviced by independent workshops. We reverse engineered them and found code which simulated failures when they detected servicing attempts. We presented our findings at 37C3… and then shit hit the fan.",
- "description": "This talk will be an update about what happened since our 37C3 presentation. We’ll talk about:\r\n- Three parliamentary workgroup sessions with dirty bathroom photos on Newag’s offtopic slides, train operators revealing that they paid Newag more than 20k EUR for unlocking a single train, which Newag was able to unlock in 10 minutes, and at the same time saying that they don’t know anything about the locks.\r\n- 140-page lawsuits, accusing us of _copyright violation and unfair competition_ (sic!) with a lot of logical gymnastics.\r\n- How it’s like to repeatedly explain reverse engineering concepts to journalists.\r\n- 6 official investigations, two of them criminal.\r\n- New cases revealed since then (from different train operators).\r\n- and much more!",
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- "persons": [
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- "id": 347,
- "code": "9YS9EC",
- "public_name": "Michał Kowalczyk",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/polaroid_cropped_gc75ji1.jpg",
- "biography": "A reverse engineer interested in cryptography and low-level hacking, who analyzes random things just to check how they work. Currently works at Invisible Things Lab on SGX-related projects. Vice captain of Dragon Sector CTF team. In the past hacked some satellites with Poland Can Into Space team. Recently mostly known for reverse engineering a bunch of trains in Poland.",
- "answers": []
- },
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- "guid": "17be3d4e-3ee5-5ed6-8eb3-5b2a47e99f8e",
- "id": 358,
- "code": "QN9XMB",
- "public_name": "q3k",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/QN9XMB_kKKOw1h.png",
- "biography": "A soul stuck between hardware and software. Bottom-half task processor, living somewhere between semiconductor and system APIs.",
- "answers": []
- },
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- "guid": "46ed0cb3-6904-57d4-a6a3-259e28e808b0",
- "id": 391,
- "code": "XENBAM",
- "public_name": "Jakub Stepniewicz",
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- "biography": "TODO",
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- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/9C3JXS/",
- "id": 248,
- "guid": "1c8f06f9-ce0d-51bc-9bf3-0a1f71e8e484",
- "date": "2024-12-28T00:15:00+01:00",
- "start": "00:15",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-248-desiring-technology-ber-porno-abhngigkeit-und-fortschritt",
- "title": "Desiring Technology. Über Porno, Abhängigkeit und Fortschritt",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Entertainment",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Eine wachsende Zahl von Menschen eignet sich ihre empfundene Abhängigkeit von digitaler Pornografie als mystischen Fetisch an – sie konsumieren ihren Konsum. Was ist Gooning, wie hat es sich entwickelt und was kann es uns über unser Verhältnis zu Medientechnologie im weiteren Sinn erzählen?",
- "description": "Pornografie gilt als wichtiger Treiber von Digitalisierung. Ihre Nutzung ist damit auch ein kulturelles Labor digitaler Konsumgesellschaft - aber eines, über das relativ wenig gesprochen wird. Was genau machen Leute eigentlich mit Pornos? Wie Pornos konsumiert werden, gibt mehr als nur Aufschluss über den Stand dessen, was wir “Sexualität” nennen. Menschliches Begehren ist die wichtigste Ressource für technische Entwicklung schlechthin, und in den Lustfarmen der Pornokonsumindustrie findet dieser Zusammenhang nur einen besonders deutlichen Ausdruck.\r\n\r\nDieser Vortrag erzählt die Geschichte einer relativ jungen Form digitalisierter Sexualität rund um Pornografiekonsum: Gooning. Er beschreibt, wie über die letzten zehn Jahre diese Form der Lust an sich selbst eine innige Verbindung mit digitalen Medien eingegangen ist. Und er nutzt dieses Beispiel, um eine weitere Geschichte zu erzählen: eine Geschichte über menschliche und vor allem männliche Körper, die nicht anders können, als das Neue zu begehren – selbst angesichts der unerwünschten Zukünfte, mit denen die technologisierte Welt, von der sie abhängig geworden sind, sie konfrontiert.\r\n\r\nInhaltshinweis Themen: Sexualität, Sucht. Nacktheit im Bildmaterial ist verpixelt. Dennoch nicht empfohlen für Personen unter 18 Jahren.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "503e8dd8-bb24-5ee3-b0c3-779990f9d73e",
- "id": 68,
- "code": "KQQQXV",
- "public_name": "Arne Vogelgesang",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Arne Vogelgesang ist darstellender Künstler. Mit dem Label internil und unter eigenem Namen realisiert er Kunstprojekte, die dokumentarisches Material, neue Medien, Fiktion und Performance verknüpfen. Ein inhaltlicher Schwerpunkt seiner Arbeit ist politische Propaganda im Internet, ein ästhetischer Schwerpunkt ist Menschendarstellung unter digitalen Bedingungen. Gegenwärtig ist er Doktorand für künstlerische Forschung an der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien mit einem kannibalistischen VR-Projekt zu Körper, Begehren und Technologie.",
- "answers": []
- }
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- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/GUFA37/",
- "id": 215,
- "guid": "19b141f2-0f27-5d84-9e90-0d2474d37b7e",
- "date": "2024-12-28T01:10:00+01:00",
- "start": "01:10",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "01:30",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-215-fnord-nachrichtenrckblick-2024",
- "title": "Fnord-Nachrichtenrückblick 2024",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Entertainment",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Wir zeigen euch die Fnords in den Nachrichten des Jahres.",
- "description": "Endlich wieder ein normaler Ausklang fürs Jahr!",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "71fb2503-eadd-5f15-8208-204dd6a0f18c",
- "id": 220,
- "code": "JVBQBW",
- "public_name": "Fefe",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Fefe hat für den CCC im Bundestag gegen das Hackertoolverbot lobbyiert (erfolglos, leider), hält seit 20 Jahren auf den Congressen Vorträge, betreibt ein recht bekanntes Blog, und macht mit Frank zusammen den Podcast Alternativlos.",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "99377f42-fe98-5884-8595-6911d40d191b",
- "id": 737,
- "code": "NFKBFE",
- "public_name": "Atoth",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Syntax Error in 0.",
- "answers": []
- }
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- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "Saal ZIGZAG": [
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- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/FQESP3/",
- "id": 395,
- "guid": "5ce039da-1667-52c0-8676-fa1d36423033",
- "date": "2024-12-27T11:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "11:00",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-395-typing-culture-with-keyboard-okinawa-reviving-the-japanese-ryukyu-language-through-the-art-and-precision-of-digital-input",
- "title": "Typing Culture with Keyboard: Okinawa - Reviving the Japanese Ryukyu-Language through the Art and Precision of Digital Input",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Art & Beauty",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "In a world dominated by digital communication and the drive toward linguistic unification, the simple act of 'typing' varies significantly across languages and writing systems. For European languages like English and German, typing typically involves a set of about 100 letters and symbols. In contrast, Japanese—and by extension, Okinawan—requires three distinct scripts: hiragana, katakana, and kanji. Each of these adds layers of complexity and cultural depth to written expression.\r\n\r\nThis presentation delves into the development of an input method engine (IME) for Okinawan, an endangered language spoken in Japan's Ryukyuan archipelago. Moving beyond technical challenges, this project reveals how modern digital ‘calligraphy’ intersects with language preservation. Every keystroke becomes a deliberate cultural choice, as the IME reflects the aesthetic and linguistic essence of Okinawan language.\r\n\r\nHighlighting linguistic expression, cultural significance, and the urgent need for language preservation, this talk presents a model for future digital tools that empower endangered languages and cultures to thrive in the digital realm.",
- "description": "This presentation begins by illustrating how different languages transliterate speech globally and then shifts focus to the Ryukyu-Japonic language family, showcasing how over 10,000 characters can be input on a QWERTY keyboard. The Input Method Engine (IME) has played a unique role in facilitating character input for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) languages. This talk explores expanding the CJK family to include Okinawan, addressing how phonologically distinct sounds are recorded and encoded. This addition lays the groundwork for other Okinawan speakers to express themselves and document their lives in today’s interconnected, digital world.",
- "recording_license": "",
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- "persons": [
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- "guid": "e4b9c394-b8d3-5601-93e0-9d79f7a40ef9",
- "id": 426,
- "code": "L9VTYA",
- "public_name": "Daichi Shimabukuro",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/Hans_wyDO1nx.png",
- "biography": "Daichi was born on the Okinawan mainland in Japan. His journey to becoming a polyglot began with penpal conversations on Skype, sparking a lifelong interest in languages. A tech enthusiast, he started his professional path as a field engineer, troubleshooting hardware issues and handling network appliance installations. Over time, Daichi transitioned into the field of digital forensics and cybersecurity, ultimately becoming an incident response engineer. Today, he works as an InfoSec consultant for an international company, where he combines his technical expertise with a passion for problem-solving.",
- "answers": []
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- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/MJYTSS/",
- "id": 359,
- "guid": "c385af7d-d4af-5c80-84bf-a2aac5379dac",
- "date": "2024-12-27T12:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "12:00",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-359-police-2-0-peaceful-activism-is-terrorism-and-fakenews-are-facts",
- "title": "Police 2.0: Peaceful activism is terrorism and fakenews are facts",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "On 23 October 2019 peaceful activist Frank van der Linde found out the Dutch Police was associating him with terrorism to other countries' law enforcement.\r\n \r\nThis talk goes over the bizarre, worrying and, frankly, quite funny journey that Frank van der Linde has embarked on, hoping on a litigation frenzy to seek justice and fight back against the institutional intimidation of activists.",
- "description": "In 2014 the Dutch police started monitoring Frank van der Linde after he demonstrated and publicly opposed racism, climate change, animal cruelty, homelessness, and other social injustices. By 2019 the Dutch law enforcement had put him on a terror list and shared his personal data with the German Federal Criminal Police Office, Europol and Interpol. Frank challenged the police for sharing his data and categorising him as \"terrorist\", they responded \"The term ‘terrorism’ is a broad term, and they don't really mean it.\" The Police maintained the categorisation. \r\n \r\nLast year, a Dutch police officer blew the whistle and spoke out in favor of Frank during a hearing in court. He told the court that the police file about Frank contained grossly mischaracterised and biased information.\r\n \r\nOverall is seems that wherever van der Linde data is processed, data gets lost and accountability processes cave in. To quote Frank, “What do they have to hide?!”\r\n \r\nSpeakers: \r\nFrank van der Linde\r\nLori Roussey, Director of Data Rights, who participates in supporting Frank courageous journey",
- "recording_license": "",
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- "guid": "58da2197-1abf-52fc-8865-d0fe0f06af6b",
- "id": 386,
- "code": "97WZA7",
- "public_name": "Lori",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/Gravatar_pic_xRrYBr1.png",
- "biography": "Lori Roussey is a data protection law and policy specialist. She focuses on public private partnerships litigation as well as new technologies regulation. Lori has experience as the Data Protection Officer of a major humanitarian organisation and is now the Founder and Director of Data Rights, a litigation and advocacy non-profit focused on surveillance, sustainability, and interoperability.",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "54c21271-cd16-5c01-9ae3-5d9893ae9c63",
- "id": 546,
- "code": "YPVSCL",
- "public_name": "Frank van der Linde",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/20221218_142112_ud4tRBb.jpg",
- "biography": "Strategic Advisor and Legal Consultant\r\n\r\nSupporting activists to prevent them from being criminalized by the Dutch and European government.\r\nSign up for my newsletter here & check www.frankvanderlinde.net for more information.",
- "answers": []
- }
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- "links": [],
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- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/FSZBSE/",
- "id": 534,
- "guid": "b60289a7-f1dc-5026-89d6-406341911917",
- "date": "2024-12-27T12:55:00+01:00",
- "start": "12:55",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-534-die-geschlechter-denen-die-sie-hacken-selbstbestimmungsgesetz-pinke-listen-berwachungsstaat",
- "title": "Die Geschlechter denen die sie hacken: Selbstbestimmungsgesetz, Pinke Listen, Überwachungsstaat",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Selbstbestimmung ein grundlegendes Prinzip des Hacken, ob technologisch oder geschlechtlich. Doch was wenn Selbstbestimmung nur bedingt umsetzbar ist- im besten Fall und mit staatlicher Repression als Standard?\r\nSelbstbestimmung selbst gemacht ist eine trans, inter, nonbinäre Aktionsgruppe deren Name Programm ist. Wir wollen das System hacken um wir selbst zu sein, Überwachungsfrei und mit (Kranken)Versicherung.Ob mögliche Informationsweitergabe/Offenbarungsgebot, für alle Menschen, ob Cis oder TIN*, das in letzter Minute für die Bezahlkarte aus dem mangelhaften „Selbstbestimmungs“Gesetz (SBSG) genommen wurde oder die Sabotage und Unmöglichmachung von geschlechtaffirmierender Gesundheitsversorgung- wir stehen wie migrantische Menschen im Mittelpunkt von staatlicher Überwachungsliebe und faschistischer Auslöschungsfantasien, jedoch unbeachtet im Chaos.\r\nWir wollen dies ändern- hier, dieses Jahr und für alle Zeit. Wir werden den Prozess des SBSG ergründen, den Zusammenhang von (Un)Sicherheitspaket, Überwachungsmaßnahmen und Transsein herstellen wie auch ganz nebenbei illegalisierte Praktiken versichern, durch die Geschlechts-zusatzversicherung. Nur eure Bühne wird gebraucht und die Tastaturen unser aller Geschwister.",
- "description": "Trans*, inter*, nicht-binäre (TIN*) Rechte und Datensicherheit gehen Hand in Hand. Das wollen wir in diesem Beitrag konkretisieren und für mehr Vernetzung zwischen Digitaler (Grund)rechte-/Datensicherheits-szene und TIN* Aktivismus eintreten. Dabei werden Zusammenhänge zwischen (Un)Sicherheitspaket, Überwachungsmaßnahmen und trans Geschlechtlichkeit erkundet und mit konkreten Gesetzesvorschlägen und aktivistischen Aktionen beantwortet, wie auch ein Einblick in die Teils starken parallelen In den Gesetzgebungsprozessen ermöglicht.\r\nSeit 01.11.2024 ist in Deutschland das neue Selbstbestimmungsgesetz (SBGG) in Kraft, das die Änderung von Namens- und Geschlechtseinträgen für TIN* Personen erleichtern soll. Drei Tage vor der Verabschiedung des SBGG am 12.4.2024 wurde dabei das sogenannte “Offenbarungsgebot” im Tausch für die Bezahlkarte für Asylbewerbende aus dem Gesetz herausverhandelt: Insbesondere das Bundesinnenministerium wollte gern eine automatische Weiterleitung persönlicher Daten, darunter Adresse, alter und neuer Geschlechtseintrag, an elf staatliche Institutionen, darunter BKA, Verfassungsschutz, [wie heißen die nochmal richtig: Schwarzgelddezernat und illegale Waffen]. Zu den daraus resultierenden “pinken Listen” ist es nicht gekommen. Allerdings nur unter der Zusicherung, dass die entsprechende Überwachungsmaßnahme für alle Personenstandsänderungen verbindlich wird - das umfasst Eheschließungen, Adoption etc. Eine entsprechende Absichtserklärung sollte im Dezember in den Bundestag gegeben und beschlossen werden, letztlich und vermutlich aber durch das Ende der Ampel vereitelt wurde. Ob, wie und in welcher Form dieses Vorhaben weiterbesteht ist zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt unklar.\r\nDatensicherheit und TIN* Rechte überschneiden sich hier unmittelbar. TIN* Personen werden gegen die Privatsphäre aller Menschen instrumentalisiert. In diesem Beitrag wollen wir darlegen, wie es dazu gekommen ist. Wir wollen auch erörtern, was daran schlecht ist und was wir tun können. Dazu werden wir unter andere die Abschnitte und Anschlussmöglichkeiten zur Datensicherheit aus unserem selbst geschriebenen, community produzierten Selbstbestimmungsgesetz 2.0 vorstellen. Wir wollen aber auch Vorschläge zu konkreten aktivistischen Aktionen machen. Dafür brauchen wir eure Bühne - und die Tastaturen unser aller Geschwister.",
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- "guid": "d9ef09da-1e97-5dd0-b7a3-437b95eb8e58",
- "id": 410,
- "code": "MD7VMQ",
- "public_name": "Jyn",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Selbstbestimmung selbst gemacht ist eine trans, inter, nonbinäre Aktionsgruppe welche für Geschlechtsmündigkeit und Queerokratie eintritt.",
- "answers": []
- },
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- "guid": "14f4aed3-60a7-5667-9215-05bbb6890222",
- "id": 824,
- "code": "VCSD3Y",
- "public_name": "Nephthys",
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- "guid": "2ad084fb-0f4a-501f-befc-908bbaeb367c",
- "id": 953,
- "code": "GJAZWP",
- "public_name": "Luce deLire",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": null,
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- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/XNB7SG/",
- "id": 680,
- "guid": "0fef4804-3cd8-5202-a0c1-2d2c7a15a149",
- "date": "2024-12-27T13:50:00+01:00",
- "start": "13:50",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/XNB7SG/StufeIII-190224-4_kTiUlNp.jpg",
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-680-clay-pcb",
- "title": "Clay PCB",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Art & Beauty",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "We built an Ethical Hardware Kit with a PCB microcontroller made of wild clay retrieved from the forest in Austria and fired on a bonfire. Our conductive tracks use urban-mined silver and all components are re-used from old electronic devices. The microcontroller can compute different inputs and outputs and is totally open source.",
- "description": "It is an open secret that the hardware in our smart devices contains not only plastics but also ‘conflict minerals’ such as copper and gold. Technology is not neutral. We investigate alternative hardware from locally sourced materials from a feminist perspective, to develop and speculate upon renewable practices. We call it Feminist Hardware! Feminist Hardware is developed without mining in harmful ways, in an environmentally friendly way, under fair working conditions, and is manufactured from ubiquitously available materials, without generating e-waste, with consent, love and care.\r\n\r\nWe researched on fair-traded, ethical, biodegradable hardware for environmental justice, building circuits that use ancient community-centered crafts encouraging de-colonial thinking, market forces to be disobeyed, and future technologies to be imagined. Our artistic outcome is an Ethical Hardware Kit with a PCB microcontroller at its core. Our PCB is made of wild clay retrieved from the forest in Austria and fired on a bonfire. Our conductive tracks used urban-mined silver and all components are re-used from old electronic devices. The microcontroller can compute different inputs and outputs and is totally open source.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
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- "guid": "243af163-48e1-5073-8429-fdaaa39487db",
- "id": 706,
- "code": "BU8FCC",
- "public_name": "Patrícia J. Reis",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "This content will be shown publicly.",
- "answers": []
- },
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- "guid": "30af9677-51b5-50fe-9300-d6a952380da7",
- "id": 1031,
- "code": "Z7NCVT",
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- "avatar": null,
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- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/KETTLY/",
- "id": 150,
- "guid": "13d09061-168d-5e30-8ac8-eb73a3dbb35f",
- "date": "2024-12-27T14:45:00+01:00",
- "start": "14:45",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "01:00",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-150-breaking-nato-radio-encryption",
- "title": "Breaking NATO Radio Encryption",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Security",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "We present fatal security flaws in the HALFLOOP-24 encryption algorithm, which is used by the US military and NATO. HALFLOOP-24 was meant to safeguard the automatic link establishment protocol in high frequency radio, but our research demonstrates that merely two hours of intercepted radio traffic are sufficient to recover the secret key. In the talk, we start with the fundamentals of symmetric key cryptography before going into the details of high frequency radio, HALFLOOP-24, and the foundation of our attack.",
- "description": "High frequency (HF) radio, also known as shortwave radio, is commonly used by the military, other government agencies and industries that need highly robust long-distance communication without any external infrastructures. HF radio uses frequencies between 3 and 30 MHz. These frequencies enable skywave propagation, where the radio signals are reflected by electrically charged particles in the upper atmosphere. While this effect enables communication across very large distances, historically, it required trained and experienced operators to establish a radio link.\r\n\r\nThis dependence on operators was reduced by the introduction of the automatic link establishment (ALE) protocol. In a nutshell, an ALE-enabled radio establishes a link to another radio by selecting a suitable frequency according to a propagation model and then transmitting a call frame. If the frequency is good, the other radio receives the frame and the two radios perform a handshake to set up a link. The encryption of these ALE frames is known as linking protection. It is primarily meant to protect unauthorized users from establishing links with radios in a network or interfering with established links. Additionally, encryption of ALE frames also protects the network from certain types of traffic analysis, which is the analysis of operating data such as network structure, frequencies, callsigns and schedules. The first ALE standard did not specify a cipher, but specified how to integrate a stream cipher with ALE. Later standards introduced the 56-bit key Lattice/SoDark cipher, which is now recommended to be replaced with HALFLOOP whenever possible.\r\n\r\nHALFLOOP, which is standardized in US standard [MIL-STD-188-14D](https://quicksearch.dla.mil/qsDocDetails.aspx?ident_number=67563) since 2017, is essentially a downscaled version of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), which effectively is the most used encryption algorithm today. While this downscaling led to many strong components in HALFLOOP, a fatal flaw in the handling of the so-called tweak enables devastating attacks. In a nutshell, by applying a technique known as differential cryptanalysis, an attacker can skip large parts of the encryption process. In turn, this makes it possible to extract the used secret key and hence enables an attacker to break the confidentiality of the ALE handshake messages and also makes an efficient denial-of-service attack possible.\r\n\r\nThese attacks are described in the two research papers, [Breaking HALFLOOP-24](https://doi.org/10.46586/tosc.v2022.i3.217-238) and [Destroying HALFLOOP-24](https://doi.org/10.46586/tosc.v2023.i4.58-82). They were initiated by the presentation of the [Cryptanalysis of the SoDark Cipher](https://doi.org/10.46586/tosc.v2021.i3.36-53), the predecessor of HALFLOOP.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "20d48c61-c4ee-5917-8749-b095562fe249",
- "id": 152,
- "code": "3GWP8N",
- "public_name": "Lukas Stennes",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/3GWP8N_z7iKkZb.jpg",
- "biography": "[Lukas Stennes](https://informatik.rub.de/symcrypt/personen/Stennes/) is a PhD student at the Chair for Symmetric Cryptography at Ruhr University Bochum. His research focuses mostly on cryptanalysis, i.e., he tries to find security flaws in cryptographic algorithms. Aside from his work on HALFLOOP, he was part of the research team that uncovered [intentional weaknesses in GPRS encryption](https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77886-6_6).",
- "answers": []
- }
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- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/MAUBFS/",
- "id": 503,
- "guid": "4c2e05d6-f32f-55ae-8d48-9167bbd84a34",
- "date": "2024-12-27T16:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "16:00",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/MAUBFS/chatgpt-phuzz_mMG6NU6.png",
- "duration": "01:00",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-503-what-the-phuzz-finding-0-days-in-web-applications-with-coverage-guided-fuzzing",
- "title": "What the PHUZZ?! Finding 0-days in Web Applications with Coverage-guided Fuzzing",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Security",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "PHUZZ is a framework for Coverage-Guided Fuzzing of PHP Web Applications\r\n\r\nFuzz testing is an automated approach to vulnerability discovery. Coverage-guided fuzz testing has been extensively researched in binary applications and the domain of memory corruption vulnerabilities.\r\nHowever, many web vulnerability scanners still rely on black-box fuzzing (e.g., predefined sets of payloads or basic heuristics), which severely limits their vulnerability detection capabilities.\r\nIn this talk, we present our academic fuzzing framework, \"PHUZZ,\" and the challenges we faced in bringing coverage-guided fuzzing to PHP web applications. Our experiments show that PHUZZ outperforms related works and state-of-the-art vulnerability scanners in discovering seven different vulnerability classes.\r\nAdditionally, we demonstrate how PHUZZ uncovered over 20 potential security issues and two 0-day vulnerabilities in a large-scale fuzzing campaign of the most popular WordPress plugins.",
- "description": "The World Wide Web has become a fundamental part of modern society, providing crucial services such as social networks, online shopping, and other web applications. To this day, web vulnerabilities continue to be discovered, and data breaches are reported, even on high-profile websites. While several viable methods exist to detect web vulnerabilities, such as penetration tests, source code reviews, and bug bounty programs, these approaches are typically costly and time-intensive. Therefore, discovering web vulnerabilities in an automated and cost-effective fashion is desirable.\r\n\r\nOne method to approach this problem is coverage-guided \"fuzzing\", which has been successfully used to identify memory corruption bugs in binary applications, but has seen limited application to web applications. Our academic research has resulted in an open-source prototype called \"PHUZZ,\" which outperforms classic black-box vulnerability scanners in detecting web vulnerabilities with its fuzzing approach.\r\n\r\nThis talk will first introduce the concept of coverage-guided fuzzing and the differences from black-box web fuzzing performed by vulnerability scanners. After diving into the challenges of applying coverage-guided fuzzing to web applications, we will introduce PHUZZ and explain how its approach allows the detection of a wide variety of web vulnerabilities, including SQLi, RCE, XSS, XXE, open redirection, insecure deserialization, and path traversal in PHP web applications.\r\n\r\nOur comparison of PHUZZ with state-of-the-art black-box vulnerability scanners, using a diverse set of artificial and real-world web applications containing known and unknown vulnerabilities, showed surprising results. Not only does PHUZZ outperform the other vulnerability scanners in the number of discovered vulnerabilities, but it also discovers over a dozen new potential vulnerabilities and two 0-days, which we will discuss in our talk. Finally, we will motivate the use of PHUZZ [1] and coverage-guided fuzzing methods to discover web vulnerabilities.\r\n\r\nThis presentation is based on our academic publication \"What All the PHUZZ Is About: A Coverage-guided Fuzzer for Finding Vulnerabilities in PHP Web Applications\" [0].\r\n\r\n[0] https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3634737.3661137\r\n[1] https://github.com/gehaxelt/phuzz",
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- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "58fd737b-52cb-5be2-a574-ad4eb0d513f0",
- "id": 529,
- "code": "PYGMMA",
- "public_name": "Sebastian Neef (gehaxelt)",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/me-fotograf-2023_f6ukcEN.jpg",
- "biography": "[Sebastian Neef](https://www.sebastian-neef.de/) (aka @gehaxelt) has been involved in IT security and hacking since his early teens. While others were playing computer games, he was more interested in hacking them. During high school, he discovered bug bounty programs and quickly began to appear in several halls of fame, even reaching the Top 10 of Bugcrowd at the time.\r\n\r\nNowadays, he continues to pursue his PhD at the Technical University of Berlin, at the Chair for Security in Telecommunications, focusing his research on web and network security. In his spare time, he likes to play and organize CTFs as part of ENOFLAG, or do IT security freelance work.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
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- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/BZGGNE/",
- "id": 679,
- "guid": "5836f843-962e-5cea-8bc6-1d3a09e6f06a",
- "date": "2024-12-27T17:15:00+01:00",
- "start": "17:15",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "01:00",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-679-unveiling-the-mysteries-of-qualcomm-s-qdsp6-jtag-a-journey-into-advanced-theoretical-reverse-engineering",
- "title": "Unveiling the Mysteries of Qualcomm’s QDSP6 JTAG: A Journey into Advanced Theoretical Reverse Engineering",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Security",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "This talk invites you on an exploration of advanced reverse engineering techniques applied to sophisticated proprietary hardware. Rather than focusing on well-known hands-on methods such as hardware decapsulation and schematic analysis, I will demonstrate how a unique combination of patent analysis, firmware reverse engineering, and theoretical modeling can unlock the intricacies of undocumented hardware technologies and their application semantics.",
- "description": "Qualcomm’s QDSP6, also known as “Hexagon,” is a little-known mobile-first microarchitecture distinct from ARM and RISC-V. In fact, Hexagon chips power critical components like cellular modems and DSPs within Snapdragon processors, which, in turn, drive a significant portion of the smartphone market, including certain iPhone models. A proprietary real-time operating system named QuRT runs on Hexagon cores side-by-side with the main OS running on ARM cores, such as Android or iOS. Furthermore, Hexagon chips are notoriously secure; any debugging access is severely restricted, even for OEM partners, unless they have close relationships with the vendor. As an independent hacker, you can't debug Hexagon cores at all, even with full hardware access to a Snapdragon development board.\r\n\r\nJTAG is the industry standard for low-level debugging of computer hardware, which is presumed to be available, to some extent, on every System-on-Chip. During my investigation into JTAG availability on Qualcomm SoCs as part of a privately funded research project, I discovered a more complex scenario. The entire hardware debugging ecosystem for QDSP6 is governed by ISDB (In-Silicon Debugger), a proprietary technology layered on top of JTAG. ISDB is the kind of mysterious technology that cannot be looked up on Google (excluding name collisions with ISDB-T, a TV broadcasting standard); it can only be faintly glimpsed through sparse mentions in Qualcomm’s technical specifications and a few obscure patents. I accepted the challenge to reverse engineer ISDB without touching hardware, which is the topic of this talk.\r\n\r\nTo fully engage with this presentation, viewers are advised to first watch my previous talk from CCC 2020 titled “[Advanced Hexagon Diag](https://media.ccc.de/v/rc3-11397-advanced_hexagon_diag)”, that will provide some context around Hexagon technology, while discussing a different aspect of it. A foundational understanding of assembly programming, low-level debugging, and binary reverse engineering will be helpful as well.",
- "recording_license": "",
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- "persons": [
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- "guid": "44e5b98c-0cb1-5658-bc31-3067dfc749a1",
- "id": 705,
- "code": "PAW3BL",
- "public_name": "Alisa Esage",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "-",
- "answers": []
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- "answers": []
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- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/ANJUV8/",
- "id": 410,
- "guid": "98c72b58-744d-5dc7-bf58-45254ce87c00",
- "date": "2024-12-27T19:15:00+01:00",
- "start": "19:15",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-410-from-silicon-to-sovereignty-how-advanced-chips-are-redefining-global-dominance",
- "title": "From Silicon to Sovereignty: How Advanced Chips are Redefining Global Dominance",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Hardware & Making",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "Recent breakthroughs in machine learning have dramatically heightened the demand for cutting-edge computing chips, driving advancements in semiconductor technologies. At the forefront of this progress is Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) lithography—a transformative method in microchip fabrication that enables the creation of ultra-small, high-performance devices. However, the path from raw materials to these state-of-the-art chips navigates a complex global supply chain riddled with technical challenges and geopolitical tensions. As nations vie for dominance in computing power, control over this supply chain has emerged as a strategic priority, featuring prominently in a high-stakes competition with global implications. Designed for all audiences, this talk explores the critical intersection of science, technology and global affairs shaping our future.",
- "description": "This talk centres on the advanced technical processes required to manufacture state-of-the-art computer chips, tracing the journey from raw materials to ultra-miniaturized circuits. We will explore each critical stage in this complex process, beginning with the refinement of ultrapure quartz and progressing through wafer production to the advanced lithography techniques that enable feature sizes down to just a few nanometers—all executed not merely in a laboratory but at an industrial scale that pushes the boundaries of what is technologically possible.\r\n\r\nA particular emphasis will be placed on Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) lithography, a revolutionary technique essential for achieving these ultra-small scales. EUV lithography not only represents the core technological challenge in chip fabrication but also holds a pivotal position in the global semiconductor supply chain, placing it at the intersection of scientific innovation and international politics. The talk will address both the underlying physics and the geopolitical significance of this technology, as nations increasingly view control over semiconductor production as a strategic asset.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "72545064-6c28-55ec-8d88-41fcd58c0998",
- "id": 444,
- "code": "QZX9CY",
- "public_name": "Thorsten Hellert",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Thorsten Hellert holds a PhD in accelerator physics and works at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, specializing in machine learning applications within accelerator physics.",
- "answers": []
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- "answers": []
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- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/WADJP3/",
- "id": 230,
- "guid": "da83bd0a-bbbb-51e6-af01-9295ce0eebbb",
- "date": "2024-12-27T20:15:00+01:00",
- "start": "20:15",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/WADJP3/SIOTCOTS_Thumb_3_mKfgvDc.jpg",
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-230-spatial-interrogations-or-the-color-of-the-sky",
- "title": "Spatial Interrogations Or the Color of the Sky",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Art & Beauty",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "Modern 3D capture through Gaussian Splatting and human memory reveal parallel landscapes – where precise centers fade into probabilistic smears at the edges, and gaps hold as much meaning as detail. This is about the preservation of an ephemeral present in digital amber, an interrogation of how we reconstruct both digital and remembered spaces.",
- "description": "In July 2023, a new method of reconstructing reality was published in a paper called \"3D Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering.\" Three months later, the first apps provided this technology in their pseudo social-networks. Gaussian Splatting produces a navigable, though static, 3D reconstruction of events from video footage – but also an intriguing aesthetic. Areas of sharp details are surrounded by calculated uncertainty, creating digital spaces that inadvertently mirror how human memory operates.\r\n\r\nThe talk presents a video essay of the same name, exploring this resonance between technology and memory through a crafted blend of found footage, open-source media, and AI-generated elements. By developing custom tools for VR exploration and capture, the work documents these digital spaces from within, creating a choreographed journey through both technical and remembered landscapes. It is both a technical documentation and a poetic interpretation; it’s an interrogation of an emerging technology and a meditation on how we process and reconstruct our experiences, digital and remembered alike. \r\n\r\nThe lecture will focus on the technical background, as well as the artistic practices used to create the video essay. From working with virtual reality and experimenting with AI-generated content, to making decisions and non-decisions – it traces the development of a work in the parallel landscapes of emergent technology and lingering memory, of imminent nostalgia and nascent futures.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
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- "guid": "b363383c-7de5-5dd8-92c6-20844f561d72",
- "id": 234,
- "code": "DBCLFN",
- "public_name": "Artur Neufeld",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": null,
- "answers": []
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- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/7RBKND/",
- "id": 137,
- "guid": "8b046ea5-bf0a-58fd-9c2a-4f6ee9e87bd3",
- "date": "2024-12-27T21:10:00+01:00",
- "start": "21:10",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/7RBKND/20231130_163038_25d4jkc.jpg",
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-137-was-macht-ein-it-systemadministrator-in-einem-alu-schmelzwerk-schafft-die-deutsche-industrie-die-digitalisierung-",
- "title": "Was macht ein IT-Systemadministrator in einem Alu-Schmelzwerk (Schafft die Deutsche Industrie die Digitalisierung)",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "In diesem Vortrag ziehe ich ein schonungsloses Resümee aus meinen mittlerweile fast drei Jahren in der Deutschen Industrielandschaft. Ich erzähle über katastrophale und gefühlt unüberwindbare Rückstände, über lächerlich hohe Anforderungen bei Zertifizierungen, aber auch über große Hoffnungen, Bemühungen und eine gefühlt vollständige Abwesenheit des Staats und was das bedeutet.",
- "description": "Der Talk behandelt den Kampf eines einsamen Administrators, der alleine versucht einen fast 100 Personen starken Standort im Herzen des Potts ins 21. Jahrhundert zu führen und irgendwie sicher zu bekommen. Wir beginnen mit witzigen Anekdoten über 20 Jahre alte Server, DOS-Anwendungen, beleuchten ein wenig das fragwürdige Geschäft mit Zertifizierungen beziehungsweise Audits und landen am Ende der Reise bei der Frage, was der Gesetzgeber eigentlich tut und was das für Auswirkungen hat. Es ist ein kleiner Appell und Handlungsleitfaden an alle Administratoren in der Privatwirtschaft, wie sie dem Vorstand und ihren Chefs einen verantwortungsbewussteren Umgang mit Datenschutz und Datensicherheit vermitteln können. Es liegt jetzt an uns (den nachkommenden Generationen), Verantwortung zu übernehmen und diese digitale Welt sicher für alle zu gestalten. \r\nDenn der Vortragende geht davon aus, dass wir in den nächsten Jahren viele Firmen verlieren werden, weil sie schlicht und ergreifend den Anschluss verpassen.",
- "recording_license": "",
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- "persons": [
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- "guid": "a1000f41-b9dc-5461-9259-d22828100628",
- "id": 136,
- "code": "7XJF99",
- "public_name": "Johannes Bernstein",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Ich bin IT-Administrator an einem unscheinbaren aber unorthodoxen Arbeitsplatz mit wahnsinnig vielen verrückten Erfahrungen und einer bunten Lebensgeschichte.",
- "answers": []
- }
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- "answers": []
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- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/TEAHVC/",
- "id": 652,
- "guid": "18d1847b-c929-5c98-93ed-f0826a0e08ca",
- "date": "2024-12-27T22:05:00+01:00",
- "start": "22:05",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/TEAHVC/IMAG0015_cxP9iRb.JPG",
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-652-wie-wird-gleich-",
- "title": "Wie wird gleich?",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Art & Beauty",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Welchen Einfluss hat die Form der Dinge? Wie wirken wir durch die Gestaltung unseren kulturellen Praxen, Architekturen, Sprachen und Strukturen auf uns und die uns umgebende Zukunft ein? Und warum findet sich in zeitgenössischer Design Theorie ein Verb wie *Futuring*?",
- "description": "Basierend auf der Annahme, dass alles mit allem zusammen hängt und ein gemeinsames Interesse besteht, die gesamte Scheiße zum Guten zu wenden, lade ich dazu ein, anhand von Praxisbeispielen aus meiner künstlerischer Forschung und einfachen Live-Experimenten, zu erfahren, wie wir alle Welt gestalten. Und wie wir aus diesem Beteiligt sein Mut ziehen können, einer lebenswerten Zukunft für alle näher zu kommen.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
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- "guid": "7e896e5a-9ed3-546c-b225-789735b97d7e",
- "id": 657,
- "code": "ELFVJX",
- "public_name": "kathia",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/IMAG0022_n6t0OwM.JPG",
- "biography": "I am a practitioner, lecturer and artistic researcher interested in and experimenting within patterns of post-competitive as in: activating environments. \r\nSo far I spent most of my time creating playful and sometimes provokingly \"unfinished\" social, spacial and virtual architectures, that left me again and again mind blown about the persuasiveness of simple participatory design \"disruptions\" (e. g. offering pen & paper to people) and the constructive power of language, play and trustful interaction. \r\nRecently I spent 4 years in academic realms and had possibilities to write and direct new theater plays, as in now crafting design patterns for future from my observations and sharing these experiences in condensed artistic formats is my current quest. \r\nThe revolution will have been spacial. I guess.",
- "answers": []
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- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/39HFD9/",
- "id": 625,
- "guid": "9285ab89-97ce-5457-8eaa-1de6b5c4848a",
- "date": "2024-12-27T23:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "23:00",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "01:00",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-625-hacking-the-rp2350",
- "title": "Hacking the RP2350",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Security",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "Raspberry Pi's RP2350 microcontroller introduced a multitude of new hardware security features over the RP2040, and included a Hacking Challenge which began at DEF CON to encourage researchers to find bugs. The challenge has been defeated and the chip is indeed vulnerable (in at least one way). This talk will cover the process of discovering this vulnerability, the method of exploiting it, and avenues for deducing more about the relevant low-level hardware behavior.",
- "description": "The RP2350 security architecture involves several interconnected mechanisms which together provide authentication of code running on the chip, protected one-time-programmable storage, fine-grained control of debug features, and so on. An antifuse-based OTP memory serves as the root of trust of the system, and informs the configuration of ARM TrustZone as well as additional attack mitigations such as glitch detectors. Raspberry Pi even constructs an impressive, bespoke Redundancy Coprocessor (RCP), which hardens execution of boot ROM code on the Cortex-M33 cores with stack protection, data validation, and instruction latency randomization.\r\n\r\nSince there are many potential incorrect guesses to be made about where problems might lie, here I begin with the most fundamental features of the chip logic, including the reset process. Even small oversights at this level can entirely defeat sophisticated security efforts if higher-level mechanisms place complete trust in seemingly simple hardware operations. I show how cursory research into the design details of IP blocks used in the SoC can help inform an attack, and demonstrate the importance of fully testing new features which are built atop older IP. Ultimately, the significant amount of luck (or lack thereof) involved is a reminder of the need to meticulously understand and validate complex systems.",
- "recording_license": "",
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- "persons": [
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- "guid": "68a65a7e-527e-5dca-937e-f12c263ae518",
- "id": 605,
- "code": "EHRJTA",
- "public_name": "Aedan Cullen",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/23391273_SrdWNeR.png",
- "biography": "Most of what I do is related to embedded systems, robotics, or efficient computing. Other fields, like security research, are just a byproduct of always learning how things work :)",
- "answers": []
- }
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- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/TPGRNN/",
- "id": 42,
- "guid": "b1740c2f-0c44-5f1b-89ed-456a9eecf0b8",
- "date": "2024-12-28T00:15:00+01:00",
- "start": "00:15",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/TPGRNN/Screenshot_from_2024-10-19_17-05-41_OmPkGCO.png",
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-42-a-competitive-time-trial-ai-for-need-for-speed-most-wanted-using-deep-reinforcement-learning",
- "title": "A Competitive Time-Trial AI for Need for Speed: Most Wanted Using Deep Reinforcement Learning",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Hardware & Making",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "All challenges and achievements in creating a competitive time-trial AI in NFS:MW.",
- "description": "15 years ago, at the height of my eSports career, I uploaded an (unofficial) ESL record at Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005) (NFS:MW) to Youtube. In the meantime Deep Reinforcement Learning became popular and ever since I have dreamt of creating a competitive AI for my favorite racing game of all time: NFS:MW. Now finally the time was right: The hardware is fast enough, good software is available, and Sony's AI research has proven the task is actually doable. Hence I thought: \"How hard can it possibly be?\".\r\n\r\nThis talk will present in detail all challenges and achievements in creating a competitive time-trial AI in NFS:MW from scratch - including but not limited to - hacking of the game to create a custom API, building a custom (real-time) OpenAI gym environment, steering the game using a virtual controller, and finally successfully training an AI using the Soft-Actor-Critic algorithm. All code including the API is written in Python and is open source.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "51766dc0-326b-554c-993b-0b1ffa9e6a1e",
- "id": 26,
- "code": "CTUZKV",
- "public_name": "Sebastian \"Schw4rz\" Schwarz",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/CTUZKV_q240tlm.png",
- "biography": "Almost 20 years ago Sebastian was a professional player for Team Alternate aTTaX for Need for Speed. In the meantime he has completed his studies in economics and statistics and started a career in data science and machine learning and is currently heading a Data & AI team at E.ON.\r\n\r\nEver since reinforcement learning has come up, he wanted to build an AI to build his records! And he started that journey in 2023...",
- "answers": []
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- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "Saal GLITCH": [
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/QSC7YF/",
- "id": 66,
- "guid": "59022846-b130-581e-a89f-ecf6e7e43940",
- "date": "2024-12-27T11:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "11:00",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/QSC7YF/text_o_1iuq1Lj.png",
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-66-libobscura-cameras-are-difficult",
- "title": "libobscura: Cameras are difficult",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Hardware & Making",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "I'm not big-brained enough to use cameras on Linux, so I decided to write my own camera stack (based on a real story).",
- "description": "The libobscura experiment exists to find out what a point-and-shoot API abstracting Video4Linux should look like. It has its roots on one hand in the Librem 5 project, where I wrote some 70% of the camera stack, and on the other hand in libcamera, which I found too difficult to use.\r\n\r\nYou think controlling a modern camera is easy? Think again. Between pixel formats, depths, media entities, pads and links, sensitivity, denoising, phase detection, shutter lengths, DMAbuf, OpenGL, feedback loops, requests, and statistics, there's enough opportunities to get lost in the detail.\r\n\r\nThankfully, Prototype Fund thinks I'm up for the challenge, so they are funding me through libobscura in order to get lost, and maybe find something in the process.\r\n\r\nProject repo: https://codeberg.org/libobscura/libobscura",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "73b7b9e7-62bb-5784-9bfc-b9afd5f76fa9",
- "id": 52,
- "code": "GATV3V",
- "public_name": "DorotaC",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/index_pmO2MZV.png",
- "biography": "Currently working on libobscura, thanks to Prototype Fund.\r\n\r\nWebsite: [dorotac.eu](https://dorotac.eu)\r\nMastodon: (@dcz@fosstodon.org)[https://fosstodon.org/@dcz/]",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/RUBQ88/",
