using Fahrplan ;
using Mindmagma.Curses ;
using Newtonsoft.Json ;
using SCI.CursesWrapper ;
namespace ANSI_Fahrplan ;
public class Playground {
public static void Run ( string [ ] args ) {
Console . WriteLine ( "Program initializing Curses..." ) ;
// var jsonString = File.ReadAllText ("schedule.json");
// var schedule = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Fahrplan.Root> (jsonString);
// foreach (var day in schedule.schedule.conference.days) {
// Console.WriteLine ($"Day: {}, {day.index}");
// foreach (var room in day.rooms) {
// Console.WriteLine ($" \\__ Room: {room.Key}");
// foreach (var ev in room.Value) {
// if (ev is null) continue;
// Console.WriteLine ($" \\__ Event: {ev.title}");
// }
// }
// }
var screen = NCurses . InitScreen ( ) ;
NCurses . NoEcho ( ) ;
NCurses . CBreak ( ) ;
NCurses . SetCursor ( 0 ) ;
var hasColors = NCurses . HasColors ( ) ;
if ( hasColors ) {
NCurses . StartColor ( ) ;
NCurses . InitPair ( 1 , CursesColor . WHITE , CursesColor . BLUE ) ;
//ColorPairs.InitColors ();
var win1 = NCurses . NewWindow ( 10 , 20 , 10 , 10 ) ;
NCurses . Box ( win1 , ( char ) 0 , ( char ) 0 ) ;
NCurses . WindowBackground ( win1 , ColorSchemes . Default ( ) ) ;
NCurses . MoveWindowAddString ( win1 , 1 , 1 , "Hello world!" ) ;
// Draw windows
NCurses . Refresh ( ) ;
NCurses . WindowRefresh ( win1 ) ;
NCurses . GetChar ( ) ;
NCurses . EndWin ( ) ;
/ * var window = CreateWindowCentered ( screen , 40 , 12 ) ;
NCurses . WindowBackground ( window , NCurses . ColorPair ( 1 ) ) ;
NCurses . WindowAttributeOn ( window , NCurses . ColorPair ( 1 ) ) ; * /
//NCurses.GetMaxYX (screen, out int screenHeight, out int screenWidth);
//NCurses.MoveAddString (screenHeight - 1, 0, "NCurses Example");
/ * var menuItems = new List < TopMenu . MenuItem > ( ) {
new TopMenu . MenuItem ( ) { Label = "Test 1" } ,
new TopMenu . MenuItem ( ) { Label = "Test 2" } ,
new TopMenu . MenuItem ( ) { Label = "Test 3" } ,
} ;
var menu = new TopMenu ( screen ) { MenuItems = menuItems } ;
menu . Render ( ) ; * /
var msgBoxResponse = MessageBox . Show ( screen , "Hello World, this is a message box text, yippee!! Let's make this text even longer, wooowiieeeee!" , MessageBox . MessageBoxButtons . YesNo ) ;
NCurses . AddString ( $"Input was {msgBoxResponse}" ) ;
NCurses . Refresh ( ) ;
var inputTask = Task . Run ( ( ) = > InputRoutine ( ) ) ;
while ( inputTask . Status = = TaskStatus . WaitingToRun ) ;
while ( inputTask . Status = = TaskStatus . Running ) {
NCurses . Refresh ( ) ;
//NCurses.WindowRefresh (window);
NCurses . Nap ( 1000 / 30 ) ;
//NCurses.AttributeOff (NCurses.ColorPair (1));
NCurses . EndWin ( ) ;
static void InputRoutine ( ) {
int chr = 0 ;
while ( chr ! = CursesKey . ESC ) {
chr = NCurses . GetChar ( ) ;
/ * if ( chr = = 265 ) {
menu . Render ( 0 ) ;
} else if ( chr = = 266 ) {
menu . Render ( 1 ) ;
} else if ( chr = = 267 ) {
menu . Render ( 2 ) ;
} else if ( chr > 0 ) {
menu . Render ( ) ;
NCurses . MoveAddString ( 2 , 10 , $"You pressed the key {chr} " ) ;
} * /
if ( chr > 0 ) NCurses . MoveAddString ( 2 , 10 , $"You pressed the key {chr} " ) ;
/ * NCurses . WindowBorder ( window , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' ) ;
NCurses . WindowRefresh ( window ) ;
NCurses . DeleteWindow ( window ) ; * /
NCurses . MoveAddString ( 10 , 10 , "Input routine exited" ) ;
NCurses . Refresh ( ) ;
return ;