- "id": 543,
- "guid": "1329fc5a-94bf-529e-b18b-da53ebfda3bb",
- "date": "2024-12-27T12:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "12:00",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-543-ace-up-the-sleeve-hacking-into-apple-s-new-usb-c-controller",
- "title": "ACE up the sleeve: Hacking into Apple's new USB-C Controller",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Security",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "With the iPhone 15 & iPhone 15 Pro, Apple switched their iPhone to USB-C and introduced a new USB-C controller: The ACE3, a powerful, very custom, TI manufactured chip.\r\n\r\nBut the ACE3 does more than just handle USB power delivery: It's a full microcontroller running a full USB stack connected to some of the internal busses of the device, and is responsible for providing access to JTAG of the application processor, the internal SPMI bus, etc.\r\n\r\nWe start by investigating the previous variant of the ACE3: The ACE2. It's based on a known chip, and using a combination of a hardware vulnerability in MacBooks and a custom macOS kernel module we managed to persistently backdoor it - even surviving full-system restores.\r\n\r\nOn the ACE3 however, Apple upped their game: Firmware updates are personalized to the device, debug interfaces seem to be disabled, and the external flash is validated and does not contain all the firmware. However using a combination of reverse-engineering, RF side-channel analysis and electro-magnetic fault-injection it was possible to gain code-execution on the ACE3 - allowing dumping of the ROM, and analysis of the functionality.\r\n\r\nThis talk will show how to use a combination of hardware, firmware, reverse-engineering, side-channel analysis and fault-injection to gain code-execution on a completely custom chip, enabling further security research on an under-explored but security relevant part of Apple devices. It will also demonstrate attacks on the predecessor of the ACE3.",
- "description": "The Lightning and USB-C ports on Apple devices have been well known to \"hide\" secrets beyond just exposing USB and charging functionality: For example last year at CCC, we showed how we can gain access to JTAG on the iPhone 15 using a custom-build PCB (\"Tamarin-C\").\r\n\r\nAll this is handled on new Apple devices using a chip called the ACE3: While previous Apple USB-C devices used a slightly modified Texas Instruments TPS65986, the ACE3 is significantly more custom - and significantly more powerful: It runs a full USB stack (implementing the \"Port DFU\" mode) and is connected to different internal busses of the phone, making it an interesting target for persistent firmware-implant style attacks. Imagine modifying/backdooring the USB-C controller in a way where it will automatically compromise the main operating-system - essentially making (potential) USB jailbreaks untethered.\r\n\r\nBut how do we approach a custom chip without any documentation and which has its firmware in an internal ROM?\r\n\r\nWith the ACE2 it was possible to dump the integrated ROM using JTAG/SWD, which allowed us to identify & exploit a hardware (on all MacBooks except the M3 Pro & Max) vulnerability to persistently modify the ACE2.\r\n\r\n\r\nHowever the ACE3 is different: We don't even have a pinout for the chip (which has 120 pins), JTAG seems disabled, and the external flash does not even contain the actual firmware, but only tiny patches for the actual firmware in the chip - and the contents are cryptographically validated!\r\n\r\nAfter attempting different software avenues of attacking the ACE3 (including building a small fuzzer and finding a timing side-channel attack to enumerate available commands) with no success, and seeing that the ACE3 implements firmware personalization, it was time for the ace up the sleeve: Hardware attacks.\r\n\r\nAfter reverse-engineering the external flash layout (including CRCs) and finding that the flash is cryptographically verified (and that a secure-boot bypass vulnerability we found on the ACE2 does not work on the ACE3), the idea was born to use electro-magnetic measurements to determine when during the startup of the chip the validation fails.\r\n\r\nAnd by triggering a software-defined radio on the activity of the external flash, it was possible to gather a very precise point in time where the check is being done - perfect to try some fault injection!\r\n\r\nUnfortunately no good isolated power-supply for the ACE3 could be found to use with voltage fault injection, and so instead I decided to try electro-magnetic fault injection: By \"blasting\" the chip with strong electro-magnetic fields at just the point in time determined during the EM measurement I was hoping to be able to bypass the check - and after hours of trying, debugging, moving the injection tip, more debugging, and more time, it eventually succeeded: A modified patchset could be booted into the CPU.\r\n\r\nBut … How do we make sure our \"patch\" actually gets executed? How do we dump the ROM without having any IO? And how do we even know what (in the 32-bit address space of the processor) we should dump? And can we implement the attack without thousands of dollars of hardware? We will look at all of these things during the talk.\r\n\r\nItemized progression draft:\r\n- Introduction\r\n\t- whoami\r\n\t- History of Lightning/USB-C secrets on Apple devices\r\n- A quick look at ACE2\r\n\t- Technical details & usage\r\n\t- Dumping the ACE2\r\n\t- Analyzing the MacBook hardware\r\n\t- Building a kernel-level SWD probe to hack the ACE2 without opening the device\r\n\t- Disabling the secure-update functionality of the ACE3\r\n- The ACE3\r\n\t- iPhone 15 vs iPhone 16 vs MacBook with M3 Pro/Max\r\n\t- No matching Texas Instruments chip, no public documentation, no schematics\r\n\t- Software exploration\r\n\t\t- Apple's HPM bus\r\n\t\t- Discovering a timing-sidechannel for supported commands\r\n\t- Hardware exploration\r\n\t\t- Trying to find SWD (with which I think I succeeded - however it seems to be disabled)\r\n\t\t- Dumping the external flash\r\n\t- Flash exploration\r\n\t\t- No full firmware, just patches\r\n\t\t- Some CRCs found, but also firmware personalization (IM4M)\r\n\t\t- Seems to be cryptographically verified\r\n\t- Attempting to flash modified dumps (with fixed CRCs) unsuccessfully\r\n\t- Electro-magnetic measurement\r\n\t\t- Setup: HackRF + small inductor as antenna\r\n\t\t- Building a reliable Trigger signal for the SDR: Flash chip-select line\r\n\t\t- Compare when the chip-boot fails with correct and invalid CRCs in the flash\r\n\t\t- Identified point in time where the boot seems to abort\r\n\t\t (Screenshots for this can be found in the attachments)\r\n\t- Fault injection\r\n\t\t- Quick primer: Voltage FI vs EMFI\r\n\t\t- Setup: ChipSHOUTER on MacBook, ChipWhisperer Husky for trigger-generation, software to reboot the chip & arm the glitcher\r\n\t\t- Experimenting to determine correct parameters by attempting to fail the boot with correct firmware\r\n\t- The actual attack\r\n\t\t- Flash modified patchset (Changed version-string)\r\n\t\t- Reboot chip\r\n\t\t- Glitch chip at the right time\r\n\t\t- Test for success, repeat\r\n\t- Success - but what now?\r\n\t\t- Getting actual code-execution through the attack by overwriting a patched command\r\n\t\t- Using HPM bus to execute the command and dump 64 bytes at a time\r\n\t\t- A look at the dumped firmware\r\n\t- Reducing the attack-costs: Performing the attack with <$100 of equipment\r\n- How could this have been prevented?\r\n- What's next?",
- "recording_license": "",
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- "persons": [
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- "guid": "bab5293f-69e4-5f76-9b01-8e00d58ea4b7",
- "id": 563,
- "code": "GSQXZS",
- "public_name": "stacksmashing",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/eVa9IMdD_400x400_CoIsLDO.jpg",
- "biography": "Thomas Roth aka stacksmashing is a security researcher mostly focused on hardware and firmware. His work includes hardware attacks on processors, microcontrollers and cryptocurrency wallets, building building cheap & open-source JTAG tooling for the iPhone, and attacking a wide variety of embedded devices. He also runs a YouTube channel called stacksmashing about security, reverse engineering and hardware hacking.",
- "answers": []
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- "links": [],
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- "answers": []
- },
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- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/7L7TBY/",
- "id": 372,
- "guid": "33ec3f8d-2734-5ca8-be30-3f458b539afb",
- "date": "2024-12-27T12:55:00+01:00",
- "start": "12:55",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-372-transparency-not-from-the-european-commission",
- "title": "Transparency? Not from the European Commission",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "The European Commission is the executive branch of the European Union with the duty to uphold the law. The transparency of the Commission´s actions and decisions range from questionable to abysmal. Attempts by the public to access information are often thwarted. This talk will cover the Commission´s lack of transparency, challenges faced by the public in accessing information, Commission´s tactics and examples of the European Ombudsman´s interventions to improve the situation. Whether you are interested in ChatControl, AI or public procurement, this talk will have you covered.",
- "description": "~~Redacted~~",
- "recording_license": "",
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- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "f680c63d-4a61-5311-bbac-d4cba6261b08",
- "id": 260,
- "code": "88EWDM",
- "public_name": "Kris Shrishak",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Public Interest Technologist and Senior Fellow at Enforce\r\n\r\nhttps://krisshrishak.de/about.html",
- "answers": []
- }
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- "links": [],
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- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/7KYFDQ/",
- "id": 418,
- "guid": "e3bb8bc4-a3e2-5968-b1d3-ec61fff42810",
- "date": "2024-12-27T13:50:00+01:00",
- "start": "13:50",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-418-life-in-the-lager-how-it-is-how-to-support",
- "title": "Life in the Lager: How it is & how to support",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Was ist ein Lager und warum ist es so schrecklich und unmenschlich? Wir werden einen Überblick über betroffene Perspektiven mit Selbsterfahrungen geben, wie man in Lagern (Wohnheimen, EAE) lebt.\r\n\r\nWir geben einen Überblick über die rassistische Bezahlkarte, sowie die Einschränkung der Freiheit wie schwer ist und über das Leben von Jugendliche in Lagern.\r\nWas machen wir? Wie können wir unterstützen und worauf sollte man achten?",
- "description": "Wir sind eine selbstorganisierte Initiative von Migrantinnen mit Fluchterfahrung, die in Ostdeutschland Rassismus im Alltag erlebt haben. Wir wollen ihre Lebenssituation sichtbarer machen und langfristig mehr gesellschaftliche Solidarität erreichen. In dieser Präsentation sprechen wir über das harte Leben in den Lagern und ländlichen Regionen, über den alltäglichen Rassismus in Behörden, am Arbeitsplatz …, Wir werden auch über die Bezahlkarte und Essensscheine sprechen, basierend auf unseren eigenen Erfahrungen. Diese Maßnahmen sind nicht nur rassistisch, sie entmenschlichen die Betroffenen – besonders Jugendliche. Sie verletzen ihre Würde, Wir geben auch Beispiele, wie jeder von euch konkret unterstützen und Solidarität zeigen kann.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": true,
- "persons": [
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- "guid": "c2541721-bd02-528a-bcb1-f0713ea12695",
- "id": 452,
- "code": "VSZDUH",
- "public_name": "Hafid Shaaib",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Als lange mit flucht erfahrung kenne ich die Herausforderungen und Ungerechtigkeiten, denen Geflüchtete tagtäglich ausgesetzt sind. Deshalb setze ich mich mit Leidenschaft gegen diskriminierende Praktiken wie Bezahlkarten, die Zwangsunterbringung in Lagern und die systematische Kontrolle von Geflüchteten ein.\r\nnebenbei biete ich auch Beratung für solidarische Menschen, die mit Geflüchteten zusammenarbeiten oder diese unterstützen möchten. Zusätzlich führe ich Coaching für Menschen durch, die mit Duldung leben oder von Abschiebung bedroht sind. Mein Ziel ist es, diese Menschen zu stärken, ihnen zu helfen, ihre Rechte zu verstehen und die Hindernisse zu überwinden, mit denen sie konfrontiert sind.",
- "answers": []
- }
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- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/8MSZTT/",
- "id": 191,
- "guid": "922cc80e-c00a-5da0-b7c5-cdccfec9fa2c",
- "date": "2024-12-27T14:45:00+01:00",
- "start": "14:45",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "01:00",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-191-demystifying-common-microcontroller-debug-protocols",
- "title": "Demystifying Common Microcontroller Debug Protocols",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Hardware & Making",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "Many developers know that the answer to \"How do I debug this microcontroller\" is either \"JTAG\" or \"SWD\". But what does that mean, exactly? How do you get from \"Wiggling wires\" to \"Programming a chip\" and \"Halting on breakpoints\"? This talk will cover how common debug protocols work starting from signals on physical wires, cover common mechanisms for managing embedded processors, and ending up at talking to various common microcontrollers.",
- "description": "Embedded programming is the art of shrinking complex programs in tiny packages by throwing away unnecessary features. With modern microcontrollers, debugging need not be one of the features thrown away. Most modern chips include some form of low-level access, but the technical details aren't widely understood. Many users of embedded firmware will use their preferred debugger without thinking too hard about what's going on underneath.\r\n\r\nWe'll start by covering what it means to debug embedded software. The primitives required to have an interactive debug session are surprisingly minimal. From this, we'll build up a list of requirements and \"nice to haves\" to make a debugging environment comfortable, and reference existing \"bespoke\" debug approaches. We'll cover several examples of debug engines ranging from cores designed to go into FPGAs to tiny 8-bit microcontrollers.\r\n\r\nNext, we'll take a step back and describe the common lower-level protocols such as JTAG and SWD. These describe physical signals that go between the host and the target. We'll compare various protocols and see how they map onto the higher-level primitives discussed earlier. Armed with examples, we'll see how the protocol stack is formed.\r\n\r\nNext, we'll use the knowledge of low-level protocol implementations and the requirements for debugging to look at common abstractions on top of physical transports to implement core control. This will bridge the gap between \"JTAG or SWD are the protocol\" to \"Poking a value in memory on a microcontroller\". In this section, we'll cover the more common and generic uses such as Arm's ADI and the RISC-V DMI and see how complex and cross-target configurations are built to be rigid enough to have rich debug features while flexible enough to handle a wide range of processor configurations.\r\n\r\nFinally, we'll cover common tasks such as programming flash memory, watchpoints, and single-step debugging -- things that we take for granted in the desktop world and would like to have when programming for a potato that costs less than an actual potato.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
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- "guid": "da6269ef-ee1f-53cd-8de8-93e5edda05e2",
- "id": 112,
- "code": "R8JSW9",
- "public_name": "Sean \"xobs\" Cross",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Sean \"xobs\" Cross has worked for fifteen years creating open hardware. He has\r\nbeen in Singapore since 2010, and has worked on independent hardware projects\r\nsince 2012. He has worked on every layer of the product stack, from designing\r\ncircuit boards to writing drivers to package design to managing the production\r\nfactory. Sean frequently partners with Andrew \"bunnie\" Huang on projects,\r\nincluding the Novena open-source laptop and the Precursor open communications\r\nplatform. Lately he has taken an interest in wireless devices, and has done\r\nmuch with the ESP32S3 series of chips.",
- "answers": []
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- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/KNG7P3/",
- "id": 360,
- "guid": "a0f85732-adef-50bb-a90f-a64129036df1",
- "date": "2024-12-27T16:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "16:00",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "01:00",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-360-als-die-kommentarspalten-brannten-11-monate-einsatz-in-gaza",
- "title": "Als die Kommentarspalten brannten – 11 Monate Einsatz in Gaza",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Der Krieg in Gaza als Reaktion auf die Terrorattacke vom 7. Oktober läuft mittlerweile über ein Jahr. Cadus ist seit Februar diesen Jahres in Gaza im Einsatz. Auch seit Februar diesen Jahres teilen wir wie so viele andere die Erfahrung, das vor dem Hintergrund unseres Einsatzes fernab von Gaza sich leidenschaftlich „politisch“ auseinandergesetzt wird. Nicht ÜBER unseren Einsatz wohlgemerkt, sondern darüber, ob wir jetzt die eine oder andere Seite genug verurteilen würden für die Art und Weise wie der Krieg geführt wird. In unserem Talk „Als die Kommentarspalten brannten – 11 Monate Einsatz in Gaza“ sprechen wir über die Herausforderungen, die unseren Einsatz tatsächlich begleiten.",
- "description": "Cadus ist seit Februar 2024 in Gaza im Einsatz. Unsere Arbeit dort umfasst die Stabilisierung schwerstverletzter Zivilist*innen, medical evacuations und Unterstützung/medizinische Absicherung der Einsätze des United Nations Mine Action Service. Dieser Einsatz ist in Bezug auf die Herausfoderungen auf vielen Ebenen noch einmal deutlich anspruchsvoller als das, was wir als CADUS aus anderen Kriegsgebieten gewohnt sind. Seit Februar haben wir mehr als 3500 schwerstverletzte Patient*innen behandelt und mehrere hundert Menschen innerhalb Gazas und aus Gaza heraus evakuiert. \r\nWir beleuchten unseren Katastrophenhilfe-Einsatz aus drei unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln. Sebastian wird über die logistischen und administrativen Herausforderungen unseres Einsatzes reden. Wie geht das, in einem der aktuell gefährlichsten Kriegsgebiete einen Hilfseinsatz zu starten und am laufen zu halten? Vor allem unter Berücksichtigung der bestehenden umfassenden Embargos und der Behinderungen humanitärer Hilfe\r\nAnna-Lea berichtet darüber, wie wir unsere Teams auf den Einsatz vorbereiten, wie wir versuchen sie während des Einsatzes zu unterstützen, und wie ein Nachsorgeangebot aussehen kann (und muss) für Leute die freiwillig in so einen Einsatz gehen. \r\nMit Nic Zemke hatten wir passend zum 38c3 einen echten Nerd im Einsatz, der darüber sprechen wird wie derzeit Hilfsorganisationen und Vereinte Nationen KML-Files mit überlebenswichtigen Informationen über WhatsApp hin und her schicken und wie wir ein für die Seenotrettung entwickeltes Geoinformationssystem in kürzester Zeit so umgebaut haben, dass die Koordination von Hilfseinsätzen bald hoffentlich weniger Fehleranfällig läuft.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
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- "guid": "23abf9d4-67f0-5c8f-8f21-95107beebb8d",
- "id": 385,
- "code": "TXJYNQ",
- "public_name": "Sebastian Jünemann",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/IMG_5166_ucXYA0F.jpg",
- "biography": "Sebastian ist einer der Gründer von CADUS, und seit 2014 mit CADUS in diversen Kriegsgebieten als Einsatzleitung unterwegs gewesen.",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "e043ca57-add8-5d50-a587-7432669109cc",
- "id": 388,
- "code": "7JAN8U",
- "public_name": "Anna-Lea Göhl",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": null,
- "answers": []
- }
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- "answers": []
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- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/BMDSF7/",
- "id": 462,
- "guid": "efab535f-22b0-50a3-b6cc-4b61097ab4d0",
- "date": "2024-12-27T17:15:00+01:00",
- "start": "17:15",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/BMDSF7/Manolis_Surligas_Manthos_Papamatthaioumanthos_and_Paul_Koetter_a_2CrKxyz.jpg",
- "duration": "01:00",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-462-an-open-source-guide-to-the-galaxy-our-journey-with-ariane-6",
- "title": "An open-source guide to the galaxy: Our journey with Ariane 6",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Hardware & Making",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "The 530 tons and 63 meter tall Ariane 6 rocket finally launched on July 9th 2024 carrying our open-source developed payloads – the SIDLOC experiment and the satellite Curium One – into space. SIDLOC tested a new, open, low-power standard for identifying and precisely locating spacecraft whilst our satellite Curium One established an open-source baseline for larger CubeSat systems and allowed us to test a bunch of new technologies. From sourcing a launch opportunity to the final integration onto the rocket at the spaceport in French Guiana we tell you about our biggest challenges and exceptional experiences of this adventure.",
- "description": "In this talk members of the Libre Space Foundation will take you on the journey of a rocket's payload: beginning with how the SIDLOC experiment and the satellite Curium One were developed, integrated and finally launched on the Ariane 6 maiden flight into space.\r\n\r\n1. **SIDLOC** (Spacecraft Identification and Localization):\r\nDeveloped in collaboration with ESA, SIDLOC aims to improve space safety and mission success rate by establishing an open beaconing standard for spacecraft identification and localization. SIDLOC uses a low power beacon that utilizes the Spread Spectrum modulation and the cross-correlation properties of the Gold sequences, ensuring proper operation in extremely low SNR environments and identification of the transmitting space object. In addition, SIDLOC can provide localization and orbit determination, utilizing the Doppler frequency offset estimation mechanism that it implements. To achieve that, the open and crowd-sourced SatNOGS network is used, contributing to an independent source of orbital elements and spacecraft identifications, disrupting the existing model. The SIDLOC protocol has been implemented in such a way, so it is easy to integrate to a space object, regardless of its size, with minimal effort.\r\n\r\n2. **Curium One**:\r\nThe satellite Curium One is designed to establish an open-source framework for satellite systems. It features 15 newly designed open-hardware PCBs. From solar generators to the on board computer and high frequency communication boards everything was designed, tested and qualified by the community with the help of Planetary Transportation Systems. Its first signal acquisition was performed by the formerly world's largest radio telescope built in 1956 – the 25m diameter Dwingeloo Radio Observatory.\r\n\r\nWe want to tell you about the development and implementation of the core technologies, the biggest challenges we faced during the missions, and the wild jungle experiences at the spaceport in Kourou. We aim to provide an overview of how open-source principles are being applied in space exploration and the benefits and problems of this approach within the space industry.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "ac6aa763-dd39-58b5-991b-02b2b96acad9",
- "id": 490,
- "code": "YXXND7",
- "public_name": "Manthos Papamatthaiou",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/621eaec1e4e758389a1c8b6ec60f8ce6_F8TGMLK.jpg",
- "biography": "**Manthos Papamatthaiou** is a passionate space enthusiast and hacker, specializing in open-source space development. As a founding member of the Libre Space Foundation, he has actively participated in various space missions and contributed to the development of open-source satellites and satellite ground stations. Manthos is committed to promoting innovation and accessibility in space exploration through collaborative, community-driven initiatives and open-source hardware.",
- "answers": []
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- "guid": "1fa324ca-13d0-5623-a0f1-14f9df770c33",
- "id": 494,
- "code": "KBR8ZP",
- "public_name": "Paul Koetter",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/dithered-4_T4REw2M.png",
- "biography": "I worked most of my life with computers, fixing & designing electronics as well as writing software for scientific and engineering applications. On the side I also have a passion for nice mechanical hardware like turbo molecular vacuum pumps and self-made boats as well as for the beautiful planet that we are part of.",
- "answers": []
- }
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- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/XCLUY7/",
- "id": 722,
- "guid": "1f094de4-6b22-5484-9b43-9b51f2d40d11",
- "date": "2024-12-27T19:15:00+01:00",
- "start": "19:15",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/XCLUY7/IMG_4788_mIwV6rg.jpg",
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-722-dead-man-s-switch-an-art-shield-to-protect-the-life-of-julian-assange",
- "title": "Dead Man’s Switch. An art shield to protect the life of Julian Assange",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Art & Beauty",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "Artist Andrei Molodkin held $45million of art hostage to free Julian Assange. He vowed to dissolve Picasso, Rembrandt, Warhol and other masterpieces in acid using a dead man’s switch device inside a 29-tonne Grade 5 Safe Room if Julian Assange was to die in prison. The talk will explain the process and methodology.",
- "description": "Dead Man’s Switch is an art shield. It is not a human shield: that is what terrorists produce. Dead Man’s Switch, on the contrary, is a tool for negotiation. \r\n“Taking hostage” is one of the most common languages used by the power structure. In his artistic career, Andrei Molodkin, developed the method of mirroring the language of power within the formal parameters of Political Minimalism. In the case of the Dead Man’s Switch, the Medusa Gorgon mirror used to hit the power structure has been done by taking hostage the most important of capitalistic symbols, its icons and values. In this catastrophic time, to destroy art is much more taboo than to destroy the life of a person. Arianna Mondin, applied Interpol’s criminal investigation method to the field of architecture in her PhD to unveil the connection between architecture and oil. She used this method in the development strategy of Dead Man’s Switch.\r\nThe talk will focus on the process of realizing the Dead Man’s Switch to mirror the language of power to release Julian Assange from prison. In particular, it will clarify the operation to involve artists and collectors in participating by donating their artworks to secure the survival of the most consequential political prisoner of our times. The project involved also specialists in security, negotiation, hardware and software, all together organised in a system aimed at reprogramming the power structure.\r\nThe talk will conclude by explaining the technical details, software and hardware, and the conceptualisation of the counter as a method of escalation and resetting the system.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "ab007a0b-97c8-563e-8399-31fe5fd4cc89",
- "id": 778,
- "code": "QHMATE",
- "public_name": "Andrei Molodkin",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "-",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "2a81524c-3adb-5e50-b0a2-fc0ccc906f96",
- "id": 903,
- "code": "FVQTWA",
- "public_name": "Arianna Mondin",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": null,
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/QR7CRG/",
- "id": 528,
- "guid": "20224ba0-dbaa-5631-82dc-70a751aa799c",
- "date": "2024-12-27T20:15:00+01:00",
- "start": "20:15",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-528-eu-s-digital-identity-systems-reality-check-and-techniques-for-better-privacy",
- "title": "EU's Digital Identity Systems - Reality Check and Techniques for Better Privacy",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Security",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "Digital identity solutions, such as proposed through the EU's eIDAS regulation, are reshaping the way users authenticate online. In this talk, we will review the currently proposed technical designs, the impact such systems will have, and provide an outlook on how techniques from modern cryptography can help to improve security and privacy.",
- "description": "Digital Identity solutions are on the rise all around the world. In particular the European Union is establishing a range of ambitious proposals like eIDAS to establish a general purpose platform for identification, authentication and transfer of personal data that will be used by eGovernment, logging into Facebook, public transport, eCommerce and doctor visits. With the Digital Euro, the EU Digital Travel App, Age Verification Apps and many other proposals we can see the scary trajectory the EU is headed towards. This talk provides a critical reality check about the underlying technology, the impact these systems will have on our privacy on a daily basis and what security (hell) we can expect. \r\n\r\nThe talk will also give an overview of the proposed technical eIDAS architecture, and the [Cryptographers' Feedback on the EU Digital Identity’s ARF](https://github.com/eu-digital-identity-wallet/eudi-doc-architecture-and-reference-framework/issues/200). We will also provide a brief introduction into zero-knowledge proofs, the security and privacy properties they can provide for Digital Identities, and what is missing to bring these technologies into reality.\r\n\r\nThomas Lohninger has worked for the digital rights NGO epicenter.works to advocate for [strong privacy in the eIDAS law](https://epicenter.works/en/thema/eid-digital-public-infrastructures) on EU level. He is a member of the [Ad-Hoc Technical Advisory Group of the EU-Commission on eIDAS Wallet](https://epicenter.works/en/content/nda-of-the-ad-hoc-technical-advisory-group-of-the-eu-commission-on-eidas-wallet) and the only civil society Jury member of the SPRIND Funke on [EUDI WALLET Prototypes](https://epicenter.works/en/content/germany-eidas-wallet-jury-agreement-nda) of the German government.\r\n\r\nAnja Lehmann is a professor for cryptography at the Hasso-Plattner-Institute, University of Potsdam, with a focus on developing privacy-enhancing technologies, in particular enabling privacy-preserving authentication. She is a Jury member of the SPRIND Funke on [EUDI WALLET Prototypes](https://www.sprind.org/impulse/challenges/eudi-wallet-prototypes#anchor-jury) and also supports the SPRIND EUDI project on the integration of zero-knowledge proofs since October 2024.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
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- "guid": "4c996287-29a3-5063-a5fc-e6623e1f5906",
- "id": 557,
- "code": "ULFQKZ",
- "public_name": "Anja Lehmann",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Anja Lehmann is a professor for cryptography at the Hasso-Plattner-Institute, University of Potsdam (https://hpi.de/lehmann/). She works on the design and analysis of cryptographic protocols with provable security guarantees, with a particular focus on privacy-enhancing protocols, such as anonymous credentials.",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "f48d9f83-3e22-57da-9092-dc699b28b516",
- "id": 145,
- "code": "UX9KST",
- "public_name": "Thomas Lohninger",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/job_pic_EaKs4jW.jpg",
- "biography": "Thomas was a programmer and anthropologist in his former life. Digital rights had been his hobby until it became a job when he intensively accompanied the EU Net Neutrality Regulation as Policy Advisor for European Digital Rights (EDRi). Thomas was one of the driving forces behind the www.savetheinternet.eu campaign and has a strong work focus on net neutrality, data protection, and mass surveillance. Since 2010 he has played an active part at [Epicenter.works](https://epicenter.works/en/) and since 2014 he is the executive director of the organization. He also writes on [Netzpolitik.org](https://netzpolitik.org/), is a regular guest in the [Podcast Logbuch:Netzpolitik](https://logbuch-netzpolitik.de/) and a non-residential Fellow of the [Center for Internet and Society at the Stanford Law School](https://cyberlaw.stanford.edu/about/people/thomas-lohninger/). He was in the board of the EU umbrella of 45+ digital rights NGOs ([EDRi](https://edri.org/)) and since 2024 he is Chair of the Governance Working Group of the [UN dpi-safeguard initiative](https://www.dpi-safeguards.org/) and member of the [Jury for the German eIDAS Wallet](https://www.sprind.org/en/magazine/eudi-wallet-prototypes) and the Ad-Hoc Technical Advisory Group on eIDAS of the European Commission.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
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- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/WFEH8C/",
- "id": 691,
- "guid": "68ded9c9-72a2-56b7-8191-4cb235bef513",
- "date": "2024-12-27T21:10:00+01:00",
- "start": "21:10",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-691-how-to-spec-fun-with-dinosaurs",
- "title": "How to Spec - Fun with dinosaurs",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Art & Beauty",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "The public image of dinosaurs is largely shaped by art. While paleontology is a dynamic and productive science, it is primarily through paleoart that our perception of prehistoric life takes form. By combining informed speculation with a deep understanding of anatomy, ecology, and geology, paleoartists continuously reimagine extinct organisms in innovative ways.",
- "description": "The public image of dinosaurs is largely shaped by art. While paleontology is a dynamic and productive science, it is primarily through paleoart that our perception of prehistoric life takes form. This tradition of science informed art form, rooted in a 200-year history, finds its inspiration in the fossil record and the interpretations it offers.\r\nThe gaps in our knowledge are as influential as the fossils themselves. Through informed speculation and a fundamental understanding of anatomy, ecology and geology a paleoartist is able to bring back extinct organisms in ever new ways.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "dc892cc7-f395-57fd-8641-6d32d8179a06",
- "id": 734,
- "code": "GUJ79K",
- "public_name": "Joschua Knüppe",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "paleo artist\r\nhttps://m.twitch.tv/paleostream/about",
- "answers": []
- }
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- "answers": []
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- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/CMQST8/",
- "id": 492,
- "guid": "7010639d-b24b-58f7-9d29-954ff445ca6c",
- "date": "2024-12-27T22:05:00+01:00",
- "start": "22:05",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-492-proprietary-silicon-ics-and-dubious-marketing-claims-let-s-fight-those-with-a-microscope-",
- "title": "Proprietary silicon ICs and dubious marketing claims? Let's fight those with a microscope!",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Hardware & Making",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "Custom silicon chips are black boxes that hold many secrets, like internal ROMs, security features and audio DSP algorithms. How does one start reverse engineer them? Let's look at the basics of silicon reverse engineering, what gate array chips are, and how some tooling can generate Verilog code automatically from a die shot.",
- "description": "A digital synthesizer from 1986 was completely shrouded in mystery and dubious marketing claims. Being that old, eventually every working unit will break, leaving us with the no info about its inner workings. I could not accept this, so I decided to get into silicon reverse engineering. By dissolving its undocumented custom chips into acid and looking at them through a microscope, I was able to get an understanding of what was going on internally, to be able to preserve it and emulate it in the future.\r\n\r\nThis is possible because lot of custom silicon chips from that era (80s and 90s) are of the \"gate array\" type: a grid-like structure that contains thousands of digital logic gates. By looking at them closely we can understand what those gates do, and by following the wiring between them we can reconstruct the entire system. This method allowed people to understand and recreate perfect emulations of arcade games, sound chips, security ICs and more.\r\n\r\nIn this talk I want to tell my journey into silicon reverse engineering from my perspective of a complete beginner and software guy, and what I learned in the process. I will go through the different kinds of custom chips, how they look under a microscope, their different parts, what can be easily reverse engineered and what can not. Those chips do not only contain logic, but also RAM and ROM parts, and knowing how to identify them can give clues when looking at the logic is too complicated. Sometimes a chip can be completely understood even without knowing that a MOSFET is.\r\n\r\nI will also cover the process I used for reverse engineer them, some techniques that worked and some that didn't, and some tools I built to automatically extract mask ROMs and generate Verilog code from die shots.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
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- "guid": "70a7d8a7-cdf3-5495-bc69-f8f496e88bd1",
- "id": 472,
- "code": "Y8GPFY",
- "public_name": "giulioz",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/profile_square_fZr5F9k.jpg",
- "biography": "I'm a software engineer from Italy working on CAD software and Web technologies. In my free time I love to do some hardware work and reverse engineer stuff, from MS-DOS games to musical instruments.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/P9WRAY/",
- "id": 39,
- "guid": "9548a3ab-e637-5940-b923-3008af58eee6",
- "date": "2024-12-27T23:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "23:00",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "01:00",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-39-iris-non-destructive-inspection-of-silicon",
- "title": "IRIS: Non-Destructive Inspection of Silicon",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Hardware & Making",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "IRIS (Infra-Red, *in situ*) is a technique for non-destructively inspecting the construction of a select but common type of chip. It can improve visibility into our hardware and provide supporting evidence of its correct construction, without desoldering chips or expensive analytical gear. This talk covers the theory behind IRIS, as well as some embodiments of the technique. I will also frame the relevance of IRIS in the face of various threat scenarios. Time permitting, I’ll also show how you can do it at home by peeking around a few chips as a demo.",
- "description": "Do we really know what chips are inside our devices? To a first order, the answer is “no”. We can read the label printed on the chip's package, but most of us have no way to determine if the silicon actually matches what’s on the label.\r\n\r\nThis lack of transparency has lead to much hand-wringing about the safety of our global supply chains, as chips zig-zag the globe on their way to our doorstep: each stop is an opportunity for bad actors to inject malicious hardware, and those of us without access to million-dollar analytical gear have no way of detecting this.\r\n\r\nIRIS (Infra-Red, *in situ*) is a technique I have been developing that aims to democratize the inspection of silicon. It turns out that for a select but fairly common type of chip - those in chip-scale packages - a simple modification to an off the shelf microscope camera can enable the visualization of micron-scale features within – without requiring any nasty chemicals or desoldering chips. I will also show how the basic everyday technique can be combined with a Jubilee 3D motion platform to create detailed, full-chip images.\r\n\r\nThis talk will cover the basic theory behind the technique, and frame it in the context of several hypothetical threat scenarios that highlight its strengths and limitations. It is important to understand that IRIS is not a panacea for chip verification, but it is a significant step forward in improving transparency. I will also discuss its potential as a new tool for system designers who are serious about enabling user-level hardware verification.\r\n\r\nFinally, time permitting and equipment cooperating, I would like to share the simple pleasure of being able to take a peek inside the chips of some common mobile phone motherboards with a live demo.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
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- "guid": "4fa232d4-1c23-587b-ae2b-7b376bc114e2",
- "id": 23,
- "code": "RLPKN8",
- "public_name": "Andrew 'bunnie' Huang",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/bunnie-avatar2_jfcttmh.png",
- "biography": "Good at following directions. Bad at obeying rules.\r\n\r\nHardware hacker and general mischief maker.",
- "answers": []
- }
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- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/WDCRSE/",
- "id": 274,
- "guid": "f47ee6a9-1045-52b3-b287-4eab1b2f4160",
- "date": "2024-12-28T00:15:00+01:00",
- "start": "00:15",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/WDCRSE/Esszimmer_dTRMahJ.jpg",
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-274-mal-was-mit-holz",
- "title": "Mal was mit Holz",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Hardware & Making",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Bildervortrag zum Thema \"Nachhaltige Inneneinrichtung\" mit Mitbringseln zum Anfassen sowie Tipps & Tricks zu Konstruktion, Gestaltung und Durchführung",
- "description": "Holz ist als nachwachsender Rohstoff ein umweltfreundliches Baumaterial, hat als Naturprodukt jedoch seine Eigenheiten. Der Vortrag geht auf die Basics der Holzbearbeitung ein, worauf geachtet werden muss und wie stabile Verbindungen oft völlig ohne Leim oder Schrauben hergestellt werden können. Die Bilder dazu verfolgen zwei Projekte von der Konstruktionszeichnung über die rohen Bohlen bis zum fertigen Produkt und geben Einblicke in das Handwerk, das oft auch ohne Maschinen auskommen kann.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "e14599c1-480c-50ee-b9d1-61bf3668b47a",
- "id": 286,
- "code": "BUTKGY",
- "public_name": "Metal_Warrior",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Langhaariger, schwer in Metal verliebter CERTling mit Hintergrund in Holzbearbeitung, Chemie, Biologie und irgendwas mit Linux. Baut bisweilen zur Entspannung seine Wohnung aus.",
- "answers": []
- }
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- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
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- },
- {
- "index": 2,
- "date": "2024-12-28",
- "day_start": "2024-12-28T04:00:00+01:00",
- "day_end": "2024-12-29T03:59:00+01:00",
- "rooms": {
- "Saal 1": [
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/S3WJCS/",
- "id": 313,
- "guid": "e81b264f-8337-58a1-87f8-6be92778c8b4",
- "date": "2024-12-28T11:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "11:00",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-313-illegal-instructions-by-legals-anweisungen-fr-den-anwaltlich-begleiteten-rechtsbruch",
- "title": "Illegal instructions by legals - Anweisungen für den anwaltlich begleiteten Rechtsbruch",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Tracker an Tiertransporter, Kameras vor einer Steueroase, Veröffentlichungen von Verschlusssachen, Frontex verpetzen oder sich selbst verpetzen lassen, Menschen in Seenot retten. Zwei Anwältinnen, die Recht(sbruch) studiert haben, teilen mit euch ihre Erfahrungen aus juristischer out of Action preparation, Whistleblowing-Schutz und Anti-Repressions-Arbeit.",
- "description": "Tracker an Tiertransporter, Kameras vor einer Steueroase, Veröffentlichungen von Verschlusssachen, Frontex verpetzen oder sich selbst verpetzen lassen, Menschen in Seenot retten. Zwei Anwältinnen, die Recht(sbruch) studiert haben, teilen mit euch ihre Erfahrungen aus juristischer out of Action preparation, Whistleblowing-Schutz und Anti-Repressions-Arbeit. \r\n\r\nWas immer du recherchieren möchtest, welche Missstände du aufdecken möchtest, wir zeigen wie es geht. Wir spielen mit euch eine fiktive Aktion durch: Von der Planung über die Durchführung bis zur Sicherung der Erkenntnise und Vorbereitung auf Ermittlungsmaßnahmen. \r\n\r\nBonusmaterial - Plan B: Was tun, wenn was schief geht? Neuorientierung when shit hits the fan oder wie mensch sich Repressionen und Kriminalisierung zu nutze machen kann.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": true,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "4780233f-9b1e-51f7-b652-7ed1f543175a",
- "id": 333,
- "code": "JZLQSQ",
- "public_name": "Vivian",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Vivian Kube ist Rechtsanwältin und im Legal Team von FragDenStaat.",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "c1534ba0-eddb-5a29-886b-59955195294c",
- "id": 337,
- "code": "HSY7UP",
- "public_name": "Vera Magali Keller",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/HSY7UP_vY6rJN5.png",
- "biography": "Vera ist Rechtsanwältin und leitet die Kanzlei Juno in Berlin, die auf Fluchthilfe, Anti-Repressionsarbeit, Menschenrechte und strategische Prozessführung spezialisiert ist. Sie war in den letzten Jahren als Beraterin für die Vereinten Nationen tätig, leitete das Legal Team von Sea-Watch und arbeitete an europäischen Grenzen zum juristischen Widerstand gegen Grenzgewalt.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
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- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/MWGDZZ/",
- "id": 599,
- "guid": "f7a65ad7-da22-5821-b071-ded5e66ef6fe",
- "date": "2024-12-28T12:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "12:00",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-599-digitalisierung-mit-der-brechstange",
- "title": "Digitalisierung mit der Brechstange",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Fünf Prozent der Bevölkerung im Alter von 16 bis 74 Jahren in Deutschland sind offline. Dafür gibt es verschiedenen Gründe: Manche wollen nicht ins Netz und manche können nicht. Dennoch gibt es zunehmend auch öffentliche Dienstleistungen nur noch digital.\r\n\r\nDas wäre kein Problem, wenn gewährleistet wäre, dass alle Zugang zu Geräte, zum Netz und die nötige Unterstützung haben, um die Angebote nutzen zu können. Und wenn wir darauf vertrauen könnten, dass unsere Daten dort sicher sind. \r\n\r\nSolange beides nicht gegeben ist, darf niemand ausgeschlossen werden, weil der Zugang fehlt.",
- "description": "Menschen, die noch immer nicht online sind, sind älter, arm, häufig weiblich, manchmal behindert, sind keine Akademiker*innen oder arbeiten in Jobs, bei denen sie nicht vor Computern sitzen. \r\n\r\nAber auch durchaus IT-affine Menschen geraten mal ins Straucheln, wenn der Akku vom Gerät mit dem digitalen Ticket nicht mehr mitmacht oder das Funkloch verhindert, dass die digitale Bahncard aktualisiert werden kann, wenn die Kontrolle kommt. \r\n\r\nStatt dafür zu sorgen, dass die nötige Infrastruktur läuft und alle die Unterstützung bekommen, die sie brauchen, um die immer anders aussehenden digitalen Behördengänge erledigen zu können, setzt die Bundesregierung auf Zuckerbrot und Peitsche. Es gab Geschenke wie den Kulturpass für 18-Jährige oder eine 200-Euro-Einmalzahlung für Studierende, aber die gab es nur für die, die sie online beantragten. Es wird akzeptiert, dass Post- und Bankfilialen durch Online-Angebote ersetzt werden. Alle, die damit nicht klarkommen, werden höchstens belächelt. Aber das betrifft nicht wenige Menschen, die angesichts dieser Digitalisierung mit der Brechstange im Regen stehen. Sie sind oft so schon auf die eine oder andere Weise benachteiligt und nun durch rein digitale Angebote noch weiter abgehängt. Im Idealfall sollte Digitalisierung das Leben vereinfachen. Tatsächlich trägt diese Digitalisierung zu noch mehr gesellschaftlicher Spaltung bei. \r\n\r\nDieser Talk beleuchtet, wen das betrifft und warum, und zeigt Beispiele für Dienstleistungen und Angebote, die nur online zu haben sind – und für die, die keine Skrupel haben angesichts der häufig wenig vertrauenserweckenden Umsetzung. Schließlich wird es auch darum gehen, was nötig wäre, um diese Situation zu ändern.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "653a5457-11e6-5d32-9beb-672e9595fb8c",
- "id": 577,
- "code": "J9SHZR",
- "public_name": "Anne Roth",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/facepalm3-300_Q2kBWrw.png",
- "biography": "Ich habe mal Politik studiert, viele Jahre im Bundestag gearbeitet, u.a. als Referentin für den NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss und als Referentin für Netzpolitik der Linksfraktion, solange es sie gab. Meine Themen sind Grundrechte, Überwachung, Digitale Gewalt und allgemein Fragen von Gerechtigkeit und gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/SSEEUQ/",
- "id": 167,
- "guid": "ceb37502-7b3f-5ce0-940c-ffc840ff9cbc",
- "date": "2024-12-28T12:55:00+01:00",
- "start": "12:55",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-167-erpressung-aus-dem-internet-auf-den-spuren-der-cybermafia",
- "title": "Erpressung aus dem Internet - auf den Spuren der Cybermafia",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Manchmal sind es tausende, manchmal sind es zehntausende von Euros, um die vor allem junge Männer aus Deutschland bei Onlinescams betrogen werden. Die Scham ist zu groß, um darüber zu sprechen, schließlich ist „Mann“ selbst schuld daran. Es geht um Erpressung mit Nacktfotos, Liebes-Fallen und zweifelhafte Investments, die auf dem Vormarsch sind. Der Vortrag folgt den Spuren der Täter:innen und enthüllt eine prosperierende Scam-Industrie in Asien, fest in den Händen der chinesischen Mafia.",
- "description": "Aus Scham wollte er eigentlich gar nicht darüber sprechen. Sebastian (26 Jahre) flirtet mit einer Unbekannten aus dem Internet, sie schickt ihm Nacktfotos, fragt, ob auch er sich vor der Kamera für sie auszieht. Er fühlt sich geschmeichelt, sie verabreden sich zum Videocall, er masturbiert vor laufender Kamera. Davon werden Screenshots erstellt und eine Männerstimme fordert ihn auf 2.000 Dollar zu bezahlen, sonst würden die Bilder an all seine Instagram Freunde gehen. „Ich habe zu leichtsinnig im Internet vertraut“, sagt er rückblickend. Für viele Betroffene folgen neben der Scham und dem finanziellen Verlust Angstzuständen und Depressionen, immer gepaart mit dem Gefühl großer Hilflosigkeit, weil sich die Spuren im Netz verlieren.\r\n\r\nAusgehend von den Opfern folgen wir den Spuren von Onlineverbrechern, bei denen vor allem (junge) Männer ausgenommen werden. Es gelingt uns Kontakt aufzubauen, zu einem der selbst Täter war. „Neo“ nennt er sich: Der junge Chinese war auf ein verlockend klingendes Jobangebot als englisch Übersetzer eingegangen, wurde gekidnapped und in eine sogenannte Betrugsfabrik verschleppt.\r\n\r\nEr berichtet und belegt mit Fotos sowie zahlreichen Unterlagen, wie in Myanmar entlang der Grenze von Thailand hunderttausende Menschen gefangen gehalten und ausgebeutet werden. Der junge Chinese erzählt von Folter und davon, wie sie dort hunderte Menschen im Internet und am Telefon pro Tag abzocken mussten. „Wer nicht gehorchte, bekam Schläge“, sagt er.\r\n\r\nNGOs und andere Überlebende berichten von Elektroschocks und einem ausgeklügelten System von Menschenhandel und Ausbeutung. Interpol spricht inzwischen von einer aufsteigenden Industrie, die in der gesamten Region Südostasien an Umsatz inzwischen den Drogenhandel abgelöst hat. Rasante technische Entwicklungen, wie Übersetzungsprogramme, Bots und mit KI generierte Fotos und Videos sorgen dafür, dass sich der Betrug immer weiter globalisiert und nach Deutschland strahlt.\r\n\r\n\"Neo\" gelingt es schließlich zu fliehen und hunderte interne Dokumente und Fotos aus der \"Betrugsfabrik\" heraus zu schmuggeln. Der Talk gibt einen Einblick in diese verborgene Welt.",
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- "persons": [
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- "guid": "f75cf991-6ec0-52b9-8898-142ee42d598f",
- "id": 166,
- "code": "TSUD8L",
- "public_name": "Svea Eckert",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/Svea_Eckert_1_BY1u8x8.jpeg",
- "biography": "Svea Eckert arbeitet seit mehr als zehn Jahren als freiberufliche investigativ Journalistin, vor allem für den NDR und die ARD. Ihr Fokus liegt auf neuen Technologien: Privacy, IT-Security und KI. Sie verwendet datenjournalistische Techniken und ist Spezialistin für Social Engineering. Sie ist mehrfach ausgezeichnet, hosted verschiedene Podcasts und spricht regelmäßig auf großen Hackerkonferenzen, wie der Defcon und dem CCC.",
- "answers": []
- },
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- "guid": "00d55f3e-a172-5394-9a77-8acca43ac15c",
- "id": 165,
- "code": "KBTVLY",
- "public_name": "Ciljeta Bajrami",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": null,
- "answers": []
- }
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- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/MUZZ7C/",
- "id": 149,
- "guid": "ac3b54f0-672b-5f1d-bbf9-593364fb7fe2",
- "date": "2024-12-28T13:50:00+01:00",
- "start": "13:50",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-149-wann-klappt-der-anschluss-wann-nicht-und-wie-sagt-man-chaos-vorher-",
- "title": "Wann klappt der Anschluss, wann nicht und wie sagt man Chaos vorher?",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Science",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Gut 1 Mrd. Datenpunkte zu Zugfahrten, wie kann man damit das Zugfahren verbessern? Wir versuchen, die Zuverlässigkeit von Zugverbindungen vor der Buchung zu prognostizieren.",
- "description": "Um allen Bahnfahrenden zu helfen, wollen wir auf Basis eines Kriesel-Artigen Datensatz vorhersagen, welche Anschlusszug verpasst wird und welcher nicht. Dafür schauen wir uns die Verspätungsdaten ganz genau an, um prädiktive Faktoren für Verspätungsvorhersagen zu finden. Wir schauen uns ein paar Techniken für kategorische Datentypen an, bauen ein Machine-Learning-Modell und werden dann nachweisen, ob dieses etwas taugt.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
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- "guid": "48a00984-ea00-5191-ad17-f3caf55a8530",
- "id": 149,
- "code": "GM3CMB",
- "public_name": "Theo Döllmann",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/McToel_Avatar_ijLqKoa.png",
- "biography": "Geoinformatikstudent in Augsburg, 22 Jahre alt. Neben meinem Hobbyprojekt [Bahn-Vorhersage](https://bahnvorhersage.de/) bin ich Klima- und besonders Verkehrswendeaktivist.",
- "answers": []
- }
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- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/QS9AXX/",
- "id": 32,
- "guid": "3ea9436f-8c47-5a7b-afb7-e1bb84a72050",
- "date": "2024-12-28T14:45:00+01:00",
- "start": "14:45",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/QS9AXX/fff24_ksyEPc4.png",
- "duration": "01:00",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-32-fearsome-file-formats",
- "title": "Fearsome File Formats",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Security",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "The specs are enough, they said … yeah right.\r\n\r\n10 years after 31c3's \"Funky File Formats\" …\r\n\r\nHave things improved?",
- "description": "With so many open-source parsers being tested and fuzzed, and widely available specs,\r\nwhat could go wrong with file formats nowadays ? Nothing to fear, right?\r\n\r\nLet's explore even darker corners of their landscape!\r\nEven extreme simplicity can misleadingly lead to unexpected challenges.\r\nAnd at the other end of the spectrum, new complex constructs appeared over the years:\r\npseudo-polyglots, timecryption, hashquines … Even AI is an element of the game now.\r\n\r\nLet's play FileCraft, and enjoy the ride!",
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- "persons": [
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- "guid": "819d6c8e-5ad8-55f1-ab9a-b16e7ba3ec4e",
- "id": 11,
- "code": "DWMZX3",
- "public_name": "Ange Albertini",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/261a01e1b07b7387b0d675322199fb58_4p9330g.jpg",
- "biography": "Ange Albertini has been a reverse engineer since the 80s, and started his Infosec career as a malware analyst decades ago.\r\nHis wide knowledge of file formats is available in his hundreds of Corkami posters and visualisations, and is essential for projects like Magika, the AI-powered file type detection at Google.\r\nHis passion for retrocomputing and funky files makes him explore the darkest corners of the files landscape: bypassing security with ancient techniques, analyzing parsers and breaking them with extreme files, writing tools to evade detections via mock files or polyglots such as PoC||GTFO, exploiting AES-GCM via crypto-polyglots or colliding SHA1 via Shattered.",
- "answers": []
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- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/LE7FJL/",
- "id": 1,
- "guid": "05e31b15-63a5-5daf-819d-2cade987e5f9",
- "date": "2024-12-28T16:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "16:00",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "02:00",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-1-der-ccc-jahresrckblick",
- "title": "Der CCC-Jahresrückblick",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "CCC",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Wir geben einen Überblick über die Themen, die den Chaos Computer Club 2024 beschäftigt haben.\r\n\r\nNeben der Zusammenfassung und der Rückschau auf das vergangene Jahr wollen wir aber auch über zukünftige Projekte und anstehende Diskussionen reden.",
- "description": "Von der Ampel über den epa bis zur Chatkontrolle, welche Themen haben den CCC in 2024 auf Trab gehalten?",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "13031aac-6e5b-5166-89f7-c56c7bdba1c7",
- "id": 1,
- "code": "VJ3ZVS",
- "public_name": "erdgeist",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/Dirk_QW8E006.jpg",
- "biography": "erdgeist tut Dinge",
- "answers": []
- },
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- "guid": "28182b9c-4562-51fc-8f55-be8df5971eb3",
- "id": 393,
- "code": "LPFEDA",
- "public_name": "kantorkel",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "tbd",
- "answers": []
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- "guid": "6ffd6316-c9a4-59ee-8ccb-e0bbf7be8af9",
- "id": 8,
- "code": "H9GEPE",
- "public_name": "khaleesi",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/H9GEPE_SrtQiP3.jpg",
- "biography": "khaleesi ist eine der Sprecherinnen des Chaos Computer Clubs. Sie ist Informatikerin und arbeitet im Bereich IT-Sicherheit. Seit 2022 ist sie federführend im Kampf gegen die geplante Chatkontrolle.\r\nIn ihrem gemeinsamen Podcast, „Dicke Bretter“ mit Constanze Kurz und Elisa Lindinger, erklärt sie wie Gesetzgebungsprozesse in der Praxis funktionieren und schaut zurück auf bereits verhandelte digitalpolitische Themen.",
- "answers": []
- },
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- "guid": "6647ec2f-3df1-5ed3-9b3d-58ef78a4b107",
- "id": 116,
- "code": "MZXSRS",
- "public_name": "Linus Neumann",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/MZXSRS_q7shHYJ.jpg",
- "biography": "Linus Neumann ist Sprecher des Chaos Computer Clubs und stolz auf:\r\n\r\n* Podcast [Logbuch:Netzpolitik](https://logbuch-netzpolitik.de)\r\n* [Hack der Wahlsoftware PC-Wahl](https://media.ccc.de/v/dg-80)\r\n* [Analyse des Staatstrojaners \"FinSpy\"](https://www.ccc.de/de/updates/2019/finspy) und das darauf folgende [Ende des Herstellers](https://www.ccc.de/de/updates/2022/etappensieg-finfisher-ist-pleite)",
- "answers": []
- },
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- "guid": "79aa12ea-2d29-5df7-972b-1124a48a838b",
- "id": 456,
- "code": "FCLVFD",
- "public_name": "Constanze Kurz",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/ich-7-2_8SjCXsu.jpg",
- "biography": "Constanze ist promovierte Informatikerin, Sachbuchautorin, Sprecherin des Chaos Computer Clubs und war technische Sachverständige im Rahmen verschiedener Verfassungsbeschwerdeverfahren (Wahlcomputer, Vorratsdatenspeicherung, Hackerparagraph, Staatstrojaner, BND-Gesetz, Big Data bei der Polizei).\r\nConstanze arbeitet bei netzpolitik.org.",
- "answers": []
- }
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- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/DSQ9FN/",
- "id": 340,
- "guid": "716710bb-bda3-55b4-9794-e1a5a3e17b18",
- "date": "2024-12-28T19:15:00+01:00",
- "start": "19:15",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/DSQ9FN/beesat_square_FPIv8lk.png",
- "duration": "01:00",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-340-hacking-yourself-a-satellite-recovering-beesat-1",
- "title": "Hacking yourself a satellite - recovering BEESAT-1",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Hardware & Making",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "In 2013, the satellite BEESAT-1 started returning invalid telemetry, rendering it effectively unusable. Because it is projected to remain in orbit for at least another 20 years, recovering the satellite and updating the flight software would enable new experiments on the existing hardware. However, in addition to no access to telemetry, the satellite also has no functional software update feature. This talk will tell the story of how by combining space and computer security mindsets, the fault was correctly diagnosed without telemetry, software update features were implemented without having them to begin with, and the satellite was recovered in September of 2024.",
- "description": "In 2009, BEESAT-1 was launched into low earth orbit as the first 1U CubeSat of Technische Universität Berlin. In 2011, the satellite started returning invalid telemetry data. After a short amount of time spent diagnosing the issue, operators switched to the redundant on-board computer, which initially resolved the issue. However in 2013 the issue reoccurred on the second computer. With no other on-board computer available to switch to, operations largely ceased besides occasional checks every few years to see whether the satellite was still responding to commands at all.\r\n\r\nA recovery of BEESAT-1 back into an operational state was made particularly attractive considering that due to its higher orbit, it is currently estimated to remain in space for another 20 years or more, while many of the other spacecraft of the BEESAT series have since burned up in the atmosphere. Additionally, the spacecraft is equipped with a number of sensors and actuators which were not fully utilized during the primary mission and could be used in an extended mission. However, to fully utilize all the available hardware on the spacecraft, a software update is required. Unfortunately, the software update functionality was not completed at the time of launch and as a consequence is in a nonfunctional state. An alternate solution must be devised.\r\n\r\nFollowing an extensive effort that diagnosed the telemetry problem, developed a solution that would remedy both the telemetry problem and allow the upload of new flight software, and implemented this solution on the actual spacecraft in orbit, the satellite was finally recovered into an operational state with the ability to perform a software update in September 2024.\r\n\r\nThis talk will cover the recovery process from beginning to end, including:\r\n- A crash course in spacecraft operations, including\r\n\t- a brief overview of the typical subsystems of satellites and BEESAT-1 in particular\r\n\t- the practicalities of operating a small satellite like BEESAT-1 in a sun-synchronous low earth orbit\r\n- Diagnosing the loss of telemetry without access to said telemetry\r\n- Engineering a solution to the diagnosed issue, including:\r\n\t- figuring out how to upload new software without a feature intended for that task\r\n\t- establishing a development and testing setup for flight software development years after the original setup was dismantled\r\n\t- developing a patch to enable returning the satellite to an operational state and establish the ability to upload new flight software, while under the constraints posed by the lack of a proper upload method and without compromising the safety of the spacecraft\r\n- Implementing this solution on the actual spacecraft in space\r\n- A brief look at the current state of the spacecraft and remaining future tasks\r\n\r\nAlong the way, some of the fun and unexpected moments experienced while working with the 15 year old software and hardware will be shared. The talk is likely to be a mix of technical and non-technical. I hope to provide enough context so that you can follow without a background in space systems or computer security.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "efb5eb70-ee2f-5838-b730-b305603ed0e3",
- "id": 364,
- "code": "7B9PTJ",
- "public_name": "PistonMiner",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "PistonMiner reverse engineers anything that looks at them funny. They create modding tools for video games and play CTF as part of team ENOFLAG. They're also a massive space nerd and hack around on cool space stuff whenever the opportunity arises, like Hack-A-Sat, Pwn The Rover, and ESA's Space Systems Security Challenge. \r\n\r\nSince 2022 they help maintain some of the older satellites of Technische Universität Berlin by planning experiments, operating the satellites, and developing ground and on-board software, so that the spacecraft can keep producing science past their official end of mission.",
- "answers": []
- }
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- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/VPZWZK/",
- "id": 521,
- "guid": "1c6eb229-0988-53f4-8aa3-1d68cda60206",
- "date": "2024-12-28T20:30:00+01:00",
- "start": "20:30",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "01:00",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-521-fake-shops-von-der-stange-bogusbazaar",
- "title": "Fake-Shops von der Stange: BogusBazaar",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Security",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Du bestellst im Internet? Natürlich bestellst Du im Internet. Aber dieses Mal wird Deine Ware nicht geliefert. Stattdessen sind Dein Geld und Deine Kreditkartendaten nun in China. Das ist BogusBazaar. Wir teilen unsere Einblicke in die Arbeitsweise dieser Bande.",
- "description": "In den vergangenen drei Jahren hat allein diese eine kriminelle Organisation, die wir BogusBazaar nennen, auf mehr als 75.000 Domains gefälschte Markenshops aufgesetzt und damit eine Million Bestellungen mit einem Auftragsvolumen von mehr als 50 Millionen USD abgewickelt.\r\n\r\nEin ausgeklügeltes und über die Jahre gewachsenes Setup ermöglicht einen reibungslosen Prozess vom Kopieren der originalen Markenläden, über das Aufsetzen gefälschter Webshops und dem Konfigurieren der Produkte, bis hin zum Orchestrieren der Zahlungsinfrastruktur.\r\n\r\nWir hatten einen einmaligen Einblick in dieses Setup und in die Arbeitsweise dieser Bande. Neben Kundendaten und Quellcode konnten wir auch Verträge und Dokumentation studieren und mit den Opfern über ihre Erfahrungen sprechen. In diesem Talk berichten wir über die Hintergründe unserer Recherche. [Die Zeit](https://www.zeit.de/2024/21/gefaelschte-online-shops-fake-shops-betrug-china), [The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/money/article/2024/may/08/chinese-network-behind-one-of-worlds-largest-online-scams) und [Le Monde](https://www.lemonde.fr/en/pixels/article/2024/05/08/online-scams-behind-the-scenes-of-the-world-s-largest-network-of-fake-online-retailers_6670775_13.html) berichteten.\r\n\r\nDer Vortrag ist ein Spin-Off aus der Reihe „[Hirne Hacken](https://media.ccc.de/v/36c3-11175-hirne_hacken)\" (36C3), „[Hirne Hacken - Hackback Edition](https://media.ccc.de/v/37c3-12134-hirne_hacken_hackback_edition)“ (37C3) und „[Disclosure, Hack und Back](https://media.ccc.de/v/camp2023-57272-disclosure_hack_and_back)“ (Chaos Communication Camp '23) und will Einblicke in das Handeln von Kriminellen geben, die auch weiterhin aktiv sind. Damit Ihr nicht auf sie hereinfallt.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "28182b9c-4562-51fc-8f55-be8df5971eb3",
- "id": 393,
- "code": "LPFEDA",
- "public_name": "kantorkel",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "tbd",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "476fcf39-91ec-58b1-8b48-4a5cdf683fb1",
- "id": 690,
- "code": "XXQZRD",
- "public_name": "Kai Biermann",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/portrait-jim-norris-pie-town-1940_miDQefJ.jpeg",
- "biography": "Diplomierter Psychologe, arbeitet seit 1997 als Autor und als Journalist für verschiedene Tageszeitungen und Onlinemedien, seit 2007 als Redakteur ZEIT ONLINE. Seit 2019 Mitglied des gemeinsamen Investigativteams von DIE ZEIT und ZEIT ONLINE. Bloggt zusammen mit Martin Haase (maha) unter neusprech.org über die verschleiernden Tricks politischer Sprache.",
- "answers": []
- }
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- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/HSNZGR/",
- "id": 198,
- "guid": "514a24bc-31db-5a04-8e33-8c777742e575",
- "date": "2024-12-28T21:45:00+01:00",
- "start": "21:45",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/HSNZGR/38c3_blinkencity_banner_OT0H9Mo.png",
- "duration": "01:00",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-198-blinkencity-radio-controlling-street-lamps-and-power-plants",
- "title": "BlinkenCity: Radio-Controlling Street Lamps and Power Plants",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Security",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "A significant portion of Europe's renewable energy production can be remotely controlled via longwave radio. While this system is intended to stabilize the grid, it can potentially also be abused to destabilize it by remotely toggling energy loads and power plants. \r\n\r\nIn this talk, we will dive into radio ripple control technology, analyze the protocols in use, and discuss whether its weaknesses could potentially be leveraged to cause a blackout, or – more positively – to create a city-wide Blinkenlights-inspired art installation.",
- "description": "With three broadcasting towers and over 1.3 million receivers, the radio ripple control system by *EFR (Europäische Funk-Rundsteuerung) GmbH* is responsible for controlling various types of loads (street lamps, heating systems, wall boxes, …) as well as multiple gigawatts of renewable power generation (solar, wind, biogas, …) in Germany, Austria, Czechia, Hungary and Slovakia. \r\n\r\nThe used radio protocols Versacom and Semagyr, which carry time and control signals, are partially proprietary but completely unencrypted and unauthenticated, leaving the door open for abuse. \r\n\r\nThis talk will cover: \r\n- An introduction to radio ripple control \r\n- Detailed analysis of transmitted radio messages, protocols, addressing schemes, and their inherent weaknesses \r\n - Hardware hacking and reversing \r\n - Implementation of sending devices and attack PoCs \r\n - (Live) demonstrations of attacks \r\n - Evaluation of the abuse potential \r\n - The way forward",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "0721cb70-603a-5b28-978e-532d30977a86",
- "id": 197,
- "code": "C87MMB",
- "public_name": "Fabian Bräunlein",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/fb_X2TBBIC.jpg",
- "biography": "Fabian Bräunlein has always been curious about taking systems apart. He works as a Security Researcher and Consultant at Berlin-based hacker collective Positive Security. His previous research includes hacking payment systems (32c3), travel systems, IP cameras, URL handlers and Apple's Find My protocol.",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "e2f1759c-847d-5600-ad6f-6afd72b1947d",
- "id": 198,
- "code": "MSVAFM",
- "public_name": "Luca Melette",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/lm_rb_zSY8K4X.jpg",
- "biography": "Luca Melette is a security researcher and advisor at Positive Security. Focusing on mobile networks and hardware devices, he discovered several security vulnerabilities in 2G/3G/4G/5G networks, from low-cost radio attacks to more sophisticated SS7 abuse. In his free time, he likes to explore any electronic device in the surroundings, firstly to understand how they work and then to identify more fun ways to use them.",
- "answers": []
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- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/TJ8QVD/",
- "id": 561,
- "guid": "f05ded86-d09a-59b9-8023-2ef500f626f9",
- "date": "2024-12-28T23:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "23:00",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-561-wie-fliegt-man-eigentlich-flugzeuge-",
- "title": "Wie fliegt man eigentlich Flugzeuge?",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Science",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Etwas wie die \"Sendung mit der Maus\", dafür mit tiefer fachlicher Ausführung und allen Details. Es handelt vor allem um Technik und Abläufe, die man als Laie oder Fluggast nicht sehen und wissen kann.",
- "description": "Flugzeuge können fliegen, das muss man nicht mehr erklären. Aber hat ein Flugzeug wirklich einen Schlüssel wie ein Auto? Kann ich einfach einsteigen und losfliegen? Die Antwort lautet: Es kommt darauf an.\r\n\r\nFliegen ist ein komplexes Zusammenspiel von Technik, Physik, Menschen und Prozessen. Und je nachdem, wie und was man fliegt, was hat ein A380 mit einer Cessna 152 gemeinsam?\r\n\r\nWir nehmen euch mit auf einen fiktiven Flug von Frankfurt nach Mumbai und zurück und erklären euch, was alles im Hintergrund passiert und wovon ihr nichts mitbekommt. \r\n\r\nEs erwartet euch eine Mischung aus Vortrag, lustigen Geschichten und auch Yak-Shaving, damit wir gemeinsam verstehen, was da eigentlich genau passiert.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "c0c97495-b866-5f47-be8b-7dca900117d1",
- "id": 581,
- "code": "ZSAGCE",
- "public_name": "Christian Lölkes",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/dbcc6942dc04d7eb9174ec70cc494ee2_tCZ2KJh.jpg",
- "biography": "Christian - im Chaos auch als Obelix bekannt - lebt in Frankfurt am Main und arbeitet als Ingenieur bei der Deutschen Flugsicherung. Er hat Elektro- und Informationstechnik in Karlsruhe studiert und ist aktives Mitglied bei Entropia e.V. - CCC Karlsruhe und seit vielen Jahren an der Organisation der Gulaschprogrammiernacht beteiligt.",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "fbd186de-4956-53e8-a404-aa77e9b19697",
- "id": 664,
- "code": "R8CWZD",
- "public_name": "kleinsophie",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "kleinsophie, ein durchschnittliches Mädel das abseits der Bits und Bytes auch Flugzeuge durch die Weltgeschichte bewegt. \r\n\r\nAls Absetzpilotin gehört sie zur wohl herzlichsten Rausschmeißer-Familie der Welt. Mit einem Lächeln schickt sie ihre Passagiere nicht nach Hause, sondern direkt ins Abenteuer.",
- "answers": []
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- "links": [],
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- "answers": []
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- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/LUW3YS/",
- "id": 638,
- "guid": "99379f6c-0172-555f-a310-300978026f36",
- "date": "2024-12-28T23:55:00+01:00",
- "start": "23:55",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-638-ki-karma-next-level-spiritueller-it-vertrieb",
- "title": "KI-Karma next Level: Spiritueller IT-Vertrieb",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Entertainment",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Der IT-Vertrieb ist ein Feld voll dorniger Chancen. Ein Grund mehr, gemeinsam von innovativen Branchen in Form von \"Neuen Religiösen Bewegungen\" (Sekten) zu lernen, um unseren erwachten beruflichen Neustart zu pitchen.",
- "description": "Haben Sie schon einmal einer Messe evangelikaler fundamentalistischer Splittergruppen beigewohnt und sich gefragt, wie sie Menschen dazu bringen könnten in Code zu reden wenn sie Änderungswünsche äußern, statt in Zungen? Wäre es nicht ein echter game-changer, wenn Wunderheilungen auch im Außendienst einsetzbar wären? Sind Sie neidisch, weil jeder gewöhnliche Doomsday-Kult trotz falscher Prophezeiungen seine Kundenbindung stabil hält, während Sie für alles mögliche haftbar gemacht werden? Haben Sie manchmal das Gefühl, ihr Team schwingt nicht auf derselben feinstofflichen Ebene wie Sie? \r\n\r\n**** Dann sind SIE hier genau RICHTIG!1 ***\r\n\r\nIm Rahmen des 42-Stufen-Programms für feinstoffliche IT tauchen wir diesmal in den Code von Gruppendynamiken ein. In diesem Kompaktseminar lernen Sie zentrale Erfolgsstrategien bekannter Leader der bekanntesten Spiritualitäts-Startups der letzten Jahrzehnte kennen. Erweitern Sie ihre Wissens-Meridiane und werden Sie Teil einer schwingenden Gemeinschaft, die sich mit dem feinstofflichen Wissen inspirierender Datenbanken vernetzt.\r\n\r\nDie Chakra-Bausteine des Kurses sind wie folgt:\r\n\r\n* Software Wunderheilung \r\n* Energetisches Community-Building\r\n* Code-Channeling \r\n* Cyber-Marketing\r\n\r\nAnhand von Praxisbeispielen aus den Branchen IT und Spiritualität erarbeiten wir ein Erfolgskonzept, das Sie im Handumdrehen zum erfolgreichen erwachten Entrepreneur machen kann. \r\n\r\nHinweis:\r\n\r\nDieser Kurs ist der zweite Teil eines 42-Stufenprogramms, kann aber auch ohne Vorwissen von Einsteigern gebucht werden.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "a8991e85-b553-5ed0-bc66-c219d3d8ba2f",
- "id": 436,
- "code": "HR8WJ8",
- "public_name": "Katharina Nocun",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/katta_aluhut_klein-673x1024_XPSqPqC.jpg",
- "biography": "Katharina Nocun ist Publizistin. Sie hat in Münster und Hamburg Wirtschafts- und Politikwissenschaften studiert. Podcast: Denkangebot. Bücher: \"Die Daten, die ich rief\" (2018), \"Fake Facts – Wie Verschwörungstheorien unser Denken bestimmen\" (2020) \"True Facts – was gegen Verschwörungserzählungen wirklich hilft\" (2021) \"Gefährlicher Glaube – Die radikale Gedankenwelt der Esoterik\" (2022)",
- "answers": []
- }
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- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/9QB89V/",
- "id": 508,
- "guid": "fdb48d2b-748c-52ec-bf44-da974653fed9",
- "date": "2024-12-29T00:55:00+01:00",
- "start": "00:55",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "01:30",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-508-0-1-oder-2-hackerei-und-cyberbrei",
- "title": "0, 1 oder 2 - Hackerei und Cyberbrei",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Entertainment",
- "type": "Game show",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Der Quizshow-Klassiker für die ganze Chaosfamilie: Bei uns sind nicht nur pfiffige Hacker:innen, sondern auch flinke Beine gefragt. 0, 1 oder 2? Wer es weiß, ist dabei! Nur echt mit dem Kamera-Nerd!",
- "description": "Auf einzigartige Weise wird Wissensvermittlung mit Bewegung verknüpft und bietet Nerds anspruchsvolle Unterhaltung. Das Beste aus Besserwisserei und Tele-Aerobic. Drei Teams aus dem Publikum treten gegeneinander an. \r\n\r\nDie Kandidat:innen müssen Fragen rund um IT-Sicherheit, CCC, Netzpolitik, Hacking-Kultur, Raketenwissenschaft oder Frickeln beantworten und damit ihr Wissen unter Beweis stellen. Für jedes Thema gibt es Spezial-Expert:innen auf der Couch sowie Show- und Musikeinlagen. Dem besten Team winkt der begehrte \"0, 1 oder 2\"-Überraschungspreis.\r\n\r\nDie Rate-Show wird von Erisvision in Koproduktion mit C3VOC, CCH und Gefahrengebiet TV Productions präsentiert.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "6a0faa0d-33a5-5905-9f78-7a72bf0b0b22",
- "id": 1016,
- "code": "RLN8QE",
- "public_name": "Erisvision",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Erisvision-Produktion",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "Saal ZIGZAG": [
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/XR9FGQ/",
- "id": 270,
- "guid": "c91fe123-e94d-5cc7-8f89-a884d961bef3",
- "date": "2024-12-28T11:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "11:00",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-270-role-play-as-resistance-challenging-securitization-through-activism-in-a-place-in-eastafrica",
- "title": "Role Play as Resistance: Challenging Securitization Through Activism in a place in EastAfrica",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "Using role playing, we shall explore the movements who are proactively fighting back the impact of surveillance and challenges Internet-related rights.",
- "description": "How I see securitization in my reality:\r\nThe authorities check on the social media pages where there is any sort of advocating for LGBTQIA+ rights. Digital activism has declined. Even the positive and peaceful social media campaigns that offer a counter narrative and talk about diversity/inclusion are met with harassment or legal action against those involved.\r\nWhen I train these communities, they express fears about being outed on a dating app or in the media because it has already happened several times. This violates their right to privacy and puts them at a higher risk of online and physical attacks, it can affect their work situation, community and even family members. \r\nVital information about sexual and reproductive health and rights and much of the information regarding queer health resources is blocked or censored because it is seen as harmful or dangerous for the community. So basically in some cases people have to rely on uninformed sources to get their sexual education and this can have disastrous effects \r\n\r\nHow I have witnessed a proactive stance: \r\n-Developing materials that help activists remain motivated and focused on the goals\r\nCase study Feminist Principles of the Internet\r\n-Creating free and open learning methodologies about online privacy rights and responsibilities. Case Study Safe Sisters\r\n-Building strategic alliance with partners to continue to challenge the right and securitization discourse and raise a struggle against authoritarianism: Case study A coalition to end online violence and promote digital rights and inclusion",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": true,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "c8e34767-ef31-5b63-bfa1-2134f156ad94",
- "id": 283,
- "code": "EDLBKY",
- "public_name": "Wawan",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "A gender and technical training consultant and UX researcher from Eastern Africa",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/MGSXPN/",
- "id": 460,
- "guid": "d05bfa58-e6b8-5c35-b271-191e1d09de6a",
- "date": "2024-12-28T12:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "12:00",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-460-gemeinwohlorientierte-forschung-mit-ki-missbrauch-eindmmen-durch-zweckbindung-fr-ki-modelle",
- "title": "Gemeinwohlorientierte Forschung mit KI: Missbrauch eindämmen durch Zweckbindung für KI-Modelle",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Science",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Trainierte KI-Modelle sind mächtige Werkzeuge, die in Wissenschaft und Forschung oft für gute Zwecke gebaut werden. Aber wie alle Werkzeuge können sie auch zweckentfremdet werden – in Bereichen, für die sie nicht gedacht waren, in denen sie profitgierigen Interessen dienen und gesellschaftlichen Schaden anrichten. Vor dem Hintergrund des Trends von \"open source\" AI ist die Gefahr der unkontrollierten Zweckentfremdung von KI-Modellen enorm gestiegen. Wir zeigen: Das Risiko einer missbräuchlichen Sekundärnutzung von für Forschungszwecke trainierten KIs ist aktuell die größte regulatorische Lücke, trotz DSGVO und AI-Act. Zugleich ermöglicht das Zweckentfremden von Modellen die immer weiter wachsende Machtposition von Big Tech. Um das Problem zu bekämpfen, muss das Prinzip \"Zweckbindung\" für das Zeitalter der KI geupdated werden.",
- "description": "Skandale wie die Weitergabe von Forschungsdaten der UK Biobank an Versicherungsunternehmen zeigen ein typisches, aber oft übersehenes Risiko im Zusammenhang mit KI: Modelle und Trainingsdaten, die eigentlich dem Gemeinwohl dienen sollten, werden im Schatten der öffentlichen Aufmerksamkeit, jedoch ohne geltendes Recht zu verletzen, für diskriminierende, manipulative und profitorientierte Zwecke zweitverwendet. Wer etwa in der medizinischen Forschung ein Modell zur Erkennung von psychischen Krankheiten anhand von Audiodaten (Stimmaufzeichnung) baut, kann dieses Modell auch außerhalb des medizinischen Kontexts auf beliebige Individuen anwenden – und zum Beispiel bei Video-Bewerbungsgesprächen ein automatisiertes Risiko Scoring damit machen (unsere Beispiele zeigen, dass daran gerade großes Interesse besteht). Der Besitz trainierter KI-Modelle stellt eine enorme Konzentration von Informationsmacht dar – und mit dieser Macht geht ein Missbrauchspotenzial einher, wenn die Tools z.B. in einen kommerziellen Kontext übertragen werden. \r\nZum Schutz unserer Gesellschaft vor Missbrauch KI-basierter Forschung müssen wir deshalb die Zirkulation trainierter KI-Modelle und anonymisierter Trainingsdaten unter demokratische Kontrolle stellen. Wir brauchen ein Regulierungskonzept, das offene Forschungszwecke ermöglicht und gleichzeitig kommerziellen Missbrauch verhindert. Modelle mit allgemeinem Verwendungszweck wie sie die KI-VO legitimiert, sollte es nicht geben. Als Lösung holen wir das alte, bei der Industrie verhasste und in der Politik fast schon vergessene Datenschutzprinzip der Zweckbindung aus der Mottenkiste und aktualisieren es für die Kontrolle von KI. \r\nUnser Regulierungsvorschlag einer \"Zweckbindung für KI-Modelle\" beruht auf unserer mehrjährigen interdisziplinären Forschung zwischen Ethik, Rechtswissenschaft und Informatik.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "0acfcce8-4b3a-531a-9868-33fd2dfb0585",
- "id": 317,
- "code": "U7VYJQ",
- "public_name": "Rainer Mühlhoff",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/rainer-neu-mod600-cropped2_EzEbuhi.jpg",
- "biography": "Rainer Mühlhoff, Philosoph und Mathematiker, ist Professor für Ethik der Künstlichen Intelligenz an der Universität Osnabrück. Er ist außerdem assoziierter Forscher am Einstein Center Digital Future, Berlin, und am Weizenbaum-Institut für die vernetzte Gesellschaft, Berlin. Er forscht zu Ethik, Datenschutz und kritischer Sozialtheorie in der digitalen Gesellschaft. Mit seinen systemischen Analysen von KI-Kapitalismus und seinen Vorschlägen zur Schärfung des Datenschutzes bespielt er zahlreiche außerwissenschaftliche Transferformate und ist regelmäßiger Gast in Politik, Bildungsarbeit und öffentlichen Foren. In seiner Forschung analysiert er KI-Systeme als soziotechnische Systeme (\"Human-Aided AI\"), hat den Begriff \"Predictive Privacy\" geprägt und tritt für eine Zweckbindung für KI-Modelle ein. \r\n\r\nIn seinem früheren Leben hat Rainer Mathematik/Physik/Informatik studiert und zu Quantenphysik gearbeitet. Durch ein Zweitstudium in Philosophie und Gender Studies ist er dann in den kritischen Geisteswissenschaften gelandet. Sein interdisziplinäres Team der Forschungsgruppe Ethics and Critical Theories of AI an der Uni Osnabrück bringt Philosophie, Medienwissenschaft und Informatik zusammen, um das Wechselspiel von Technologie, Macht und gesellschaftlicher Veränderung zu untersuchen. [Publikationen]\r\n\r\nRainers Talk auf dem 37C3: KI – Macht – Ungleichheit",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "73a5e915-2213-5bc6-9e42-32fbfbf64f43",
- "id": 295,
- "code": "GN8CRZ",
- "public_name": "Hannah Ruschemeier",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Ich bin Juniorprofessorin für öffentliches Recht, Datenschutzrecht und Recht der Digitalisierung. In meiner Forschung befasse ich mich mit der Regulierung datenintensiver Technologien, Datenschutz im Grundrechtskontext, dem überbordenden Einsatz von Überwachungstechnologien durch staatliche Akteure und normativen Dimensionen von Datenmacht und Nachhaltigkeitsfragen der Digitalisierung.\r\nMit dem Porjekt OZUG- offener Zugang zum Grundgesetz setze ich mich für einen freieren Zugang zu rechtswissenschaftlichem Wissen ein.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/YWU87Y/",
- "id": 285,
- "guid": "f9ec494e-9023-5175-8dac-235ad52705f1",
- "date": "2024-12-28T12:55:00+01:00",
- "start": "12:55",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-285-a-policy-black-hole-how-europol-and-frontex-anticipated-their-high-tech-future-and-why-this-matters-to-you-",
- "title": "A policy black hole. How Europol and Frontex anticipated their high tech future and why this matters to you.",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "This is the story of how a group of journalists and researchers started examining how the transformative introduction of novel technologies was reshaping the policy priorities of EU's law enforcement agencies. Very early on, this was like diving deep into the ocean without an underwater flashlight. And it didn't get much easier with time. \r\nWhat are the risks for civil liberties and privacy that lie in the dark while this agenda is unfolding and how hard is it to make them more transparent?",
- "description": "Four years ago, a rather small group of complicated individuals set to explore why Europol was so interested in gathering and keeping the data of people even if they were not directly linked with criminal investigations. And why it was prepared to go to war with the EU's data protection watchdog over the issue. They wanted to keep everything and for as long as they could. The only problem was that at the time this was not exactly legal. Politicians would fix that afterwards but questions about the priorities of the agency had emerged and would stay. This is how an investigation into the EU's law enforcement agencies (Europol/Frontex) kick started, trying to understand what the agenda of the institutions in question was and how it shaped their approach to novel technologies introduced into the work of policing. Many complicated things happened since then which brought the spotlight over the effort of the EU border agency to introduce an indiscriminate data retention system for migrants while circumventing basic data protection safeguards, and then also over the formation of an alliance supporting the Commission's CSAM regulation and lately towards the experimentation of Europol with automated aspects of police work. What was common over all these cases was the opacity that clothed developments which made impossible to see the shape of things to come. \r\n\r\nThe presentation will explain how the investigation has unfolded, the challenges it was met with when attempting to access information, the push-back and impact caused by publications and what are the lessons learned from the experience of attempting to analyse and journalistically scrutinize some of the EU's most introvert institutions.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": true,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "51f50b10-881c-597c-9d21-fde7a0199bdd",
- "id": 110,
- "code": "UGMN7G",
- "public_name": "Apostolis Fotiadis",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Apostolis covers EU policy issues including developments in population movement, security and defence, privacy and survaillance. In the past, he has co-operated with many international media outlets and organisations. He has authored numerous reports, published two books on EU migration and border control policies and has been a member of numerous cross-border investigations. He currently co-operates with BIRN.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/WFHKTR/",
- "id": 474,
- "guid": "efefe020-fecb-5dda-a262-ae051e30f9d5",
- "date": "2024-12-28T13:50:00+01:00",
- "start": "13:50",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/WFHKTR/Lipstickfullbackground_fLzpeP7.jpg",
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-474-pirouette-machines-fluid-components",
- "title": "Pirouette Machines. Fluid Components",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Art & Beauty",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "This lecture follows the path of an ex-ballerina through fluid computers, handmade semiconductors, and cosmetic synthesisers. We will tackle the seductive side and hidden narratives of circuitry to natural systems, salty fluids, and minerals and discuss the importance of alternative hardware morphologies.",
- "description": "Pirouette Machines. Fluid Components embarks on an intimate visual essay on an alternative history of computer hardware in which minerals, cosmetics and fluids mingle in tactile experiments. \r\n\r\nA lipstick converted into a strident sound generator resonates through toxic entanglements with one of its main historical ingredients: lead. Following a radioactive decay chain, lead ore or galena is found on our lips and in our early 20th-century technologies such as crystal radio demodulation frenzy.\r\n\r\n\r\nThis talk draws parallels between different types of hardware materialities and personal stories surrounding computing components in their use. Starting with the beauty industry, the talk serpents amongst toxic concoctions filled with heavy metals oscillating to become predecessors to the first transistors and their alternative fluidic siblings that use air and water instead of electricity.\r\n\r\n\r\nFluidics is a technology lost in history. To operate, it requires only simple fluid matter guided by natural phenomena. Much like its mineral counterpart: electronics, fluidics builds circuits for computing. This talk concludes by following the seductive forms that fluidic circuits assume, forms, that can reimagine the morphologies of our current electronic machines.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "eb96beeb-6580-5483-9b2e-60ff032965e3",
- "id": 505,
- "code": "UARYFS",
- "public_name": "Ioana Vreme Moser",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/IoanaVremeMoserportrait_goK0qjd.jpg",
- "biography": "Ioana Vreme Moser (b. 1994) is a Romanian sound artist engaged with hardware electronics, speculative research, and tactile experimentation.\r\n\r\nIn her practice, she uses rough electronic processes to obtain different materialities of sound. She places electronic components and control voltages in different situations of interaction with her body, organic materials, lost and found items, and environmental stimuli. From these collisions, synthesized sounds emerge to carry personal narrations and observations on the history of electronics, their production chains, wastelands, and entanglements in the natural world. \r\n\r\nAmongst others, she has performed and exhibited at the National Gallery of Denmark (DK), singuhr (DE), Klang Moore Schopfe (CH), Fonderie Darling (CA), Akademie der Künste Berlin (DE); Vancouver New Music (CA), Manifesta 14 (XK); SFX - Sound Effects Seoul (KR), Ars Electronica (AT), Bunkier Sztuki Gallery Krakow (PL); Simultan Festival (RO); Eigen+Art Lab - Transmediale, Berlin (DE).",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/LR3GTU/",
- "id": 388,
- "guid": "ba90dd9a-cc5f-5701-a585-caca032ed346",
- "date": "2024-12-28T14:45:00+01:00",
- "start": "14:45",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "01:00",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-388-state-of-surveillance-a-year-of-digital-threats-to-civil-society",
- "title": "State of Surveillance: A year of digital threats to civil society",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Security",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "The digital arms race between activists and government spies continues to shift and evolve. Through a series of cases studies, researchers from Amnesty International's Security Lab will share surveillance wins, the ongoing challenges, and the new threats on the digital horizon.",
- "description": "Drawing on research by Amnesty International and partners over the past year, we will examine how the digital threats facing activists and journalists continue to evolve and adapt.\r\n\r\nProgress has been made in reigning in abuses from highly invasive spyware, with vendors going out of business and others being hit by lawsuits and sanctions. The technical arms race between defenders and the exploit industry also shows signs for cautious optimism. However notorious spyware companies, occasionally with active government protection, continue taking steps to block much needed accountability efforts.\r\n\r\nAmnesty International will also the findings of a brand new investigation into the misuse of surveillance technology.\r\n\r\nThe work for civil society to defend against these threats remains challenging. Surveillance vendors continue to deploy increasing murky webs of brokers and complex corporate structures to hide their activities, although we will show tactics that can be used to map these. \r\n\r\nThe emerging surveillance threats at the intersection of mass surveillance, ad tech, and artificial intelligence are becoming all too real, and surveillance tactics continues to unequally and dangerously impact already marginalized people including woman and LGBTQI activists.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "9fa93011-0fe2-5042-85e3-d9d372aa5c26",
- "id": 420,
- "code": "CDBGNV",
- "public_name": "Jurre van Bergen",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/jurre_pLaTXea.jpg",
- "biography": "Jurre van Bergen is a technologist at Amnesty International's Security Lab. Which is a multi-disciplinary team that sits in Amnesty Tech. Previously he has worked as a sysadmin and secured newsrooms and journalists.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/3TSPQW/",
- "id": 122,
- "guid": "3a2591c9-e61e-597e-949c-dff77a5e1f12",
- "date": "2024-12-28T16:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "16:00",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/3TSPQW/plinz._a_conscious_vibration_digital_abstract_eye_feedback_loop__5ECUnmK.png",
- "duration": "01:00",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-122-self-models-of-loving-grace",
- "title": "Self Models of Loving Grace",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Science",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "Artificial Intelligence is not just an engineering discipline, but also the most fascinating and important philosophical project ever attempted: the explanation of the mind, by recreating it. This part of the series \"From Computation to Consciousness\" focuses on the nature of the self, agency and identity.",
- "description": "When we recognize the paradigm of Artificial Intelligence as a philosophical and scientific framework for understanding the nature of minds like ours, we may begin with an essential question: What does it mean for a machine to feel? How do emotions arise at the intersection between a self and its world—or more precisely, within an a reflexive self model, in response to being dynamically reconfigured by a motivational system, in response to shifts in its alignment to a model of its environment, all within the same mind? \r\n\r\nThis inquiry takes us to the core of our own psychological architecture. Who are we when our self-perception alters? What does it mean to depersonalize, to dissolve the boundaries of the self? Can we reverse engineer, debug and reconstruct our identities to become who we want to be? Is there free will? Is it possible to recreate self and sentience in nonbiological substrates? Can AI be conscious? Could we perhaps even extend our own self to non biological substrates?\r\n\r\nThis presentation is part of the philosophical series “From Computation to Consciousness,” which draws on insights from AI and cognitive science to explore the nature of intelligence, consciousness, and their realization in the physical universe.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "e013dd2a-9ef7-5678-ad39-0da520154312",
- "id": 122,
- "code": "URY3ED",
- "public_name": "Joscha Bach",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/IMG_1023_7pdYEHJ.jpeg",
- "biography": "Joscha is a cognitive scientist and AI researcher who tries to understand the mind. He has researched and taught at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the Institute for Cognitive Science in Osnabrück, the MIT Media Lab, the Harvard Program for Evolutionary Dynamics, and Intel Labs. He is currently working at the Artificial Intelligence startup LiquidAI, and lives in California.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/Z7TFKB/",
- "id": 653,
- "guid": "91f0bb90-fb4a-585f-920e-155fb8a01cb4",
- "date": "2024-12-28T17:15:00+01:00",
- "start": "17:15",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/Z7TFKB/arafed_futures_-_An_Artist_Dialogue_on_Chip_Storage_and_AI_Accel_CFEdVTZ.png",
- "duration": "01:00",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-653-arafed-futures-an-artist-dialogue-on-chip-storage-and-ai-accelerationism",
- "title": "arafed futures - An Artist Dialogue on Chip Storage and AI Accelerationism",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Art & Beauty",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "The global chip shortage during the COVID-19 pandemic brought semiconductor production into focus, sparking accelerated efforts to meet the surging demand for digital infrastructure. This phenomenon not only expanded AI capabilities but also introduced unexpected computational artifacts. \r\nOne such artifact is the word “arafed”, a term absent from any dictionary yet mysteriously appears across contexts from image prompts to Amazon product descriptions. Such unintended linguistic artifacts, born from transformer-based AI models, exemplify how digital artifacts emerge into realities with which we cohabitate.\r\nThe talk investigates how supply-chains break and AI-words spread from an artistic research perspective. Mapping both the abstract landscapes of embedding spaces, that are filled with emergent words and images, and the tangible, geopolitical realities of global semiconductor supply chains.",
- "description": "The accelerating pace of generative AI has put a strain on the interconnected software and hardware systems necessary for generative AI. The artist duo explores the media specificity of generative artificial intelligence. The talk consists of two parts: The material aspects of AI, specifically the story of semiconductor and chip shortage. And the spread of hallucinations like terms that escaped their embedding space into language.\r\nThe working of LLMs is often limited by computational power. These obstacles tethered abstract computation to the physical world, exposing how materiality plays a critical role in the implementation of AI. The investigation begins by examining the causes of the chip shortage — a disruption that brought the semiconductor industry and its surrounding geopolitical tensions into discourse. \r\nOn the hardware level, NVIDIA’s A100 chips, produced using Taiwan’s TSMC 7nm process, exemplify this intersection, providing the power to expand large language models (LLMs) and image generators. On the software level, the increasing demand for ai-as-service accelerates the use of models with complex pipelines. This interconnected use of models, in turn, leads to the emergence of unexpected artifacts that are morphing back into everyday reality.\r\nWhile browsing AI-generated images on social media, one might come across the word \"arafed\" in image descriptions, such as, \"an arafed man in a white robe riding on top of a blue car.\". Yet, a dictionary definition is nowhere to be found. An image search for \"arafed\" reveals something striking: all resulting images appear AI-generated, spread across various image-sharing and stock photography platforms.\r\nThe term \"arafed\" seems to lack a clear origin, but a few posts attribute it to the BLIP-2 model, an image-captioning system that generates descriptive text from image inputs. However, the BLIP-2 paper doesn't mention \"arafed\" but running BLIP-2 clearly produces descriptions containing this artifact-like word, as if \"arafed\" has embedded itself in the model's vocabulary. Through the widespread and often unintentional use of BLIP-2 in libraries, extensions, and services, the interconnected nature of software has spread the word into research papers, Amazon descriptions, and even other datasets, further revealing the brittle infrastructure generative-ai systems are built upon.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "92d08e4f-ca3b-5898-8ed8-8a5ef7663fc6",
- "id": 624,
- "code": "FDYRKA",
- "public_name": "Ting-Chun Liu",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/myface_2_BdZ9pNb.JPG",
- "biography": "Ting-Chun Liu, a media artist, researcher, and self-described half-baked programmer from Taiwan, works across network practice, audiovisual media, and artificial intelligence. His research focuses on algorithmic art and critical AI, exploring cybernetic mechanisms in generative systems.",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "cdeed87b-4823-55b2-8b2d-59b24216adc6",
- "id": 647,
- "code": "SEHVM7",
- "public_name": "Leon-Etienne Kühr",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/photo_2024-10-27_00-03-33_nBMazKU.jpg",
- "biography": "Leon-Etienne Kühr is a researcher, programmer, and media artist, repurposing methods from information visualization and data science. His artistic work explores how our current algorithmic landscape might shape a future in which the focus shifts from human-machine interaction to machine-human and machine-machine feedback loops, questioning the inevitability of AI collapse, emergent behaviors, and artifacts of contingency.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/ADE7AG/",
- "id": 405,
- "guid": "db8fddb5-6446-5ee3-9c9f-126e49508340",
- "date": "2024-12-28T19:15:00+01:00",
- "start": "19:15",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "01:00",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-405-the-master-key",
- "title": "The master key",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Security",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "This is the story of the HDCP master key that we derived back in 2010.",
- "description": "This is the story of the HDCP master key. How in 2010 we derived it from various public sources and from a bunch of cheapish hardware (and how we made money in the process!), and then published it on pastebin. After that it was just wait-and-see what Intel and the rest of the world would do.\r\n\r\nWith the master key anyone can make source and sink keys that interoperate with any HDCP device.\r\n\r\nOh, and how I learnt how to spell \"forty\".\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nHDCP MASTER KEY (MIRROR THIS TEXT!)\r\n\r\nThis is a forty times forty element matrix of fifty-six bit\r\nhexadecimal numbers.\r\n\r\nTo generate a source key, take a forty-bit number that (in\r\nbinary) consists of twenty ones and twenty zeroes; this is\r\nthe source KSV. Add together those twenty rows of the matrix\r\nthat correspond to the ones in the KSV (with the lowest bit\r\nin the KSV corresponding to the first row), taking all elements\r\nmodulo two to the power of fifty-six; this is the source\r\nprivate key.\r\n\r\nTo generate a sink key, do the same, but with the transposed\r\nmatrix.\r\n\r\n\r\n6692d179032205 b4116a96425a7f ecc2ef51af1740 959d3b6d07bce4 fa9f2af29814d9\r\n82592e77a204a8 146a6970e3c4a1 f43a81dc36eff7 568b44f60c79f5 bb606d7fe87dd6\r\n1b91b9b73c68f9 f31c6aeef81de6 9a9cc14469a037 a480bc978970a6 997f729d0a1a39\r\nb3b9accda43860 f9d45a5bf64a1d 180a1013ba5023 42b73df2d33112 851f2c4d21b05e\r\n2901308bbd685c 9fde452d3328f5 4cc518f97414a8 8fca1f7e2a0a14 dc8bdbb12e2378\r\n672f11cedf36c5 f45a2a00da1c1d 5a3e82c124129a 084a707eadd972 cb45c81b64808d\r\n07ebd2779e3e71 9663e2beeee6e5 25078568d83de8 28027d5c0c4e65 ec3f0fc32c7e63\r\n1d6b501ae0f003 f5a8fcecb28092 854349337aa99e 9c669367e08bf1 d9c23474e09f70",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "a80fa5f0-eaf4-5560-b27e-151e72cb015c",
- "id": 435,
- "code": "TVMJBS",
- "public_name": "segher",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "I'm a member of Fail0verflow. I reversed most of the Wii, and wrote \"savezelda\", the exploit code for \"The Twilight Hack\" (later also used in many other exploits, some I wrote myself, some done by others).\r\n\r\nI figured out the brain fart that allowed me to derive the PS3 private keys (presented here, , pp 123-125 for my work).\r\n\r\nI wrote the first open source Open Firmware implementation (from scratch).\r\n\r\nI am a GCC maintainer.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
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- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/WQ9SLQ/",
- "id": 302,
- "guid": "01c7b0de-ba15-5141-9c7b-1c6e4549c65e",
- "date": "2024-12-28T20:30:00+01:00",
- "start": "20:30",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "01:00",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-302-guardians-of-the-onion-ensuring-the-health-and-resilience-of-the-tor-network",
- "title": "Guardians of the Onion: Ensuring the Health and Resilience of the Tor Network",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Security",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "Millions of internet users around the world rely on Tor to protect themselves from surveillance and censorship. While Tor-powered applications and the Tor protocol are widely known, the community behind it much less so. This talk will highlight the efforts to maintain a healthy and resilient Tor network, emphasizing the crucial role of a diverse, engaged community of relay operators.\r\n\r\nWe’ll discuss some recent news, the current state of the network, how we determine its health, and the strategies to strengthen its resilience, addressing challenges around sustainability and governance. If you're interested in understanding the inner workings of the Tor network, this talk is for you.",
- "description": "This talk is designed to give an overview of Tor's 'new and not-so-new' network health initiatives in response to some of the pressing questions that emerged from the recent reporting about Tor in Germany. After a brief introduction to \"Tor,\" we will primarily focus on issues relating to the Tor network and its community, underscoring the critical importance of distributed trust, transparency, and engagement in maintaining a robust and healthy ecosystem.\r\n\r\nWe will provide a short overview of the fundamental components of the Tor network, detailing the different types of relays that constitute its infrastructure and the role these can have through their lifetime. We will emphasize that the network operates independently of the Tor Project, sustained by a decentralized, global community of contributors. By analyzing network metrics—such as relay distribution across countries and Autonomous Systems (AS)—we will highlight the current state of the network and identify opportunities for increasing geographic and technical diversity.\r\n\r\nThis is followed by an introduction to the concept of network health. We will define the term, assess the current condition of the Tor network, and showcase the different modes of participation. We will primarily consider this through the lens of an 'alleged' over-reliance on relay concentration in specific regions, such as Europe and the United States. These insights will inform a discussion on how a more geographically distributed network could improve resilience, enhance security, and increase overall functionality.\r\n\r\nThe talk will also address the primary challenges facing the Tor network: Sustainability remains a central concern, particularly with regard to maintaining a stable, secure, and decentralized network over time. Additionally, ensuring trust within the community is essential, especially in the face of potential misuse by malicious actors. We will explore the need for incentive structures that encourage the operation of relays while preserving the network’s independence and autonomy. We will review and debate initiatives the Tor Project has proposed to support a decentralized network without imposing centralized control.\r\n\r\nIn response to these challenges, we will propose several potential solutions. Expanding outreach efforts to regions outside the Global North could promote greater diversity in the relay community, thereby strengthening the network’s ability to resist censorship and external threats. We will also examine existing incentive frameworks that support relay operators. Furthermore, we will discuss the success of Snowflake proxies—widely adopted in regions with restrictive internet environments—and how it demonstrates how lowering the barrier to entry for running nodes can encourage broader participation from the community.\r\n\r\nFinally, we will outline our strategy for ensuring the long-term health of the Tor network, focusing on governance, community engagement, and sustaining the network’s decentralized nature. We will conclude with a call to action, inviting participants to contribute to the continued sustainability and development of the Tor network.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "d328bfd2-7f76-56d1-bf8f-67c0d77f815e",
- "id": 323,
- "code": "HEDDSQ",
- "public_name": "Hiro",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Silvia Puglisi (aka Hiro) is a Systems Engineer and Privacy Researcher based in\r\nBarcelona, EU. She currently leads the network health team at the Tor\r\nProject, focusing on maintaining the stability, performance, and security\r\nof the Tor network. Silvia is also an O'Reilly author and previously\r\nworked at Google for several years. She was part of the Information\r\nSecurity Group at the Department of Telematics Engineering, Universitat\r\nPolitècnica de Catalunya (UPC), where she earned her Ph.D. Additionally,\r\nshe has served as an adjunct professor at the Universitat Oberta de\r\nCatalunya (UOC).",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "a0df0a18-7661-5956-a60c-4e96a9445393",
- "id": 334,
- "code": "EZWH9S",
- "public_name": "Gus",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Community Team Lead at the Tor Project.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/VL9VZ9/",
- "id": 591,
- "guid": "ae5a41fd-637f-58d6-8d65-23302a821cdc",
- "date": "2024-12-28T21:45:00+01:00",
- "start": "21:45",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "01:00",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-591-feelings-of-structure-in-life-art-and-neural-nets",
- "title": "Feelings of Structure in Life, Art, and Neural Nets",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Art & Beauty",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "'Poetry' as the name of a special human relation to the world -- some special kind of knowing, grasping, challenging or asking we effect through art -- came into focus in 18th century Europe alongside the first blushings of a theory of computation and a computational analysis of mind. This talk proposes that for all of their outward hostilities, the Romantic-and-on idea of poetry and computational approaches to thought, language, and meaning are deeply connected: starting from Kant's doctrine of the productive imagination, we will develop one historical thread that runs to the Romantic poets, Phenomenology, and literary theory, and one historical thread that runs to information theory, machine learning, and the science of neural network models. Comparing the two threads, I'll argue that poetics and the science of neural network models have genuinely (if partially) overlapping subject-matter. \r\n\r\nPeli Grietzer is a researcher and writer specializing in ML, philosophy, and literary studies. Grietzer received his PhD from Harvard Comparative Literature in collaboration with the HUJI Einstein Institute of Mathematics.",
- "description": "'Poetry' as the name of a special human relation to the world -- some special kind of knowing, grasping, challenging or asking we effect through art -- came into focus in 18th century Europe alongside the first blushings of a theory of computation and a computational analysis of mind. This talk proposes that for all of their outward hostilities, the Romantic-and-on idea of poetry and computational approaches to thought, language, and meaning are deeply connected: starting from Kant's doctrine of the productive imagination, we will develop one historical thread that runs to the Romantic poets, Phenomenology, and literary theory, and one historical thread that runs to information theory, machine learning, and the science of neural network models. Comparing the two threads, I'll argue that poetics and the science of neural network models have genuinely (if partially) overlapping subject-matter.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "7ed67474-f1fb-5912-adc6-a2767413e27a",
- "id": 732,
- "code": "3B83Y7",
- "public_name": "Peli Grietzer",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Peli Grietzer is a researcher and writer specializing in ML, philosophy, and literary studies. Grietzer received his PhD from Harvard Comparative Literature in collaboration with the HUJI Einstein Institute of Mathematics.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/ETSHKS/",
- "id": 585,
- "guid": "9c13c191-bf48-5ef5-aeb1-74d75600986d",
- "date": "2024-12-28T23:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "23:00",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/ETSHKS/logo_KPsY77A.png",
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-585-projekt-bucketchallenge",
- "title": "Projekt Bucketchallenge",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Security",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "S3 Buckets mit kübelweise privaten Daten: Finden, melden, kein Problem. Aber grundlegend was ändern? Denkste!",
- "description": "Amazon S3 erlaubt es große Datenmengen für kleines Geld in der Cloud abzulegen. Mit dabei: Die technisch langweiligste Fehlkonfiguration gigantisch skaliert.\r\n\r\nFrei zugängliche S3-Buckets mit privaten Daten haben in den letzten Jahren häufig für Schlagzeilen gesorgt. Beispiele aus diesem Jahr sind Multifaktor-SMS oder Dokumente von Finanzdienstleistern. Wir haben uns auf den Weg gemacht um die Situation zu verstehen und zu verbessern. Dazu erklären wir, welche einzigartigen Eigenschaften wir von AWS ausgenutzt haben, um etwa 100 000 offene Buckets zu finden. Mit dabei: medizinische Daten, personenbezogene Daten, Kreditkartendaten, und und und. Wir erklären Ansätze, wie wir anhand von Dateinamen eine Idee bekommen, welche Buckets wir uns ansehen und melden sollten und welche uns nicht interessieren.\r\n\r\nDer Versuch die Situation zu verbessern lässt uns mit einer großen Enttäuschung zurück: Verantwortliche Nutzer der Cloud-Services sind nur mühsam zu ermitteln, und die Cloud-Betreiber sind leider auch keine signifikante Hilfe. Einzig die DSGVO scheint den Verantwortlichen ein kleiner Ansporn. Wir stellen dar, was unserer Erfahrung nach hilft Bucket offline zu bekommen, und wann es so gut wie aussichtslos ist.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "28307db4-f589-556c-aed3-caf14ec64e84",
- "id": 608,
- "code": "MLSWTE",
- "public_name": "Kaspar",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Hier könnte ein Text über mich stehen - tut es ja jetzt auch.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/DTH9RS/",
- "id": 106,
- "guid": "49299a2f-a365-5595-a0f9-5fe88deebf14",
- "date": "2024-12-28T23:55:00+01:00",
- "start": "23:55",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-106-escaping-big-brother-or-your-ex-counter-surveillance-for-women-s-shelters",
- "title": "Escaping Big Brother (or Your Ex) - counter surveillance for women's shelters",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "Maintaining privacy and security when those closest to you is exploiting the worst of surveillance capitalism and patriarchy to pwn you is a user case no one planned for. Or should Big Tech have known better? \r\nGender-based violence has existed in all societies and centuries, but in the 21st one the digital arena is proving to be especially tricky for victims. \r\nWhen (primarily) women leave their abusive (primarily) male partners or family members they often have to leave behind everything and make a clean break - including from their digital identities. This is way easier said than done. (Ever tried unsubscribing from.. anything?) Surveillance capitalism has further exacerbated this challenge, as stalker-ware is becoming increasingly prevalent and easy to use, if not a default feature. Stalking As A Service is of course already a thing, and why should you watch someones house in the rain all night when you can let your Tesla do it for you? \r\nLost your wife? Hide an AirTag in the lining of her bag and have two billion iPhones keep track of her across the planet. Apple won't tell.\r\n \r\nIt's almost like society is fundamentally misogynistic and internet accelerated the opportunity for patriarchal control..?\r\n \r\nThis talk shares experiences working with women's shelters and training victims as well as activists and professionals in cyber security and opsec.\r\nThe situation's bad and it's getting worse, fast.",
- "description": "Digital violence, or gender-based violence using digital means, is expressed in control and abuse. Control of finance, social life, the children, the photos, the conversation, relationships, life. Emotional, sexual, financial, psychological abuse - online. Mark Zuckerberg is not the first stalker to creep the Earth but probably the first to become a billionaire scaling his methods and monetizing his crimes.\r\n\r\nSharing war stories of practical feminist threat intel with literally lifesaving tech, Elin has advised women's shelters how to protect their clients and Escape Big Brother in Sweden for the past couple of years. This includes perverse exploits, institutional failures, psyops, and how any and everything can be used against you - if the threat actor is persistent enough.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "66288555-d852-5016-9eda-17a8b6ae144d",
- "id": 102,
- "code": "SQ39BW",
- "public_name": "erlern",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/IMG_20240715_173612_9OlFOGF.jpg",
- "biography": "Swedish Hacktivist turned OSINT freak with a penchant for feminist threat intel. \r\nI spend way too much time on the internet.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "Saal GLITCH": [
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/NAGY9B/",
- "id": 77,
- "guid": "458f0e44-f4f2-595e-811b-698763b86baa",
- "date": "2024-12-28T11:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "11:00",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "02:00",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-77-lightning-talks-day-2",
- "title": "Lightning Talks Day 2",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "CCC",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Lightning Talks are short lectures (almost) any congress participant may give! Bring your infectious enthusiasm to an audience with a short attention span! Discuss a program, system or technique! Pitch your projects and ideas or try to rally a crew of people to your party or assembly! Whatever you bring, make it quick!",
- "description": "To get involved and learn more about what is happening please see the Links for this event. The second session will take place in another Hall and is not on the Fahrplan. See the Schedule link.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/CUFLJP/",
- "id": 603,
- "guid": "b563ba18-dcba-57a4-aec5-969ea621ec52",
- "date": "2024-12-28T13:30:00+01:00",
- "start": "13:30",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "01:00",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-603-from-pegasus-to-predator-the-evolution-of-commercial-spyware-on-ios",
- "title": "From Pegasus to Predator - The evolution of Commercial Spyware on iOS",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Security",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "My talk explores the trajectory of iOS spyware from the initial discovery of Pegasus in 2016 to the latest cases in 2024.\r\n\r\nThe talk will start with an analysis how exploits, infection vectors and methods of commercial spyware on iOS have changed over time.\r\n\r\nThe second section of the talk is all about advances in detection methods and the forensic sources which are available to discover commercial spyware. This talk will also include a Case Study about the discovery and analysis of BlastPass (one of the latest NSO Exploits).\r\n\r\nThe third part will discuss technical challenges and limitations of the detections methods and data sources.\r\n\r\nFinally, I will conclude the talk with open research topics and suggestions what Apple or we could technically do to make the detection of commercial spyware better.",
- "description": "The commercial spyware landscape on iOS has evolved significantly since the discovery of Pegasus in 2016. In this talk, we’ll explore that evolution through four main areas:\r\n\r\n\t1.\tSpyware Evolution (2016-2024): By analyzing key exploits, tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), infection vectors, and indicators of compromise (IOCs), we’ll trace how spyware has advanced in sophistication, highlighting changes that have led to today’s complex threats.\r\n\t2.\tAdvancements in Detection: As spyware has grown more sophisticated, so too have detection capabilities. We’ll review the main actors, public organizations and tools that have shaped spyware detection. This part will also include a case study on my discovery and analysis of a sample NSO‘s BlastPass Exploit chain.\r\n\t3.\tCurrent and Future Challenges: Looking forward, we’ll examine the pressing challenges in spyware detection and speculate on how commercial spyware might evolve in response to new security measures and technologies.\r\n\t4.\tRecommendations for Research and Detections: Finally, I’ll offer recommendations for advancing research and detection methods and capabilities to combat commercial spyware.\r\n\r\nAttendees will gain a comprehensive view of the past, present, and future of spyware on iOS, along with actionable strategies for future research and collaboration.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "a92801b8-3b29-50f0-9e0a-97e19cf6fb12",
- "id": 572,
- "code": "K3ZGYZ",
- "public_name": "Matthias Frielingsdorf",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/IMG_7432_rT69hO2.jpeg",
- "biography": "Matthias Frielingsdorf leads the research team at iVerify. He previous worked on securing Deutsche Bahn’s Smartphones and Tablets and testing mobile security software and upcoming security products for T-Systems. He wrote his Master Thesis on iOS Exploit / Malware detection and has presented his research at conferences like BlackHat, OBTS and LabsCon. He trained more than 60 people on the detection of commercial spyware on iOS.\r\n\r\nMatthias is passionate about all things related to iOS security. When he’s not playing basketball or games he loves to spend his time learning new things around iOS.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/DJR7VP/",
- "id": 656,
- "guid": "d2e4cfa2-e882-5345-b480-e3470df55588",
- "date": "2024-12-28T14:45:00+01:00",
- "start": "14:45",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "01:00",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-656-macos-location-privacy-red-pill-a-rabbit-hole-resulting-in-24-cves",
- "title": "MacOS Location Privacy Red Pill: A Rabbit Hole Resulting in 24 CVEs",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Security",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "User location information is inherently privacy sensitive as it reveals a lot about us: Where do we work and live? Which cities, organizations & institutions do we visit? How does our weekly routine look like? When are we on a vacation and not at home?\r\nMacOS has introduced multiple layers of security mitigations to protect sensitive user location information from attackers and malicious applications over the years — but are these enough?",
- "description": "In this talk, we dive into how attackers could have exploited multiple design flaws, information disclosures and logic vulnerabilities spread all across the macOS stack, leading to all kinds of ways to bypass the macOS TCC Location Services privacy protection and precisely localize the user without consent. \r\nWe will show how attackers could have retrieved precise real time & historical geographic user locations hiding in various components of the persistence layer, within application state restoration files and error log messages that could be triggered via reliably exploitable HTTP response callback race conditions. \r\nDigging deeper, we find that the precise user location can be reconstructed with lossless precision by combining various sources of metadata, which were accessible through different pathways and quirks of the operating system, such as: Access point SSID’s + signal strength data, Apple Maps location query data caches, custom application binary plists and even Find My widget UI structure metadata enabling to precisely reconstruct the victims AirTag locations. \r\nThese issues have been responsibly reported in the scope of the Apple Security Research program and resulted in 24 CVE entries in Apple’s security advisories for macOS.\r\n\r\nWe will finish of by investigating how we can prevent such issues in the future: Extended automated privacy focused integration testing, shifting responsibility of privacy preservation from developers to the system framework level and a more privacy focused API architecture of localization relevant frameworks.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "d74d4b21-8864-5f4b-a696-40b4a41d6dbc",
- "id": 663,
- "code": "SLT3Y8",
- "public_name": "Adam M.",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Adam is an independent security researcher focusing on macOS Security, application security and security architecture. He is an active participant in the Apple Security Research program and enjoys digging into new industry technologies and security engineering work.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/UVYCZZ/",
- "id": 206,
- "guid": "86cc5d3d-20da-5d3e-99e6-6e790bb8fea4",
- "date": "2024-12-28T16:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "16:00",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "01:00",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-206-10-years-of-emulating-the-nintendo-3ds-a-tale-of-ninjas-lemons-and-pandas",
- "title": "10 years of emulating the Nintendo 3DS: A tale of ninjas, lemons, and pandas",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Hardware & Making",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "How is 3DS preservation faring 10 years after the release of the first emulator? What technical obstacles have we overcome, which ones remain? What hidden gems have we discovered beyond games? Join us on a journey through the struggles, the successes, and the future of 3DS emulation!",
- "description": "The 3DS marks a key point in the evolution of handheld consoles from embedded systems to more powerful PC-like architectures, which makes it particularly interesting as a target for emulation: We'll look at the technical challenges presented by its unique hardware components and the custom microkernel-based software stack built on top of it, the various approaches taken to emulate them (low-level vs. high-level), and the trends we're seeing for the future.\r\n\r\nThese technical challenges are put into historical context by looking at the emulator Citra, its initial way to success, the interplay between emulator developers and console hackers, and the impact of a prominent lawsuit that ultimately led to Citra's shutdown. Additionally we'll highlight broader community efforts like Pretendo that help preserve the platform beyond emulation. Finally we'll provide a status update for our ongoing emulation project Mikage and discuss the future outlook of 3DS preservation.\r\n\r\nThis talk will be accessible to a technical audience and gaming enthusiasts alike. We particularly hope to spark new interest in preserving the 3DS legacy and foster new ideas for pushing the boundaries of emulation technology.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "215a5d2e-f2df-51ca-bca1-fceb521f9242",
- "id": 208,
- "code": "8JXB8Y",
- "public_name": "neobrain",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/991f6fc4e925ac4a_gfvoAWJ.png",
- "biography": "I'm building Mikage, a whole-platform 3DS emulator designed for highly accurate emulation without performance trade-offs.\r\n\r\nMy other biggest hits in the emulator world include Dolphin🐬, PPSSPP, and Citra🍋.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/LNDJX3/",
- "id": 338,
- "guid": "a97720dc-86e7-5447-be4e-1ca3cc1b360f",
- "date": "2024-12-28T17:15:00+01:00",
- "start": "17:15",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "01:00",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-338-iouring-ebpf-xdp-and-afxdp",
- "title": "io_uring, eBPF, XDP and AF_XDP",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Security",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "Modern high-performance networking APIs on Linux - beyond the classic BSD sockets API.",
- "description": "For many decades, application software programmers have been using the venerable BSD sockets API to make their applications communicate over (at least IP based) networks. Linux has supported TCP/UDP sockets ever since it had a network stack back in the 1990s. While those socket system call APIs are simple and straight-forward,\r\nthey were designed at a time when internet access happened over dial-up modems and LANs had no more than 10 MBit/s, if at all.\r\n\r\nWith today's Multi-Gigabit speeds even in consumer equipment and 40GE/100GE network interface cards for servers being a reality, using those 1980s BSD/POSIX socket interfaces comes with a huge performance penalty.\r\n\r\nSome specific use cases like single-flow high-throughput TCP on an end-node have seen optimizations that are transparent to the user (TCP segmentation offloading). But there's only so far you can go with that.\r\n\r\nParts of the industry have proposed user-space network stacks built on DPDK - but then basically you do no longer use the Linux kernel network stack at all, and subsequently have none of its features. Yes, that can\r\nbe fast, but Linux becomes nothing but a bootloader, and you have to implement everything from Ethernet to ARP and IP+TCP in your application.\r\n\r\nThe answer of the Linux kernel community over the last 5+ years has been various new mechanisms and interfaces in the Linux kernel that revolutionize the way how applications can achieve higher network I/O\r\nthroughput - whether an end host (server/client) or a packet-forwarding router/bridge/firewall.\r\n\r\nThis talk provides a brief but deeply technical introduction into the problem space, the new mechanisms and their use cases.\r\n\r\nWhile the talk discusses features of the Linux kernel, we do not discuss their internals; the focus is on how those mechanisms can be used by applications.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "24b6dac1-bc97-5e63-b836-2be8e3bc1179",
- "id": 360,
- "code": "LBUJDK",
- "public_name": "Harald Welte",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Harald Welte is a recovering Linux Kernel hacker with a history of hacking and developing (mostly open source) hardware, firmware and system-level software. Working in network protocols ever since the 1990s, he has dedicated the last 15 years of his life to spearheading Free and Open Source software in the domain of cellular networks.\r\n\r\nHe has worked extensively on implementations of cellular protocol stacks on virtually any interface at any protocol level from 2G to 4G - most of that in the context of the [Osmocom](https://osmocom.org/) project, which he co-started.\r\n\r\nYou can find more information on the (sadly rather infrequently updated) [blog](https://laforge.gnumonks.org/blog), and the usually more up-to-date fediverse presence at https://chaos.social/@LaF0rge",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/XDWNRG/",
- "id": 366,
- "guid": "a09d44c7-c73b-538e-9cff-5a43d9dfb6f8",
- "date": "2024-12-28T19:15:00+01:00",
- "start": "19:15",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "01:00",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-366-autoritre-zeitenwende-im-zeitraffer",
- "title": "Autoritäre Zeitenwende im Zeitraffer",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Die mittlerweile zerbrochene „Fortschrittskoalition“ hat zuletzt mit dem Bohrhammer Grundrechte abgetragen, als gäbe es einen Preis zu gewinnen. Wer als nächstes das Land regiert, ist offen. Aber progressiver wird es wohl kaum. Warum das keine plötzliche Entwicklung ist und was wir jetzt dagegen tun müssen.",
- "description": "Was die Ampel-Koalition kurz vor ihrem Ende noch mit dem sogenannten „Sicherheitspaket“ einführte, davon hätte ein CSU-Hardliner wie Horst Seehofer vor einigen Jahren nur träumen können: Geflüchteten die Sozialleistungen streichen, biometrische Datenbanken anlegen, alle möglichen Datentöpfe zusammenrühren und analysieren. Ein Teil des Pakets scheiterte am Bundesrat - aber nur, weil es den meisten Ländern nicht weit genug ging.\r\n\r\nSo etwas galt noch vor wenigen Monaten als tabu. In einer offenen Demokratie, dachte man, wird so etwas nicht kommen. Doch der autoritäre Überbietungswettbewerb im Namen der Sicherheit ist spätestens seit dem Anschlag von Solingen in vollem Gang.\r\n\r\nPolitiker:innen konnten ein mutmaßlich islamistisches Attentat und Migration miteinander verrühren, als gäbe es da einen logischen Zusammenhang. Im Sturm der rassistischen Hetze und Kontroll-Fantasien waren Stimmen für Freiheits- und Menschenrechte kaum mehr zu hören. Jetzt, wo die Bundestagswahl früher kommt als geplant, ist das besonders fatal.\r\n\r\nWir zeigen in unserem Vortrag, dass diese autoritäre Wende nicht plötzlich gekommen ist. Die jüngst geplanten Maßnahmen sind der Tiefpunkt einer Entwicklung, die schon seit Jahren von der Ampel vorangetrieben wurde. Und sie sind der Höhepunkt der Desillusionierung mit einer Regierung, die einst als „Fortschrittskoalition“ angetreten ist.\r\n\r\nWir zeigen auch, dass es Zeit ist für radikalere Widerworte. Denn wir müssen unsere Freiheit heute dafür nutzen, dass auch morgen noch etwas davon bleibt.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "b6e2b9f5-8a33-58b0-936d-8259df5cd7e2",
- "id": 107,
- "code": "MF7ZLU",
- "public_name": "anna",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Co-Chefredakteurin von netzpolitik.org bei Tag, feiner Fug bei Nacht.",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "97db3d0e-3789-5fa9-abdd-c0e04ee0af50",
- "id": 676,
- "code": "NWUNRH",
- "public_name": "Chris Köver",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/Portrat_400x400_ahqbjj8.jpg",
- "biography": "Ich bin Redakteurin von netzpolitik.org und recherchiere zu Digitaler Gewalt, KI und Migration. Vor allem interessiert mich, wie der Staat Technologie gegen Geflüchete und andere marginalisierte Gruppen einsetzt. Ich habe bei Zeit Online volontiert und anschließend eine eigene Zeitschrift mitgegründet und geleitet: das Missy Magazine. Später habe ich bei WIRED Germany gearbeitet. Seit 2018 bin ich Teil der Redaktion von netzpolitik.org.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/Q98U7B/",
- "id": 550,
- "guid": "ea98a34a-dca0-5e83-91e4-d0d700236a2c",
- "date": "2024-12-28T20:30:00+01:00",
- "start": "20:30",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/Q98U7B/mosaik_eTMpDOX.jpg",
- "duration": "01:00",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-550-vectors-pixels-plotters-and-public-participation",
- "title": "Vectors, Pixels, Plotters and Public Participation",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Art & Beauty",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "The talk introduces technology-driven urban art projects that emphasize public participation and creativity. Each project employs a DIY machine to transform public spaces and create art collaboratively. How were these machines built? How do ideas evolve, and how can creative machines foster community connections? Find the answers and get some inspirations in this entertaining and insightful talk by Niklas a.k.a. royrobotiks.",
- "description": "In his talk, Niklas will highlight some of his latest projects that use DIY machines to involve communities in creating art together. From a graffiti robot to a giant mosaic that was designed by an entire neighborhood with the help of a mobile arcade machine, he’ll share the stories behind his inventions. He will discuss his sources of inspiration, the creative process and thoughts about inclusiveness guiding the development of the machines, and the joy of watching diverse people interact with and contribute to these unconventional art pieces. \r\n\r\nJoin Niklas for an insightful journey into how inventiveness can transform urban environments, while also bringing people together through creativity and play.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "88c5cf48-6fb9-59a8-b543-0ed13ace4cb0",
- "id": 579,
- "code": "CYESEX",
- "public_name": "Niklas Roy a.k.a. royrobotiks",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/CYESEX_xZV1GN4.jpg",
- "biography": "Niklas Roy is a Berlin-based artist who creates interactive installations and machines at the intersection of art and technology. His works are exhibited worldwide and often involve some sort of playful participation of the audience. He shares the documentation of his projects on his website [niklasroy.com](https://niklasroy.com)",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/8U8ARN/",
- "id": 31,
- "guid": "1d9f5e5a-06c3-5b5f-a195-406f940b3ac3",
- "date": "2024-12-28T21:45:00+01:00",
- "start": "21:45",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/8U8ARN/IMG_20241010_193236_266_54yDJNA.svg",
- "duration": "01:00",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-31-radiomining-playlist-scraping-und-analyse",
- "title": "RadioMining - Playlist-Scraping und Analyse",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Science",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Seit einigen Jahren hat Stefan von etwa vierzig regulären deutschen (Pop-)Radiosendern die Playlisten gespeichert. Welche Meta-Informationen sich daraus ergeben und welche Abhängigkeiten von Jahreszeiten, Charts und Ereignissen sich abzeichnen, wird in einem unterhaltsamen Vortrag zum Besten gegeben.",
- "description": "Große Radiosender stellen die von Ihnen gespielten Lieder zum Nachlesen auf ihrer Homepage bereit. Der Hintergrund dafür ist, dass man leicht sein neues Lieblingsstück, welches man auf dem Weg zur Arbeit gehört hat, wiederfinden kann.\r\n\r\nBei näherer Betrachtung werfen diese Playlisten etliche Fragestellungen auf. Werden zum Beispiel den ganzen Tag immer wieder dieselben Lieder gespielt? Spielen alle Radiosender die gleichen Stücke? Was ist der zeitliche Mindestabstand eines Musikstücks, bevor es erneut gespielt wird? Und müssen wir Last Christmas auch in Zukunft ertragen?\r\n\r\nIn dem Vortrag wird auch die Beziehung zwischen den \"Charts\" und den Playlisten der Radiosender geprüft. Dabei hat sich auch gezeigt, dass die Charts selbst ein spannendes Analysefeld sind. In die Chartberechnungen wurden MP3-Downloads und später Streams aufgenommen und haben dadurch altbewährte Konzepte verändert.\r\n\r\nNeben diesen Fragestellungen werden von Stefan auch technische Dinge beleuchtet. Die Herausforderungen des Scrapings, das Einfügen in eine geeignete Datenbank, die Auswertung selbst (und mit welchen Tools) sowie die Visualisierung von Ergebnissen werden anschaulich präsentiert.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "574875ea-4c0f-514e-8c76-8c9a945a01b8",
- "id": 9,
- "code": "UKSDRS",
- "public_name": "Stefan Magerstedt",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Stefan hat sich schon früh für Technik, Daten und deren Analyse interessiert. Das Hobbyprojekt \"RadioMining\" hat er bereits vor vielen Jahren angedacht, die Vorträge von David Kriesel haben ihn dazu ermuntert, seine Findings einem größerem Publikum vorzustellen. Im echten Leben arbeitet Stefan in leitender Funktion in der IT.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/JQS3KA/",
- "id": 327,
- "guid": "d73d780d-d98e-5e2b-b253-efa523fb82ab",
- "date": "2024-12-28T23:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "23:00",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/JQS3KA/I_need_to_find_a_fot1_ca0oy1B.jpg",
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-327-automation-and-empathy-can-we-finally-replace-all-artistic-performers-with-machines-",
- "title": "Automation and Empathy: Can We Finally Replace All Artistic Performers with Machines?",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Art & Beauty",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "In this talk, artist and robotic musician Moritz Simon Geist explores whether robots and avatars can establish an emotional connection with a human audience, and examines the implications this has for arts and culture.",
- "description": "Algorithms and machines are transforming how artworks are produced - but can they replicate the complex psychosocial capacity of empathy in performative arts like music and theater? \r\nMoritz offers an example-based overview of the history of non-human performers in the arts and shares current state-of-the-art projects in this field. He discusses his personal journey of combining engineering with art, highlighting projects like the \"MR-808 Drum Robot\" and automated installations like \"Don't Look at Me.\" Through these works, he examines how robotic performers impact audience perception and emotional engagement.\r\nThe talk asks critical questions: How do machines alter the psychosocial dynamics of performance? What are the minimal structures needed to evoke an empathetic response from the audience? How does the concept of the Uncanny Valley, as proposed by Masahiro Mori, influence our reactions to non-human performers?\r\nSo - can we automate empathy? Let's find out!",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "2bc74673-a706-5ca0-ab44-49bea43398e2",
- "id": 351,
- "code": "HXHJSY",
- "public_name": "moritz simon geist",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/52988197007_9c6e44063c_o_SzGuECu.jpg",
- "biography": "Moritz Simon Geist is a music producer and researcher working with sound, robotics and algorithms. Beginning his academic career in semiconductor sciences as a PhD student, Geist made a career shift to focus on art and music, where he now merges sound with robotics and algorithms. His approach to electronic music, which involves creating sound through mechanical robots, has earned him international recognition.\r\n\r\nIn 2012, Geist's first work, the \"Drum Robot MR-808,\" went viral, and he has since explored the sound making and producing of electronic music with robots and mechanics as well as releasing many influential and viral works. \r\n\r\nGeist's compositions are influenced by a broad range of musical styles, including various electronic music genres and classical music, creating a unique and experimental sound. Over the years, he has collaborated with a range of renowned artists, including Mouse On Mars, Tyondai Braxton, Robert Lippok, and Thieß Mynther. His work has been showcased at many international venues and events such as the Venice Biennale, South by Southwest (SXSW), the Philharmonie de Paris, and the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg. He has also presented his work in Japan, Australia, and South Korea. \r\n\r\nFrom 2017 - 2020 he held a master class at the NYU Berlin. His contributions to the field have been recognized with numerous awards, such as the ISEA Conference 2024, the Working Grant ZER01NE Seoul in 2023, German Pop Music Prize 2022, and the VIA VUT Award in 2019",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/ALAJNW/",
- "id": 252,
- "guid": "46d28f57-bc1a-539f-b040-37dc51b176d9",
- "date": "2024-12-28T23:55:00+01:00",
- "start": "23:55",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-252-die-faszination-des-echten-kugelspiels",
- "title": "Die Faszination des echten Kugelspiels",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Art & Beauty",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Der Vortrag ist ein persönlicher Blick auf die Geschichte, Vielfalt und Entwicklung im Bereich der Flipperautomaten und ist motiviert durch die eigene Begeisterung für diese Form von Unterhaltungstechnik. Geschichte und Geschichten der Geräte wird anhand eigener Erfahrungen, Sammlung und Recherche sowie Geschehnissen und eigene Anwendungen der Geräte (Kauf, Reparatur, Restauration, Modifikation, ...) präsentiert und soll die Faszination und das Interesse dafür wecken oder Interessierte zusammenbringen. Es ist geplant, auch Geräte zum Kongress mitzubringen, die bespielt und/oder im Detail erklärt werden können und vielleicht sogar ein Gerät zum Basteln bereit zu stellen.",
- "description": "Flipperautomaten waren für lange Zeit ein fester Bestandteil der Unterhaltungs- und Jugendkultur. Sie vereinen ein reales Spielgeschehen mit echten Kugeln und Hindernissen mit (Elektro-)mechanischer und elektronischer Steuerung und Effekten und sind dabei dem direkten Einfluss der Spieler ausgesetzt. Seit einiger Zeit ist diese Unterhaltung, die zudem meist an Orten außerhalb des eigenen Zuhauses stattfand, nun von rein oder vorwiegend virtuellen Spielangeboten ersetzt worden, die in unserem Kulturkreis vor allem in den eigenen vier Wänden stattfindet. Der Vortrag wirft einen persönlichen Blick zurück auf die Entwicklung und Eigenarten dieser Unterhaltungstechnik und beschreibt eigene Erfahrungen aus einigen Jahren, in denen der Vortragende in diesem Umfeld tätig war. Er gibt auch Einblicke in die verwendete Technik und zieht Parallelen zu aktuellen Einsätzen ähnlicher Unterhaltungsanwendungen wie z. B. Escape-Rooms.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "18b9ed72-6ebe-50a7-aaff-008492dbafac",
- "id": 262,
- "code": "RACQPP",
- "public_name": "Gunther",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "In den 80er Jahren bin ich durch meinen Zivildienst das erste Mal intensiver mit Flipperautomaten in Berührung gekommen und war sofort fasziniert vom Zusammenspiel von Elektronik und dem echten Spielgeschehen auf der Spielfläche. Nachdem ich dann meine ersten defekt erworbenen Geräte repariert und teilweise im Freundeskreis verteilt hatte, habe ich dann mein Studium (Philosophie und Psychologie) teilweise mit Flipperreparaturen und auch der Aufstellung von Geräten finanziert und meine Sammlung erweitert und verändert. Auch heute noch besitze ich ca. 35 Flipperautomaten aus unterschiedlichen Entwicklungszeiten und auch wenn es schon lange nicht mehr meine Hauptbeschäftigung ist, so hat mich die Begeisterung und Faszination dafür doch nie verlassen und ich würde mich freuen, wenn ich diese Begeisterung ein wenig weitertragen kann.",
- "answers": []
- }
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- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/UZXTXJ/",
- "id": 501,
- "guid": "a5f09a3a-1734-5ce2-8870-77e118f25dae",
- "date": "2024-12-29T00:55:00+01:00",
- "start": "00:55",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-501-net-neutrality-why-it-still-matters-more-than-ever-",
- "title": "Net Neutrality: Why It Still Matters (More Than Ever!)",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "Net Neutrality is a core pillar of the open internet. But we witness a coordinated, world-wide attack from the telecom industry on the very foundation that ties the internet together. The interconnection of autonomous parts of the internet used to be a non-political and non-commercial field that not many paid attention to. But through heavy lobbying activity we are on the brink of regulating interconnection in the EU, Brazil and India to establish a new payment obligation that would force everyone who wants to send a significant amount of data to customers. Telecom companies would end up being paid twice for the same traffic, from their customers and the content and cloud providers that want to reach them.",
- "description": "This talk by Raquel Renno Nunes from Article 19 and Thomas Lohninger from epicenter.works gives insights into the global civil society fight against the telecom industry. We will lift the veil about the lobbying of companies like Deutsche Telekom, Orange and A1 and showcase strategies how NGOs fought back in Latin America and Europe. This war for the open internet is only heating up. European Commissioner Henna Virkkunen for Digital will have in her hands to uphold net neutrality in Europe.\r\n\r\nWe want to extend our perspective by also looking at the successful fight in Latin America. Brazil in particular made their own experience with Zero-Rating tariffs that connected millions of Brazilians only to a selected few Apps instead of the whole internet. We will showcase how WhatsApp became a catalyst for the spread of fake news around the election of Jair Bolsonaro.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "f48d9f83-3e22-57da-9092-dc699b28b516",
- "id": 145,
- "code": "UX9KST",
- "public_name": "Thomas Lohninger",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/job_pic_EaKs4jW.jpg",
- "biography": "Thomas was a programmer and anthropologist in his former life. Digital rights had been his hobby until it became a job when he intensively accompanied the EU Net Neutrality Regulation as Policy Advisor for European Digital Rights (EDRi). Thomas was one of the driving forces behind the www.savetheinternet.eu campaign and has a strong work focus on net neutrality, data protection, and mass surveillance. Since 2010 he has played an active part at [Epicenter.works](https://epicenter.works/en/) and since 2014 he is the executive director of the organization. He also writes on [Netzpolitik.org](https://netzpolitik.org/), is a regular guest in the [Podcast Logbuch:Netzpolitik](https://logbuch-netzpolitik.de/) and a non-residential Fellow of the [Center for Internet and Society at the Stanford Law School](https://cyberlaw.stanford.edu/about/people/thomas-lohninger/). He was in the board of the EU umbrella of 45+ digital rights NGOs ([EDRi](https://edri.org/)) and since 2024 he is Chair of the Governance Working Group of the [UN dpi-safeguard initiative](https://www.dpi-safeguards.org/) and member of the [Jury for the German eIDAS Wallet](https://www.sprind.org/en/magazine/eudi-wallet-prototypes) and the Ad-Hoc Technical Advisory Group on eIDAS of the European Commission.",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "500dd7c4-d105-599c-8ef9-943a38289a9a",
- "id": 533,
- "code": "EHYBMZ",
- "public_name": "Raquel Renno Nunes",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/Raquel-5_it0HK05.jpg",
- "biography": "Raquel is a Senior Digital Programme Officer at ARTICLE 19, focusing on connectivity issues from an infrastructure and radio spectrum perspective. Since 2003, she has worked on human rights and the social impact of digital technologies within educational and digital rights organizations. Currently based in Berlin, she has also collaborated with grassroots communities across Central and South America on initiatives aimed at bridging the digital divide. She holds a Ph.D. in Communication and Semiotics.",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "c628754f-db69-5973-a535-52e518c4e542",
- "id": 366,
- "code": "RMY3D3",
- "public_name": "Jürgen Bering",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Leitung Center for User Rights, Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte (GFF)",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
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- }
- },
- {
- "index": 3,
- "date": "2024-12-29",
- "day_start": "2024-12-29T04:00:00+01:00",
- "day_end": "2024-12-30T03:59:00+01:00",
- "rooms": {
- "Saal 1": [
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/WGGVDK/",
- "id": 668,
- "guid": "3d69a23a-9488-5544-a4e8-24e9f24561ea",
- "date": "2024-12-29T11:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "11:00",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-668-gefhrliche-meinung-wenn-wlder-brennen-und-klimaaktivist-innen-im-knast-sitzen",
- "title": "Gefährliche Meinung – Wenn Wälder brennen und Klimaaktivist*innen im Knast sitzen",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Eine Geschichte über den Kampf für Walderhalt in der Klimakrise, die unnötige Erweiterung eines klimaschädlichen Stahlwerks und einer vermutlich illegalen Genehmigung für eine vorgezogene Rodung. Wie wir dafür ins Gefängnis kamen. Und wie das Bundesverfassungsgericht die Gefängnisleitung zwang, mich vorzeitig wieder zu entlassen.\r\n\r\nAktivistische Kritik buchstäblich an der zuständigen Bezirksregierung endete in einem Gerichtskrimi durch die AugsburgerJustiz, die sich nach wie vor entschlossen zeigt, die laut Bundesverfassungsgericht besonders geschützte Machtkritik der Aktivist*innen möglichst hart zu bestrafen. \r\nEin Vortrag über den kreativen Umgang mit Repressionen mit Einblicken hinter die Gefängnismauern. \r\nVom Kampf der Augsburger Justiz gegen kreativen Protest für den Erhalt der Lebensgrundlagen.\r\nMemes inklusive.",
- "description": "Die Regierung von Schwaben genehmigte im Herbst 2022 die Rodung eines besonders geschützten Bannwalds -- trotz laufender Rechtswidrigkeitsprüfung des gesamten Vorhabens durch Bayerns höchstes Verwaltungsgericht. Denn der Besitzer des angrenzenden Stahlwerks, der zufällig mit seinem Lobbyverband auch größter Spender der CSU ist, Max Aicher, wollte sein klimaschädliches Stahlwerk in den Bannwald hinein erweitern. Daraufhin demonstrierten wir an der Regierung von Schwaben und \"besetzen\" deren Behördenflur symbolisch mit einer satirischen Botschaft. Einen Bannwald roden? – Frech!\r\n\r\nWir werden davon erzählen, wie wir für unsere Kritik zu Haft verurteilt wurden, die Haft aber zunächst nicht antraten, sondern eine Woche durch die Öffentlichkeit geisterten, erst eine Woche später eine Lücke im Terminplan entdeckten und dann doch in der Arrestanstalt auftauchten. \r\nSamuel gibt Einblicke hinter die Mauern der Jugendarrestanstalt und berichtet, wie es den Menschen dort drinnen geht, die dort durch psychischen Schmerz \"resozialisert\" und \"erzogen\" werden sollen.\r\nÜber Brief und Zettel aus dem Fensterschlitz konnten Unterstützer*innen von außen den Kontakt halten. Eine Gruppe Nerds baute einen FM-Transmitter und versuchte, ein eigenes Knastradio für Samuel einzurichten.\r\n\r\nNach zwei Wochen wurde Samuel plötzlich nachts mit all seinen Büchern vor die Tür gesetzt, denn das Bundesverfassungsgericht entschied: Meinungsfreiheit gilt auch in Augsburg. Die Urteile aus Augsburg waren rechtswidrig, nicht mit dem Grundgesetz vereinbar.\r\nEin eindrucksvolles Beispiel, wie in Deutschland Protest mitunter als „Bedrohung der öffentlichen Ordnung und Sicherheit“ konstruiert und eingeschränkt wird.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "d266731a-1d30-5387-b0d5-fa1e2f98a80f",
- "id": 643,
- "code": "MQAUZD",
- "public_name": "Samuel Bosch",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/photo_2021-04-02_12-37-53_ZBj3rcl.jpg",
- "biography": "Ich bin eine Umweltaktivist aus Ravensburg in der Nähe des Bodensees. Normalweise wohne ich in einem Baumhaus im Altdorfer Wald, der grünen Lunge Oberschwabens, den wir seit fast vier Jahren besetzt halten und mit unserer Anwesenheit vor drohender Rodung für Kiesabbau beschützen. Über die Zeit haben wir – eine wundervolle und offene Gemeinschaft in und um den Wald aufgebaut, wir versuchen, Hierarchien abzubauen und uns gegenseitig Fähigkeiten und Wissen weiterzureichen.\r\n\r\nIch kämpfe für eine Klimagerechte Welt, in der der globale Norden nicht länger Menschen im globalen Süden ausbeutet und in der alle eine freies selbstbestimmtes Leben in den planetaren Grenzen führen. Dafür machen wir auch viele Protestaktionen zu verschiedensten Themen um den Altdorfer Wald aber auch in vielen anderen Städten. Wo es eben brennt. Dabei müssen wir auch in kauf nehmen, horrende Strafen zahlen soll oder auch mal in den Knast kommen. Aber das ist uns er Kampf für unsere Lebensgrundlagen wert. \r\n\r\nNatürlich verbringen wir nicht die ganze Zeit nur im Wald, sondern tragen unseren Protest auch auf Dächer und Fassaden von Regierungsgebäuden, Betonwerken, Kieswerken, dem Brandenburger Tor, Kirchen, Kränen und Bäume die gefällt werden sollten. Wir sind schon so manchen Gemeinden, Konzernen und Mächtigen auf Dach gestiegen und haben die Öffentlichkeit über deren Zerstörungsvorhaben aufgeklärt.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/9RPH7S/",
- "id": 406,
- "guid": "2845809a-1611-5287-b95c-a617c8eee2be",
- "date": "2024-12-29T12:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "12:00",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/9RPH7S/RU18_black_D85oh4r.png",
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-406-robot-uprising-a-story-driven-ai-robotics-experience",
- "title": "Robot Uprising: a story-driven AI robotics experience",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Art & Beauty",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "It's the 2040’s. The dusty skyline of Helsinki is covered with vertical buildings reaching for the clouds. Autonomous drones deliver messages and items from layer to layer while robots maintain the aerial pathways across buildings. A sense of tension hangs in the air.\r\n\r\nSomewhere beneath the surface, hackers and corporates wage war over AI. Will they be able to master it, or will the City succumb to a dark technology? \r\n\r\n**Perhaps you can change the fate of things?**",
- "description": "Do you like deep-diving into AI & robotics, but wish you could escape the inevitable existential dread of techno-capitalist dystopia? If acting it out through a story-driven hackathon sounds interesting, we might just have the right thing for you.\r\n\r\n[Robot Uprising](https://robotuprising.fi/) is a community-organised, story-driven AI & robotics event series. Part LARP, part hackfest, part robotics competition, it all neatly fits together under the umbrella of an overarching cyberpunk story. The story provides inspiration for the events, the events provide the \"historical facts\" that shape how the narrative develops.\r\n\r\nIn this talk, we'll take you through the history of Robot Uprising, delve into the technologies (robotics or otherwise) explored through our events, and contemplate how story and hacking intertwine.\r\n\r\nOur hope is to convince you of the awesomeness of story-driven hacking and inspire you to create many more events like this all around the world.\r\n\r\nYou can join us at [House of Tea after the talk](https://events.ccc.de/congress/2024/hub/en/event/robot-uprising-come-chat-after-our-talk_b0lw/) for a cup of tea and we can continue talking in a more intimate setting.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "fb6e2ee7-cc7c-5b9a-b9ce-2881eaeb1056",
- "id": 328,
- "code": "P7CNUN",
- "public_name": "Karim Hamdi",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/P7CNUN_kjG7cKj.jpg",
- "biography": "Karim Hamdi is a creative technologist specialised in AI, IoT and Robotics.\r\n\r\nHe first got involved in the German hacker scene in 2013 as one of the main organisers of Make Munich, Germany's first maker festival, then as one of the co-founders of the [Munich Maker Lab](https://munichmakerlab.de/), continuing on to hosting workshops and temporary hackerspaces at events like Hedo Congress.\r\n\r\nAfter moving to Finland and joining [Robot Uprising](https://robotuprising.fi/) early in 2024, he knew he found something the crowd at the congress absolutely had to know about.",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "953d98e7-e1b6-544f-ae41-dc2a1303565c",
- "id": 568,
- "code": "LCUBLG",
- "public_name": "Katarina Partti",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Representing as a vice chair of Robot Uprising. I’m working in tech by day, playing with robots or hacking by night.",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "f02e7a60-3c4f-59b6-9045-bea86dbdf6df",
- "id": 697,
- "code": "FUGRAB",
- "public_name": "Juho Kostet",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Co-Founder of the Robot Uprising Hackathon in Finland and Chairman of the Robot Uprising Association.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/XBE87S/",
- "id": 262,
- "guid": "f6814c4a-7455-5591-90da-3e4bfd2f6630",
- "date": "2024-12-29T12:55:00+01:00",
- "start": "12:55",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/XBE87S/databroker-files_ueberblick_HRHJT9f.jpg",
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-262-databroker-files-wie-uns-apps-und-datenhndler-der-massenberwachung-ausliefern",
- "title": "Databroker Files: Wie uns Apps und Datenhändler der Massenüberwachung ausliefern",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Databroker verschleudern unsere Daten. Über einen Datenmarktplatz konnten wir 3,6 Milliarden Handy-Standortdaten aus Deutschland ergattern. Darin fanden wir detaillierte Bewegungsprofile, unter anderem von Geheimagent:innen, Soldat:innen und hochrangigen Regierungsbeamt:innen. Hier hört ihr die absurde Geschichte, wie einfach solche Daten zu haben sind, was den zügellosen Datenhandel so gefährlich macht – und wie wir gemeinsam für eine Lösung kämpfen können.",
- "description": "Aus 3,6 Milliarden Handy-Standortdaten konnten wir uns ein mächtiges Massenüberwachungs-Tool basteln, das in den falschen Händen viel Schaden anrichten könnte. Wir konnten sehen, auf welchem Weg mutmaßliche Angestellte der NSA zur Arbeit fahren, wo Angehörige der Armee ins Bordell gehen und wo Staatsbeamt:innen wohnen. All das war möglich durch die Gratis-Kostprobe eines Datenhändlers – wer ein paar Tausend Euro im Monat ausgibt, könnte sich noch viel mehr Daten besorgen.\r\n\r\nAuf unsere Recherchen gab es schockierte Reaktionen aus Bundestag und Bundesregierung, EU-Parlament und Pentagon. Aber Lippenbekenntnisse sind nicht genug, um die kommerzielle Massenüberwachung durch Handy-Apps zu stoppen. Wir zeigen, wie jede:r Einzelne aktiv werden kann und was sich rechtlich ändern muss. Und: Unsere Recherchen zu den Databroker Files gehen weiter. \r\n\r\nTeam netzpolitik.org: Sebastian Meineck; Ingo Dachwitz. Team BR: Katharina Brunner, Rebecca Ciesielski, Maximilian Zierer, Robert Schöffel, Eva Achinger. Hier ist die Übersicht der dazugehörigen Veröffentlichungen: https://netzpolitik.org/2024/databroker-files-die-grosse-datenhaendler-recherche-im-ueberblick/",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "d42ab7d4-ebdf-55b9-8a62-9bbb3fc634b5",
- "id": 141,
- "code": "3UXDLB",
- "public_name": "Sebastian Meineck",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/Sebastian-Meineck_Credit_Philipp-Sipos_cKzUgM8.jpg",
- "biography": "Sebastian Meineck ist Journalist und seit 2021 Redakteur bei netzpolitik.org. Er interessiert sich besonders für Methoden der Online-Recherche; darüber schreibt er einen Newsletter und gibt Workshops an Universitäten.",
- "answers": []
- },
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- "guid": "f19f8817-e80d-5c5f-af0d-63d95f3626f4",
- "id": 292,
- "code": "RK8CFH",
- "public_name": "Ingo Dachwitz",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/RK8CFH_wUvjQZ3.jpg",
- "biography": "politischer Journalist bei netzpolitik.org",
- "answers": []
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- "id": 686,
- "code": "LJYRNG",
- "public_name": "Katharina Brunner",
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- "biography": "investigative data journalist at Bayerischer Rundfunk",
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- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/PN3TE3/",
- "id": 472,
- "guid": "45386b99-a14c-59a2-9238-fda47005ea93",
- "date": "2024-12-29T13:50:00+01:00",
- "start": "13:50",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-472-ein-unmoralisches-angebot-wie-wir-unsere-communities-vor-ideologischen-zugriffen-schtzen",
- "title": "Ein unmoralisches Angebot: Wie wir unsere Communities vor ideologischen Zugriffen schützen",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "In beschleunigten Krisenzeiten wächst mit der Überforderung auch die Sehnsucht nach einer klaren Ordnung: Weltbilder, die das Chaos auf ein moralisch aufgeladenes \"Entweder-Oder\" reduzieren. \r\n\r\nMit dieser binären Logik werden alle Lösungen, die das \"Sowohl-als-auch\" denken, abgemäht. Die verheerende Folge: zwischen aufgeheiztem Lagerdenken, Positionierungsdruck und Rhetorik von individueller Schuld und Scham ist kein kollektives Handeln mehr möglich.\r\n\r\nDer Talk macht das unmoralische Angebot eines universalistischen und anwender*innenfreundlichen „Security-Updates\". Eine Empfehlung, auf was wir dringend achten sollten, um unser Netzwerk handlungsfähig zu halten.",
- "description": "Der Talk gliedert sich in drei Kapitel:\r\n\r\nKAPITEL 1 – Ground Control to Major Tom: Wir alle sind nicht ganz schwindelfrei und suchen nach Anbindungen oder Gravitationsfeldern, die uns in der unendlichen Kontingenz des Daseins Orientierung geben. Diese zutiefst menschliche Sehnsucht nach Sinnanziehungskraft kann man erstmal als solche anerkennen und ohne Scham annehmen. Das ist das klassische Business von Religionen (religare → la „anbinden, zurückbinden, festhalten, an etwas festmachen“). Nun hinterlassen in einer größtenteils säkularen Gesellschaft die zum Glück arbeitslos gewordenen Religionen viele ungebundene Individuen. Leider selten freie Radikale, vielmehr eine durch neoliberale Politik und kapitalistische Erzählungen individualisierte, unorganisierte Schar von Wesen, die ziemlich ‚lost’ sind – und dadurch empfänglich für moralisch durchtränkte Diskurse – gegenwärtig vor allem solche, die das Individuum in den Mittelpunkt stellen. Das Problem daran: Kollektives Handeln wird immer schwieriger zu organisieren.\r\n\r\nKAPITEL 2 – Leaving moral highgrounds: Alain Badiou ist ein Philosoph, der weltweit und nicht nur in akademischen Kreisen gelesen wird, in Deutschland aber kaum bekannt ist. Dabei hat er gerade zu dieser Fragestellung einiges zu sagen. Sein Plädoyer gilt der Verknüpfung von Subjektivität und Universalismus statt dem Versuch, Partikularitäten zu kontrollieren – wie es seiner Meinung nach identitätspolitische Ansätze versuchen. Stattdessen schlägt er vor, Subjektivität als kollektive ‚illegal instruction‘ zu denken. Was erstmal abstrakt klingt, bringt sehr konkrete Konsequenzen mit sich, wenn man sie in den (netz-)aktivistischen Alltag übersetzt – was im dritten Teil getan wird:\r\n\r\nKAPITEL 3 – Völlig Losgelöst?! Unverbindliches Angebot eines „Security Updates“ mit praktischen Hinweisen, Anregung zur Selbstreflexion und vielen offenen Fragen, die mit in die eigenen Strukturen genommen werden können. Am Ende läuft alles auf eine Frage hinaus: Warum macht Major Tom einen Scherz?",
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- "id": 281,
- "code": "UE7JGF",
- "public_name": "elenos",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/Elenos_Team_jt3uOXv.jpg",
- "biography": "Philosophin, forscht zu Grenzüberschreitung, Leiblichkeit und politischem Aktivismus. Interessiert sich dafür, was Menschen dazu bewegt, an die absurdesten Sachen zu glauben (z.B. die Hölle, das Volk oder den Markt). Jodel-Aktivistin, Hedonistin und Sterbebegleiterin aus Berlin.\r\n\r\nMastodon: @elenos@digitalcourage.social",
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- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/PSHBNA/",
- "id": 374,
- "guid": "a89328ff-564b-5e25-bebe-66b067309e09",
- "date": "2024-12-29T14:45:00+01:00",
- "start": "14:45",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-374-eat-the-rich-die-menschen-wollen-soziale-sicherheit-aber-kriegen-deutschland-den-deutschen-holt-das-geld-bei-den-reichen-",
- "title": "Eat the Rich! Die Menschen wollen soziale Sicherheit, aber kriegen „Deutschland den Deutschen“. Holt das Geld bei den Reichen!",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Bezahlkarte bald auch für Bürgergeld-Empfänger*innen, verschärfte Sanktionen, Pauschale für die Kosten der Unterkunft, weniger Regelsatz, Umzugszwang, verschärfte Zumutbarkeitsregelungen für Arbeitsangebote und Komplett-Überwachung: Die Debatte über das Bürgergeld ist völlig durchgedreht. Was kommt noch auf uns zu? Und wie kommen wir aus der Hetz-Spirale wieder heraus?",
- "description": "Die Union hat das Bürgergeld zum wichtigsten Wahlkampfthema 2025 auserkoren und will es am liebsten sofort abschaffen. An Menschen, die Sozialleistungen beziehen, werden soziale und technische Methoden der Entmenschlichung erprobt. Im Talk geht es um die Frage, wie es sich im Bürgergeld lebt, was die Unterschiede zu Hartz IV sind, welche Auswirkungen die Überwachungsmethoden der Jobcenter haben und welche gesellschaftliche Funktion das Bürgergeld erfüllt. Ist das alles wirklich legal? Ist das vielleicht sogar egal? Und vor allem: Was können wir dagegen tun?",
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- "persons": [
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- "guid": "8ae205f6-f51c-54ce-8183-58d0fd9a1604",
- "id": 400,
- "code": "VV7YBE",
- "public_name": "Helena Steinhaus",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/Helena_Steinhaus_C._Stollwerk_pFSdP55.jpg",
- "biography": "Helena Steinhaus ist Gründerin des Vereins Sanktionsfrei, der sich seit 2015 für eine menschenwürdige Grundsicherung einsetzt. Ihr Buch \"Es braucht nicht viel - Wie wir unseren Sozialstaat demokratisch, fair und armutsfest machen\" ist 2023 im Fischerverlag erschienen.",
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- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/YTE8AH/",
- "id": 402,
- "guid": "6f95336c-76e0-5c3e-91c6-7da80c4c1b89",
- "date": "2024-12-29T15:45:00+01:00",
- "start": "15:45",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-402-can-we-find-beauty-in-tax-fraud-",
- "title": "Can We Find Beauty in Tax Fraud?",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Art & Beauty",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "What do Olaf Scholz, blue ikea bags, Moldova, Deutsche Bank, fine art, and Butyrka Prison have in common?\r\n\r\nJoin us for a brief stroll through the hidden, shady world of large-scale tax fraud, cross-border financial crime, money laundering, and corruption. We’ll examine both common and lesser-known financial exploits, drawing on revelations from journalists, activists, and investigators over the last few decades.",
- "description": "Can there be beauty in abstraction? And are dividend stripping or VAT fraud diagrams really as dull as they seem? But most importantly: Is defrauding the public of 64 billion euros considered science, engineering, or art? And what does this have to do with you—and why should you care?\r\n\r\nUsing real-world case studies, we’ll explore how corporations and individuals defraud populations and how these schemes—though sometimes confusing or complex on the surface—rely on surprisingly simple, chained tactics, much like exploits in information systems. We’ll break down the roles of various actors, service providers, fraudsters, and corrupt officials, as well as their playbooks, exploring how these crimes work or how they break and fail.",
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- "guid": "613a80dc-0d66-5e83-9ac1-b4cbcdedd1a0",
- "id": 437,
- "code": "YDKCFR",
- "public_name": "martin",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "My professional background is as a pentester at a small boutique pentesting consultancy. In a previous life, I spent a few years on the technical side of investigative journalism with one of the major networks.",
- "answers": []
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- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/8UUJVJ/",
- "id": 161,
- "guid": "3266d556-4be7-546a-a54c-238206ac9cc2",
- "date": "2024-12-29T17:35:00+01:00",
- "start": "17:35",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-161-ki-nach-dem-kapitalismus-hat-chatgpt-in-der-besseren-neuen-welt-einen-platz-",
- "title": "KI nach dem Kapitalismus: Hat ChatGPT in der besseren neuen Welt einen Platz?",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Unsere Welt funktioniert nur, wenn sich immer neue Bereiche finden, in denen Profite erbeutet werden können. Nach Blockchain, Metaverse und Web3 ist \"Künstliche Intelligenz\" die neueste Wette der Tech-Investoren auf kräftige Gewinne. Ob \"KI\" tatsächlich irgendeinen gesellschaftlichen Wert hat, ist dabei völlig nebensächlich. Was tun wir also mit \"KI\" nach dem Kapitalismus? Brauchen wir Large Language Models überhaupt in einer Welt, die radikal auf Kooperation statt Konkurrenz, auf Bedürfniserfüllung statt Profit und auf Solidarität statt Privateigentum basiert?",
- "description": "In diesem Talk besprechen wir, was gegenwärtige \"KI\" ist, wie sich ökonomische Macht in \"KI\" zeigt und wie sich \"KI\" in die breitere Debatte um Technologiekritik einordnet. Wir fragen uns, was man mit Mustererkennung, Deep Learning und Sprachmodellen überhaupt anfangen will in der besseren Welt nach der Revolution und ob uns eine Technologie wie \"KI\" auf dem Weg dahin helfen kann oder eher behindert.\r\n\r\nDer Talk wird zu gleichen Teilen von Malte Engeler und Sandra Sieron gehalten und soll 45 Min Talk plus 15 Min. Zeit für Fragen dauern.",
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- "persons": [
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- "guid": "7ba6eda5-935d-5a3b-9d91-fe8b143e087d",
- "id": 163,
- "code": "UC99JE",
- "public_name": "Malte Engeler",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/Profilbild2024-6_r2ETAuy.jpeg",
- "biography": "Malte ist Mitbegründer von \"Strukturelle Integrität\", einem radikal bedürfnisorientierten, digitalpolitischen Kollektiv. Er forscht zu Themen des Datenrechts, der postkapitalistischen Datenökonomie und der solidarischen Digitalpolitik. Sein fachlicher Hintergrund liegt in den Rechtswissenschaften.",
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- "guid": "6c739ba3-fa1c-5ba6-b6f7-770f9b13e7ab",
- "id": 239,
- "code": "TSL8NC",
- "public_name": "Sandra Sieron",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Sandra Sieron ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Sozialwissenschaften der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, forscht zur politischen Ökonomie der KI und technologischem Wandel, ist Mitglied beim Zentrum Emanzipatorische Technikforschung (ZET) und Redakteurin der PROKLA. Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft.",
- "answers": []
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- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/99SLE3/",
- "id": 193,
- "guid": "8095bb81-072e-509b-a1ca-f7e0263994a7",
- "date": "2024-12-29T19:15:00+01:00",
- "start": "19:15",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-193-knste-hacken",
- "title": "Knäste hacken",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "In Deutschland sitzen über 40.000 Menschen im Knast. Weitgehend ohne Zugang zu digitaler Infrastruktur - außer einem Telefon. Wir schauen uns die Systeme an, die sie nutzen dürfen und in denen sie verwaltet werden.",
- "description": "Von HamSy oder SoPart haben die meisten Menschen noch nie etwas gehört. Außer sie hatten bereits Kontakt mit deutschen Knästen. Das führt dazu, das es kaum Dokumentation darüber gibt, wie Digitalisierung für Menschen dort funktioniert und welche Folgen sie in Zukunft haben kann.\r\n\r\nIm letzten Jahr beschäftigte ich mich mit verschiedenen Systemen in deutschen Knästen und möchte über Datenabflüsse und strukturelle Probleme, die verhindern, dass wir Menschen dort Zugang zu digitaler Teilhabe gewähren, sprechen.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
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- "guid": "fd6d2d4a-6f67-56cd-9910-822b3ed8c46b",
- "id": 193,
- "code": "ZCQ9AQ",
- "public_name": "Lilith Wittmann",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "https://links.lilithwittmann.de/",
- "answers": []
- }
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- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/F7SPPL/",
- "id": 30,
- "guid": "b06036e0-00fc-56ca-aa15-590170d0227f",
- "date": "2024-12-29T20:15:00+01:00",
- "start": "20:15",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-30-das-ifg-ist-tot-best-of-informationsfreiheit-gefangenenbefreiung-machtbernahmen",
- "title": "Das IFG ist tot – Best of Informationsfreiheit, Gefangenenbefreiung & Machtübernahmen",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Die Versprechungen waren groß: Blühende Transparenz-Landschaften, Mitbestimmung, Korruptionsprävention, De-mo-kra-tie!\r\nDas Informationsfreiheitsgesetz sollte den deutschen Staat besser machen. Nach Jahren schlechter Verwaltungspraxis, schlechter Gerichtsurteile und schlechter Politik ist es in wichtigen Teilen aber nutzlos geworden. Das zeigt sich vor allem, wenn man sich Szenarien einer antidemokratischen Regierungsübernahme vorstellt - die Transparenz wäre als erstes hinüber, der Boden dafür ist schon bereit.\r\nWas tun?",
- "description": "Wenn das IFG tot ist, sollten wir dafür kämpfen, es wiederzubeleben – vielleicht als Untote? Zahlreiche Skandale, die FragDenStaat in diesem Jahr aufgedeckt hat, zeigen, wohin der Weg gehen sollte:\r\n- Wir brauchen mehr Leaks & illegal instructions für Beamte\r\n- Es ist Zeit, Verwaltungen zu infiltrieren\r\n\r\nMit dem Best of Informationsfreiheit, FragDenStaat, Gefangenenbefreiung und Machtübernahmen.",
- "recording_license": "",
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- "persons": [
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- "guid": "7c29904e-c407-5f62-bf8e-8a9235dddbd6",
- "id": 7,
- "code": "ESSJ93",
- "public_name": "Arne Semsrott",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/ESSJ93_bAbp1JW.jpg",
- "biography": "Ich bin Politikwissenschaftler und Journalist. Als Leiter von FragDenStaat kümmere ich mich vor allem um Informationsfreiheit und alles drumherum, mit dem Freiheitsfonds kaufe ich Menschen aus dem Gefängnis frei.",
- "answers": []
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- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/N3FZQD/",
- "id": 421,
- "guid": "17918b07-99c8-5154-8abe-e5f45865a1e9",
- "date": "2024-12-29T21:10:00+01:00",
- "start": "21:10",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-421-postpartum-punk-make-space-for-unfiltered-creativity",
- "title": "Postpartum Punk: make space for unfiltered creativity",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Art & Beauty",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "After years as a journalist and filmmaker covering topics like crypto, holocaust and showbiz, everything changed for me 3 years ago after the birth of my daughter. \r\n\r\nWhile I haven't planned to be a mother, I decided to keep this pregnancy at 41, however this grass turn out to be too high for lawn mower – I was ready to go for a rave, not to be locked in a baby dark room for 3 years. \r\n\r\nI felt like my brain had been reprogrammed overnight. The analytical mindset I once relied on—quick to analyse, explore, and understand complex topics—seemed to vanish, replaced by a simpler, instinct-driven state that prioritized pure survival and nurturing yet mixed with unhinged chaos, aux naturelle psychedelic downloads plus no sense of inhibition or fear of being seen. \r\n\r\nHand cuffed to a rainbow I was gazing at the black clouds. \r\n\r\nDespite the shock at this involuntarily IQ transplant, I quickly realised this new mind-tool-set was all in all fulfilling and liberating.\r\n\r\nI became my own fire brigade with an alternative emergency strap-on.\r\n\r\nWithout the pressure to think analytically, I began channelling this raw energy into my joke band PUShY PUShY PUShY, creating what I now call postpartum punk movement. \r\n\r\nThe idea caught on – this summer we have been featured in the Guardian and The New Yorker. \r\n\r\nThis fuels my missionarism towards another level: how can we embrace this wild, intuitive mindset, not only as parents but as people? And could new technologies help us experience or even learn from this state?",
- "description": "In this talk, I’ll share my story and propose some solutions to help people connect and utilise with this raw, abstract, flippant side of the mind, whether or not they’ve experienced parenthood: haptic births, transcranial nursering, chaos VR sessions, neurofeedback baths, quantum aerobics, algorithm jams, and 'Near-Birth-Experiences'",
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- "persons": [
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- "guid": "9d37900e-0820-5593-94dd-3371dc7349e9",
- "id": 454,
- "code": "Z3KHUM",
- "public_name": "Ania Poullain-Majchrzak",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/IMG_2445_VXnV7Fd.jpeg",
- "biography": "Journalist, filmmaker, and quasi-popstar.",
- "answers": []
- }
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- "answers": []
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- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/NA9SF8/",
- "id": 627,
- "guid": "b385ce88-c1b8-5cdb-9665-ab4a9464e527",
- "date": "2024-12-29T23:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "23:00",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/NA9SF8/smiley_Y2GrndX.jpg",
- "duration": "01:00",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-627-pyrotechnik-ist-doch-kein-verbrechen-",
- "title": "Pyrotechnik – ist doch kein Verbrechen!?",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Hardware & Making",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Feuerwerk erregt die Gemüter - und das seit mehreren hundert Jahren. Wir beleuchten für euch technische, kulturelle und gesellschaftspolitische Aspekte eines der faszinierenderen und gleichermaßen umstritteneren Phänomene unserer Zeit.",
- "description": "Während des 38C3 entfaltet sich in Politik und Medien ein jährlich wiederkehrendes Ritual: Die Böllerdebatte. „Der Fortschritt ruft! Der Kohlenstoff hat abgedankt, die Zeit ist fürs Silizium reif!“, so schallt es aus den Reihen der Puritaner und Feuerwerksgegner. \r\n\r\nDoch was ist Feuerwerk überhaupt? Wie funktioniert es? Und ist nicht im Recht, wer das Verschwinden des stinkenden Geknalles fordert? Wir behaupten: das Feuerwerk mitsamt seiner Geschichte und Gegenwart hält noch ein paar spannende Einsichten für uns und unsere Zeit parat.\r\nMit dem Talk werfen wir einen Blick hinter die Kulissen und tauchen tief in Technik und Diskurs der explosiven Materie ein. \r\n \r\nIn einem unterhaltsamen Kurztrip beleuchten wir verschiedene Dimensionen eines vielschichtiges Phänomens - praktisch, technisch, historisch, juristisch, politisch - und nerdig.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
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- "guid": "a7c37e24-a403-5020-9b12-293239bbb72b",
- "id": 632,
- "code": "AFAGHN",
- "public_name": "felix",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "felix macht pyrotechnik, seit er denken kann. und eigentlich auch nichts anderes. obwohl: zwischendrin studierte er noch urbanistik und soziologie in weimar, rio, berlin und los angeles und ist als freies radikal in verschiedensten aktivistischen kontexten unterwegs. an der schnittstelle von pyrotechnik und sozialwissenschaften co-gründete er 2013 das zündkollektiv und macht weltweit theaterbühnen und festivals unsicher.",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "16dae675-89b4-5863-be7b-bb43b0c1f602",
- "id": 766,
- "code": "WCRMDZ",
- "public_name": "bijan",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/WCRMDZ_XXLeAqC.jpeg",
- "biography": "Bijan liest und schreibt im Zwischenraum von Recht, Philosophie und Kulturgeschichte. Sein Interesse gilt den seltsamen und unwahrscheinlichen Zusammenhängen. Er ist der Begriffserfinder der „Historizonte“ und meint, dafür einmal sehr berühmt zu werden. Zuweilen setzt er sich auch für Bürgerrechte oder die Verbesserung des kollektiven Geschmacks ein.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/8C7KKR/",
- "id": 159,
- "guid": "94af8bc5-790a-5260-9e51-923589eb1f56",
- "date": "2024-12-30T00:15:00+01:00",
- "start": "00:15",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/8C7KKR/beopardy_OmOGMB2.png",
- "duration": "02:00",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-159-hacker-jeopardy",
- "title": "Hacker Jeopardy",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Entertainment",
- "type": "Game show",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "The Hacker Jeopardy is a quiz show.",
- "description": "The well known reversed quiz format, but of course hacker style. It once was entitled „number guessing for geeks“ by a German publisher, which of course is an unfair simplification. It’s also guessing of letters and special characters. ;)\r\n\r\nThree initial rounds will be played, the winners will compete with each other in the final.\r\n\r\nThe event will be in German, we hope to have live translation again.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "34d34347-0cac-5caa-88f9-6bfc2601d8c4",
- "id": 162,
- "code": "RGAFL8",
- "public_name": "Sec",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/RGAFL8_vO1Mwxe.jpg",
- "biography": "Sec is a longtime member of the CCC, one of the founders of the Munich CCC group and known for his presentation of Hacker Jeopardy together with ray on various hacker events over the last 10+ years as well as some reverse-engineering of the iridium communication system.",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "92efa899-819c-595e-b966-8f55935d7dab",
- "id": 719,
- "code": "7SALSZ",
- "public_name": "Ray",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Ray has been around for years. He collects random numbers, picks locks and usually is in jeopardy.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "Saal ZIGZAG": [
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/73Q3KX/",
- "id": 548,
- "guid": "4c63b6f7-0d8a-5c92-9223-ca3c2cf46b82",
- "date": "2024-12-29T11:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "11:00",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-548-chatbots-im-schulunterricht-",
- "title": "Chatbots im Schulunterricht!?",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Was können die Tools wirklich, was machen sie mit der “Bildung”, und sollten wir dafür Steuergelder ausgeben?\r\n\r\nSpätestens seit dem Hype um ChatGPT werden KI-Tools als magische Technofixes für Lehrkräftemangel und soziale Segregation im Bildungswesen angepriesen. Mehrere Bundesländer haben zum Beispiel Flächenlizenzen für alle Lehrkräfte bei dem Hamburger Unternehmen \"Fobizz\" erworben. Das Unternehmen bietet auf Basis großer Sprachmodelle (meist GPT-3/4) und verschiedener bildgenerierender KIs eine ganze Reihe von Bots sowohl für SchülerInnen als auch für LehrerInnen an: Tools zur automatisierten Korrektur und Bewertung von Hausaufgaben, Chatbot-basierte individuelle Lern-Coaches, Avatare zur Gesprächssimulation (\"mit Angela Merkel chatten\"), oder Bots zur Erstellung von individualisiertem Unterrichtsmaterial.\r\nWir haben das Fobizz-Tool zur automatisierten Korrektur von Hausaufgaben und Prüfungsleistungen detailliert unter die Lupe genommen. Funktioniert das wirklich? Wie wirkt sich das auf die Qualität des Unterrichts aus? Kann man LehrerInnen und SchülerInnen guten Gewissens darauf loslassen? – Unsere Antwort ist schockierend eindeutig: nein! Und es ist ein Skandal, dass Steuergelder dafür ausgegeben werden. Im Vortrag berichten wir von frustrierenden Irrfahrten wenn SchülerInnen den Korrekturen des KI-Tools folgen; von quasi ausgewürfelten Bewertungen (nach dem Motto: wenn dir die Note für diese Person nicht passt, drück einfach auf \"re-generate\"), und von der impliziten Botschaft an die SchülerInnen: Ihr müsst ChatGPT verwenden, sonst könnt ihr nicht gut abschneiden.",
- "description": "Im zweiten Teil unserer Studie haben wir systematisch mit LehrerInnen gesprochen und ihre Perspektive auf KI im Schulunterricht untersucht. Wir besprechen, wie dystopisch und fehlgeleitet es ist, die sozialpolitischen Probleme im Bildungswesen mit Techno-Tools zu lösen. Während in Großbritannien bereits “teacher-free” KI-Klassen als Pilotprojekt ins neue Schuljahr gestartet sind, scheint man in Deutschland zwar immer noch auf Lehrkräfte im Klassenzimmer zu setzen – doch die Signale der Kultusministerien sind eindeutig: Lieber den Lehrkräftemangel mit den Services privater KI-Unternehmen fixen als echte politische Maßnahmen durchzusetzen, die den Beruf erträglicher und attraktiver machen. Dass das Schulsystem über KI-Tools noch weiter an private Unternehmensinteressen gebunden wird, hat unweigerlich steigende Ungleichheit und Intransparenz zur Folge. \r\nDa aktuell weitere Bundesländer an der Schwelle stehen, Lizenzverträge mit KI-Unternehmen für Lerntools abzuschließen, steht mit diesem Thema einiges auf dem Spiel.\r\n\r\nUnsere Studie zur \"KI-Korrekturhilfe\" von Fobizz kann hier runtergeladen werden: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2412.06651",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "0acfcce8-4b3a-531a-9868-33fd2dfb0585",
- "id": 317,
- "code": "U7VYJQ",
- "public_name": "Rainer Mühlhoff",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/rainer-neu-mod600-cropped2_EzEbuhi.jpg",
- "biography": "Rainer Mühlhoff, Philosoph und Mathematiker, ist Professor für Ethik der Künstlichen Intelligenz an der Universität Osnabrück. Er ist außerdem assoziierter Forscher am Einstein Center Digital Future, Berlin, und am Weizenbaum-Institut für die vernetzte Gesellschaft, Berlin. Er forscht zu Ethik, Datenschutz und kritischer Sozialtheorie in der digitalen Gesellschaft. Mit seinen systemischen Analysen von KI-Kapitalismus und seinen Vorschlägen zur Schärfung des Datenschutzes bespielt er zahlreiche außerwissenschaftliche Transferformate und ist regelmäßiger Gast in Politik, Bildungsarbeit und öffentlichen Foren. In seiner Forschung analysiert er KI-Systeme als soziotechnische Systeme (\"Human-Aided AI\"), hat den Begriff \"Predictive Privacy\" geprägt und tritt für eine Zweckbindung für KI-Modelle ein. \r\n\r\nIn seinem früheren Leben hat Rainer Mathematik/Physik/Informatik studiert und zu Quantenphysik gearbeitet. Durch ein Zweitstudium in Philosophie und Gender Studies ist er dann in den kritischen Geisteswissenschaften gelandet. Sein interdisziplinäres Team der Forschungsgruppe Ethics and Critical Theories of AI an der Uni Osnabrück bringt Philosophie, Medienwissenschaft und Informatik zusammen, um das Wechselspiel von Technologie, Macht und gesellschaftlicher Veränderung zu untersuchen. [Publikationen]\r\n\r\nRainers Talk auf dem 37C3: KI – Macht – Ungleichheit",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "9dd3d280-bbfa-5fa2-9870-2046196329a8",
- "id": 583,
- "code": "78TDA9",
- "public_name": "Marte Henningsen",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/Polish_20241022_110637396_Eq7ZTIZ.jpg",
- "biography": "Marte Henningsen ist PhD Kandidatin in Philosophie (Schwerpunkt: kritische Technikphilosophie) an der Universität Maastricht. Sie hat zwei Bachelorabschlüsse in Computergestützten Ingenieurwissenschaften und Informatik an der Leibniz Universität Hannover erworben, sowie einen Master in Kognitionswissenschaften an der Universität Osnabrück. Ihre Spezialisierung liegt im Bereich Ethik der KI und Technikphilosophie. In ihrem PhD Projekt analysiert sie verschiedene KI Narrative unter Anwendung von Kritischen Theorien.\r\nAußerdem hat Marte einen stark aktivistisch geprägten Hintergrund, beispielsweise durch Engagement bei der Klimabewegung FFF sowie verschiedenster Hochschulgruppen in Hannover und Osnabrück zu Themen wie Feminismus, globale Gerechtigkeit, und Arbeitsstreik. Dabei hat sie stets die Tools, die ihr aus dem technischen Studium zur Verfügung standen, für ihre politische Arbeit genutzt. Beispielsweise indem sie Datenbanken baute, um auf die Geschlechterdisparitäten innerhalb der verschiedenen Statusgruppen an den Fakultäten der Universität aufmerksam zu machen.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/XXXSWE/",
- "id": 347,
- "guid": "d3fd8a6a-97e9-587e-8e30-9042cac58e3d",
- "date": "2024-12-29T12:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "12:00",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-347-ai-meets-git-unmasking-security-flaws-in-qodo-merge",
- "title": "AI Meets Git: Unmasking Security Flaws in Qodo Merge",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Security",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "The whole world is talking about AI, and developers are no exception. When a developer hears about a tool that can help them handle git pull requests using AI, it is likely that they will start using it for their open source project.\r\n\r\nThis is precisely what's happening with Qodo Merge (formerly PR-Agent), an open source tool that can help review and handle git pull requests by using AI to provide feedback and suggestions to developers. It is getting adopted by more and more open source projects, including popular ones.\r\n\r\nIt is so easy to add new features by relying on external tools, yet the consequences on security can be catastrophic.\r\n\r\nIndeed, if the tool contains security vulnerabilities, the project using it may become vulnerable too and may grant anyone permissions to perform unexpected actions without realizing it. But everyone wants to use AI so security may be overlooked.\r\n\r\nWe found multiple vulnerabilities in Qodo Merge that may lead to privilege escalation on Gitlab, getting write access to Github repositories and leaking Github repository secrets. Additionally we found multiple high profile Github repositories using Qodo Merge with a configuration that makes them vulnerable, such as highly popular projects, government official repositories, self-driving automotive industry projects, blockchains and more.\r\n\r\nIn this talk we go through what Qodo Merge is, how it can be used, how it works, how it can be exploited, what projects are affected and what are the impacts. We also mention remediation steps to fix these issues.",
- "description": "Qodo (formerly CodiumAI) develops an open source tool called Qodo Merge (formerly PR-Agent). This tool can be setup to automatically analyze pull requests on a Gitlab, Github or Bitbucket project.\r\n\r\nQodo Merge uses AI to perform various tasks that may help a developer handle a pull request, such as:\r\n* Summarizing a pull request\r\n* Suggesting code changes to improve a pull request\r\n* Generating a CHANGELOG file entry for a pull request\r\n* Answering questions about a pull request\r\n* and more\r\n\r\nIn this talk, we describe vulnerabilities we found in Qodo Merge that may lead to privilege escalation on Gitlab, write access to Github repositories and leaking secrets of Github repositories.\r\n\r\nWe mention popular open source projects that are vulnerable because they started using Qodo Merge, and discuss how to protect your project from these attacks.\r\n\r\nWe also talk about the multiple ways we tried to report those vulnerabilities to the developers of Qodo Merge and the lack of a way for security people to contact them. Finally, we describe the current security posture of the project regarding the vulnerabilities we found.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "68b95c4e-b7f2-5408-9f0d-599b052fdf2f",
- "id": 371,
- "code": "KDJS9U",
- "public_name": "Nils Amiet",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Nils is a Security Researcher on Kudelski Security’s research team performing research on various topics including AI application security testing, fuzzing, privacy, authentication, big data analytics, and internet scanning. He also writes blog posts on various topics for Kudelski’s research blog. Nils likes open-source software and has presented his research at DEF CON and Black Hat Arsenal. He was part of creating a massively distributed system for breaking RSA public keys. He's also the author of fuzzomatic, an open source AI powered fuzzer for Rust projects.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/CHDQRA/",
- "id": 655,
- "guid": "6061195f-b992-56e9-ad5a-0bbf50c8f2e0",
- "date": "2024-12-29T12:55:00+01:00",
- "start": "12:55",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-655-vom-betrieb-bis-ins-netz-gewerkschaften-als-vorbild-fr-modernen-widerstand-",
- "title": "Vom Betrieb bis ins Netz: Gewerkschaften als Vorbild für modernen Widerstand?",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Von kreativen Strategien und Herausforderungen aus der Gewerkschaftsarbeit im Kampf für Arbeiter*innenrechte",
- "description": "Arbeitnehmer*innen der IT-Branche sehen sich zunehmend mit Repressionen konfrontiert, die kreative und gemeinsame Formen des Widerstands erfordern. Von Union Busting über unmoralische Praktiken am Arbeitsplatz bis hin zu gesetzlichen Hürden – die Angriffe auf kollektive Arbeitsrechte werden intensiver und vielseitiger. Die Herausforderung, neue Aktionen zu entwickeln, Widerstände zu überwinden, Ideen zu verwerfen und immer wieder neu anzusetzen, ist längst alltäglich geworden. Umso wichtiger ist es, dass wir uns gegenseitig inspirieren und unterstützen. Aktivismusfelder wie Netzpolitik, Klimaschutz und Arbeitsrechte stehen vor ähnlichen Hindernissen – und wir alle profitieren, wenn wir uns austauschen und voneinander lernen.\r\n\r\nUnser Vortrag zielt daher nicht darauf ab, allumfassende Lösungen zu bieten. Stattdessen möchten wir aktuelle Missstände aufzeigen und Erfahrungen sowie Lösungsansätze teilen. Gemeinsam wollen wir untersuchen, wie unkonventionelle Ansätze, geteilte Erfahrungen und Zusammenarbeit zu einer stärkeren, solidarischen Zukunft führen können. Mit unserer Erfahrung aus der Gewerkschaftsjugend und aus Tarifkämpfen sprechen wir über Aktionen, Erfolge und Rückschläge – und darüber, wie wir uns in Zukunft besser aufstellen können.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "6e75dd19-3333-5701-8540-2e29a09385ae",
- "id": 660,
- "code": "Z3PS8T",
- "public_name": "Joana Starck",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/photo_2024-10-27_00-43-57_5Tz8GEu.jpg",
- "biography": "Je nachdem, mit wem ich gerade spreche, bin ich entweder „die, die beruflich irgendwas mit Internet für Firmen macht“ oder (wenn es nicht gerade meine Großeltern sind) Solution Designerin für WAN-Lösungen. In meiner Freizeit bin ich auf nationalen und internationalen Gewerkschaftsveranstaltungen unterwegs und in verschiedenen Funktionen bei ver.di aktiv – gerade noch so in der Jugend.",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "dceaa92c-be57-5d42-acd1-4fd042e36dcf",
- "id": 784,
- "code": "R87WNM",
- "public_name": "Laurent Kuffert",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/R87WNM_bcwzRP7.jpg",
- "biography": "Ich bin ehrenamtlich bei ver.di in verschiedenen Funktionen aktiv, u.a. in mehreren Jugendgremien (aber auch für die Jugend in allgemeinen Gewerkschaftsgremien). Außerdem habe ich schon an (Tarif-)Verhandlungen direkt \"am Verhandlungstisch\" teilgenommen. Hauptberuflich bin ich mitverantwortlich für die bundesweite Auszubildendenvertretung (sozusagen der Betriebsrat für Auszubildende und dual Studierende) in einem großen Telekommunikationsunternehmen.\r\n\r\nVor einigen Jahren habe ich ein Informatikstudium abgeschlossen und auch wenn ich beruflich lange keine klassischen IT-Aufgaben erledigt habe, habe ich mich in meiner Freizeit mit IT-Projekten für mich selbst oder für Communities beschäftigt. Außerdem immer als (meist) freundlicher Tech-Support für Familie und Freunde da.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/7C8KRZ/",
- "id": 33,
- "guid": "db040c6e-f729-5d54-b59b-a7eac586ce99",
- "date": "2024-12-29T13:50:00+01:00",
- "start": "13:50",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-33-auracast-breaking-broadcast-le-audio-before-it-hits-the-shelves",
- "title": "Auracast: Breaking Broadcast LE Audio Before It Hits the Shelves",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Security",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "Auracast, the new Bluetooth LE Broadcast Audio feature has gained some publicity in the last few months. The Bluetooth SIG has been working on the specification of this feature set in the past few years and vendors are only now starting to implement it. Auracast enables broadcasting audio to multiple devices. These broadcasts can also be encrypted. Unfortunately, the security properties of the protocol are vague and insufficient. It has already been shown that these broadcasts can be hijacked by anyone when unencrypted.\r\n\r\nWe explain the state of (in)security of the protocol and add to it by showing that even when encrypted, broadcasts can often be cracked easily. We also show that once equipped with the passcode, attackers can eavesdrop and hijack even encrypted broadcasts. Alongside the talk, we will release our toolkit to brute-force authentication codes, decrypt dumped Auracast streams, and hijack encrypted broadcasts.",
- "description": "Bluetooth Auracast is a marketing term for a subset of the new \"LE Audio\" features introduced in the Bluetooth 5.2 specification. \r\nLE Audio is designed to provide better sound quality, longer battery life and new capabilities for audio devices like headphones, earbuds and especially hearing aids. Essentially, Auracast is an audio broadcast feature set for Bluetooth Low Energy. Our talk will focus on the new features introduced in the core spec, namely Broadcast Isochronous streams (BIS).\r\n\r\nThe protocol specification for Auracast was released several years ago, and vendors are only now beginning to implement application-level support for it. Previous research from 2023 (the \"BISON\" paper) has already shown that unencrypted Auracast broadcasts can be hijacked.\r\n\r\nThe Bluetooth specification is very vague in what security goals it tries to achieve for (encrypted) broadcasts. The core building block for LE Audio broadcasts are Broadcast Isochronous Streams (BIS). Security for BIS is only ever mentioned in terms of confidentiality, which is supposedly achievable by encrypting a BIS. In this talk we'll shed some light on the security properties of Auracast and show that authenticity and confidentiality can be violated, even when broadcasts are encrypted.\r\n\r\nTo examine whether the vague specification and the bad examples lead to real-world issues, we have surveyed several implementations of Auracast. We found that on popular devices the default configuration is weak and allows breaking the authenticity and confidentiality of the Auracast broadcast.\r\n\r\nAlongside the talk, we will release a toolkit that allows to dump, decrypt and hijack encrypted Auracast broadcasts.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "1de6f679-94d6-5f3f-b648-f663d79c5332",
- "id": 12,
- "code": "WTMFDB",
- "public_name": "Frieder Steinmetz",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Penetration Tester and Researcher in the Mobile and IoT Security Team at ERNW GmbH",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "ba81933f-41f6-598c-907a-0c5f5ee60e9d",
- "id": 392,
- "code": "CF83N8",
- "public_name": "Dennis Heinze",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Penetration Tester and Researcher in the Mobile and IoT Security Team at ERNW GmbH",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/KBSSG9/",
- "id": 648,
- "guid": "7ec6ad03-b55e-5fe1-b3be-5da66d456058",
- "date": "2024-12-29T14:45:00+01:00",
- "start": "14:45",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/KBSSG9/faxmachine_C4VaNOz.png",
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-648-dialing-into-the-past-rce-via-the-fax-machine-because-why-not-",
- "title": "Dialing into the Past: RCE via the Fax Machine – Because Why Not?",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Security",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "Remember the days when faxes were the pinnacle of office tech, and the sound of a paper getting pulled in was as satisfying as a fresh cup of coffee? Well, it's time to dust off those memories and reintroduce ourselves to the quirky world of printers and their forgotten fax interfaces – yes, those relics that make us all feel like we're in an '80ies sci-fi movie – and specifically, how they can unlock a new frontier in printer security exploits!",
- "description": "In this talk, we'll show you how we leveraged a printer bug that we found at Pwn2Own Ireland this year to gain remote code execution. Over its fax interface. You might think, \"Who cares about faxes?\" – but what if I told you that lurking within this vintage feature is a potential pathway for remote code execution? That's right, while everyone else is busy patching the latest vulnerabilities in trendy software and half the world is obsessed with cloud security, we'll be having a blast with tech that should've been retired to the attic long ago, exploiting a feature that's older than some of the attendees!\r\n\r\nWe'll explore how this vintage tech can be the gateway to some serious mischief. Think of the possibilities: municipalities, banks, courts, you pick your favorite bureaucracy. Unfortunately, we can't do any of those things -- that'd be naughty -- so we're restricted to doing the stupidest things we can think of in our live demos. In case you're wondering: of course we'll be running doom on this thing, proving that even the most outdated tech can still pack a punch, as we take control over this device in style. Expect a mix of technical insights and many moments of \"why would you do that?\".\r\n\r\nSo join us in this wild ride through simpler times -- who knew the key to world domination lays in a dusty fax machine?",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "237313ae-154b-56a8-921f-6f72f2332cbf",
- "id": 654,
- "code": "ZHRT8U",
- "public_name": "Rick de Jager",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/rick_l57aAmY.jpeg",
- "biography": "Rick de Jager is a Master’s student at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) with a strong passion for cybersecurity and competitive hacking. As an avid CTF player, Rick is an active member of the CTF teams Superflat and 0rganizers. He also represented Team Europe in the International Cybersecurity Challenge (ICC) in 2022, 2023, and 2024, and wrote the open source traffic analyzer \"tulip\". Rick has participated in Pwn2Own for three consecutive years, successfully demonstrating exploits in consumer hardware and automotive targets.",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "d899c276-405f-5f1d-8832-3189958af2fe",
- "id": 790,
- "code": "VVP3K9",
- "public_name": "Carlo Meijer",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": null,
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/GNZG8R/",
- "id": 531,
- "guid": "a33c84f6-5fc2-50db-9798-38e35be8a7ac",
- "date": "2024-12-29T15:45:00+01:00",
- "start": "15:45",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-531-let-s-build-dodos-how-generative-ai-is-upturning-the-world-of-synthetic-biology-and-hopelessly-overwhelming-traditional-governance-instruments-",
- "title": "Let's build dodos! How generative AI is upturning the world of synthetic biology and hopelessly overwhelming traditional governance instruments.",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Science",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "Have you always wanted to build an egg-laying woolly milk sow or bring the legendary dodo \r\nback to life? The dream of some biologists to not only understand organisms, but also to redesign, build or bring living beings back to life is accelerating towards reality with the convergence of synthetic biology and generative AI in ‘generative biology’. For example, large language models are now being used to write genes and proteins, while complex laboratory tests are being replaced by machine vision and automation. \r\nThe pace of these developments is so fast that they are barely noticed by the public, politicians or related experts such as environmental scientists. Questions about the reliability and safety of these new biodigital methods and applications are not yet being asked and research into risk assessment methods is not keeping pace. At the same time, this shift of generative AI systems from generating text and images to generating protein, bacteria, viruses and organisms could transform many areas of life, from medicine and the environment to bioweapons. So let's talk about it and discuss it.",
- "description": "This is what the talk will be about:\r\n- What is the science behind synthetic biology? What is genome editing, CRISPR/cas, RNAi or off-target effects etc.? \r\n- And how does generative AI and generative biology come into play? What is actually happening in laboratories and corporate R&D around the world, including in the USA and China? I will report on AI platforms that generate designs for novel viruses and proteins to experiments ranging from medical drug development and attempts to bring extinct species back to life. I will also present current scenarios in the field of bioweapons. \r\n- How big tech is moving to get into bioeconomy – Titans such as Google, Microsoft, Nvidia, Alibaba, Meta, Amazon and Salesforce, with no specific experience in life sciences, are now the leaders in a new ‘generative biology’ run.\r\n- I will then continue with our own research on risk and technology assessment of genetically modified organisms and synthetic biology. This includes experiments and method development on biosafety, but also poses more fundamental questions such as investigating if the AI/biodigital design of nature is in line with nature conservation concepts or asking if democratization of biotech research (garage biology) relates to “dual use” risks. We also work on instruments to better understand impacts on society and improved social participation. \r\n- Finally, I would like to report on the very controversy negotiations on this topic at the UN Convention on Biological Diversity in Colombia in November – among parties, with perspectives from developing countries, indigenous peoples and local communities, scientist and others and discuss ways forward for fair, multidisciplinary assessment and oversight that is urgently needed.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "83c1bcc9-145c-5579-8db0-e2e6834bd569",
- "id": 560,
- "code": "AWJJK7",
- "public_name": "Margret Engelhard",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/IMG_9991aaa_wz44lMH.jpg",
- "biography": "Dr. Margret Engelhard is mico-and molecular biologist, with a long expertise in interdisciplinary technology assessment research. She has researched at the Max Planck Institute for terrestrial Microbiology in Marburg and the University of Basel, where she did her phD. She has than worked for over ten years on technology assessment of synthetic biology. Since 9 years she is head of division of GMO-Regulation and Biosafety at the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN). The BfN is involved as federal authority in the risk assessment of genetically modified organisms on national and European level. She has published books and peer review papers in the area of risk assessment and interdisciplinary technology assessment of synthetic biology applications (see https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Margret-Engelhard). She is member of all Ad hoc technical Expert Groups on Synthetic Biology of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) of the United Nation and member of the German delegation at the last four Conferences of the Parties (COPs) of the CBD. \r\n\r\nSelected publications relevant to synthetic biology: \r\n\r\n- Eckerstorfer, M.F.; Dolezel, M.; Miklau, M.; Greiter, A.; Heissenberger, A.; Engelhard, M. Scanning the Horizon for Environmental Applications of Genetically Modified Viruses Reveals Challenges for Their Environmental Risk Assessment. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25, 1507. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms25031507\r\n\r\n- Lentzos F., Rybick E.P., Engelhard M., Paterson P., Sandholtz W.A., Reeves R.G. 2022. Eroding norms over release of self-spreading viruses. Science 7;375(6576):31-33. \r\n\r\n- Simon S, Otto M, Engelhard M. 2018. Scan the horizon for unprecedented risks. Science. 2018 Nov 30;362(6418):1007-1008.\r\n\r\n- Simon S, Otto M, Engelhard M. 2018 Synthetic gene drive: between continuity and novelty: Crucial differences between gene drive and genetically modified organisms require an adapted risk assessment for their use. EMBO Rep. May;19(5):e45760.\r\n\r\n- Hagen, K., Engelhard, M., Toepfer G (Eds.). 2016. Ambivalences of Creating life. Societal and philosophical dimensions of synthetic biology. Springer-Verlag, Berlin (No 45 of the book series „Ethics of Science and Technology Assessment“)\r\n\r\n- BfN conceptual paper about using non-contained genetically modified organisms (GMO), i.e., GMO in wild populations, for purposes of nature conservation (https://bit.ly/gen-engin-conserv; DOI 10.19217/pos222en). \r\n\r\n- Informative report on “Synthetic Biology: Scan the horizon for impacts on biodiversity” (https://attachments.cbd.int/567962e74dc1af45194e3f51e4acc1ae/SyntheticBiology.pdf)",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/8CZXCG/",
- "id": 413,
- "guid": "a8c2dca8-a040-5a76-b3ed-7d88f882b481",
- "date": "2024-12-29T16:40:00+01:00",
- "start": "16:40",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-413-brauchbare-illegalitt-organisationen-fr-menschenfeindliche-diskurse-wappnen",
- "title": "Brauchbare Illegalität – Organisationen für menschenfeindliche Diskurse wappnen",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Organisationen und die in ihnen stattfindenden Gespräche und Debatten haben einen großen Einfluss auf ihre Mitglieder und ihr Umfeld. Es ist daher bedeutsam und beunruhigend, wenn in diesen Diskursen Grundsätze unseres gesellschaftlichen Zusammenlebens in Frage gestellt werden. Was tun? \r\n\r\nLuhmanns Begriff der \" Brauchbaren Illegalität \" beschreibt elegant und kraftvoll funktionale Regelabweichungen in Organisationen. In diesem Talk werden ausgehend von diesem Begriff Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten für Strukturen, Praktiken und Hacks vorgestellt. Diese Anregungen zeigen, wie die ausgesprochenen und unausgesprochenen Regeln einer Organisation so verändert werden können, dass sie eine demokratische und fortschrittliche Gesellschaft stärken.",
- "description": "Einen großen Teil unseres Lebens verbringen wir in oder mit Organisationen. Vom Sportverein, der Schule, über diverse Arbeitgeber bis hin zur Waldfriedhof GmbH, die sich auch nach unserem Leben um uns kümmert. Organisationen sind mächtige soziale Systeme. Sie sind komplex und widersprüchlich, teilweise quälend langsam oder erschreckend effizient. Aber ohne große und kleine funktionierende Organisationen wäre unsere moderne Gesellschaft nicht denkbar. Das wissen auch die Gegner einer pluralistischen Demokratie. Ihnen ist es bereits gelungen, in den letzten Jahren mit ihren Themen den öffentlichen Diskurs zu prägen, nun rücken Organisationen und damit ihre Mitglieder in den Fokus. In Organisationen gelten jedoch andere Einflussfaktoren als im öffentlichen Diskurs. Der Diskurs von Organisationen wird durch die Strukturen der Organisation und deren Bedeutung für das Verhalten ihrer Mitglieder geprägt, der Diskurs entsteht in der Kaffeeküche und am Fließband, bei Präsentationen und bei Standup-Meetings und ist sogar eingewebt, in die Art und Weise, wie Alltagspraktiken bei der Arbeit ablaufen. \r\n\r\nIn diesem Talk werden Möglichkeiten beschrieben, wie mit organisationswissenschaftlichen und kommunikationspsychologischen Erkenntnissen aus Forschung und Praxis Organisationen robuster für die Zukunft gemacht werden können. Es geht um die Frage, wie konkrete Praktiken einer Organisation gestaltet werden können, dass ein fortschrittliches Miteinander in und um eine Organisation gestärkt wird.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": true,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "5dcf190e-cc17-5e2d-8c90-77bc65b5dec2",
- "id": 227,
- "code": "NRXCHY",
- "public_name": "Johannes Fertmann",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Psychologe, Schwerpunkt auf das Innenleben von Organisationen",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/9G97SZ/",
- "id": 463,
- "guid": "abaae1da-cf60-583d-974d-a6af8df1531a",
- "date": "2024-12-29T17:35:00+01:00",
- "start": "17:35",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-463-tetra-algorithm-set-b-can-glue-mend-the-burst-",
- "title": "TETRA Algorithm set B - Can glue mend the burst?",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Security",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "In August 2023, we published the TETRA:BURST vulnerabilities - the result of the first public in-depth security analysis of TETRA (Terrestrial Trunked Radio): a European standard for trunked radio globally used by government agencies, police, military, and critical infrastructure. Authentication and encryption within TETRA were handled by proprietary cryptographic cipher-suites, which had remained secret for over two decades through restrictive NDAs until our reverse-engineering and publication.\r\n\r\n\r\nThis talk is not TETRA:BURST, but dives into the latest TETRA revision introduced in 2022. Most notably, it contains a new suite of cryptographic ciphers. Of course the cipher available for critical infrastructure and civilian use (TEA7) is intentionally crippled, and of course these ciphers were to be kept secret, but this decision was overruled due to public backlash following our publication last year. In this talk we will present a practical attack on the TEA7 cipher, which while taking a 192-bit key, only offers 56 bits of security. Furthermore, we point out improvements and shortcomings of the new standard, and present an update on TEA3 cryptanalysis, where we previously found a suspicious feature, and draw a parallel with its successor TEA6.\r\n\r\nAll in all, in this short and relatively crypto-forward talk, we assess with all-new material whether the new TETRA standard is fit for its intended purpose. This crucial technology seeks to once again take a very central role in our society for decades to come, and its cryptographic resilience is of fundamental importance - for emergency networks, but possibly even more for our critical infrastructure and associated processes.",
- "description": "The new authentication suite (TAA2, as opposed to the old TAA1) features longer keys and completely new cryptographic primitives. The new Air Interface Encryption algorithms (TEA set B) consist of three new ciphers, for differing target audiences. TEA5 is intended for European emergency networks, and is the successor of TEA2. TEA6 is intended for friendly extra-european emergency and military networks, and replaces TEA3. Lastly, TEA7 is the only one available for use by critical infrastructure and other civil applications, and replaces TEA1.\r\n\r\nInitially, ETSI envisaged to keep the new algorithms secret again, once more eliminating the possibility of public scrutiny. However, following our publication, a promise was made to release the algorithms to the public for inspection.\r\nAdditionally, a statement was made that TEA7 has a reduced effective strength of 56 bits. As mentioned, this algorithm is the successor to TEA1, which has an effective strength of only 32 bits, in a time where 40 bits was the maximum for freely exportable crypto.\r\n\r\nIn TETRA:BURST, we presented several vulnerabilities found in the old standard. Obviously, the backdoored TEA1 algorithm is now replaced by a new cipher, and we will dive into how this works, how it can be attacked, and what the practical implications will be. Second, we previously presented a method of decrypting and injecting traffic on all network types, even those using the stronger TEA2 and TEA3 algorithms. This relies on the lack of cryptographic integrity guarantees on message - something that is still unaddressed. We discuss how this leads to issues. Lastly, TETRA:BURST described a way of decrypting the pseudonymized identities of TETRA users (first demonstrated at the 37C3), allowing for a powerful intelligence capability. We will discuss how the new standard seeks to resolve this issue.\r\n\r\nLastly, we previously recommended caution regarding TEA3, due to a suspicious feature in its design. While no full attack will be presented, progress in its cryptanalysis was made, which we will discuss during the talk. And, there is an interesting parallel to be drawn between the suspicious quirk in TEA3 and the design of its successor, TEA6.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "904ea075-8908-56ae-85d1-be268e947ee3",
- "id": 498,
- "code": "J8CYTJ",
- "public_name": "Wouter Bokslag",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/wouter_narrow_lowres_RIxPfIc.jpg",
- "biography": "Wouter Bokslag is a co-founding partner and security researcher at Midnight Blue. He is known for the reverse-engineering and cryptanalysis of several proprietary in-vehicle immobilizer authentication ciphers used by major automotive manufacturers as well as co-developing the world's fastest public attack against the Hitag2 cipher. He holds a Master's Degree in Computer Science & Engineering from Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and designed and assisted in teaching hands-on offensive security classes for graduate students at the Dutch Kerckhoffs Institute for several years.",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "c713a197-726d-5058-a1ce-cde37a88d448",
- "id": 788,
- "code": "HD3XAR",
- "public_name": "Jos Wetzels",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/jos_narrow_85M0EH0.jpg",
- "biography": "Jos Wetzels is a co-founding partner at Midnight Blue. His research has involved reverse-engineering, vulnerability research and exploit development across various domains ranging from industrial and automotive systems to IoT, networking equipment and deeply embedded SoCs. He has discovered zero-day vulnerabilities across tech stacks ranging from bootloaders and RTOSes to proprietary protocol implementations.\r\n\r\nAt Midnight Blue, he has consulted to government agencies, grid operators, and Fortune 500 companies worldwide and has been involved in the first ever public analysis of the TETRA radio standard used by police and critical infrastructure globally - uncovering several critical vulnerabilities.\r\n\r\nPrior to founding Midnight Blue, he worked as a security researcher and reverse engineer at Forescout where he developed state-of-the-art intrusion detection capabilities for Operational Technology (OT) environments. Jos is a regular conference speaker and has presented at events such as Black Hat, DEF CON, CCC, Usenix, HITB, OffensiveCon, ReCon, EkoParty, and others.",
- "answers": []
- }
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- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/CEJZ9E/",
- "id": 94,
- "guid": "460805ee-d525-548a-b088-c00021a884b9",
- "date": "2024-12-29T19:15:00+01:00",
- "start": "19:15",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-94-may-the-forest-be-with-you-bume-pflanzen-gegen-die-klimakrise-",
- "title": "May the forest be with you – Bäume pflanzen gegen die Klimakrise?",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Science",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Der Harz wurde von Borkenkäfern gefressen, nur jeder vierte Baum in Deutschland gilt als gesund und in Russland sowie Nordamerika brennen die Wälder in einem enormen Ausmaß. Gleichzeitig gelten Wälder als eine der Lösungen in der Klimakrise, als CO2-Speicher und Produzent von nachhaltigen, nachwachsenden Rohstoffen. Sind Wälder in Gefahr auf Grund von Dürre, Borkenkäfer und Feuer? Und können wir mit Wiederaufforstungen der Klimakrise was entgegensetzten? Kirsten Krüger forscht an der Technischen Universität München zu Störungsdynamiken in Wäldern und erklärt in ihrem Vortrag, was Wälder eigentlich alles für uns leisten, warum Störungen ein natürlicher Bestandteil von Wäldern sind und Bäume pflanzen allein keine akkurate Antwort auf die Klimakrise ist.",
- "description": "Störungen im Wald durch Dürre, Borkenkäfer und Feuer prägen zunehmen das Landschaftsbild und erhalten mehr Aufmerksamkeit von Medien und Politik. Die Sorge reicht von dem Szenario, dass wir alle Wälder verlieren werden hin zu dem Verlust von einem wertvollen CO2-Speicher und Produzenten von Holz. Global neue Bäume zu pflanzen scheint eine intuitive Antwort drauf zu sein, löst aber nicht die Herausforderung der Klimakrise vor der wir gerade stehen. In meinem Vortrag möchte ich aufklären, warum Störungen im Wald per se kein Problem, sondern ein Teil der Waldentwicklung sind und wie sich diese auf die CO2-Speicherfähigkeit und andere Fähigkeiten von Wäldern auswirken. Wälder sind keine statischen Konstrukte in der Landschaft, sondern ein dynamisches System, welches uns viele Dienstleistungen bereitstellt. Es gibt genug Gründe Bäume zu pflanzen, aber warum, wo und wie sind entscheidende Fragen, die ich beleuchten möchte. Außerdem berichte ich aus der aktuellen Forschung um den Zustand der Wälder, wie vor allem wir Menschen den Wald beeinflussen und möglichen Ansätzen, wie wir Wälder widerstandsfähiger machen können.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "f8f27b98-4be3-550e-88be-487354520e89",
- "id": 87,
- "code": "KQNZ3E",
- "public_name": "Kirsten Krüger",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/Profile_image_Q6mz40b.jpg",
- "biography": "Hallo Chaos! Ich habe eine ausgeprägte Vorliebe für Bäume, Fernerkundung und wenn Wälder nicht das tun was wir erwarten. Als Forstwissenschaftlerin und Geographin promoviere ich aktuell zu der Frage, wie sich Forstmanagement auf die Störungsanfälligkeit sowie Regenerationsfähigkeit von Wäldern auswirkt und was wir von Naturwäldern noch so lernen können. Dabei nehme ich die Vogelperspektive von oben ein und nutze Satelliten – und Flugzeugbasierte Fernerkundungsdaten. Wenn ich mir Bäume gerade nicht am Computer angucke, dann gerne live im Wald selber.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/UBWU9D/",
- "id": 448,
- "guid": "da7e05ad-c5ef-57e1-99cf-f52f1403b1dd",
- "date": "2024-12-29T20:15:00+01:00",
- "start": "20:15",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-448-hacking-life-how-to-decode-and-manipulate-biological-cells-with-ai",
- "title": "Hacking Life: How to decode and manipulate biological cells with AI",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Science",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "AI methods are advancing biological research in diverse directions. In this talk, you will learn how we decode the fundamental building blocks of life with AI, and how it will help us to hack cells to cure diseases and beyond.",
- "description": "The cell is the fundamental building block of biological organisms, such as us humans. As such, technologies to understand and hack cells enable the cure of diseases and potentially even to expand our life span.In my talk, I provide an overview on how biologists and bioinformaticians use AI to understand and hack cells.\r\n\r\nUnderstanding the role of individual cells is a core aspect of biological research, given the extreme diversity of cellular states and functions. A common measurement method to characterize a given cell quantifies which of its genes are activated and how strongly. While this provides a rich high-dimensional readout, it is complex to interpret, given the challenge of deriving an intuition about the meaning of all the individual gene activation levels, as well as their combinatorial effects. \r\n\r\nIn my research I combine recent AI methods, most prominently multimodal large language models, to enable the analysis and interpretation of these measurements with the English language. I will present this work alongside a more general overview into the research landscape of “AI cell models”. Furthermore, I will provide preliminary insights into how these interpretations form the basis to “hack” cells, which is accomplished through the introduction of complex “illegal instructions” in the form of molecular agents, which alter the behavior of the cell's internal programs. \r\n\r\nWith this talk, I aim to provide the Chaos community with a focused insight into the biological cell and the ways in which recent developments in AI help us understand and manipulate them.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "7ffbb7d6-ea5b-542d-a046-af18c49092e8",
- "id": 485,
- "code": "UXM7PK",
- "public_name": "Moritz Schaefer",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/UXM7PK_4xBkbhO.jpg",
- "biography": "Moritz Schaefer is a bioinformatician and machine learning scientist working on representation learning and generative AI for biomedical data analysis. After his major in computer science at TU Berlin, he pursued a PhD at ETH Zurich at the intersection of biology and bioinformatics for a systematic understanding of regulatory networks in early development.\r\nHis postdoctoral research at the AI Institute of the Medical University of Vienna and the Research Center for Molecular Medicine (CeMM) focuses on the development of multimodal AI architectures for biomedical data analysis in the laboratory of Christoph Bock.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/TKWN7X/",
- "id": 105,
- "guid": "ba34abf3-ad01-5ea9-ad5f-fff96ecae64f",
- "date": "2024-12-29T21:10:00+01:00",
- "start": "21:10",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/TKWN7X/38c3_cfp_20241014-1_9ZCTDex.png",
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-105-die-elektronische-patientenakte-epa-a-legal-instruction-trap-",
- "title": "Die Elektronische Patientenakte (ePA)– a legal instruction trap?",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Kaum ein IT-Gesundheitsprojekt bleibt so hinter den Erwartungen und Versprechen zurück wie die Elektronische Patientenakte (ePA). Sie wird in 2025 zur Pflicht. \r\nJede gesetzlich versicherte Person die nicht widerspricht, bekommt eine mit Abrechnungsdaten befüllte ePA kostenlos. Da nichts kostenlos ist, bist Du auch in diesem Fall nicht Kunde sondern Ware und bezahlst bestenfalls nur mit Deinen Daten …",
- "description": "Ihr seid in die Kryptoparty-Reihe Digitalisierung und IT-Sicherheit im Gesundheitswesen (aka TI-rant) geraten. \r\nMedizin- und Nerd-Bubble konfluieren für eine kurze Zeit, Wissenstransfer passiert. \r\nMindestens 3,14 Herzen schlagen in unserer Brust, wenn wir auf die Digitalisierung des Gesundheitswesens blicken: Nerd, Patient, Anwender, Investor usw. Wir werden versuchen, die verschiedenen Perspektiven etwas auszuleuchten, vielleicht sogar ein wenig mehr in Einklang zu bringen. \r\nWir setzen uns interaktiv mit aktuellen digitalen Phänomenen im Gesundheitswesen auseinander – hier mit Fokus auf die elektronische Patientenakte (ePA).",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": true,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "41dba22d-df70-538c-a142-a67ab30dfd0b",
- "id": 101,
- "code": "3JUULQ",
- "public_name": "cbro",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Dat Arzty cbro ist seit 2016 kassenärztlich niedergelassener Anästhesist. \r\nSeit dem 32c3 bin ich CERT-Doc und beschäftige ich mich mit Datenschutz, Datensicherheit und IT-Sicherheit im Gesundheitswesen. Daraus ist eine Vortragsreihe entstanden, mit der ich zwischen Medizin- und Nerd-Kongressen pendle und (hoffentlich etwas) Wissenstransfer verursache.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/ZJFPSS/",
- "id": 442,
- "guid": "fe30704a-9169-55c9-863a-ab9768168321",
- "date": "2024-12-29T22:05:00+01:00",
- "start": "22:05",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-442-hacker-s-guide-to-meshtastic-off-grid-encrypted-lora-meshnets-for-cheap-",
- "title": "Hacker's Guide to Meshtastic: Off-Grid, Encrypted LoRa Meshnets for Cheap!",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Hardware & Making",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "Beginners can now create off-grid, encrypted mesh networks for cheap, with applications in emergency communication, sensor monitoring, and more! These mesh networks have been popping up in cities all over the world, and this talk will go over everything a beginner needs to run or build their own nodes.",
- "description": "If you've ever wanted to legally create off-grid, encrypted mesh networks that can span over a hundred miles, you can get started with Meshtastic for around $10.\r\n\r\nThis talk will serve as a beginner user's guide to Meshtastic, covering everything from hardware basics to advanced software configuration. We will explore making custom Meshtastic hardware, real-world results from deploying Meshtastic in Los Angeles, and attacks against mesh networks. \r\n\r\nAttendees will learn about LoRa, Meshtastic node and antenna options, software setup and configuration to extend its functionality, and real-world deployments of remote nodes.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "fd0edb55-5de2-513a-8855-3a1f03148de8",
- "id": 476,
- "code": "KWEG8C",
- "public_name": "Kody Kinzie",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/Screenshot_2024-10-25_at_11.40.54_PM_Imqtdqg.png",
- "biography": "Kody Kinzie is a Montana-based ethical hacker who specializes in teaching beginners about open-source intelligence, Wi-Fi security, and electronics. He's taught cybersecurity to millions of beginners on popular YouTube channels like Hak5, Null Byte, and SecurityFwd. He also organizes cybersecurity training, talks, and outreach events at hackerspaces and conferences around the world.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/9SSMGL/",
- "id": 180,
- "guid": "989a4c82-1dc6-564b-ac4a-5a7062c74187",
- "date": "2024-12-29T23:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "23:00",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "01:00",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-180-attack-mining-how-to-use-distributed-sensors-to-identify-and-take-down-adversaries",
- "title": "Attack Mining: How to use distributed sensors to identify and take down adversaries",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Security",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "Ever wondered why your web server seems to be under constant attack from what feels like everyone on the internet?\r\nMe too!\r\nJoin me in this session where we'll explore the data of millions of attacks from hundreds of sensors around the world, to identify who is attacking us from where and why. Additionally, we will have a look into how we can use that data to get abusive systems taken down, and how successful this approach actually is.\r\n\r\nBuckle up for a deep dive into the constant battle to protect systems on the internet against adversaries gaining access, and how you can help make the internet a safer place!",
- "description": "Looking at the 2024 M-Trends report, brute force is still one of the main reasons for adversaries to gain access and compromise companies. In fact, 6% of all initial access is done via brute force. Knowing this, as well as that attackers are constantly trying all sorts of attacks against any internet-connected device, there seems to be a gap between what is currently mostly done (block the attack) versus what should be done (report and take down the attacker)!\r\n\r\nThis talk will start with a short introduction on how to set up a system that is able to collect attacks from distributed sensors, enrich them at a central location, as well as use the data to reach out to ISPs and other governing bodies to report the abuse. The sensors are Docker containers with modified OpenSSH servers that will block any login attempt, no matter which username and password combination is used, as well as log the timestamp, source IP, username, and password to a central location. Using this, the so-called \"attack pot\" is indistinguishable from other Linux systems, ensuring that no suspicion on the attacker's side is raised.\r\nFor the enrichment part, the ISP's contact data is identified, and abuse notifications are sent via multiple channels to initiate a take down. Furthermore, automated bots monitor if the take down was successful and how long it took, allowing us to share some information on how successful this approach is, which ISPs are more cooperative, and where it is nearly impossible to get any system taken down. Generally, lessons learned with what could be potentially done better will be discussed!\r\n\r\nThe second part of the talk will focus on the analysis of the collected attacks. Across all of the attacks, multiple clusters, which likely are adversarial groups moving from one target to another, could be identified. Furthermore, by analyzing the used credentials, there seems to be some correlation between internet-identifiable information like DNS, region, or OS and the credentials used in an attack. This will allow defenders to get a better understanding of how to defend and even put out decoy information to quickly identify attacks.\r\n\r\nThe closure of the presentation will be an outlook on what could be done better from an ISP or governing body side to speed up take downs of adversarial infrastructure, as well as what everyone can do to make the internet a safer place!",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "0ed4db62-c8d4-5788-9119-ecb756df1cc4",
- "id": 176,
- "code": "XSCPP9",
- "public_name": "Lars König",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": null,
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/M733LV/",
- "id": 559,
- "guid": "16c09f00-0a16-5a11-92b7-7c065b7f1046",
- "date": "2024-12-30T00:15:00+01:00",
- "start": "00:15",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-559-hacking-victorian-bodies-from-grid-to-vector-space",
- "title": "Hacking Victorian Bodies: From Grid to Vector Space",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Art & Beauty",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "This performative lecture by SOLID FLESH Collective explores how generative AI can reshape historical body representations into tools for imagining new bodily futures. Drawing from Muybridge’s chronophotography, which fixed bodies into a rigid scientific grid, we investigate AI’s capacity for fluid, multidimensional embodiment. Using open-source AI models to ‘resurrect’ Muybridge’s subjects and defy commercial censorship, we reveal speculative possibilities for bodily motion and identity. Our work positions the ‘vector body’—a digitally-mediated form of self-imagination—within a broader conversation on identity fluidity, algorithmic embodiment, and liberating futures beyond conventional body ideals.",
- "description": "In this performative lecture, the SOLID FLESH Collective reimagines how artistic practice can transform historical methods of body representation into tools for imagining radical new forms of embodiment. SOLID FLESH Collective, a hybrid space bridging the realms of gym, gallery, and think tank, examines how Muybridge’s chronophotography once ‘solidified’ bodies within a rigid grid, contrasting it with generative AI’s potential for unprecedented fluidity in self-reimagining.\r\n\r\nWe present a series of experiments in ‘resurrecting’ Muybridge’s subjects, using open-source AI tools to transform scientific documentation into speculative fictions. When commercial AI flagged these Victorian images as ‘pornographic,’ this rejection spurred us to explore alternate approaches, resulting in the creation of wonderfully surreal, inhuman movements with animDiff—as if the AI, uninformed by human motion, were an animator imagining it for the first time.\r\n\r\nThe lecture positions the AI-mediated body within a multidimensional vector space of possibilities, spanning dimensions of gender, age, class, and experience. Through our custom ComfyUI workflow and selected clips from our ongoing film project (solidflesh.com), we show how this ‘vector body’ allows for forms of self-imagination that break free from the solidifying gaze of the camera. Our technical explorations engage larger questions around identity fluidity, algorithmic embodiment, and the possibility of a new, digitally mediated somatic imagination.\r\n\r\nAs mainstream AI development often reinforces conventional body ideals, we speculate on alternative futures, asking how these technologies might instead enable liberating bodily self-conceptions. Moving beyond Muybridge’s grid and current AI’s polished limitations, we explore what approaches to algorithmic embodiment might emerge when we embrace the glitches and ‘failures’ of these systems.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "46e47dd1-1d40-5942-ae62-a14119738e95",
- "id": 588,
- "code": "9KFENC",
- "public_name": "Marcin Ratajczyk",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/24.10.20_basel_selfie_2_VqhQKpB.png",
- "biography": "(b. 2002, PL) is a media artist currently studying at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. Their practice centers around creating immersive worlds as a means to both document reality and imagine alternative ones. Working across mediums such as generative AI video, 3D graphics, traditional video, and game engines, he explores the intersections of technology, storytelling, and virtual space.",
- "answers": []
- }
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- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "Saal GLITCH": [
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/PR8EGC/",
- "id": 411,
- "guid": "b019b506-b89a-5b2a-8150-956b7e9134df",
- "date": "2024-12-29T11:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "11:00",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/PR8EGC/2EC2866A-9D0E-4A5B-AE13-08855609739A_mbSbHGc.jpeg",
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-411-sacrificing-chickens-properly-why-magical-thinking-is-both-the-problem-and-the-solution-",
- "title": "Sacrificing Chickens Properly: Why Magical Thinking is Both the Problem and the Solution.",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "As an Anthropologist, magical thinking is a normal fact of life. Rather than dismissing it outright, our job is to look at its function and yes, rationality, for groups at hand.\r\n\r\nStarting out with a story about actual chickens being sacrificed to ensure the harvest, this talk explores the prevalence of useful magical thinking in our own community. Using metaphors, or even personifications, doesn‘t make a person irrational. It‘s applying a principle implicitly onto a subject matter which works completely differently, that would be the problem. After all, unless you are a strict vegetarian, it‘s not the killing of a chicken as such you‘d object to, it‘s the idea that this act makes rain. \r\n\r\nWith LLMs, our public sphere has run into a problem where experts are at loss explaining a very complicated thing to a general public, which often lacks the basic terms with which to understand how this mechanism works. The instant personification of LLMs can lead to vast mismatches between their actual capabilities and what those stories imply. Rather than dismissing them outright, the question posed would be, what‘s the alternative?\r\n\r\nThe talk is intended to be a light-hearted overview of some examples of both useful and dangerous constructions used to simplify complexity. It aims to touch upon some of the mechanisms that should be heeded in order to be able to tell a better story.",
- "description": "Causality is hard. Hence the hackers jargon file contains certain references about voodoo, deep magic and yes, even the sacrifice of chickens for the greater good. In that case, that good would be „the stakeholder‘s peace of mind“. \r\n\r\nRather than looking at the content of the subject matter, this talk is strictly about language. It highlights the issues arising when experts aim to talk about non-experts about subject matters which are not easily put into words. More precisely, not easily understood by human-sized categories of the mind. \r\n\r\nThe core point is highlighting what could be called the default library present in humans: Stories, with actors and actions leading to results. Anything that‘s not easily fit into that category struggles to be understood. Underneath this, there‘s a set of basic assumptions, comparable to the terms and capabilities of a programming language or it‘s paradigm, which sets the stage for the human-sized stories to happen in. Those are very hard to even see, let alone change, for any individual. \r\n\r\nRather than fighting assumptions, replacing a story with another story can be done far more easily. The challenge addressed in this talk is the tendency of public discourse to revolve around human-sized categories even when faced with system-sized problems. The talk invites to use the ethnographer‘s eye in order to combat dread and anger in the current public discourse. Rather than asking „how can you be so stupid?“, asking „how can you be thinking in the terms you are“ and look for logic. This skill can give you one pointed edge: Discerning active lies and acts of propaganda from honest mistakes brought about by mismatched metaphors. Which, in the end, makes the world look like a much more friendly place.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "1402af9b-cc0e-56d3-b79e-96b28e41ebc1",
- "id": 441,
- "code": "D7MTME",
- "public_name": "Senana",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/sketches_BxJdaYF.jpeg",
- "biography": "As an anthropologist and computer scientist, my heart is in two places. \r\nResearcher by trade, I love logic and the strange curiosities the world has to offer.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
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- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/GAWZXM/",
- "id": 246,
- "guid": "27b95819-6bba-5d9e-a9e6-41e811c1cf4e",
- "date": "2024-12-29T12:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "12:00",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-246-von-augustus-bis-trump-warum-desinformation-ein-problem-bleibt-und-was-wir-trotzdem-dagegen-tun-knnen",
- "title": "Von Augustus bis Trump – Warum Desinformation ein Problem bleibt und was wir trotzdem dagegen tun können",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Science",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Trotz intensiver Forschung hinken wir aktuellen Entwicklungen im Bereich Desinformation oft hinterher. In diesem Vortrag erklären wir, warum der Umgang mit Desinformation so herausfordernd ist und welche konkreten Lösungsansätze es gibt.",
- "description": "Obwohl wir inzwischen aus Perspektive der Forschung gesicherte Erkenntnisse über Verbreitung und Wirkung von Desinformationen haben und wirksame Präventions- wie auch Interventionsmaßnahmen auf vielen Ebenen diskutiert werden, laufen wir den tatsächlichen Entwicklungen und gesellschaftlichen Konsequenzen von Desinformation nur hinterher. Ein effektiver Umgang mit den unterschiedlichen Spielarten von Desinformation gelingt oft nicht. \r\nMit Blick auf die aktuelle Forschung bieten wir einen Überblick über Lösungen gegen Desinformation. Dieser Talk soll die Begrifflichkeit für die öffentliche Debatte schärfen und die Frage adressieren: Was kann und soll als Desinformation verstanden werden? Darüber hinaus wollen wir diskutieren, warum der Umgang mit Desinformation so schwierig ist und welche individuellen, gesellschaftlichen und politischen Herausforderungen ihn so schwierig machen. Abschließend beantworten wir die Fragen: Was ist zu tun?",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "682bbe07-ce28-57f5-a5c2-a74f83c67f37",
- "id": 128,
- "code": "ZVHNMU",
- "public_name": "Hendrik Heuer",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/csm_h_heuer_ifib_3315fd43c3_BgoW9IG.jpg",
- "biography": "Hendrik Heuer ist Professor am Center for Advanced Internet Studies und an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind Mensch-Computer-Interaktion und maschinelles Lernen. Er forscht zur partizipativen Softwareentwicklung für maschinelles Lernen und der Bekämpfung von Desinformation. Er hat bereits beim 34C3 und bei der Remote Chaos Experience vorgetragen.",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "c9e9834c-cec2-58ae-b866-74991f509f4f",
- "id": 691,
- "code": "REGBTJ",
- "public_name": "Josephine Schmitt",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Ich bin Josephine, promovierte Wissenschaftlerin und zertifizierte Scrum-Masterin am Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS). Meine Expertise liegt an der Schnittstelle von Medienpsychologie, Kommunikationswissenschaften, Medienpädagogik und Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung.\r\nIch baue Brücken zwischen Forschung und Praxis. Ich gestalte und erforsche neue Methoden der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Forscher:innen. Darüber hinaus beschäftige ich mich in meiner Forschung mit Themen wie staatsbürgerlicher Bildung im Internet, Hassreden und Fake News. Dabei geht es mir insbesondere um die Übersetzung wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse in praktische Anwendungen (z.B. Unterrichtsmaterialien)",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
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- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/VY3FKQ/",
- "id": 381,
- "guid": "091786b6-a7ab-5f39-af44-4cb6751e4df2",
- "date": "2024-12-29T12:55:00+01:00",
- "start": "12:55",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-381-der-traurigste-vortrag-ber-digitale-barrierefreiheit-des-jahrhunderts",
- "title": "Der traurigste Vortrag über digitale Barrierefreiheit des Jahrhunderts",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Ein riesiger Teil der digitalen Leistungen der Bundesrepublik sind nicht inklusiv und für alle zugänglich. Eklatante Rechtsbrüche werden ignoriert und es gibt absolut nichts, was wir tun können, außer darüber zu reden.",
- "description": "Die digitale Barrierefreiheit ist kaputt. In den letzten Monaten habe ich viele digitale Angebote des Staates auf deren Barrierefreiheit überprüft und die kritischsten Barrieren an die verantwortlichen Stellen gemeldet. \r\n\r\nBeispielsweise war es in der Hochwasser-Krise nach Weihnachten 2023 für blinde Personen in mindestens drei relevanten Bundesländern nicht möglich, den aktuellen Pegelstand an ihrem Wohnort abzurufen. Im Katastrophenschutz sieht es nicht besser aus: Alle vier öffentlich finanzierten Warn-Apps sind für viele Menschen mit Behinderung nicht nutzbar. Und auch das neue, für alle verpflichtende E-Rezept wurde voller Barrieren ausgerollt. \r\n\r\nDiese eklatanten Mängel sind leider Dauerzustand. Selbst wenn Barrieren schon intern bekannt sind, dauert es oft Jahre, bis diese behoben werden. An allen Ecken fehlt wichtige Expertise und der weltweite Beratungsmarkt wird beherrscht von Schlangenöl. \r\n\r\nBei einer Meldung einer neuen Barriere werfen die Behörden gerne mit Phrasen um sich und beteuern ihren Einsatz für Inklusion. Tatsächlich zeigen meine Erfahrungen ein erschreckendes Muster , das auf systematische Diskriminierung hindeutet. Aber wie können wir dann wirklich und nachhaltig Dinge verbessern? Können wir das überhaupt?\r\n\r\nWir schauen uns den traurigen Zustand der digitalen Barrierefreiheit in Deutschland an, benennen Verantwortliche für die Misere und lernen, was wir eigentlich wirklich bräuchten. Von echten Menschen mit Behinderung, mit echter Expertise.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "1506c858-b9dd-5f85-beea-31f4d83e963f",
- "id": 405,
- "code": "MBPMFP",
- "public_name": "Casey Kreer",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Casey Kreer ist Software-Entwicklerin und arbeitet freiberuflich als Consultant für digitale Barrierefreiheit. Sie ist Aktivistin für die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderung, insbesondere bei der Verwaltungsdigitalisierung und eine der bedeutendsten jungen Stimmen in ihrer Branche. Casey engagiert sich für einen selbstbestimmten Zugang zu staatlichen Informationen und einen reflektierten Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
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- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/GYAZK8/",
- "id": 624,
- "guid": "63ade5c5-70ba-5473-8f36-4e1812caf469",
- "date": "2024-12-29T13:50:00+01:00",
- "start": "13:50",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/GYAZK8/ero2_collage_NbtYf4B.jpg",
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-624-euclid-das-weltraumteleskop-180-millionen-galaxien-sind-ein-guter-anfang",
- "title": "Euclid, das Weltraumteleskop - 180 Millionen Galaxien sind ein guter Anfang",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Science",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "„Euclid\" ist seit 2023 das neue Weltraumteleskop der Europäischen Weltraumbehörde mit Beteiligungen eines Wissenschaftskonsortiums aus vierzehn europäischen Ländern, den USA, Kanada und Japan. Gestartet vor knapp eineinhalb Jahren, läuft jetzt seit gut 9 Monaten die wissenschaftliche Himmeldurchmusterung. Auf dem 37C3 konnte ich die ersten fünf \"Early Release Observation\" Bilder vorstellen, seitdem ist viel passiert. Vor allem läuft nach ein paar Anlaufschwierigkeiten die Mission richtig gut und viele hundert Quadratgrad des Himmels sind bereits fertig kartiert - die Datenbearbeitung und Auswertung läuft. Ich werde weitere Bilder und einen kleinen Blick hinter die Kulissen zeigen.",
- "description": "Euclid ist ein astronomisches Weltraumobservatorium, aber zugleich als Gesamtkonzept ein wissenschaftliches Experiment zur besseren Erforschung von \"Dunkler Energie\" und \"Dunkler Materie\". Beim 37C3 hatte ich die Hintergründe dazu erklärt und wie Euclid mit der Vermessung der Formen und Entfernungen von 1-2 Milliarden Galaxien die Entwicklungsgeschichte des Universums nachvollziehen wird.\r\nNach eineinhalb Jahren Erfahrungen mit dem Teleskop und neun Monaten Himmeldurchmusterung haben wir einiges an Erfahrung mit dem Teleskop gesammelt, den ersten Data-Release vorbereitet und jede Menge schöner Bilder gesehen und bestaunt. Wir haben uns aber auch durch Herausforderungen mit dem Teleskop gearbeitet, zum Beispiel durch Eisbeläge auf den Spiegeln oder eine aktuell sehr aktive Sonne. Aber das ist unter Kontrolle.\r\nIch werde einige neue und eindrucksvolle Bilder von Euclid zeigen und den Stand der Dinge skizzieren. Ich werde auch ein bisschen einen Blick hinter die Kulissen geben, wie mit solchen Herausforderungen umgegangen wird und wie die Datenverarbeitung voranschreitet.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "b673dcb1-8549-50ed-8bc3-54b3f9078a3a",
- "id": 631,
- "code": "AGZZLD",
- "public_name": "Knud Jahnke",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/jahnke_knud_portrait_2021-04-29_Uu1z8Qy.jpg",
- "biography": "Astronom am Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie. Interessiert am Weltall, muskelgetriebenen Fahrzeugen und Nachhaltigkeit.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/UDBPYF/",
- "id": 586,
- "guid": "7bd7dba1-b9a8-5fe8-94f7-9fc9d1704877",
- "date": "2024-12-29T14:45:00+01:00",
- "start": "14:45",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/UDBPYF/FABulous_OpenBoard_OTQMZzI.jpg",
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-586-the-design-decisions-behind-the-first-open-everything-fabulous-fpga",
- "title": "The Design Decisions behind the first Open-Everything FABulous FPGA",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Hardware & Making",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "With the availability of robust silicon-proven open-source tools, IPs, and process design kits (PDKs), it is now possible to build complex chips without industry tools. This is exactly what we did to design our first open-everything FABulous FPGA, which is an example of open silicon that is designed and programmed entirely with open tools.\r\n\r\nProduced in the Skywater 130nm process node, our chip features 672 LUTs (each with 4 inputs and a flop), 6 DSP blocks (8x8 bit multipliers with 20-bit accumulators), 8 BRAMs (with 1KB each), and 12 register file primitives (each having 32 4-bit words with 1 write and 2 read ports). The resources are sufficient to run, for instance, a small RISC-V system on the fabric. The FPGA comes with a small board that is designed to fit into an audio cassette case and that can be programmed directly via an USB interface. Moreover, the FPGA supports partial reconfiguration, which allows us to swap the logic of parts of the FPGA while continuing operation in the rest of the chip.\r\n\r\nThe chip was designed with the help of the versatile FABulous framework, which integrates several further open-source projects, including Yosys, nextpnr, the Verilator, OpenRAM, and the OpenLane tool suite. FABulous was used for various embedded FPGAs, including multiple designs manufactured in the TSMC 28nm process node.\r\n\r\nThe talk will discuss and analyze differences and similarities with industry FPGAs and dive into design decision taken and optimizations applied to deliver good quality of results (with respect to area cost and performance). The talk will highlight state-of-the-art in open-source FPGA chip design and provide a deeper than usual discussion on the design principles of these devices.",
- "description": "The talk will target both FPGA novices and experts and discuss the technology from two angles: 1) the capabilities of open tools to build an entire FPGA ecosystem and 2) FPGA technology insights.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "afc01a46-a8d1-5159-a2ee-a99f5de21df2",
- "id": 609,
- "code": "DS3NUS",
- "public_name": "Dirk",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/Electronics-for-dogs-174x209_7S7zNGn.jpg",
- "biography": "Dirk has 25 years of FPGA experience including CAD design tool development, application, FPGA hardware security and, recently, designing FPGA chips. Dirk wrote the book \"Partial Reconfiguration of FPGAs\" and he leads the Novel Computing Technology group at Heidelberg University",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
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- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/YC8L8L/",
- "id": 658,
- "guid": "f1e929eb-5b85-563a-9c40-a489dd7913aa",
- "date": "2024-12-29T15:45:00+01:00",
- "start": "15:45",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-658-beyond-ble-cracking-open-the-black-box-of-rf-microcontrollers",
- "title": "Beyond BLE: Cracking Open the Black-Box of RF Microcontrollers",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Hardware & Making",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "Despite the recent popularity and breadth of offerings of low-cost RF microcontrollers, there is a shared absence of documentation for the internal workings of their RF hardware. Vendors might provide an API for their supported protocols, such as BLE, but their documentation will only provide as much detail as necessary to use these libraries. For practically every BLE MCU available to hobbyists, interfacing with the on-chip radio is limited to secret ROMs or binary blobs. In this talk, we will finally peel back the curtain on one of these RF MCUs, giving the ability to understand and unlock the full potential of the hardware to operate in new modes.",
- "description": "The TI SimpleLink family of BLE and Sub-GHz RF MCUs present a general-purpose Cortex-M4F platform with extensive documentation for developing custom embedded/IoT devices. With a reference manual filled with countless diagrams and register maps for all its peripherals, the Radio section is surprisingly sparse, only mentioning a high-level API for exchanging commands between an RF coprocessor core. This secondary undocumented CPU is what handles the actual RF communication, running from an inaccessible ROM. There’s no mention of what peripherals lay beyond the coprocessor aside from generic “DSP Modem” and “RF Engine” modules.\r\n\r\nThis talk serves to be the unofficial “Radio Reference Manual” of the SimpleLink MCUs, opening the black box of the RF subsystem and painting the full picture on how the radio operates - from the stack to the antenna. As part of this effort to fully understand these chips, we reverse engineered TI’s proprietary RF patch format, which enables SDK updates to introduce support for newer protocols on existing chips. We show how these patches allow you to modify the behavior of almost every part of the RF subsystem, control the RF subsystem in ways not intended, or even replace the ROM firmware entirely. Additionally, we investigate the hidden DSP Modem cores, and decode their proprietary ISA to disassemble and craft new firmware patches for them as well, potentially opening up the door for a cheap single-chip SDR.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "9f528539-72bb-53c8-9c56-c14c8558f662",
- "id": 622,
- "code": "WHX9RN",
- "public_name": "Adam Batori",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": null,
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "819e955e-b6da-5c61-9d3e-fc9326149c71",
- "id": 669,
- "code": "WRNFTN",
- "public_name": "Robert Pafford",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": null,
- "answers": []
- }
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- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/7YDWFB/",
- "id": 642,
- "guid": "47c0094c-fd30-52b5-8eb9-398d0418c7cc",
- "date": "2024-12-29T16:40:00+01:00",
- "start": "16:40",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-642-biological-evolution-writing-rewriting-and-breaking-the-program-of-life",
- "title": "Biological evolution: writing, rewriting and breaking the program of life",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Science",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "Biological evolution is a great inventor. Over 4 billion years, it has generated an astonishing diversity of lifeforms, from the tiniest bacteria to the tallest trees.\r\nEach new organism inherits a genetic program from its parents - a set of instructions to “build” the organism itself. Random mutations in this program can alter the organism’s traits, affecting its ability to survive in its environment. \r\nBut how do these small changes combine over thousands of generations to yield the vast complexity we see in present-day lifeforms?\r\n\r\nIn this talk, we discuss examples from our research, using computer simulations to model the early evolution of animals, from single-celled microbes to complex multicellular organisms. \r\nWe show that evolution behaves a bit like a hacker, repurposing the programs it previously built in unexpected ways to create new functions and structures. \r\n\r\nUnderstanding how evolution continually innovates is one of biology’s grand challenges. We also hope that uncovering these processes in biological systems will provide new perspectives on current debates about the generative and creative capabilities of AI.",
- "description": "The history of life abounds with examples of how biological evolution repurposes old tools for new functions.\r\nFeathers, indispensable for bird flight, first appeared in dinosaurs, where they served an entirely different purpose: to stay warm in the Jurassic winter. \r\nAnalogously, the proteins that focus light in the lens of our eyes originally functioned as metabolic enzymes. \r\nOne of evolution’s most transformative repurposing events is the emergence of multicellularity — a transition that laid the groundwork for complex life as we know it.\r\n\r\nBefore multicellularity evolved, single cells lived autonomously, each with their own genetic program to find food and survive harsh environments. Evolution repurposed these cellular programs, to organise self-sufficient cells into cooperative multicellular groups, with surprising new capabilities and collective survival strategies. For example, cells in the group can divide tasks among each other and share resources, paving the way for the extreme specialisation we find in the organs of modern animals. \r\n\r\nOur computational models simulate this evolutionary transition to explore how the rewriting of cellular programs sets the stage for further biological innovations. \r\nOne striking insight from our computational approach is that it requires little input data to generate novel solutions to evolutionary problems, revealing an inherent efficiency in biological systems that stands in contrast to modern generative AI.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "46e70ff1-dae3-5f52-89f5-00751804cc95",
- "id": 649,
- "code": "WDSHW3",
- "public_name": "Enrico Sandro Colizzi",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/Colizzi_GtTQtRQ.jpg",
- "biography": "Computational biologist - working at the University of Cambridge, soon starting as a PI in INRIA Lyon.",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "34c6d972-b127-5711-b971-f4bb6b60c6bc",
- "id": 650,
- "code": "F38JF3",
- "public_name": "Renske Vroomans",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/Renske_newpic_kcaNokb.png",
- "biography": "Computational biologist working at the University of Cambridge. I am interested in the evolution of plant growth.",
- "answers": []
- }
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- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/H8QNQX/",
- "id": 641,
- "guid": "5abd5a97-4255-5cf7-9635-4bcd5b13ff74",
- "date": "2024-12-29T17:35:00+01:00",
- "start": "17:35",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-641-high-energy-physics-aside-the-large-hadron-collider",
- "title": "High energy physics aside the Large Hadron Collider",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Science",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "What are we, and where do we come from? - Searching for flavour in beauty\r\n\r\nNowadays the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN is the best known high energy physics research facility. However, there are other facilities around the world performing cutting edge high energy physics research. Some of these are the so called flavour factories which have a long tradition in high energy physics. Two of these are currently in operation: BES III in China and Belle II in Japan. Collecting huge amounts of data, the goal of these experiments is to measure free parameters of the standard model of particle physics with very high precision to find deviations from predictions by theory. Such deviations can hint to new physics, and physicists are still searching for the reasons of our very existence as by our best knowledge nothing but light should have remained after the big bang. But testing the standard model is challenging. Huge data sets in the order of tera bytes need to be analysed requiring advanced analysis software and techniques. By now these analyses usually employ machine learning and artificial intelligence in various kinds, while using custom hardware and software, and a world spanning computing infrastructure. All of this is only possible with more than 1000 people working together in a collaboration. Part of the work in high energy physics nowadays would not be possible anymore without the groundbreaking research by this year's Nobel laureates for physics.\r\nIn this talk I will present what flavour physics is, the reasons why flavour physics is interesting and why it matters, and which challenges we are facing, using the Belle II experiment as an example. Most of the challenges are not unique to Belle II but to high energy physics in general, so I will also set this into the bigger context and take a look to what is ahead of us in the field of high energy physics.",
- "description": "Developed in the 1950s to 1960s, the standard model of particle physics has been a huge success. However, there are parts it cannot describe:\r\n* During the big bang the same amount of matter and anti-matter should have been produced, and they should have annihilated only leaving light. But here we are, so there must have been some sort of imbalance or asymmetry. With our current understanding of particle physics and the big bang we cannot explain the amount of asymmetry necessary to explain our existence. So why are we here?\r\n* We found that neutrinos do have mass, while the SM predicts them to be massless. So why do neutrinos have mass and where does it come from?\r\n* The orbital velocities of stars in distant galaxies show deviations from expectations if only visible matter is taken into account. These deviations in the galaxy rotational curves hints to additional matter which nowadays we call \"dark matter\". But what is its origin\r\n* The universe seems to expand with an increasing rate, but what is the driver behind this rate? We now describe this as \"dark energy\" but do not really know what it is made of.\r\n* ...\r\n\r\nCosmology, astrophysics, and high energy physics are working on solving these mysteries. While the first two require observations of space and simulations on earth, the last one can be fully conducted on earth. In high energy physics we currently are following to paths of finding physics beyond our current understanding called the \"standard model\" of particle physics: direct and indirect discoveries. This can be achieved by testing ever higher energies, or by probing known processes with improved precision. The discovery of the Higgs Boson in 2012 was of the first category, a direct discovery at high energies.\r\n\r\nFlavour factories work differently. They operate at much lower energies (about 1000 times lower than the Large Hadron collider), but are collecting huge amounts of data to precisely test the standard model to find hints for unknown physics effects. One of the current flavour physics experiments is Belle II in Japan. There physicists try to find hints explaining the asymmetry between matter and anti-matter seen at the big bang, and are searching for dark matter candidates, as well as other indications of deviations from the standard model. By precisely measuring the standard model processes it is possible check for particles 10,000 times heavier than the energies used in Belle II, and 10 times heavier of what the LHC can achieve in direct searches.\r\n\r\nThis talk focuses on the challenges that modern high energy physics experiments, as well as other experiments are facing, and how to tackle them, as well as the public relevance of the research fields.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "ef20552c-2417-571a-be7b-4890e0debfc4",
- "id": 648,
- "code": "FBPCUQ",
- "public_name": "Christian Wessel",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Space engineer and physicist liking science, software, computing, and STEM in general",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/XUE8CS/",
- "id": 525,
- "guid": "f71f01a7-aef9-5793-95f8-4c40a5687855",
- "date": "2024-12-29T19:15:00+01:00",
- "start": "19:15",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/XUE8CS/tildagonfull_PLCE3rL.png",
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-525-drawing-with-circuits-creating-functional-and-artistic-pcbs-together",
- "title": "Drawing with circuits – creating functional and artistic PCBs together",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Art & Beauty",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "We are a professional electronics designer and a professional artist. We'd like to share our experience of integrating an artist into the design workflow for EMF's 2022 and 2024 event badges, how we ensured that form and function grew together, and how you might make a board so fancy it crashes your PCB vendor’s CAM software.",
- "description": "Circuit boards are increasingly being made to be seen. Whether they're personal or commercial, many projects show off their PCBs in an array of shapes, colours and sizes instead of hiding them in enclosures.\r\nWhile making an electronic design work correctly and making it look amazing are not conflicting goals, they do require very different skillsets.\r\n\r\nIf you are not one of the rare people whose expertise spans both graphic and electronic design, it may feel very daunting to collaborate with someone who has a very different skillset. You must figure out what you don't know about each other's fields, what the other needs to know, and find the right language to bridge that divide. \r\n\r\nWe will share our experience of working together as circuit designer and artist, and will talk about:\r\n- the possibilities and constraints of modern PCB technology as a medium for visual art\r\n- turning a functional electronic design into an artistic playground\r\n- our experience of communicating across fields of expertise, developing a common language and conveying essential ideas without getting in each other's way\r\n- some fantastic free software for art and electronic design\r\n- sample workflows for embellishing circuits\r\n- what PCB design software and manufacturers expect and how to get away with doing \"weird\" things\r\n- many examples of beautiful things we and others have made\r\n\r\nWe hope this will inspire and encourage you to make your own beautiful collaborative designs a reality.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "a4580ac7-445e-536c-a2a5-02138b409065",
- "id": 554,
- "code": "8AGVWP",
- "public_name": "Kliment",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Kliment is an electronics designer who builds hardware for fun and profit. He teaches people to build electronics at various events and helps out with maintaining KiCad's libraries.",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "a425bd45-857d-53e6-820a-bb1757dd6520",
- "id": 750,
- "code": "RDWW9V",
- "public_name": "Morag Hickman",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/Avocado_wobbler_eVoaUfC.gif",
- "biography": "Artist, creative entity, accidental EMFCamp Design team lead. \r\nSilversmith, sculptor, painter, pixel-botherer. \r\n(They/them)",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/STEVPR/",
- "id": 311,
- "guid": "1273e121-e12d-5995-b526-ce93547c5b11",
- "date": "2024-12-29T20:15:00+01:00",
- "start": "20:15",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-311-ultrawide-archaeology-on-android-native-libraries",
- "title": "Ultrawide archaeology on Android native libraries",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Security",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "A bug in a scraper script led to us downloading every single native library in every single Android app ever published in any market (~8 million apps). \r\nInstead of deleting this massive dataset and starting again, we foolishly decided to run some binary similarity algos to check if libraries and outdated and still vulnerable to old CVEs. No one told us we were opening Pandora's box.\r\nA tragic story of scraping, IP-banning circumvention, love/hate relationships with machine learning, binary similarity party tricks, and an infinite sea of vulnerabilities.",
- "description": "A rumor has been going around: Android developers are slow to update native dependencies, leaving vulnerabilities unpatched.\r\nIn this talk we will show how *wrong* this rumor is: Android developers are not slow to patch - they never heard of the word patching.\r\nWe conduct a massive study over the every single app ever published on Android (more than 8 million!).\r\nWe explore trendy topics like Play Store scraping, Androzoo scraping, Maven repository scraping, the state of the Android ecosystem, binary similarity state-of-the-art methods vs binary similarity pre-historic methods, and the consequences of thinking you know how databases work when you actually don't.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "9ef179da-dc86-5b02-a231-353fe964e2e9",
- "id": 321,
- "code": "VWTJFD",
- "public_name": "Luca Di Bartolomeo (cyanpencil)",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "PhD @ hexhive/EPFL\r\nCapture the Flag w/ polyg0ts & 0rganizers!",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "b17b4528-7181-5622-beb8-05bb11c904cc",
- "id": 675,
- "code": "JHCRTT",
- "public_name": "Rokhaya Fall",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": null,
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/LVVRLL/",
- "id": 523,
- "guid": "43b507c0-3612-51ae-be02-f0634da93166",
- "date": "2024-12-29T21:10:00+01:00",
- "start": "21:10",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/LVVRLL/bunterPapgei_7zNGwMm.png",
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-523-klimaschdlich-by-design-die-kologischen-kosten-des-ki-hypes",
- "title": "Klimaschädlich by Design – die ökologischen Kosten des KI-Hypes",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Sogenannte Generative KI hat einen hohen Rechenbedarf und braucht damit automatisch viel Energie. Wir wollen zeigen, was die AI-Bubble uns alle bisher an Ressourcen gekostet hat. Wer verdient sich daran dumm und dusslig? Und wer trägt die ökologischen und sozialen Kosten?",
- "description": "Sogenannte „Generative KI“ ist nicht nur ein Hype-Thema in Politik und Gesellschaft, mit ihr schießen auch die benötigten Rechenkapazitäten in die Höhe. Der Energiebedarf ist so hoch, dass Google, Microsoft und Meta 2024 nacheinander ihre Klima-Ziele zurücknahmen und nun auf dubiose Kernkraft-Lösungen umsteigen wollen.\r\n\r\nDas hat System, denn Big Tech entwickelt und finanziert nicht nur die gehypten KI-Anwendungen, die gleichen Konzerne bieten auch die benötigten Cloud-Kapazitäten an. Von Chile, Spanien bis nach Taiwan – weltweit regen sich Proteste gegen die Infrastruktur hinter dem KI-Boom, von neuen Bergbauprojekten, Chipfabriken bis zu Hyperscale-Rechenzentren. Der steigende Energie-, Wasser- und Ressourcenverbrauch feuert die Klimakrise an, bedroht Ökosysteme und verletzt indigene Landrechte – für erhoffte Milliardengewinne auf der Seite von Big Tech.\r\n\r\nIn diesem Vortrag schauen wir auf die ökologischen und menschenrechtlichen Kosten des KI-Booms. Wir tragen die Fakten zusammen und liefern kritische Analysen und Argumentationshilfen zum KI-Hype.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "14cf0385-199f-5cd2-a179-d02c553e9cb5",
- "id": 387,
- "code": "LRVD9D",
- "public_name": "Friederike Karla Hildebrandt",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/photo_5366549009604394935_y_U3hE4p4.jpg",
- "biography": "Hi!\r\nIch bin Rike und koordiniere das Bits & Bäume Netzwerk.\r\nIch habe Ökonomie studiert und habe meine aktivistischen Wurzeln in der Klima- und Stadtpolitik. Zuletzt habe ich 3 Jahre beim Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz als Referentin für Digitalpolitik gearbeitet.\r\nIch bin mit Mitglied im ILA-Kollektiv und beim Forum InformatikerInnen für frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung.",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "79aa12ea-2d29-5df7-972b-1124a48a838b",
- "id": 456,
- "code": "FCLVFD",
- "public_name": "Constanze Kurz",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/ich-7-2_8SjCXsu.jpg",
- "biography": "Constanze ist promovierte Informatikerin, Sachbuchautorin, Sprecherin des Chaos Computer Clubs und war technische Sachverständige im Rahmen verschiedener Verfassungsbeschwerdeverfahren (Wahlcomputer, Vorratsdatenspeicherung, Hackerparagraph, Staatstrojaner, BND-Gesetz, Big Data bei der Polizei).\r\nConstanze arbeitet bei netzpolitik.org.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/JLJGB8/",
- "id": 456,
- "guid": "b85ccc8d-52ce-5532-ac8e-c970d458ecd0",
- "date": "2024-12-29T22:05:00+01:00",
- "start": "22:05",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-456-mushroom-djs-strong-ai-climate-change-connecting-the-dots-with-artistic-research",
- "title": "Mushroom-DJs, Strong AI & Climate Change: Connecting the Dots with Artistic Research",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Art & Beauty",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "The exploratory nature of artistic research can aide in the production of knowledge. Sometimes, this takes a detour through music-making mushrooms and making moonshine, sometimes it deals with societal reverberations of AI usage or how lithium extraction affects the planet. This talk gives an insight on how we do technology-assisted artistic research at ZKM | Hertzlab, the artistic research & development department of the Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe.",
- "description": "Artistic research takes the exploratory impulse of art and combines it with the wish for knowing the world that characterizes scientific research. It is neither science communication, nor purely artistic practice - it is located somewhere in between. As a field of its own, artistic research is still relatively young; at ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, we explore what this means in the context of one of Europe's oldest media art institutions. Our six themes - lifecycles, connect, a common(s) world, ai-lab, post-human world, fellow futures - guide us in what we hope is a contribution to larger discourses from the point of view of art.\r\nWith examples and projects, this talk will illuminate artistic research practices, its benefits and challenges and how having a hacker mindset is the first step into becoming an artistic researcher.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "3b3b73d6-db2e-5be4-bde5-a2c6a87f500b",
- "id": 492,
- "code": "7UES7S",
- "public_name": "twena",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/IMG_20231213_134941_edit_497964803900577_T5Rykj4.jpg",
- "biography": "Tina Lorenz came of age in the Chaos Computer Club but went on to study Drama and American Literary History in Vienna and Munich. They were a lecturer for theater history at the Academy for Performing Arts Bavaria, later dramaturg at the Landestheater Oberpfalz and finally consultant for digital communication at the Staatstheater Nürnberg, before founding and leading the Digital Theatre department at the State Theatre of Augsburg from 2020 to 2023.\r\n\r\nTina Lorenz is a founding member of the hackspaces metalab Vienna and Binary Kitchen Regensburg; since January 2024, they head the department of artistic research and development »Hertzlab« at ZKM | Karlsruhe",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
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- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/UR9CYP/",
- "id": 514,
- "guid": "7a704cd7-ae73-5427-968b-88201d57f993",
- "date": "2024-12-29T23:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "23:00",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "01:00",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-514-how-election-software-can-fail",
- "title": "How election software can fail",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Security",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "Experiences from a hacker working at the Election Council of The Netherlands.",
- "description": "After critically following the elections for 8 years from the outside, a hacker was employed as one of the functional administrators of the software supporting the elections. Sharing experiences of the use of election software during 7 elections (2020-2023), from local, national to European in The Netherlands.\r\n\r\nA governmental software project with strict deadlines, and high security expectations. The software project for elections in The Netherlands is build an IT organization [owned by German local governments](https://www.regioit.de/unternehmen/zahlen-daten-fakten). More than 10.000 Java files, what can possible go wrong?\r\n\r\nDuring this time multiple emergency patches were needed and incidents occur. Although at first explicitly *not* hired as a coder, within 3 months a Java code contribution was made that was unexpectedly more crucial than anticipated.\r\n\r\nThis talk will show some incidents with the election software in The Netherlands: how the software failed, and when/how it was discovered. Go over how seeing the elections from the outside, and give some history of voting computers and software. Ending with some reflecting on the future.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "09215f89-d3ba-54b8-96bf-b55cb437e241",
- "id": 549,
- "code": "Y3FF8T",
- "public_name": "Benjamin W. Broersma",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/e578e9b6a68ecc195bcfd5762d9f2c36_Xru8hjF.jpg",
- "biography": "### Hi there 👋\r\n\r\nI'm a hacker, full stack developer, and advisor about [internet standards](https://internet.nl). I like [code](https://x.com/bwbroersma/status/1092051846678659073) [golf](https://x.com/bwbroersma/status/1660354845235113989).\r\n\r\n- 🔭 I’m currently working for the [Netherlands Standardisation Forum](https://www.forumstandaardisatie.nl/en/netherlands-standardisation-forum), which facilitates digital cooperation (interoperability) between government organizations and between government, businesses and citizens\r\n- 🌱 I’m currently learning ZIP, ZLIB (RFC 1950, RFC 1951), ASN.1, ODF and OPC file formats\r\n- 💬 Ask me anything about [EML_NL](https://www.kiesraad.nl/verkiezingen/osv-en-eml/eml-standaard)¹, JQ, bash, xmlstarlet and PL/pgSQL\r\n- 📫 How to reach me, see [my email](github.com/bwbroersma/) or 🐦 ([**@bwbroersma**](https://twitter.com/bwbroersma))\r\n- ⚡ Fun fact: I mail and [tweet](https://x.com/BWBroersma/status/1375181703183007746) too many oneliners to colleagues\r\n\r\n¹ I used to work for the Electoral Council of the Netherlands ([Kiesraad](https://english.kiesraad.nl/about-us)), an electoral management body",
- "answers": []
- }
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- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/JKACDE/",
- "id": 260,
- "guid": "4bf7f17e-2158-5b5b-b274-0b595f800371",
- "date": "2024-12-30T00:15:00+01:00",
- "start": "00:15",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/JKACDE/cedb4a431bad1b87_tDPbPbg.png",
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-260-blmba-behind-the-scenes-of-a-2000s-style-ringtone-provider",
- "title": "Blåmba! ☎️ Behind the scenes of a 2000s-style ringtone provider",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Art & Beauty",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "A Deep Dive into WAP, SMS, monophonic ringtones and 1-bit graphics.",
- "description": "A key part of early 2000s advertisements were hyperactive frogs and annoying crocodiles trying to lure people into subscribing to overpriced ringtones and silly graphics for their mobile phones.\r\n\r\nApart from shady business practices -- how exactly do you send pictures and ringtones to vintage GSM mobile phones (most of which don't even support TCP/IP)?\r\nIn our quest to learn more, we stumbled across WAP-Push, User Data Headers, Concatenated SMS, SMPP, User Agent Profiles and many more forgotten technologies.\r\n\r\nTo put all this knowledge to good use, we built Blåmba -- a Chaos ringtone provider, clearly inspired by the (now long defunct) historic ones. \r\n\r\nThen at Chaos Communication Camp 2023 with the C3GSM network, we had the first public instalment of Blåmba.\r\nThe Chaos community uploaded lovely artwork and new ringtones, sent patches for the software, and had a fun time reviving their old Nokia phones.\r\n\r\nThis talk will tell the story behind Blåmba, explain how ringtones (and more) made their way onto your phone, what a WAP gateway did, and what other cool tricks mobile phones could do (if you had the money to pay for GPRS traffic 20 years ago).",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "89bf2045-2db4-54ec-8444-a53b167dda1c",
- "id": 273,
- "code": "TEQMJJ",
- "public_name": "Manawyrm",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/frame_30_delay-0.04s_K1Ed1DG.gif",
- "biography": "Infrastructure catgirl, with a special place in her heart for vintage GSM and ISDN equipment and other old computers.\r\n\r\nhttps://chaos.social/@manawyrm\r\nhttps://kittenlabs.de/",
- "answers": []
- }
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- "links": [],
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- "answers": []
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- },
- {
- "index": 4,
- "date": "2024-12-30",
- "day_start": "2024-12-30T04:00:00+01:00",
- "day_end": "2024-12-31T03:59:00+01:00",
- "rooms": {
- "Saal 1": [
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/MCGKUA/",
- "id": 281,
- "guid": "5a7f47a6-3f4f-5496-8d05-f9b229aad0fc",
- "date": "2024-12-30T11:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "11:00",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-281-from-simulation-to-tenant-takeover",
- "title": "From Simulation to Tenant Takeover",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Security",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "All I wanted was for Microsoft to deliver my phishing simulation. This journey took me from discovering trivial vulnerabilities in Microsoft's Attack Simulation platform, to a Chinese company to which Microsoft outsourced its support department that wanted all my access tokens. I finally ended up hijacking remote PowerShell sessions and obtaining all data from random Microsoft 365 tenants, all the while reeling in bug bounties along the way.",
- "description": "This talk is the result of what happens when you ask a hacker to simply automate sending out a phishing simulation.\r\n\r\nMy first attempt with Microsoft's new Attack Simulation platform resulted in three bug bounties for the most trivial vulnerabilities and no more faith in the product. \r\n\r\nThen I tried building a phishing simulation program myself and the last thing I needed was to allowlist my IP address in Exchange Online. \r\n\r\nI ended up in a rabbit hole where I discovered that Microsoft outsourced their support department to a Chinese company that wanted all my access tokens. \r\n\r\nI then tried intercepting client-side requests made by the Security & Compliance center with the goal of replaying these to a backend API, only to discover that by fiddling with some parameters I could now hijack remote PowerShell sessions and access Microsoft 365 tenants that were not mine. Tenants where I could now export everything, e-mail, files, etc.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "8c326269-334c-5767-91c5-f66d2f903f07",
- "id": 303,
- "code": "A3WAHW",
- "public_name": "Vaisha Bernard",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/vaisha_blackwhite_McIai0E.jpg",
- "biography": "Vaisha Bernard is a principal cybersecurity specialist at Eye Security, a rapidly growing MSSP based in The Netherlands, Germany and Belgium. Although he has a formal background in Astrophysics and Artificial Intelligence, he already became an offensive cybersecurity enthouiast at age 12. After graduating it was this expertise that landed him a job at the Dutch government. In 2020 he joined Eye Security as principal cybersecurity specialist, where he splits his time between research, high profile incident response cases and cracking attack surfaces.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/33YLTY/",
- "id": 255,
- "guid": "db6b17d6-88e3-5665-b1d8-1c8348c1431b",
- "date": "2024-12-30T12:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "12:00",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/33YLTY/image_1_F3rwPBD.png",
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-255-ten-years-of-rowhammer-a-retrospect-and-path-to-the-future-",
- "title": "Ten Years of Rowhammer: A Retrospect (and Path to the Future)",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Security",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "The density of memory cells in modern DRAM is so high that disturbance errors, like the Rowhammer effect, have become quite frequent. An attacker can exploit Rowhammer to flip bits in inaccessible memory locations by reading the contents of nearby accessible memory rows. Since its discovery in 2014, we have seen a cat-and-mouse security game with a continuous stream of new attacks and new defenses. Now, in 2024, exactly 10 years after Rowhammer was discovered, it is time to look back and reflect on the progress we have made and give an outlook on the future. Additionally, we will present an open-source framework to check if your system is vulnerable to Rowhammer.",
- "description": "In 2014, Kim et al. reported a new disturbance effect in modern DRAM that they called Rowhammer.\r\nThe Rowhammer effect flips bits in inaccessible memory locations just by reading the content of nearby memory locations that are attacker-accessible. \r\nThey trigger the Rowhammer effect by accessing memory locations at a high frequency, using memory accesses and flushes.\r\nThe root problem behind Rowhammer is the continuous increase in cell density in modern DRAM.\r\nIn early 2015, Seaborn and Dullien were the first to demonstrate the security impact of this new disturbance effect.\r\nIn two different exploit variants, they demonstrated privilege escalation from the Google Chrome NaCl sandbox to native code execution and from unprivileged native code execution to kernel privileges.\r\nLater, in 2015, Gruss et al. demonstrated that this effect can even be triggered from JavaScript, which they presented in their talk \"Rowhammer.js: Root privileges for web apps?\" at 32C3.\r\n\r\nNow, in 2024, it is precisely 10 years after Rowhammer was discovered.\r\nThus, we believe it is time to look back and reflect on the progress we have made.\r\nWe have seen a seemingly endless cat-and-mouse security game with a constant stream of new attacks and new defenses.\r\nWe will discuss the milestone works throughout the last 10 years, including various mitigations (making certain instructions illegal, ECC, doubled-refresh rate, pTRR, TRR) and how they have been bypassed.\r\nWe show that new Rowhammer attacks pushed the boundaries further with each defense and challenge. While initial attacks required native code on Intel x86 with DDR3 memory, subsequent attacks have also been demonstrated on DDR4 and, more recently, DDR5. Attacks have also been demonstrated on mobile Arm processors and AMD x86 desktop processors. Furthermore, instead of native code, attacks from sandboxed JavaScript or even remote attacks via network have been demonstrated as well.\r\nFurthermore, we will discuss how the Rowhammer effect can be used to leak memory directly, as well as related effects such as Rowpress. We will discuss these research results and show how they are connected.\r\nWe will then talk about the lessons learned and derive areas around the Rowhammer effect that have not received sufficient attention yet.\r\nWe will outline what the future of DRAM disturbance effects may look like, covering more recent effects and trends in computer systems and DRAM technology.\r\n\r\nFinally, an important aspect of our talk is that we invite everyone to contribute to solving one of the biggest unanswered questions about Rowhammer:\r\nWhat is the real-world prevalence of the Rowhammer effect? How many systems, in their current configurations, are vulnerable to Rowhammer?\r\nAs large-scale studies with hundreds to thousands of systems are not easy to perform, such a study has not yet been performed. Therefore, we developed a new framework to check if your system is vulnerable to Rowhammer, incorporating the state-of-the-art Rowhammer techniques and tools.\r\nThus, we invite everyone to participate in this unique opportunity at 38C3 to join forces and close this research gap together.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
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- "guid": "4fac2ea7-9464-54dc-94af-ab15f0fa2f43",
- "id": 265,
- "code": "TFXR7B",
- "public_name": "Daniel Gruss",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/portrait_small_rPT8mpS.jpg",
- "biography": "Daniel Gruss (@lavados) is a Professor at Graz University of Technology. He has been teaching undergraduate courses since 2010. Daniel's research focuses on side channels and transient execution attacks. He implemented the first remote fault attack running in a website, known as Rowhammer.js. His research team was one of the teams that found the Meltdown and Spectre bugs published in early 2018. In 2023, he received an ERC Starting Grant to research the sustainability of security. He frequently speaks at top international venues.",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "e3a3be8d-7b46-5d3a-88f4-5563d4918e42",
- "id": 268,
- "code": "MAEMK9",
- "public_name": "Martin Heckel",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/MAEMK9_PWbhLo2.png",
- "biography": "Martin Heckel is a research associate and PhD student at Hof University of Applied Sciences and Graz University of Technology.\r\nHe started to perform research related on Rowhammer during his Bachelor Thesis in 2021 and has continued his research in this field afterwards.",
- "answers": []
- },
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- "guid": "3f1d885e-cddd-5878-a7af-3bd31a5d9817",
- "id": 776,
- "code": "USSKAN",
- "public_name": "Florian Adamsky",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/ich-round-avatar_P80F54Q.png",
- "biography": "Florian Adamsky attended the first Chaos Communication Congress in 2000 (17C3). He co-founded Chaostreff Regensburg at some point, before becoming immersed in academia, from which he has not found his way out. As a result, he has been serving as a professor of IT security at Hof University of Applied Sciences since 2019. In 2020, he established his own small research group called System and Network Security (SNS), which focuses on phishing, anonymity networks, and hardware-based side-channel attacks, such as Rowhammer.",
- "answers": []
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- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/NJXH8N/",
- "id": 436,
- "guid": "0c346b37-5f1e-5765-b4cd-0075cadc127e",
- "date": "2024-12-30T12:55:00+01:00",
- "start": "12:55",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-436-all-brains-are-beautiful-the-biology-of-neurodiversity",
- "title": "All Brains are Beautiful! – The Biology of Neurodiversity",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Science",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "How do you think?\r\nPeople can experience thoughts, feelings, and sensory inputs very differently. While context and substances are known to promote changes in perception and thinking, the biological basis is very diverse, contrary to what is often assumed. Brain cells come in extraordinary varieties in size, shape, and complexity. Their synaptic connectivity provides the foundation of all our sensory input, motor output, cognitive functions, and thoughts. In short: They shape us. This talk gives an introduction about the extent of variability in neuronal patterns that underlies neurodiversity and critically discusses the idea of neurodivergence, diagnosis criteria in Autism and ADHD from a biological and first person-perspective. We find that biological variability of brains is an evolutionary feature that helps us to adapt to our environment but comes with certain risks and downsides in our modern society. While many things are still unknown, scientists have identified genes and environmental impacts that shape our network architecture during brain development and which help to explain why we think and experience the world so differently.",
- "description": "This talk gives an introduction about the extent of variability in neuronal patterns that underlies neurodiversity and critically discusses the idea of neurodivergence, diagnosis criteria in Autism and ADHD from a biological and affected person-perspective. It aims to clear up stereotypes, dogmas that still stick in our society and provides latest insights from science and community about what makes our brains work so differently.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "10c2d692-894a-536c-b265-b0175b5c2f98",
- "id": 469,
- "code": "N9FSAE",
- "public_name": "Marcello",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "I am a person with too many hobbies, first generation postdoc, neurobiology background and late diagnosed adhd, trying to raise awareness about neurodiversity. I did my PhD in Hamburg about synaptic network scaling and its link to autism spectrum disorders and currently work in Seattle on neurodegeneration.",
- "answers": []
- }
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- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/3QG7TT/",
- "id": 383,
- "guid": "c44ea615-7ef3-500b-acec-4c02826ca4a2",
- "date": "2024-12-30T13:50:00+01:00",
- "start": "13:50",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-383-identity-theft-credit-card-fraud-and-cloaking-services-how-state-sponsored-propaganda-makes-use-of-the-cyber-criminal-toolbox",
- "title": "identity theft, credit card fraud and cloaking services – how state-sponsored propaganda makes use of the cyber criminal toolbox",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "The Russian disinformation campaign Doppelgänger is considered to be technically highly sophisticated. Research by CORRECTIV and Qurium has revealed that the Russian state relies on the toolbox of internet fraudsters for the dissemination of propaganda and fakes. A talk on the state's possible alliance with the criminal world - and on possibilities and limitations of countering it.",
- "description": "Its goal is to undermine the support for Ukraine and polarize Western states: For more than two years, the Russian disinformation campaign Doppelgänger has been running on social networks and its own portals. Despite sanctions, the affected countries have not been able to stop the campaign. This is also because the architects of the campaign employ methods tried and tested by cyber criminals: Identity theft, use of stolen credit cards, bulletproof hosting, cloaking services and multi-level forwarding mechanisms. Research by CORRECTIV and Qurium based on data provided by Antibot4Navalny has uncovered the technical infrastructure of the campaign. The talk guides the audience through details of the new potential alliance between the Russian state and the criminal world. It raises questions about the accountability of authorities and platforms and opens the discussion to the possibilities and limits of resistance against malign foreign influences in the digital sphere.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
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- "guid": "f6978611-1daa-5c98-b963-a0ffc82b734a",
- "id": 411,
- "code": "X8XC9U",
- "public_name": "Alexej Hock",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "After studying mechanical engineering, I switched to journalism. After training at the Axel Springer Academy, I worked in the investigative department of Die Welt. At CORRECTIV, I am investigating Russian influence on German politics and the far right.",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "f03c856a-1527-5f55-9c6f-727a1240e315",
- "id": 1021,
- "code": "G8LSV9",
- "public_name": "Max Bernhard",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/G8LSV9_BQpjbyP.jpg",
- "biography": "I'm a journalist specialized in digital investigations and osint methods working for German non-profit investigative newsroom CORRECTIV, where I focus on Russian influence operations and disinformation campaigns. \r\n\r\nYou can contact me via email at max.bernhard[at]correctiv.org or on Signal at mxbernhard.07 \r\n\r\nFind me on Bluesky at mxbernhard.bsky.social",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
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- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/EAT3WZ/",
- "id": 542,
- "guid": "e79b8620-b69e-5d6d-a6d2-d4cfe94a5ffc",
- "date": "2024-12-30T14:45:00+01:00",
- "start": "14:45",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-542-find-my-101",
- "title": "Find My * 101",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Security",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "I'll introduce the technology underlying bluetooth trackers from Apple and Google, and will describe and show what can actually be seen on the air (using a hackrf/rad1o for example).\r\n\r\nThis is part demonstration of what is possible right now, part explanation of the underlying principles, and part invitation to would-be hackers to make creative use of this technology.",
- "description": "Apple's \"Find My\" network has been online for more than 5 years. Google has launched its own variant \"Find My Device\" this year. The Apple protocol has been previously reverse-engineered, while Google's specs are publicly available. Both take part in Detecting Unwanted Location Trackers (DULT), an IETF draft.\r\n\r\nUnderlying this is standard Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) which can be analyzed, and toyed with, with all the standard BLE research tools. I'll show how to sniff and interact with these trackers using tools that many hackers might already have available.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "1f4693ac-fe56-59f5-b360-2a2228fa9d69",
- "id": 2,
- "code": "GD9SLR",
- "public_name": "Henryk Plötz",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/HP_Photo_45596_P4WOkbS.jpg",
- "biography": "Born between E.T. and Blade Runner, occasionally hacking and breaking things, computer scientist living in Berlin.\r\nHe/Him",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
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- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/MHXP8Q/",
- "id": 100,
- "guid": "24230857-2a52-57b9-b5c4-ce2bf646e28f",
- "date": "2024-12-30T15:45:00+01:00",
- "start": "15:45",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-100-implantable-cardiac-devices-security-and-data-accessibility",
- "title": "Implantable Cardiac Devices - Security and Data Accessibility",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Hardware & Making",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices (CIED), such as cardiac pacemakers and defibrillators, are a fairly niche target for security researchers, in part due to a lack of manufacturer cooperation and device accessibility. This talk aims to provide insights into the challenges in device development and methods with which to research device security. Data accessibility to patients will be touched upon.",
- "description": "CIEDs may adversely affect patients implanted with such devices should their security be compromised. Although some efforts to secure these devices can be noted, it has quite often been lacking and may thus enable patient harm or data confidentiality compromise by malicious actors. Given the vast consequences of security vulnerabilities within this industry, the author aims to provide insight into the challenges associated with designing security architectures for such platforms, as well as possible methodology of researching these devices safely even when lacking manufacturer cooperation and access to device programmers. \r\nData collected by CIEDs and transmitted through remote monitoring is an additional concern for patients. Whilst research has shown that most manufacturers do respond in a timely and comprehensive fashion to GDPR requests, immediate data access is not yet possible and requires the patient to reach out to their doctors to obtain the requisite (event) data. A proposed solution is presented on how a patient communicator may be designed to allow patients interested in their autonomy to perform limited device interrogation in a safe and secure manner.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "ccfcadec-fb46-51ef-9d5c-553fc4938158",
- "id": 93,
- "code": "U9HCFM",
- "public_name": "dilucide",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Computer Scientist\r\nElectronics Engineer\r\nHardware Hacker\r\nSecurity Researcher, primarily focused on embedded devices\r\nBug Bounty Hunter",
- "answers": []
- }
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- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/SDFDUW/",
- "id": 533,
- "guid": "6cce986f-4677-5d59-8f52-f49d357566b6",
- "date": "2024-12-30T16:40:00+01:00",
- "start": "16:40",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/SDFDUW/hackerStock-blurred_tnUsjJq.png",
- "duration": "01:00",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-533-security-nightmares",
- "title": "Security Nightmares",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "CCC",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Der IT-Sicherheitsalptraum-Rückblick: Manchmal belustigend, zuweilen beunruhigend, aber mit Ausblick.",
- "description": "Es ist wieder ein Jahr vergangen und niemand ist von einem Smartmeter erwürgt worden: Ist überhaupt etwas Berichtenswertes passiert? Und wenn nein, wird es denn nächstes Jahr wenigstens schlimmer?\r\n\r\nWir betrachten das vergangene Jahr, versuchen Muster zu erkennen und zu ahnen, wie es weitergehen muss, denn vorgewarnt zu sein, heißt gewappnet zu sein. Und sei es nur mit Popcorn und „In Übereinstimmung mit der Prophezeihung!“-Schildern.\r\n\r\nPublikumseinwürfe willkommen.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
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- "guid": "41f383d6-2c5e-553f-974c-584324bd131f",
- "id": 562,
- "code": "SQZYBX",
- "public_name": "Ron",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Der Ron (Text folgt)",
- "answers": []
- },
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- "guid": "79aa12ea-2d29-5df7-972b-1124a48a838b",
- "id": 456,
- "code": "FCLVFD",
- "public_name": "Constanze Kurz",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/ich-7-2_8SjCXsu.jpg",
- "biography": "Constanze ist promovierte Informatikerin, Sachbuchautorin, Sprecherin des Chaos Computer Clubs und war technische Sachverständige im Rahmen verschiedener Verfassungsbeschwerdeverfahren (Wahlcomputer, Vorratsdatenspeicherung, Hackerparagraph, Staatstrojaner, BND-Gesetz, Big Data bei der Polizei).\r\nConstanze arbeitet bei netzpolitik.org.",
- "answers": []
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- "links": [],
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- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/VZCYSX/",
- "id": 37,
- "guid": "b34a47c0-4f31-5c3e-9384-afab6f7e365f",
- "date": "2024-12-30T18:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "18:00",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal 1",
- "slug": "38c3-37-38c3-return-to-legal-constructions",
- "title": "38C3: Return to legal constructions",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "CCC",
- "type": "Ceremony",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "Let's join in a quiet moment to bid farewell to the chaotic wonderland that has been 38C3 and prepare ourselves for the harsh reality outside.",
- "description": "Gather round and take a deep breath and enjoy the unique atmosphere before you will feel the spirit again at the next hacker event close to you.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
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- "guid": "4cee1e72-681f-5c8b-8dcd-8e58c8f4a445",
- "id": 218,
- "code": "GLM7BA",
- "public_name": "Senficon",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/felix_2024_quadrat_g2i2mMI.png",
- "biography": "Felix Reda (he/they). Obnoxious twink who thinks he knows everybody. Former Member of the European Parliament.",
- "answers": []
- },
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- "guid": "0c16ffaa-709d-599f-959f-9a38b911361a",
- "id": 461,
- "code": "SB9MER",
- "public_name": "Gabriela Bogk",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/SB9MER_Hwgr1fW.jpg",
- "biography": "Gabriela, the hacker formerly known as Andreas, has been doing things with computers for quite a while now. Nobody could ever prove she did anything illegal, so she's now successfully making a living pretending to be a good girl.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "Saal ZIGZAG": [
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/RWD9LP/",
- "id": 237,
- "guid": "29d46adc-8f2d-55af-9bc3-1d939ecb8446",
- "date": "2024-12-30T11:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "11:00",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-237-longtermismus-der-geist-des-digitalen-kapitalismus",
- "title": "Longtermismus – der „Geist“ des digitalen Kapitalismus",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Ethics, Society & Politics",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Der Vortrag wirft einen sozialwissenschaftlichen Blick auf die Ideologie des Longtermismus. Seine Funktion im digitalen Kapitalismus wird analysiert. Mithilfe von Klassikern der Soziologie wird dargestellt, warum sich diese Ideologie in eine faschistische Richtung entwickelt.",
- "description": "Longtermismus ist die neue Hype-Ideologie des Silicon Valley. Elon Musk und Sam Altman haben sich als Anhänger geoutet, er ist die offizielle Firmenpolitik von OpenAI.\r\nLongtermismus postuliert, dass wir uns nicht mit der Gegenwart oder der nahen Zukunft beschäftigen sollten, sondern unser politisches Hauptaugenmerk auf die Entwicklung eines Computerhimmels in ferner Zukunft richten sollten. Zentral sind dabei Annahmen über die Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten von künstlicher Intelligenz, die deutlich religiöse Züge tragen.\r\n\r\nDer Vortrag stellt die Ergebnisse soziologischer Forschung zu dieser neuen Ideologie vor.\r\n\r\nDenn so neu ist das ganze gar nicht. Die „Moral“ des Longtermismus passt erstaunlich gut zu den Geschäftszielen der Digitalkonzerne und macht aus diesen eine Metaphysik. Diese soziale Funktion des Longtermismus ähnelt damit der Funktion, die Max Weber für den Protestantismus als „Geist“ des Kapitalismus im Frühkapitalismus ausgemacht hat. Wie der Protestantismus früher dient der Longtermismus heute einerseits als metaphysische Rechtfertigung der Geschäftsmodelle von Unternehmen und andererseits als individuelle Moral, die ihre Anhänger*innen zu mehr Leistung animieren soll.\r\n \r\nGegenwärtig erleben wir einen Rechtsruck im Longtermismus, dessen prominente Vertreter*innen wie Elon Musk oder Peter Thiel sich offen für Donald Trump positionieren. Auch hier ähnelt die Entwicklung des Longtermimsus vergleichbaren früheren Ideologien. Klassische Analysen zeigen, warum individualistische Leistungsideologien das Potenzial haben, in eine faschistische Richtung zu kippen. Der Rechtsruck der Silicon-Valley-Eliten wird so verständlich.\r\n\r\nAbschließend wird auf den Einfluss von Musk und Thiel auf die US-Wahlen eingegangen und versucht, die weitere Entwicklung abzuschätzen.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "6d0086b5-e5fd-578b-9170-ea5479d76682",
- "id": 249,
- "code": "8PXKCG",
- "public_name": "Max Franz Johann Schnetker",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Promoviert an der Uni Bonn in Soziologie zu digitalem Kapitalismus und Ideologie und ist damit fast fertig. Hat ein Buch über Transhumanismus als rechte Ideologie geschrieben. \r\n\r\nHält Vorträge über Transhumanismus und KI-Metaphysik, z.b. hier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_M0nAboO9iI\r\n\r\nErreichbar auf Mastodon: https://sciences.social/@MSchnetker\r\n\r\nAnsonsten vielfältig politisch aktiv, aktuell sehr an digitaler Planwirtschaft interessiert.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/HFPUYT/",
- "id": 227,
- "guid": "62cc7bf4-22c6-5ec0-8c94-f9b7cf76f3cd",
- "date": "2024-12-30T12:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "12:00",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-227-moving-with-feelings-behind-the-scenes-of-a-one-man-show-mobile-fiber-operator-in-spain",
- "title": "Moving with feelings: Behind the scenes of a one man show mobile & fiber operator in Spain",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Hardware & Making",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "How to run an MVNO with values: What are the requirements? Do you need a government license, maybe a lot of investment? There are different types of MVNOs. We will talk about how to do business as an MVNO while respecting users' privacy, supporting free software, believing in the right to repair and making your customers technologically sovereign.",
- "description": "The issues with data privacy are being discussed more than ever. However, from the end user perspective, it is difficult to understand the full extent of the impact on their privacy when using well known \"free\" services or maybe acquired hardware like a vacuum cleaner or a cooking robot. On the other side, there are projects that demonstrate that they can do business respecting their users. \r\n\r\nOne way to start to take care of your privacy is by using free software, but this software needs to be high quality, easy to use for the end user, has to be documented in a clear way and has to resolve issues and bugs as fast as possible. This is very hard work for the developers, so their work has to be compensated.\r\n\r\nLast but not least, the right to repair plays a big role for being technologically sovereign. It's as important to be aware of your privacy when using online services as it is to know how repairable and privacy-respecting hardware is before you buy it.\r\n\r\nCan you fight for and support what you believe in while doing business?\r\nI think so! Let's talk about it.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
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- "guid": "7ab93ca8-6e2c-509c-a452-78cf930661bd",
- "id": 715,
- "code": "SQRWTM",
- "public_name": "Edgar Saumell Oechsle",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "-",
- "answers": []
- }
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- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/WU87FV/",
- "id": 470,
- "guid": "0daa8ef9-3eb3-5e50-b879-c48fe5dc69ad",
- "date": "2024-12-30T12:55:00+01:00",
- "start": "12:55",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/WU87FV/elefant_L367klt.PNG",
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-470-glam-zwischen-lod-und----museumskritik-fr-hacker-innen",
- "title": "GLAM zwischen LOD und ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯. Museumskritik für Hacker*innen",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Science",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Habt ihr euch immer schon gefragt wie Museumssammlungen ins Netz kommen, warum online Sammlungen meist immer noch aussehen wie Kataloge seit dem 19. Jahrhundert, was für Strategien und Förderprogramme dahinter stecken, welche Firmen hier quasi-Monopole haben, und warum Museen so viele Hoffnungen (Zugang! Partizipation! Demokratie!) mit der Digitalisierung verbinden? Der Talk ist eine Einladung an Hacker*innen sich an der kritischen Weiterentwicklung, Öffnung und Reflexion von Museen zu beteiligen.",
- "description": "GLAM = Abkürzung für Sammlungsinstitutionen: Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums\r\nLOD = Buzzword in Museen: Linked Open Data\r\n¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ = Platzhalter für: Lass irgendwas mit KI, Google Arts & Culture, Facebook Metaverse machen!\r\n\r\nAls vor vier Jahren mein Forschungsprojekt zur Digitalisierung in Museen losging habe ich meine ersten Ideen auf der rC3 präsentiert (\"Wie können wir das digitale Museum aufhalten\"). Und jetzt möchte ich die Ergebnisse aus vier Jahren Forschung zur Digitalisierung von Museen teilen. Meine Quellen sind vor allem die Jahresberichte der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin seit 1990, und die Digitalstrategien der Deutschen Bundesregierung, mit ihrem Fokus auf Künstliche Intelligenz, Virtual Reality und Vernetzte Daten, die zum Beispiel die Millionenprojekte \"museum4punkt0\" und \"Datenraum Kultur\" beinhalten.\r\n\r\nIch zeige größere Entwicklungen und Konflikte und viele Beispiele, alles anhand der Frage: Welche Brücken können wir bauen zwischen Museumskritik und Datenpolitik?",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "e6ab1932-c80b-5229-85cf-651fcce79c1c",
- "id": 503,
- "code": "GGV7QP",
- "public_name": "Lukas Fuchsgruber",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Lukas Fuchsgruber ist Kunsthistoriker in Berlin. Er war 2020 - 2024 Postdoc-Forscher im Verbundprojekt „Museums and Society – Mapping the Social“ an der TU Berlin mit einer Fallstudie zur Politik digitaler Museumssammlungen, wozu er 2025 ein Buch veröffentlicht. Im Rahmen dieser Forschung arbeitete er mit Software-Entwickler*innen zusammen, als Teil der Open Source Projekte „cooArchi, community oriented archive interface“ und „Art Doc Archive“.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/YLNEYH/",
- "id": 192,
- "guid": "900481bb-9723-562b-9f39-361f495524b8",
- "date": "2024-12-30T13:50:00+01:00",
- "start": "13:50",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-192-from-convenience-to-contagion-the-libarchive-vulnerabilities-lurking-in-windows-11",
- "title": "From Convenience to Contagion: The Libarchive Vulnerabilities Lurking in Windows 11",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Security",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "In the October 2023 update, Windows 11 introduced support for 11 additional compression formats, including RAR and 7z, allowing users to manage these types of files natively within File Explorer. The enhancement significantly improves convenience; however, it also introduces potential security risks. To support these various compression formats, Windows 11 utilizes the libarchive library, a well-established open-source library used across multiple operating systems like Linux, BSD, and macOS, and in major projects such as ClickHouse, Homebrew, and Osquery.\r\n\r\nThe libarchive has been continuously fuzzed by Google’s OSS-Fuzz project, making it a time-tested library. However, its coverage in OSS-Fuzz has been less than ideal. In addition to the two remote code execution (RCE) vulnerabilities disclosed by Microsoft Offensive Research & Security Engineering (MORSE) in January, we have identified several vulnerabilities in libarchive through code review and fuzzing. These include a heap buffer overflow vulnerability in the RAR decompression and arbitrary file write and delete vulnerabilities due to insufficient checks of libarchive’s output on Windows. Additionally, in our presentation, we will reveal several interesting features that emerged from the integration of libarchive with Windows.\r\n\r\nAnd whenever vulnerabilities are discovered in widely-used libraries like libarchive, their risks often permeate every corner, making it difficult to estimate the potential hazards. Moreover, when Microsoft patches Windows, the corresponding fixes are not immediately merged into libarchive. This delay gives attackers the opportunity to exploit other projects using libarchive. For example, the vulnerabilities patched by Microsoft in January were not merged into libarchive until May, leaving countless applications exposed to risk for four months. The worst part is that the developers might not know the vulnerability details or even be aware of its existence. To illustrate this situation, we will use the vulnerabilities we reported to ClickHouse as an example to demonstrate how attackers can exploit the vulnerabilities while libarchive remains unpatched.",
- "description": "We will introduce the new Compressed Archived folder feature in Windows 11 and review the vulnerabilities of the previous Compressed (zipped) folder. Next, we will explain how we analyzed the libarchive that Windows 11 introduced to support various compression formats. Despite extensive fuzz testing by OSS-Fuzz, we discovered several vulnerabilities in libarchive through code review and fuzzing, including an RCE (Remote Code Execution) vulnerability. Finally, we will use the ClickHouse case to explain how we triggered an RCE vulnerability in ClickHouse while the patch had not been merged upstream.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "937d8355-4cdc-53d6-9e0e-e4a0f8b58850",
- "id": 192,
- "code": "FBPUQB",
- "public_name": "NiNi Chen",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/15998206_9xDWEgk.png",
- "biography": "Ting-Yu Chen, aka NiNi, is a security researcher at DEVCORE and a member of the Balsn CTF team. He won the title of the “Master of Pwn” at Pwn2Own Toronto 2022 with the DEVCORE team. NiNi has also made notable achievements in CTF competitions, including placing 2nd and 3rd in DEF CON CTF as a member of HITCON⚔BFKinesiS, HITCON⚔Balsn and TWN48. NiNi is currently immersed in vulnerability research and reverse engineering, continuing to hone his skills. You can keep up with his latest discoveries and musings on Twitter via his handle @terrynini38514 or blog at http://blog.terrynini.tw/.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/WHDXXH/",
- "id": 45,
- "guid": "4f4ba783-2390-5252-b183-3c7be50b9a4b",
- "date": "2024-12-30T14:45:00+01:00",
- "start": "14:45",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-45-corebooting-intel-based-systems",
- "title": "corebooting Intel-based systems",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Hardware & Making",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "Gaining a reasonable level of trust on the firmware that runs your everyday activities",
- "description": "Corebootable or not corebootable, that is the question.\r\n\r\nThe nerdiest nerds already corebooted their old X230 ThinkPads... but what about your new ThinkPad, or even your gaming rig? Well, Intel has a trick called the \"BootGuard\" inside the Management Engine.\r\nIt is supposed to protect the firmware and only allow updates from signed sources... somewhat like the Secure Boot. This means we can't coreboot our newer machines, right?\r\n\r\n..right? Well, for that to work... it needs team-play between OEMs and Intel, which doesn't always work out. \r\n\r\nIn this talk you will learn how to port coreboot to modern Intel systems - how we did it and even got to game on them.\r\n\r\nWe'll go over coreboot development, tell you how to find ~~potential subjects~~ compatible mainboards and what it would take to boot on them!). We'll explain what are \"payloads\", which one is right for you, and what it takes to make such system run mainline Linux.\r\n\r\nWe'll also take a look at current state of AMD systems and how they're doing with OpenSIL (which will replace AGESA in the coming years).",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "bdd813d7-4bc8-597c-be5b-23672c423d36",
- "id": 29,
- "code": "MYCBTQ",
- "public_name": "aprl",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/photo_2024-08-02_10-33-50_07vmxu8.jpg",
- "biography": "I am a ANTI* cat with a hyper-fixation on flora mate at night, scrum survivor at day.\r\nPeople describe me as \"a talented hardware and software developer that turns hugs into code\".. which is correct, but don't ask me to write C++.\r\nAccidentally created a Activitypub alternative called Versia.. but instead its a full ecosystem.\r\nI also developed Activitypub servers a year ago, before that.\r\n\r\nThere is no better hardware fixation that porting Coreboot to a newly bought mainboard at 3am, just to play Sea of Thieves on it!",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "2c269072-47d4-56e6-b0e1-472a8e69adc8",
- "id": 95,
- "code": "HYRZNP",
- "public_name": "elly",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": null,
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/YM3UTV/",
- "id": 178,
- "guid": "7f4f44d8-89ea-5a84-8014-090b6ea88f3c",
- "date": "2024-12-30T15:45:00+01:00",
- "start": "15:45",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-178-from-fault-injection-to-rce-analyzing-a-bluetooth-tracker",
- "title": "From fault injection to RCE: Analyzing a Bluetooth tracker",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Security",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "The Chipolo ONE is a Bluetooth tracker built around the Dialog (now Renesas)\r\nDA14580 chip. This talk will present the research made on this device, from\r\nextracting the firmware from the locked down chip using fault injection up to\r\ngetting remote code execution over Bluetooth.\r\nThe talk will also present the disclosure process and how the vendor reacted to\r\nan unpatchable vulnerability on their product.",
- "description": "This talk will present the journey through the analysis of the Chipolo ONE\r\nBluetooth tracker. As for lots of IoT devices, this analysis mixes both hardware\r\nand software attacks so this talk will be packed with lots of techniques that\r\ncan be applied to other devices as well:\r\n\r\n - Using fault injection to bypass the debug locking mechanism on a chip that has\r\n apparently never been broken before.\r\n - Reverse engineering an unknown firmware with Ghidra, a PDF and parts of a SDK\r\n - Analyzing weak cryptographic algorithms to be able to authenticate to any\r\n device\r\n - Finding a buffer overflow and achieve code execution over Bluetooth\r\n - Disclosing an unpatchable vulnerability to the vendor",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "5be5ec0e-cd72-535a-84df-37ef1f28f919",
- "id": 174,
- "code": "EEB9SH",
- "public_name": "Nicolas Oberli",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Nicolas is a hardware hacker based in Switzerland. His research focuses on embedded devices and communication protocols. In his spare time, he now spends more time designing CTF challenges than solving them. He is also one of the main developers of the Hydrabus hardware hacking tool and part of the BlackAlps security conference organization committee.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
- "links": [],
- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/8Q9JXV/",
- "id": 972,
- "guid": "5905ae5a-406e-594b-b7bc-c4144bb09ef5",
- "date": "2024-12-30T16:40:00+01:00",
- "start": "16:40",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal ZIGZAG",
- "slug": "38c3-972-kein-spa-am-gert-auf-einem-toten-planeten-",
- "title": "Kein Spaß am Gerät auf einem toten Planeten!",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "CCC",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Seit Jahren kämpft das Bits-&-Bäume-Bündnis, dem auch der CCC seit Beginn angehört, für eine ökologische und sozial gerechte Digitalpolitik – 2024 war dabei ein Jahr voller Hochs und Tiefs: von erstmals sinkenden CO₂-Emissionen in Industrieländern, über den weiterbrennenden KI-Boom mit Nachhaltigkeitsanstrich, die Rolle von digitalen Plattformen für anti-demokratische und nicht-nachhaltige Bewegungen, den ökologischen Fußabruck von Profiling bis hin zum Tech-Solutionismus von Elon Musk jetzt im Weißen Haus.",
- "description": "In diesem Vortrag präsentieren Anja und Rainer von Bits&Bäume einen kleinen Jahresrückblick, stellen die spannenden neuen Ideen für sozial-ökologische Digitalpolitik vor, blicken kritisch auf die Ampel und präsentieren Bits-&-Bäume-Forderungen an die nächste Bundesregierung. Zum Abschluss ist Esther Mwema aus Zambia zugeschaltet und wirft einen Blick auf die neokoloniale Macht von BigTech auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent und skizziert neue Ideen von lokalen, demokratisch-selbstbestimmten digitalen Infrastrukturen.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
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- "guid": "4599f0a5-6088-5c1e-9d5d-9f69a1c63fd3",
- "id": 944,
- "code": "SUNSUE",
- "public_name": "Anja Höfner",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/SUNSUE_m9pYrkj.jpeg",
- "biography": "Ich arbeite beim Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie in Leipzig zu sozialen und ökologischen Kosten digitaler Technik und bin Gründungsmitglied von Bits & Bäume. Das Konzeptwerk ist ein basisdemokratisches Kollektiv welches zu Themen rund um sozial-ökologische Transformation arbeitet. \r\nhttps://konzeptwerk-neue-oekonomie.org/\r\nhttps://bits-und-baeume.org/",
- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "guid": "c2c27483-6215-5cac-b7c9-1474a2dbb02b",
- "id": 203,
- "code": "BTRVPF",
- "public_name": "Rainer Rehak",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/WI_Dach_Rehak_only_GTf2OQ0.jpg",
- "biography": "Rainer Rehak ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in den Gruppen „Digitalisierung, Nachhaltigkeit und Teilhabe“ sowie „Technik, Macht und Herrschaft“ am Weizenbaum-Institut für die vernetzte Gesellschaft. Er ist zudem Gastwissenschaftler am Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB) und promoviert aktuell an der TU Berlin zu systemischer IT-Sicherheit und gesellschaftlichem Datenschutz.\r\n\r\nEr studierte Informatik und Philosophie in Berlin und Hong Kong und beschäftigt sich seit über 15 Jahren mit den Implikationen der Computerisierung der Gesellschaft. Seine Forschungsfelder sind Technikfolgenabschätzung, kollektiver Datenschutz, systemische IT-Sicherheit, staatliches Hacking, Informatik und Ethik, Technikfiktionen, Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit, konviviale und demokratische Digitaltechnik, epistemische Grundlagen von Automatisierung, digitaler (De-)Kolonialismus, sowie die Implikationen und Grenzen von KI-Systemen.\r\n\r\nEr ist Ko-Vorsitz des Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung e.V. (FIfF) und publiziert zudem regelmäßig auch in nicht-wissenschaftlichen Medien. Er ist Sachverständiger für Parlamente (z. B. den Deutschen Bundestag) und Gerichte (z. B. das Bundesverfassungsgericht). Er initiierte gemeinsam mit anderen Digitalpolitik- sowie Umweltorganisationen die „Bits & Bäume“-Konferenz für Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit.",
- "answers": []
- }
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- "Saal GLITCH": [
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- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/PEN9QU/",
- "id": 527,
- "guid": "76ee194a-c269-50e0-b616-04f38fa329cb",
- "date": "2024-12-30T11:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "11:00",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-527-dude-where-s-my-crypto-real-world-impact-of-weak-cryptocurrency-keys",
- "title": "Dude, Where's My Crypto? - Real World Impact of Weak Cryptocurrency Keys",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Security",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "We present Milksad, our research on a class of vulnerabilities that exposed over a billion dollars worth of cryptocurrency to anyone willing to 'crunch the numbers'.\r\nThe fatal flaw? Not enough chaos.\r\nLearn how we found and disclosed issues in affected open source wallet software, brute-forced thousands of individual affected wallets on a budget, and traced over a billion US dollars worth of prior transactions through them.",
- "description": "In July 2023, people in our circle of friends noticed a series of seemingly impossible cryptocurrency thefts, which added up to over one million US dollars. \r\nA common denominator was discovered across the set of victims we knew: the wallet software `libbitcoin-explorer`. Vulnerable versions used a weak pseudorandom number generator when creating cryptocurrency wallets. Within a short period of time, we disclosed the vulnerability, [CVE-2023-39910](https://milksad.info/disclosure.html). \r\nUsing this weakness, attackers were able to compute private keys of victims, which is supposed to be impossible under normal circumstances.\r\n\r\nIn this talk we \r\n* 📜 - tell the story of uncovering a digital currency heist\r\n* 🌐 - dive into similar vulnerabilities\r\n* 🔍 - trace the movement of coins\r\n* ⚖ - outline ethical challenges of cryptocurrency security research\r\n* 🛡 - explore methods to defend and protect against this bug class\r\n\r\nOur intention is to share the story of how little details can have big consequences and the importance of quality chaos.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "84eedbb8-c286-5534-b772-ae7c938276e8",
- "id": 361,
- "code": "9PCECD",
- "public_name": "John Naulty",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/il-postino_u8OTvGo.jpeg",
- "biography": "- Grew up with big trees, waves, and creatures along the Mendocino Coast\r\n- Fell in love with the magic of open source medical hardware + software in university and helped establish [NeuroTechX](https://neurotechx.com/)\r\n- Drawn to ‘safety + security’ work of all kinds\r\n- Discovered open source money systems and dove into the cryptocurrency security field\r\n- Worked at some of the larger cryptocurrency institutions in the industry\r\n- Distrusts Software Supply Chains as much as residents of Flint, Michigan distrust water supply chains\r\n- Sometimes helps distribute security tokens to the people [great-mfa-project](https://github.com/ossf/great-mfa-project) [36c3 -- Session: Yubikey 101](https://events.ccc.de/congress/2019/wiki/index.php/Session:Yubikey_101)\r\n- Enjoy environments where “All Creatures are Welcome”\r\n- Somehow affiliated with the [Church of Cryptography](https://matrix.to/#/#churchofcrypto:matrix.org)\r\n- Typically hanging out with friends who provide free shell services for the curious [hashbang.sh](https://hashbang.sh/#!)",
- "answers": []
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- "answers": []
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- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/BQFULL/",
- "id": 358,
- "guid": "13802a20-4b8f-5848-9611-1f0b260605c9",
- "date": "2024-12-30T12:00:00+01:00",
- "start": "12:00",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/BQFULL/carbonrecyclinginternational-1280_Zq87xgS.jpg",
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-358-is-green-methanol-the-missing-piece-for-the-energy-transition-",
- "title": "Is Green Methanol the missing piece for the Energy Transition?",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Science",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "In an accelerating climate crisis, renewable energy and electrification are the most important tools to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, in sectors where electrification is infeasible or impossible, other solutions will be needed. While hydrogen gets a lot of attention, it suffers from challenges like being difficult to transport and store. While it does not receive nearly as much attention as hydrogen, another molecule, methanol, could play a crucial role in bringing down emissions in challenging sectors like shipping, aviation, or the chemical industry.",
- "description": "Methanol is the simplest carbon-containing liquid and is currently almost exclusively made from fossil fuels. However, it could be made by utilizing renewable energy, green hydrogen, and carbon dioxide, and such green methanol could play an important role in a climate-neutral future - both as a fuel and as a chemical feedstock[1].\r\n\r\nMethanol is relatively easy to store and transport. It could provide energy during times with little sun and wind and possibly even balance multi-year fluctuations [2][3]. It could also serve as a shipping fuel and, indirectly, help make aviation fuels. Furthermore, it could form the basis of a fossil-free production of chemical products like plastics [4][5]. That raises important questions about stranded assets in today's chemical industry, as the existing plastic production with steam crackers could become obsolete.\r\n\r\nDespite its prospects, methanol is no magic silver bullet. Making it from CO2 requires enormous amounts of energy. It should be used carefully and only where efficient direct electrification is infeasible (no methanol car, sorry). Alternative production pathways using climate-friendly biomass and waste have turned out to be challenging in the past, but they could lower some of the enormous energy needs.\r\n\r\n[1] https://industrydecarbonization.com/news/from-coal-enabler-to-the-minimal-green-methanol-economy.html\r\n[2] https://www.cell.com/joule/abstract/S2542-4351(23)00407-5\r\n[3] https://industrydecarbonization.com/news/should-we-burn-methanol-when-the-wind-does-not-blow.html\r\n[4] https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1821029116\r\n[5] https://industrydecarbonization.com/news/how-to-make-plastics-without-fossil-fuels.html",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "9ab9adbd-9ddb-52b6-9857-41b3e690c4c9",
- "id": 383,
- "code": "FNVHRM",
- "public_name": "Hanno Böck",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/hanno-bild_QUFusvU.jpg",
- "biography": "Hanno is a freelance Journalist with a focus on climate, energy, and IT security. He has previously given talks at CCC events about a variety of topics. He writes a [regular newsletter about industrial decarbonization](https://industrydecarbonization.com/) and the lesser known challenges of climate mitigation.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
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- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
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- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/WCUKHB/",
- "id": 276,
- "guid": "ab0f568d-dd61-59e6-b264-8f44a4b32ff3",
- "date": "2024-12-30T12:55:00+01:00",
- "start": "12:55",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-276-going-long-sending-weird-signals-over-long-haul-optical-networks",
- "title": "Going Long! Sending weird signals over long haul optical networks",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Hardware & Making",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "Computer network operators depend on optical transmission everywhere as it is what glues together our interconnected world. But most of the industry is running the same kinds of signals down the optical transceivers.\r\n\r\nAs part of my need to \"Trust, but verify\" I wanted to check my assumptions on how the business end of modern optical modules worked, so join me in a adventure of sending weird signals many kilometres, and maybe set some records for the most wasteful bandwidth utilisation of optical spectrum in 2024!",
- "description": "Computer network operators depend on optical stuff everywhere as it is what glues together our interconnected world. But most of the industry is running the same kinds of signals down the optical transceivers.\r\n\r\nAs part of my need to \"Trust, but verify\" I wanted to check my assumptions on how the business end of modern optical modules worked, so join me in a adventure of sending weird signals many kilometres, and maybe set some records for the most wasteful bandwidth utilisation of optical spectrum in 2024!\r\n\r\nIn this talk we will cover the basis of optical networks, how it fits in with networking, some of the weird things pluggable optics do, the perhaps odd industry defacto standards, and bending the intended use cases of existing tech to make signals that would would deeply probably confuse a modest signals intelligence agency",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "3174e87b-3f4a-58f7-a0ba-6e8c2d63ba19",
- "id": 289,
- "code": "JNVZWK",
- "public_name": "Ben Cartwright-Cox",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Ben Cartwright-Cox ( [@benjojo@benjojo.co.uk](https://benjojo.co.uk/u/benjojo) ) is a systems engineer in the day, and bad-ideas-blogger on the side.\r\n\r\nAfter working on CDN scale WAF's, tweaking with protocols in ways they should never have been used, and building payment gateway infrastructures for a bank, he now runs his own one-man company bgp.tools that keeps tabs on the everyday internet wide changes via BGP.",
- "answers": []
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- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/F7MSNF/",
- "id": 557,
- "guid": "66187911-4b3e-5b23-8cd3-2f7cd0fdec83",
- "date": "2024-12-30T13:50:00+01:00",
- "start": "13:50",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/F7MSNF/curiosity_kDEmbPX.jpg",
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-557-microbes-vs-mars-a-hacker-s-guide-to-finding-alien-life",
- "title": "Microbes vs. Mars: A Hacker's Guide to Finding Alien Life",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Science",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "Mars is famously the only planet (we know of) that is entirely inhabited by robots. And these robots are working hard on looking for something that would be one of the most significant discoveries in the history of science: Alien life.\r\nBut how do you look for something that no one has ever seen? And would we recognize it if we find it?\r\nJoin me on a journey through Mars’ ancient past and Earth’s most extreme environments, where scientists hunt for strange microbes that defy all our expectations: Organisms thriving in salt lakes, breathing metal, and building bizarre microbial ‘cities’ out of rock. Are they the blueprint of what alien life might look like? I will introduce you to the cutting-edge technology we use to analyse and understand them, and how we detect their “biological fingerprints” that might one day help us to find Martian life.\r\nThis talk will not only give you a deep look behind the scenes of the search for life on Mars, but also a new appreciation for the strange and wonderful life on our own planet.",
- "description": "I am a PhD student in astrobiology and planetary science at the University of Hong Kong and want to introduce you to the exciting research that is happening in the search for life on Mars. We will talk about what Earth and Mars looked like 3 billion years ago, you will get to know some truly weird microbes, learn about the instruments on Mars rovers and the exciting upcoming Mars sample return missions. I will also share highlights from my own research and fieldwork in Mars-like environments: From growing extremophiles in the lab to testing planetary rovers on Mount Etna, and research adventures in the remote deserts of the Atacama and western China.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "6547464f-ebca-51c4-9733-120d8c917ee2",
- "id": 587,
- "code": "CWESVP",
- "public_name": "Anouk Ehreiser",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/Field_pic_VquR0Wi.jpeg",
- "biography": "I am a PhD student at the University of Hong Kong, where I study Mars-like environments on Earth and the resilient microbes that call them home. I hold a Master’s in Physics from the University of Heidelberg and have conducted research in five countries, presented at conferences in six, and even spent some time working with planetary exploration rovers at the German Aerospace Center (DLR). As a lifelong Star Trek fan, I like to imagine myself as a science officer on an away mission during every field trip. I am hopeful that we will find alien life within this century, and I am working hard to help make it happen.",
- "answers": []
- }
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- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/PRLP7M/",
- "id": 130,
- "guid": "c2ba4839-32ad-5e6e-a998-cd2d07ac7448",
- "date": "2024-12-30T14:45:00+01:00",
- "start": "14:45",
- "logo": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/38c3/submissions/PRLP7M/IMG_9534_Nir7lTR.jpg",
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-130-von-ionen-zu-daten-die-funktionsweise-und-relevanz-von-quadrupol-massenspektrometern",
- "title": "Von Ionen zu Daten: Die Funktionsweise und Relevanz von (Quadrupol-)Massenspektrometern",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Science",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "de",
- "abstract": "Massenspektrometer sind unverzichtbare Analysewerkzeuge in der Chemie und zudem hochinteressante und verblüffende Instrumente. In diesem Talk wird die Massenspektrometrie mit Schwerpunkt auf Quadrupolmassenspektrometer anschaulich vorgestellt.",
- "description": "Massenspektrometer aus der Hacker-Perspektive:\r\nDie Massenspektrometrie mag auf den ersten Blick kompliziert wirken, doch mit einem grundlegenden Verständnis der Physik und etwas logischem Denken kann man sich überraschend gut in diese Welt einarbeiten. Ich beschäftige mich seit vier Jahren intensiv mit Massenspektrometern – eine Technik, die mich immer mehr fasziniert und in die ich tief eintauche. Dieser Vortrag richtet sich an alle, die bisher wenig bis gar nichts über Massenspektrometrie wissen und erklärt auf zugängliche Weise, wie (Quadrupol-)Massenspektrometer funktionieren und warum sie so entscheidend für die chemische Analyse sind. Wir schauen uns an, wie diese Geräte auf molekularer Ebene arbeiten und welche spannenden Anwendungen es gibt, die unseren Alltag beeinflussen. Dabei werden die physikalischen Grundlagen verständlich erklärt, sodass jeder – auch ohne Vorkenntnisse – nachvollziehen kann, wie und warum diese Technologie so wichtig ist.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "8dcae2a5-c3f6-5c56-9de2-4b3fb0e039d8",
- "id": 100,
- "code": "YWVC3N",
- "public_name": "Sally",
- "avatar": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/media/avatars/sally_2e216hG.jpg",
- "biography": "Meine Faszination für Hochvakuumphysik und Massenspektrometrie begann im Alter von 15 Jahren, als ich ein Praktikum im Bereich Ionenphysik an der Universität Innsbruck absolvieren durfte. Dort sah ich zum ersten Mal diese beeindruckenden Geräte, die sofort mein Interesse weckten und meinen Wunsch festigten, mich intensiv mit Hochvakuumphysik und dessen Anwendungsbereiche zu beschäftigen.\r\nDas positive Feedback zu meinem letzten Vortrag über Hochvakuumphysik hat mich motiviert, auch diese Veranstaltung wieder meine Begeisterung zu teilen und nun in die spannende Welt der Massenspektrometrie einzutauchen. Neben der Physik habe ich mich auch mit Elektrotechnik und Softwareentwicklung beschäftigt. Diese Kombination erlaubt es mir, die Zusammenhänge zwischen den verschiedenen Bereichen besser zu verstehen und neue Perspektiven zu entwickeln.",
- "answers": []
- }
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- "attachments": [],
- "answers": []
- },
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- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/DFATXZ/",
- "id": 308,
- "guid": "7c34225e-8eca-56b9-ab3a-1e5a5093e671",
- "date": "2024-12-30T15:45:00+01:00",
- "start": "15:45",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "00:40",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-308-philosophical-ethical-and-legal-aspects-of-brain-computer-interfaces",
- "title": "Philosophical, Ethical and Legal Aspects of Brain-Computer Interfaces",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "Science",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "This talk examines philosophical, legal, and ethical questions of the merging of human minds with intelligent machines through Brain-Computer-Interfaces, provides an overview of current debates and international regulatory development - and what might be at stake when technologies increasingly access the human brain.",
- "description": "Human minds and machines, or organic and artificial intelligence (AI), are increasingly merging through neurotechnologies such as Brain-Computer-Interfaces (BCIs) that may record or alter brain activity. While most current devices are developed and used for rehabilitative purposes, more and more consumer devices are about to come on the market, and some stakeholders such as Elon Musk and his company Neuralink pursue more transhumanist objectives. This merging of minds and machines raises multiple intriguing philosophical, ethical, and legal questions: Do these devices become part of the person, even more, might the AI operating these devices become part of her? (I argue that it does under certain conditions, creating the most intimate conceivable connection between AI and persons). Are there ethical boundaries, and what is the legal situation, especially with respect to human rights? (I call for a renaissance of the right to freedom of thought to provide at least some principled protection for privacy of thought). \r\n \r\nMoreover, the topic has received the attention of international organizations, which will negotiate the first international treaty on the ethics of neurotechnology under the auspices of UNESCO in the beginning of 2025 (expected to be concluded in late 2025). This will set the standards for the future trajectory of the technology, but whether agreement can be found is to be seen. The EU, US, and China have different regulatory approaches with different visions for the future. \r\n\r\nThis talk addresses these political, philosophical, legal and ethical questions and presents results of an international research cooperation on the topic, HYBRID MIND, that is funded in Germany by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and comes to its official conclusion during the days of the 38C3.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "4bb779a9-fe6f-565d-8e61-83b03b084ea6",
- "id": 332,
- "code": "U8PMTD",
- "public_name": "Christoph Bublitz",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "Dr. Bublitz is a legal scholar at the University of Hamburg, working at the intersection of law, philosophy, and cognitive science. He is the Principal Investigator of several international research projects on issues such as law and memory, the blending of organic and artificial intelligence, or Virtual Reality. He is an associate editor of the journal Neuroethics, editor of the Palgrave Studies on Law, Neuroscience, and Human Behaviour, has a particular interest in the human right to freedom of thought and has won several academic awards for his work.",
- "answers": []
- }
- ],
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- "answers": []
- },
- {
- "url": "https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/talk/XKW9LG/",
- "id": 315,
- "guid": "577adb5e-088c-5e0b-8828-0f9d7ff8011f",
- "date": "2024-12-30T16:40:00+01:00",
- "start": "16:40",
- "logo": null,
- "duration": "01:15",
- "room": "Saal GLITCH",
- "slug": "38c3-315-38c3-infrastructure-review",
- "title": "38C3: Infrastructure Review",
- "subtitle": "",
- "track": "CCC",
- "type": "Talk",
- "language": "en",
- "abstract": "This talks gives a behind the scenes on how the infrastructure side of the event is done.",
- "description": "A lot of teams help to make this event happen. This talk gives them the opportunity to show you what they do and how they do it.",
- "recording_license": "",
- "do_not_record": false,
- "persons": [
- {
- "guid": "e5b459b2-9f87-50d0-93d5-9dc8a03505a8",
- "id": 336,
- "code": "9BBUNY",
- "public_name": "nicoduck",
- "avatar": null,
- "biography": "I build networks for fun or profit.",
- "answers": []
- }
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- "version": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "url": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uri"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "required": ["schedule"],
- "definitions": {
- "Schedule": {
- "type": "object",
- "additionalProperties": true,
- "properties": {
- "version": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "base_url": {
- "description": "base for relative media URIs in this document",
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uri"
- },
- "conference": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/Conference"
- },
- "rooms": false
- },
- "required": ["conference", "version"]
- },
- "Conference": {
- "type": "object",
- "title": "Conference",
- "required": [
- "title",
- "acronym",
- "days",
- "daysCount",
- "start",
- "end",
- "timeslot_duration"
- ],
- "additionalProperties": false,
- "properties": {
- "acronym": {
- "type": "string",
- "examples": ["36c3", "rc3", "divoc-ptt"],
- "pattern": "^[a-z0-9_-][a-z0-9_]{3,}(-2[0-9]{3}-[a-z]+)?$"
- },
- "title": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "description": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "start": {
- "type": "string",
- "$oneOf": [
- { "format": "date" },
- { "format": "date-time" }
- ]
- },
- "end": {
- "type": "string",
- "$oneOf": [
- { "format": "date" },
- { "format": "date-time" }
- ]
- },
- "daysCount": {
- "type": "integer"
- },
- "timeslot_duration": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "time_zone_name": {
- "type": "string",
- "examples": ["Europe/Amsterdam", "Europe/Berlin", "UTC"],
- "pattern": "^([A-Z][a-z]+/[A-Z][a-z]+)|UTC$"
- },
- "logo": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uri",
- "$comment": "absolute URL, or relative to base_url"
- },
- "colors": {
- "type": "object",
- "additionalProperties": true,
- "properties": {
- "primary": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "color"
- },
- "background": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "color"
- }
- }
- },
- "keywords": {
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "type": "string"
- }
- },
- "url": {
- "description": "URL to the conference schedule or public website",
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uri"
- },
- "tracks": {
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "type": "object",
- "properties": {
- "name": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "slug": {
- "type": "string",
- "pattern": "^[a-z0-9_-]+[a-z0-9]$"
- },
- "color": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "color"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "rooms": {
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/Room"
- }
- },
- "meta": {
- "type": "object",
- "additionalProperties": true
- },
- "days": {
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/Day"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "Day": {
- "type": "object",
- "additionalProperties": false,
- "properties": {
- "index": {
- "type": "integer"
- },
- "date": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "date"
- },
- "day_start": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "date-time"
- },
- "day_end": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "date-time"
- },
- "rooms": {
- "type": "object",
- "patternProperties": {
- ".*": {
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/Event"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "required": ["date", "day_end", "day_start", "index", "rooms"]
- },
- "Event": {
- "type": "object",
- "additionalProperties": false,
- "properties": {
- "guid": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- },
- "code": {
- "type": "string",
- "pattern": "^[A-Z0-9]+$"
- },
- "id": {
- "type": "integer",
- "minimum": 1,
- "deprecated": true,
- "$comment": "use guid instead"
- },
- "logo": {
- "type": ["string", "null"],
- "format": "uri",
- "description": "absolute URL, or relative to base_url"
- },
- "date": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "date-time",
- "examples": ["2020-12-14T09:00:00+01:00"]
- },
- "start": {
- "type": "string",
- "pattern": "^(0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]$",
- "examples": ["09:00"]
- },
- "duration": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/Duration"
- },
- "room": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/RoomName"
- },
- "slug": {
- "type": "string",
- "pattern": "^[a-z0-9_-]+[a-z0-9]$"
- },
- "url": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uri"
- },
- "title": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "subtitle": {
- "type": ["string", "null"]
- },
- "track": {
- "type": ["string", "null"]
- },
- "type": {
- "type": "string",
- "examples": [
- "talk",
- "workshop",
- "hands-on",
- "meeting",
- "discussion",
- "game",
- "other"
- ]
- },
- "language": {
- "type": "string",
- "examples": ["en", "de", "cs", "ab"]
- },
- "abstract": {
- "type": ["string", "null"]
- },
- "description": {
- "type": ["string", "null"]
- },
- "recording_license": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "do_not_record": {
- "type": ["boolean", "null"]
- },
- "do_not_stream": {
- "type": ["boolean", "string", "null"]
- },
- "persons": {
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/Person"
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/Reference"
- }
- },
- "feedback_url": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uri"
- },
- "attachments": {
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/Reference"
- }
- },
- "answers": {
- "type": "array",
- "items": {},
- "$ref": "https://c3voc.de/schedule/submission#/definitions/Answers"
- }
- },
- "required": [
- "abstract",
- "date",
- "duration",
- "guid",
- "id",
- "language",
- "links",
- "persons",
- "room",
- "slug",
- "start",
- "subtitle",
- "title",
- "track",
- "type",
- "url"
- ]
- },
- "Person": {
- "type": "object",
- "properties": {
- "name": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "guid": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid",
- "description": "Person UUID generated from email address via uuid5(NS_URL, 'acct:user@domain.tld') or random uuid4() if email not available"
- },
- "id": {
- "type": "integer",
- "description": "deprecated integer person id, use guid with uuid5(NS_URL, 'acct:user@domain.tld') instead"
- },
- "url": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uri"
- },
- "links": {
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/Reference"
- }
- },
- "public_name": {
- "type": "string",
- "deprecated": true,
- "$comment": "use name instead"
- }
- },
- "oneOf": [
- { "$ref": "#/definitions/FrabPerson" },
- { "$ref": "#/definitions/PretalxPerson" }
- ]
- },
- "FrabPerson": {
- "type": "object",
- "properties": {
- "id": {
- "type": "integer"
- },
- "public_name": {
- "type": "string",
- "deprecated": true,
- "$comment": "use name instead"
- }
- },
- "required": ["public_name", "id"]
- },
- "HubAssembly": {
- "type": "object",
- "properties": {
- "name": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "slug": {
- "type": "string",
- "pattern": "^[a-z0-9_-]+[a-z0-9]$"
- },
- "guid": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- },
- "url": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uri"
- }
- },
- "required": ["name", "guid", "slug"]
- },
- "PretalxPerson": {
- "type": "object",
- "properties": {
- "code": {
- "type": "string",
- "pattern": "^[A-Z0-9]+$"
- },
- "name": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "avatar": {
- "type": ["string", "null"],
- "format": "uri",
- "description": "absolute URL, or relative to base_url"
- },
- "biography": {
- "type": ["string", "null"]
- },
- "answers": {
- "type": "array",
- "items": {}
- }
- },
- "required": ["name"]
- },
- "Room": {
- "type": "object",
- "additionalProperties": false,
- "properties": {
- "name": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "slug": {
- "type": "string",
- "pattern": "^[a-z0-9_-]+[a-z0-9]$"
- },
- "type": {
- "type": "string",
- "enum": ["lecturehall", "stage", "workshop", "outside", "online", "project", "bbb", "hangar", "other"]
- },
- "guid": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- },
- "stream_id": {
- "type": ["string", "null"]
- },
- "description": {
- "type": ["string", "null"],
- "description": "might also be set as description_de, description_en etc."
- },
- "capacity": {
- "type": ["number", "null"]
- },
- "url": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uri"
- },
- "features" :{
- "$ref": "#/definitions/RoomFeatures"
- },
- "assembly": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/HubAssembly"
- }
- },
- "patternProperties": {
- "description_.+": {
- "type": ["string", "null"]
- }
- },
- "required": ["name", "guid"]
- },
- "RoomName": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "RoomFeatures": {
- "type": "object",
- "additionalProperties": true,
- "properties": {
- "recording": {
- "type": "string",
- "enum": ["record_by_default", "not_recorded_by_default", "recording_forbidden", "recording_not_possible", "unknown"]
- }
- }
- },
- "Duration": {
- "title": "Duration (hh:mm)",
- "type": "string",
- "examples": ["00:30", "01:30"],
- "pattern": "^[0-9]+:[0-9]{2}$"
- },
- "Reference": {
- "title": "Link or Attachment",
- "type": "object",
- "additionalProperties": false,
- "properties": {
- "type": {
- "type": "string",
- "enum": [
- "slides",
- "paper",
- "web",
- "blog",
- "article",
- "media",
- "related",
- "activitypub"
- ]
- },
- "url": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uri"
- },
- "title": {
- "type": "string"
- }
- },
- "required": [
- "url"
- ]
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file